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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - break-in


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Перевод с английского языка break-in на русский

1) приработка; обкатка 2) вырез в кирпиче (для установки деревянной пробки) 3) подслушивание (в телефонии) 4) ввод в эксплутацию - engine break-in - skin break-in
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См. в других словарях

  (= breaking-in) 1) подключение к телефонной линии (для подслушивания) 2) радиоприем в паузах работы (собственного передатчика) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) вламываться, врываться 2) объезжать; укрощать; дрессировать 3) обкатывать to break in car — обкатывать автомобиль to break in log — лесн. подвергать бревно первичной распилке ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. прервать разговор; перебить; пробивать, выбивать (дверь), вламываться; 3. начинать, стартовать ...
Англо-русский словарь идиом
  1. врываться, вламываться 2. выламывать, разламывать to break in a door —- взломать дверь 3. (обыкн. on, upon) вмешиваться (в разговор и т. п.); прерывать to break in upon smb.'s privacy —- нарушить чей-л. покой (чье-л. уединение) 4. привыкать к чему-л. новому; разнашивать (обувь); носить (новую одежду), чтобы привыкнуть; обкатывать (новую автомашину) 5. вводить в курс дела; приобщать к чему-л. 6. воен. вклиниваться 7. рад. перебивать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   verb  Date: circa 1535  intransitive verb  1. to enter something (as a building or computer system) without consent or by force  2.  a. intrude ~ upon his privacy  b. to interrupt a conversation  3. to start in an activity or enterprise breaking in as a cub reporter  transitive verb  1. to accustom to a certain activity or occurrence ~ the new clerk  2. to overcome the stiffness or newness of ~ a pair of shoes ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. If someone, usually a thief, breaks in, they get into a building by force. Masked robbers broke in and made off with $8,000... PHRASAL VERB: V P see also break-in 2. If you break in on someone’s conversation or activity, you interrupt them. O’Leary broke in on his thoughts... Mrs Southern listened keenly, occasionally breaking in with pertinent questions... ‘She told you to stay here,’ Mike broke in. = butt in PHRASAL VERB: V P on n, V P, V P with quote 3. If you break someone in, you get them used to a new job or situation. The band are breaking in a new backing vocalist. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 4. If you break in something new, you gradually use or wear it for longer and longer periods until it is ready to be used or worn all the time. When breaking in an engine, you probably should refrain from high speed for the first thousand miles... PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n an act of entering a building illegally and by force, especially in order to steal things  (Since the break-in we've had all our locks changed.)  (- see also break in break1) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  {v.} (stress on "in") 1a. To break from outside. * /The firemen broke in the door of the burning house./ 1b. To enter by force or unlawfully. * /Thieves broke in while the family was away./ 2. To enter suddenly or interrupt. * /A stranger broke in on the meeting without knocking./ * /The secretary broke in to say that a telegram had arrived./ Compare: CUT IN(2). 3. To make a start in a line of work or with a company or association; begin a new job. * /He broke in as a baseball player with a minor league./ 4. To teach the skills of a new job or activity to. * /An assistant foreman broke in the new man as a machine operator./ 5. To lessen the stiffness or newness of by use. * /He broke in a new pair of shoes./ * /Breaking in a new car requires careful driving at moderate speeds./ ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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