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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - design


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Перевод с английского языка design на русский

1) проектирование; разработка; конструирование

проектировать; разрабатывать; конструировать 2) проект; разработка; конструкция, конструктивное решение; конструктивное исполнение, конструктивное оформление 3) схема; чертёж; схемное решение; план 4) расчёт 5) дизайн 6) модель (одежды, обуви) 7) рисунок to allow for smth in design — предусматривать что-л. проектом; to design process — разрабатывать технологию design of section — метал. профиль - alternate design - architectural design - argyle design - asymmetrical design - beadless tire design - blast design - block design - bottom-hole design - bottom-up design - building-block design - center-sill design - center-silless design - character design - circuit design - civil-engineering design - collapse design - completion design - composite design - computer-aided design - conceptual design - contractor design - creep design - cut-and-try design - data design - detailed design - detail design - dimension design - draft design - elastic design - engineering design - environmental design - experimental design - exploratory design - external design - rail-safe design - fracture-safe design - fracture design - full-size design - functional design - hydraulic design - in-house design - interactive design - interlocking design - intermediate jacquard design - internal design - lateral-force design - level-sensitive scan design - lightweight design - limit design - limit-state design - load-factor design - logical design - logic design - mask design - mine design - mirror repeat design - mix design - mode-free design - modular design - nonspiral design - on-line design - operational design - optimal design - package design - panel design - pillar design - pilot design - plastic design - preliminary design - process design - program design - proprietary design - proved design - rear engine design - retrofit design - revised design - rigid design - roll pass design - schematic design - seismic design - shaft design - shaft lining design - solar cell design - solar power system design - solar system design - spiral form design - spiral design - sprung arch design - straight design - streamlined design - structural design - structured design - symmetrical design - thermal design - top-down design - track oscillated design - trail-and-error design - tubular design - type design - type face design - ultimate load design - unlimited design - water-management design - water-system design - working stress design - worst-case design

