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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - option


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Перевод с английского языка option на русский

1) (необязательный) параметр 2) вариант; версия; вчт. тж. опция 3) факультативное средство 4) опцион - command option - compiler options - default option - menu option - system generation option - time-sharing option
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См. в других словарях

  выбор; право выбора; вариант; версия contractor's option formwork option ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) вариант 2) выбор 3) право выбора ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) выбор; право выбора, опцион 2) усмотрение 3) факультативное оборудование, факультативные программные средства – default option OPTION сущ. 1) право продавать или покупать ценные бумаги или собственность в определенное время и по определенной цене в соответствии с соглашением 2) право выбора или замены 3) выбор 4) преимущественное право 5) премия • - american option - american-style option - annuity payout option - at buyer's option - at option - at seller's option - at the customer's option - at your option - at-the-money option - at-the-money option - buyer's option - call option - class of options - currency option - deal in options - embedded option - european option - european-style option - exercise an option - exercise of option - first option - have an option on the goods - lapsed option - listed option - naked option - option clause - option period - option to buy - option to purchase - put option - spread option - stock option - straddle option OPTION 1. сущ. 1) общ. выбор, альтернатива, (возможный) вариант; опция (объект, который может быть выбран) Spanish is one of the options. — Испанский — один из языков, который можно выбрать (для изучения). Syn: "alternative 2) а) общ. выбор; право выбора замены; свобода выбора at the option of the purchaser, at buyer's option — по выбору усмотрению покупателя imprisonment with without the option of a fine — тюремное заключение с правом без права замены его штрафом б) фин. право выбора*, опцион* (в конвертируемом облигационном займе:...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  см. optional equipment ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. выбор, право выбора или замены local option —- право жителей округа контролировать или запрещать (продажу спиртных напитков) at the option of the purchaser, at buyer's option —- по выбору покупателя the option of a fine —- юр. тюремное заключение с правом замены его штрафом to take up the option —- сделать выбор to leave to smb.'s option —- оставлять на чье-л усмотрение I had no option but to come —- у меня не было другого выбора, кроме как прийти 2. предмет выбора Spanish is one of the options —- испанский - один из языков, который можно выбрать (для изучения) none of the options is satisfactory —- нечего выбрать 3. юр. оптация option of nationality —- оптация гражданства 4. ком. опцион, сделка с премией 5. спорт. право замены игрока 6. спорт. выбор ворот Id: to keep one's options open —- не торопиться с решением Id: soft option —- линия наименьшего сопротивления Id: to take a soft option —- пойти по линии наименьшего сопротивления ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) выбор, право выбора/замены; I have no option - у меня нет выбора; - local option  2) предмет выбора  3) leg. оптация  4) comm. опцион; сделка с премией ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. 1 a the act or an instance of choosing; a choice. b a thing that is or may be chosen (those are the options). 2 the liberty of choosing; freedom of choice. 3 Stock Exch. etc. the right, obtained by payment, to buy, sell, etc. specified stocks etc. at a specified price within a set time. Phrases and idioms have no option but to must. keep (or leave) one's options open not commit oneself. Etymology: F or f. L optio, stem of optare choose ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: French, from Latin ~-, optio free choice; akin to Latin optare to choose  Date: 1593  1. an act of choosing  2.  a. the power or right to choose ; freedom of choice  b. a privilege of demanding fulfillment of a contract on any day within a specified time  c. a contract conveying a right to buy or sell designated securities, commodities, or property interest at a specified price during a stipulated period; also the right conveyed by an ~  d. a right of an insured person to choose the form in which payments due on a policy shall be made or applied  3. something that may be chosen: as  a. an alternative course of action didn't have many ~s open  b. an item that is offered in addition to or in place of standard equipment  4. an offensive football play in which a back may choose whether to pass or run with the ball — called also ~ play  Synonyms: see choice  II. transitive verb  Date: 1926  1. to grant or take an ~ on  2. to acquire the exclusive right to use (an author's work) as the basis for a motion picture the studio ~ed the novel for a film ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (options) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. An option is something that you can choose to do in preference to one or more alternatives. He’s argued from the start that America and its allies are putting too much emphasis on the military option... What other options do you have? = alternative N-COUNT 2. If you have the option of doing something, you can choose whether to do it or not. Criminals are given the option of going to jail or facing public humiliation... We had no option but to abandon the meeting. = choice N-SING: oft N of n/-ing, N to-inf 3. In business, an option is an agreement or contract that gives someone the right to buy or sell something such as property or shares at a future date. (BUSINESS) Each bank has granted the other an option on 19.9% of its shares. N-COUNT 4. An option is one of a number of subjects which a student can choose to study as a part of his or her course. Several options are offered for the student’s senior year. N-COUNT 5. If you keep your options open or leave your options open, you delay making a decision about something. I am keeping my options open. I have not made a decision on either matter. PHRASE: V inflects 6. If you take the soft option, you do the thing that is easiest or least likely to cause trouble in a particular situation. (mainly BRIT) The job of chairman can no longer be regarded as a convenient soft option. PHRASE: N inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »A CHOICE« a choice you can make in a particular situation  (As I see it, we have two options - either we sell the house or we rent it out. | I usually choose the vegetarian option in restaurants. | the option of doing sth)  (I always had the option of going back to Canada. | have no option but to do sth (=be forced to do something because there are no other choices))  (Teenage mothers often have no option but to live with their parents.) 2 keep/leave your options open to wait before making a decision  (We should keep our options open until Jim can study the results of the survey.) 3 »RIGHT TO BUY/SELL« the right to buy or sell something in the future + on  (The Saudi government has agreed to buy 20 planes, with an option on a further 10.) 4 »COMPUTERS« one of the possible choices you can make when using a computer program1 (1)  (Press `P' to select the print option.) 5 »STH THAT IS ADDITIONAL« something that is offered in addition to the standard equipment when you buy something new, especially a car 6 »AT COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY« BrE a subject that you can choose to study as part of a course  (I did an option in Korean Studies.) 7 first option the chance to buy or get something before anyone else  (They've agreed to give us the first option on their apartment.) 8 the soft/easy option the course of action that needs the least effort, chosen because you are being lazy  (Some people consider studying Expressive Arts to be a soft option.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1604, from Fr. option, from L. optionem (nom. optio) "choice, free choice," related to optare "to desire, choose." Commercial transaction sense first recorded 1755. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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