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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - flare


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Перевод с английского языка flare на русский

1) расширение, раструб

расширять(ся), расходиться раструбом 2) развальцовывать; раскатывать 3) факел; пламя факела; вспышка

гореть ярким пламенем; вспыхивать 4) нефт. факельная установка

сжигать в факеле (напр. газ) 5) развал (борта судна) 6) возд. осветительная ракета; трассёр 7) рупор (напр. громкоговорителя) 8) рупорный излучатель; рупорная антенна 9) рлк размытие отметки цели (на экране индикатора) 10) тлв блик (в объективе) 11) тлв засветка (в трубке) to flare outвыравнивать (воздушное судно при посадке) - edge flare - gas flare - H-plane flare - landing flare - lens flare - optical flares - parachute flare - smokeless flare

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  тлв. криволинейный эффект типа "блик" ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вспыхивать 2) вспыхнуть 3) вспышка 4) выступать 5) гореть 6) машиностр. заряд световой 7) конусность 8) развал борта 9) развальцевать 10) развальцовывать 11) раздвигать 12) мор. ракета осветительная 13) раскрыв 14) раструб 15) расширить 16) расширять 17) сгореть 18) сияние 19) факел - after flare - chromospheric flare - flare factor - flare gas - flare of horn - flare out - flare pot - flare test - flare variable - parachute flare - signal flare - solar flare ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. яркий, неровный свет; сверкание 2. вспышка или язык пламени 3. астр. вспышка на солнце 4. взрыв, вспышка a sudden flare of anger —- внезапная вспышка гнева a flare of enthusiasm —- всплеск энтузиазма 5. (световая вспышка), световой сигнал 6. осветительный патрон, осветительная ракета или бомба; сигнальная ракета the wrecked ship was using flares to attract the attention of the coastguards —- погибающее судно пыталось ракетами привлечь внимание береговой охраны flare gun (pistol) —- ракетница, сигнальный пистолет 7. трассер 8. фот. блик, засветка; ореол отражения, диффузный ореол 9. выпуклость (сосуда и т. п.) 10. мор. развал (борта) 11. клеш (юбки и т. п.); раструб (брюк); раструб (рупора или трубы) 12. гореть ярким, неровным пламенем; сверкать 13. ярко вспыхивать 14. вспыхнуть, рассердиться, возмутиться (также flare up) 15. расширять, раздвигать 16. постепенно расширяться к краю (о чашке); расклешиваться (о юбке) 17. выступать наружу, выдаваться; быть выпуклым 18. махать, размахивать to flare a scarf from side to side to catch smb.'s eye —- размахивать платком, чтобы увидели, заметили 19. сигнализировать (вспышками, ракетами и т. п.) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out яростно говорить FLARE up  а) вспыхнуть The fire flared up when we thought it was out.  б) разразиться гневом, вспылить Marys temper flared up.  в) яростно говорить And dont speak to me like that! she flared up. FLARE  1. noun  1) яркий, неровный свет, сияние; сверкание; блеск  2) вспышка или язык пламени  3) световой сигнал  4) сигнальная ракета; осветительный патрон  5) выпуклость (сосуда и т.п.)  2. v.  1) ярко вспыхивать (тж. flare up); ослеплять блеском  2) гореть ярким, неровным пламенем; коптить (о лампе)  3) расширять(ся); раздвигать (тж. flare out) Her dress flared out towards the bottom.  4) выступать, выдаваться наружу  5) coll. рассердиться, прийти в ярость (тж. flare up) - flare out - flare up ...
Англо-русский словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. & tr. widen or cause to widen gradually towards the top or bottom (flared trousers). 2 intr. & tr. burn or cause to burn suddenly with a bright unsteady flame. 3 intr. burst into anger; burst forth. --n. 1 a a dazzling irregular flame or light, esp. in the open air. b a sudden outburst of flame. 2 a a signal light used at sea. b a bright light used as a signal. c a flame dropped from an aircraft to illuminate a target etc. 3 Astron. a sudden burst of radiation from a star. 4 a a gradual widening, esp. of a skirt or trousers. b (in pl.) wide-bottomed trousers. 5 an outward bulge in a ship's sides. 6 Photog. unnecessary illumination on a lens caused by internal reflection etc. Phrases and idioms flare-path an area illuminated to enable an aircraft to land or take off. flare up 1 burst into a sudden blaze. 