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См. в других словарях

  конструкция план, замысел; проект, проектное решение чертёж, эскиз проектирование; расчёт дизайн проектировать; рассчитывать design for dynamic loading design in steel design on empirical basis design on experimental basis design to limit state theory design of stiffened compression flanges design of structural members design of structural steel design of structures design of welds allowable stress design alternate design architectural design basic design beam design building design city design civic design composite design computer-aided design concrete mix design for pumping construction joint design cost-efficient design critical-load design elastic design environmental design experimental design final design form design frame design frost capacity design fully rigid basis design geometric highway design hydraulic design industrial design integrated environmental design landscape design lateral-force design limit design limit-load design limit-state design load factor design maximum load design methods design mix design mix design with fly ash modified structural design modular design one-off design original design outline design pavement design plastic design plastic limit design post and lintel design probabilistic design schematic design seismic design semirigid design shear design site design stable design standard design steel design structural design structural timber design tender design town-building design trial design tubular design ultimate load design ultimate-strength design unified design work design ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) проектирование 2) конструкция, конструирование 3) исполнение – block design – build-up design – double-cased design – downgoing design – full front operation design – line groups design – oval port design – plug-in design – spark-proof design – upgoing design ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) дизайн; конструкция 2) замысел, план; проект, проектное решение 3) конструирование; проектирование конструировать; проектировать 4) конструкция 5) рисунок, эскиз, набросок делать рисунок, эскиз, набросок 6) составлять план 7) чертёж 8) расчёт рассчитывать design with confounding — план со смешиванием эффектов design with eight points — план с восемью точками design with replications — план с репликами design without confounding — план без смешивания эффектов design without replications — план без реплик for reasons of design — из конструктивных соображений - absolutely minimal design - accurate design - admissible design - affine design - affine resovable design - alternate design - asymmetric design - asymptotic sequential design - asymptotically locally optimal design - balanced incomplete block design - balanced orthogonal design - biased design - binary design - breadboard design - central composite design - changeover design - civil-engineering design - combinatorial design - complementary design - complete design - complete factorial design - completely confounded design - completely crossed design - completely hierarchical design - completely randomized design - confounded design - connected designs - crossed design - cube-plus-octahedron rotatable design - cubic lattice design - cuboidal design - cut-and-try design - cyclic design - cylindrically rotatable design - design of statistical inquiry - design of type face - disconnected design - discriminating design - double-buttion design - doubly balanced design - doubly overlap design - elementary design - equilateral triangle design - equireplicated designs - first-order design - fractional factorial design - fractional nested design - fractional...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) замысел, план, цель, проект, расчет 2) чертеж, конструкция, рисунок, образец • - alternative design - approved design - basic design - capital-intensive design - changing of design - criminal design - custom design - design a building - design approval - design audit - design change - design characteristics - design chart - design constraints - design contract - design control - design costs - design cycle - design data - design development phase - design documentation - design drawings - design effort - design engineer - design engineering - design environment - design estimates - design group - design innovation - design limitations - design objectives - design patent - design performance - design period - design philosophy - design principles - design procedure - design protection - design requirements - design schedule - design specification - design stage - design study - design to characteristics - design to cost - design-engineering problem - draft design - engineering design - far-reaching designs - hardware design - industrial design - item design - modular design - preliminary design - prototype design - question design - sample design - short-range design - stern design - stretch design - survey design Syn: prototype, pattern, specimen, picture, municipal engineering, planning and design engineering, project design 2. гл. 1) предназначать 2) составлять план, проектировать, конструировать DESIGN 1) (промышленный) образец 2) замысел; план; намерение 3) рисунок; чертеж; композиция; внешний вид 4) конструировать, проектировать см. design patent – to design around the claims – artistic design – functional design – corresponding design – graphic design – industrial design – old-fashioned design – ornamental design – overall design – patentable design – patented design – registered...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  схема; план; проект – latin-square design – randomized block design – rectangular lattice design – simple lattice design ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. замысел; план far-reaching designs —- далеко идущие замыслы to have a design for (of) an insurrection —- планировать восстание to frustrate smb.'s designs —- сорвать чьи-л. замыслы (планы) 2. часто pl. (злой) умысел criminal design —- преступный замысел to harbour designs —- вынашивать (коварные) замыслы to have designs on (against) smb. —- вынашивать коварные замыслы против кого-л. to have designs on smb.'s life —- покушаться на чью-л. жизнь 3. рел. божье провидение, божий промыс(е)л 4. цель, намерение stern design —- твердое намерение the designs of France —- намерения Франции with this design —- с этой целью with (a) design —- с намерением, с целью without design —- без всякого намерения by design —- намеренно; преднамеренно, предумышленно it was done by design —- это было сделано намеренно my design was to go to London —- я собирался поехать в Лондон 5. (творческий) замысел; план, проект the composer's design —- замысел композитора conceptual design —- эскизный проект 6. планирование design of experiments —- планирование экспериментов 7. комп. проектирование; конструирование computer design —- проектирование или конструирование вычислительных машин design engineer —- (инженер-)конструктор on-line design —- оперативное проектирование (в режиме взаимодействия человека с машиной) 8. чертеж, эскиз; конструкция; проект; расчет...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) замысел, план  2) намерение, цель - by design  3) проект; план; чертеж; конструкция, расчет a design for a building - проект здания  4) рисунок, эскиз; узор  5) композиция (картины и т.