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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - scar


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Перевод с английского языка scar на русский

1) метал. настыль; гарнисаж 2) рубец; наплыв (на отливке) 3) бтх перегородка (в клетках дрожжей) - wear scar SCAR сокр. от Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Научный комитет по антарктическим исследованиям, СКАР
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См. в других словарях

  царапина; рубец; наплыв шлак; окалина frost scars ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  рубцовый - scar set ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) рубец, шрам 2) отпечаток (мускула на раковине) – bud scar – leaf scar – placental scar – ring scar ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. рубец, шрам the cut will not leave any scar —- после этого пореза не будет шрама a scar from the bite of a dog —- след от укуса собаки 2. глубокий след, рана such sorrow leaves a scar —- такое горе оставляет неизгладимый след в душе a scar upon one's good name —- пятно на репутации 3. глубокая царапина (на дереве, камне и т. п.) the scars of bullets on the door —- дырки (вмятины) от пуль на двери 4. бот. рубец, рубчик 5. шлак, окалина 6. оплавление (стенок печи) 7. наплыв (на отливке) 8. оставлять шрамы, рубцы; обезображивать рубцами, шрамами a face scarred by smallpox —- лицо, обезображенное оспой 9. оставлять глубокие следы a face scarred with sorrow —- лицо, на котором страдание оставило глубокие следы 10. рубцевать (обыкн. scar up) 11. рубцеваться, зарубцовываться (обыкн. scar over) the cut on his finger will eventually scar over —- порез на его пальце в конце концов заживет 12. утес, отвесная, крутая скала 13. риф ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun шрам, рубец  2. v.  1) оставлять шрам; fig. оставлять глубокий след; The doctor will put some stitches in that cut to prevent it from scarring over.  2) рубцеваться, зарубцовываться Syn: see wound II noun утес, скала ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a usu. permanent mark on the skin left after the healing of a wound, burn, or sore. 2 the lasting effect of grief etc. on a person's character or disposition. 3 a mark left by damage etc. (the table bore many scars). 4 a mark left on the stem etc. of a plant by the fall of a leaf etc. --v. (scarred, scarring) 1 tr. (esp. as scarred adj.) mark with a scar or scars (was scarred for life). 2 intr. heal over; form a scar. 3 tr. form a scar on. Derivatives scarless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF eschar(r)e f. LL eschara f. Gk eskhara scab 2. n. (also scaur) a steep craggy outcrop of a mountain or cliff. Etymology: ME f. ON sker low reef in the sea ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English skere, from Old Norse sker skerry; probably akin to Old Norse skera to cut — more at shear  Date: 14th century  1. an isolated or protruding rock  2. a steep rocky eminence ; a bare place on the side of a mountain  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English e~e, ~, from Middle French e~e scab, from Late Latin eschara, from Greek, hearth, brazier, scab  Date: 14th century  1. a mark left (as in the skin) by the healing of injured tissue  2.  a. a mark left on a stem or branch by a fallen leaf or harvested fruit  b. cicatrix 2  3. a mark or indentation resulting from damage or wear  4. a lasting moral or emotional injury one of his men had been killed…in a manner that left a ~ upon his mind — H. G. Wells  • ~less adjective  III. verb  (~red; ~ring)  Date: 1555  transitive verb  1. to mark with a ~  2. to do lasting injury to  intransitive verb  1. to form a ~  2. to become ~red ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (scars, scarring, scarred) 1. A scar is a mark on the skin which is left after a wound has healed. He had a scar on his forehead. ...facial injuries which have left permanent scars. N-COUNT 2. If your skin is scarred, it is badly marked as a result of a wound. He was scarred for life during a pub fight... His scarred face crumpled with pleasure. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed, V-ed 3. If a surface is scarred, it is damaged and there are ugly marks on it. The arena was scarred by deep muddy ruts. ...scarred wooden table tops. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed, V-ed 4. If an unpleasant physical or emotional experience leaves a scar on someone, it has a permanent effect on their mind. The early years of fear and the hostility left a deep scar on the young boy. N-COUNT 5. If an unpleasant physical or emotional experience scars you, it has a permanent effect on your mind. This is something that’s going to scar him forever. VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a permanent mark that is left after you have had a cut or wound 2 a permanent emotional or mental effect caused by an unpleasant experience  (leave scars)  (The trauma of her mother's death had left deep scars.) 3 an ugly permanent mark on something  (The old mines are a scar on the rural landscape.) 4 BrE a cliff on the side of a mountain ~2 v 1 be scarred to have a permanent mark on your skin because of a cut or wound  (His hands were badly scarred by the fire.) 2 if an unpleasant experience scars you, it has a permanent effect on your character or feelings  (be scarred for life (=never completely recover from an unpleasant experience))  (She's likely to be scarred for life by the attack.) 3 also scar over if a wound scars, it becomes healthy but leaves a permanent mark on your skin ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Save Cure And Rehabilitate U.S. gov. abbr. Super Crazy Arab Retards mil. abbr. Special Combat Aggressive Reactionary ocean sc. abbr. Scientific Committee For Antarctic Research ocean sc. abbr. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research meteo abbr. Smoke, Clouds, and Radiation law abbr. Supplemental Court of Appeals Administrative Rule ( Court Rules) gen. bus. abbr. Supplier Corrective Action Request ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1395, from O.Fr. escare "scab," from L.L. eschara, from Gk. eskhara "scab formed after a burn," lit. "hearth, fireplace." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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