2 become suddenly angry or active. flare-up n. an outburst of flame, anger, activity, etc. Etymology: 16th c.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1580  1.  a. a fire or blaze of light used especially to signal, illuminate, or attract attention; also a device or composition used to produce such a ~  2. an unsteady glaring light  b. solar ~; also a sudden increase and decrease in the brightness of a star often amounting to a difference of several magnitudes  3.  a. a sudden outburst (as of excitement or anger)  b. ~-up 3  4.  a. a spreading outward; also a place or part that spreads  b. an area of skin flush  5. light resulting from reflection (as between lens surfaces) or an effect of this light (as a fogged or dense area in a photographic negative)  6.  a. a short pass in football thrown to a back who is running toward the sideline  b. a weakly hit fly ball in baseball a ~ into short right field  7. plural pants that ~ toward the bottom  II. verb  (~d; flaring)  Date: 1616  intransitive verb  1.  a. to burn with an unsteady flame  b. to stream in the wind  2.  a. to shine with a sudden light a match ~s in the darkness  b.  (1) to become suddenly excited or angry — usually used with up  (2) to break out or intensify usually suddenly or violently — often used with up fighting ~d up after a 2-week lull  c. to express strong emotion (as anger) flaring out at such abuses  3. to open or spread outward the pants ~ at the bottom  transitive verb  1. to display conspicuously flaring her scarf to attract attention  2. to cause to ~ the breeze ~s the candle  3. to signal with a ~ or by flaring  4. to burn (a jet of waste gas) in the open air ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (flares, flaring, flared) 1. A flare is a small device that produces a bright flame. Flares are used as signals, for example on ships. ...a ship which had fired a distress flare. N-COUNT 2. If a fire flares, the flames suddenly become larger. Camp fires flared like beacons in the dark. VERB: V • Flare up means the same as flare. Don’t spill too much fat on the barbecue as it could flare up. PHRASAL VERB: V P 3. If something such as trouble, violence, or conflict flares, it starts or becomes more violent. Even as the President appealed for calm, trouble flared in several American cities. VERB: V • Flare up means the same as flare. Dozens of people were injured as fighting flared up. PHRASAL VERB: V P 4. If people’s tempers flare, they get angry. Tempers flared and harsh words were exchanged. VERB: V 5. If someone’s nostrils flare or if they flare them, their nostrils become wider, often because the person is angry or upset. I turned to Jacky, my nostrils flaring in disgust... He stuck out his tongue and flared his nostrils. VERB: V, V n 6. If something such as a dress flares, it spreads outwards at one end to form a wide shape. ...a simple black dress, cut to flare from the hips. VERB: V 7. Flares are trousers that are very wide at the bottom. N-PLURAL: also a pair of N 8. see also flared ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 also flare up to suddenly begin to burn, or to burn more brightly for a short time  (The match flared in the darkness.) 2 also flare up if strong feelings flare or flare up, people suddenly become angry, violent etc  (Violence has flared up again in the Middle East.) 3 also flare up if a disease or illness flares up, it suddenly becomes worse  (My asthma tends to flare up on smoggy days.) 4 to become wider towards the bottom end or edge, or to make something do this + ou  (The dress flared out from the hips. | flared trousers | The bull flared its nostrils and charged.) flare out at sb phr v AmE to say something suddenly in an angry way  (I said something about the weather and he flared out at me for no reason.) ~2 n 1 a piece of equipment that produces a bright flame, or the flame itself, used outdoors as a signal  (Flares marked the landing site.) 2 C usually singular a sudden bright flame 3 flares trousers that become wide below the knee ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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