п.)  6) also pl. (злой) умысел to have/harbour designs on/against smb. - вынашивать коварные замыслы против кого-л. Syn: see plan  2. v.  1) предназначать this room is designed as a study - эта комната предназначается для кабинета  2) задумывать, замышлять, намереваться, предполагать we did not design this result - мы не ожидали такого результата we designed for his good - мы делали все для его блага  3) составлять план, проектировать; конструировать (for) This man designs dresses for the Queen. The mat has been designed specially for the childrens room. The family designed the house for their own needs.  4) рисовать, изображать; делать эскизы (костюмов и т.п.) Syn: see create ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a preliminary plan or sketch for the making or production of a building, machine, garment, etc. b the art of producing these. 2 a scheme of lines or shapes forming a pattern or decoration. 3 a plan, purpose, or intention. 4 a the general arrangement or layout of a product. b an established version of a product (one of our most popular designs). --v. 1 tr. produce a design for (a building, machine, picture, garment, etc.). 2 tr. intend, plan, or purpose (the remark was designed to offend; a course designed for beginners; designed an attack). 3 absol. be a designer. Phrases and idioms argument from design Theol. the argument that God's existence is provable by the evidence of design in the universe. by design on purpose. have designs on plan to harm or appropriate. Etymology: F d{eacute}signer appoint or obs. F desseing ult. f. L designare DESIGNATE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, to outline, indicate, mean, from Anglo-French & Medieval Latin; Anglo-French ~er to ~ate, from Medieval Latin ~are, from Latin, to mark out, from de- + signare to mark — more at sign  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan ; devise, contrive  2.  a. to conceive and plan out in the mind he ~ed the perfect crime  b. to have as a purpose ; intend she ~ed to excel in her studies  c. to devise for a specific function or end a book ~ed primarily as a college textbook  3. archaic to indicate with a distinctive mark, sign, or name  4.  a. to make a drawing, pattern, or sketch of  b. to draw the plans for ~ a building  intransitive verb  1. to conceive or execute a plan  2. to draw, lay out, or prepare a ~  • ~edly adverb  II. noun  Date: 1569  1.  a. a particular purpose held in view by an individual or group he has ambitious ~s for his son  b. deliberate purposive planning more by accident than ~  2. a mental project or scheme in which means to an end are laid down  3.  a. a deliberate undercover project or scheme ; plot  b. plural aggressive or evil intent — used with on or against he has ~s on the money  4. a preliminary sketch or outline showing the main features of something to be executed the ~ for the new stadium  5.  a. an underlying scheme that governs functioning, developing, or unfolding ; pattern, motif the general ~ of the epic  b. a plan or protocol for carrying out or accomplishing something (as a scientific experiment); also the process of preparing this  6. the arrangement of elements or details in a product or work of art  7. a decorative pattern a floral ~  8. the creative art of executing aesthetic or functional ~s  Synonyms: see intention, plan ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (designs, designing, designed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. When someone designs a garment, building, machine, or other object, they plan it and make a detailed drawing of it from which it can be built or made. They wanted to design a machine that was both attractive and practical. ...men wearing specially designed boots. VERB: V n, V-ed 2. When someone designs a survey, policy, or system, they plan and prepare it, and decide on all the details of it. We may be able to design a course to suit your particular needs... A number of very well designed studies have been undertaken. VERB: V n, V-ed 3. Design is the process and art of planning and making detailed drawings of something. He was a born mechanic with a flair for design... N-UNCOUNT 4. The design of something is the way in which it has been planned and made. ...a new design of clock... BMW is recalling 8,000 cars because of a design fault. N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp 5. A design is a drawing which someone produces to show how they would like something to be built or made. They drew up the design for the house in a week. = plan N-COUNT 6. A design is a pattern of lines, flowers, or shapes which is used to decorate something. Many pictures have been based on simple geometric designs. = motif N-COUNT 7. A design is a general plan or intention that someone has in their mind when they are doing something. Is there some design in having him in the middle?... N-COUNT 8. If something is designed for a particular purpose, it is intended for that purpose. This project is designed to help landless people... It’s not designed for anyone under age eighteen. V-PASSIVE: be V-ed to-inf, be V-ed for n 9. If something happens or is done by design, someone does it deliberately, rather than by accident. The pair met often–at first by chance but later by design. = on purpose PHRASE 10. If someone has designs on something, they want it and are planning to get it, often in a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »ARRANGEMENT OF PARTS« the way that something has been planned and made, including its appearance, how it works etc  (One or two changes have been made to the computer's basic design. | the importance of good design) 2 »PATTERN« a decorative pattern on something  (wallpaper with a floral design) 3 »DRAWING PLANS« the art or process of making a drawing of something to show how you will make it or what it will look like  (graphic design) 4 »DRAWN PLAN« a drawing showing how something will be made or what it will look like + for  (The Council has just approved the design for the new sports centre.) 5 »INTENTION« a plan that someone has in their mind  (Did he have some sinister design in doing this? | by design (=intentionally))  (Whether this happened by design or not we shall never know.) 6 have designs on sb to want a sexual relationship with someone  (It soon became obvious that he had designs on her.) 7 have designs on sth to be interested in something because you want it for yourself, especially if it will bring you money  (I reckon they have designs on their uncle's business.) ~2 v 1 to make a drawing or plan of something that will be made or built  (A local architect designed the theatre. | well/badly etc designed)  (a well designed office) 2 T usually passive to plan or develop something for a specific purpose  (design sth to do sth)  (These exercises are designed to develop and strengthen muscles. | be designed for)  (coursebooks designed for intermediate students | be designed as)  (a short film designed as an introduction to road safety)  (- see also designer1) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., from L. designare "mark out, devise," from de- "out" + signare "to mark," from signum "a mark, sign." Original meaning in Eng. now that of designate (1646); most modern uses of design are metaphoric extensions. Designing "scheming" is from 1671. Designated hitter introduced in American League baseball in 1973, soon given wide figurative extension. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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