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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - punt


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Перевод с английского языка punt на русский

1) дно (бутылки) 2) плоскодонная лодка; плоскодонная шаланда
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  ставка ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. плоскодонный ялик, морская шаланда, плоскодонка punt pole —- лодочный шест punt shooting —- охота с плоскодонки 2. плыть, отталкиваясь шестом 3. плыть на плоскодонке 4. перевозить что-л. на плоскодонке 5. охотиться с плоскодонки 6. удар по подброшенному (в воздух) мячу 7. карт. ставка 8. игрок, бьющий по подброшенному (в воздух) мячу 9. карт. понтировать 10. разг. ставить на лошадь (на скачках) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun плоскодонный ялик, малая шаланда  2. v. плыть (на плоскодонке), отталкиваясь шестом II sport  1. noun удар ногой (по мячу); выбивание (мяча) из рук  2. v. поддавать ногой (мяч); выбивать (мяч) из рук III  1. noun ставка  2. v.  1) cards понтировать  2) ставить ставку на лошадь ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. a long narrow flat-bottomed boat, square at both ends, used mainly for pleasure on rivers and propelled by a long pole. --v. 1 tr. propel (a punt) with a pole. 2 intr. & tr. travel or convey in a punt. Derivatives punter n. Etymology: ME f. MLG punte, punto & MDu. ponte ferry-boat f. L ponto Gaulish transport vessel 2. v. & n. --v.tr. kick (a ball, esp. in rugby) after it has dropped from the hands and before it reaches the ground. --n. such a kick. Derivatives punter n. Etymology: prob. f. dial. punt push forcibly: cf. BUNT(3) 3. v. & n. --v.intr. 1 (in some card-games) lay a stake against the bank. 2 Brit. colloq. a bet on a horse etc. b speculate in shares etc. --n. 1 a bet. 2 a point in faro. Etymology: F ponter f. ponte player against the bank f. Sp. punto POINT 4. n. the chief monetary unit of the Republic of Ireland. Etymology: Ir., = pound ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   geographical name a part of Africa not certainly identified but probably Somaliland — an ancient Egyptian name PUNT  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English *~, from Old English, from Latin ponton-, ponto  Date: before 12th century a long narrow flat-bottomed boat with square ends usually propelled with a pole  II. transitive verb  Date: 1816 to propel (as a ~) with a pole  III. intransitive verb  Etymology: French ponter, from ponte point in some games, play against the banker, from Spanish ~o point, from Latin punctum — more at point  Date: 1712  1. to play at a gambling game against the banker  2. British gamble  IV. verb  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1845  transitive verb to kick (as a football or soccer ball) with the top of the foot before the ball which is dropped from the hands hits the ground  intransitive verb to ~ a ball  V. noun  Date: 1845 the act or an instance of ~ing a ball  VI. noun  Etymology: Irish, pound, from English pound  Date: 1975 the monetary pound of Ireland ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. A punt is a long boat with a flat bottom. You move the boat along by standing at one end and pushing a long pole against the bottom of the river. (mainly BRIT) N-COUNT 2. The punt was the unit of money used in the Irish Republic before it was replaced by the euro. The round-trip fare to Havana is 550 Irish punts ($673). N-COUNT: num N • The punt was also used to refer to the Irish currency system. ...the cost of defending the punt against speculators. N-SING: the N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a long narrow river-boat with a flat bottom and square ends, that is moved by pushing a long pole against the bottom of the river 2 the act of going out in a punt  (Let's go for a punt.) 3 in American football, a long kick that you make after dropping the ball from your hands 4 BrE informal money that you risk on the result of something such as a race; a bet 5 take a punt informal to make a guess when you do not have full enough information to make a proper decision ~2 v 1 in American football, to drop the ball from your hands and kick it  (He punted the ball forty yards.) 2 to go or take someone on a river by punt  (We were punting up the river.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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