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Англо-Французский географический словарь - palm


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  I  1. noun  1) ладонь; He wiped his sweaty palm.  2) naut. лапа (якоря)  3) лопасть (весла) to have an itching palm - быть взяточником; быть корыстолюбивым, жадным to hold/have smb. it the palm of ones hand - иметь власть над кем-л.; Smith thought he had the board of directors in the palm of his hand.  2. v.  1) прятать в руке (карты и т.п.)  2) трогать ладонью, гладить  3) подкупать - palm off II noun  1) пальма, пальмовое дерево  2) пальмовая ветвь; fig. победа, триумф; - bear the palm - carry the palm - yield the palm  3) веточка вербы и т.п.  4) attr. пальмовый - Palm Sunday PALM off всучать; сбывать, подсовывать (кому-л.) (on, upon); This law is intended to prevent dishonest people from palming off worthless goods. He palmed the painting off as a Renoir. The salesman palmed off the faulty machine on the lady. I dont believe he means to do the job: he keeps palming me off with promises. PALM oil noun  1) пальмовое масло  2) coll. взятка PALM Sunday eccl. вербное воскресенье ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. бот. пальма (Palmae) 2. пальмовая ветвь (символ победы) 3. победа to bear the palm —- получить пальму первенства; одержать победу to give the palm smb. —- вручать пальму первенства кому-либо to yield the palm —- уступить пальму первенства; признать себя побежденным 4. веточка вербы (которую несут в церковь в вербное воскресенье) 5. воен. изображение пальмовой ветви (вместо второго ордена того же названия) 6. ладонь I have a splinter in the palm of my hand —- у меня заноза в ладони 7. горсть (как мера) 8. лапа (якоря) 9. клапан (палатки, тента) 10. лопасть (весла) 11. широкая часть рогов оленя 12. мед. пластинка, бляшка Id: to grease smb.'s palm —- дать взятку кому-либо; "подмазать" кого-либо; дать на "лапу" Id: to have an itching palms —- быть взяточником; быть корыстолюбивым, жадным Id: to hold smb. it the palm of one's hand —- иметь власть над кем-либо Id: to cross smb.'s palm with silver —- позолотить ручку кому-либо 13. прятать в руке (карты) 14. гладить ладонью 15. подкупать the head of this firm admitted that he palmed right and left —- глава этой фирмы признал, что он давал взятки направо и налево 16. сбагрить, всучить to palm smth. on smb. —- всучить кому-либо что-либо ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) пальма 2) ладонь – African date palm – African oil palm – American oil palm – apricot palm – bamboo palm – betel palm – cabbage palm – carnauba palm – coconut palm – coquito palm – corozo palm – date palm – doum palm – dracaena palm – dwarf fan palm – false sago palm – fan palm – feather palm – fern palm – fishtail palm – Guadalupe palm – hesper palm – ivory-nut palm – lily palm – Madagaskar palm – Manila palm – Mediterranean palm – oil palm – palmyra palm – Panama-hat palm – peaberry palm – peach palm – queen palm – rattan-cane palm – ruffle palm – sago palm – saw-cabbage palm – sealing-wax palm – seamberry palm – sensitive palm – shadow palm – silver palm – snake palm – solitair palm – spindle palm – spine palm – spiny-club palm – sugar palm – talipot palm – thatch palm – toquilla palm – totai palm – umbrella palm – wallich palm – Washington palm – wax palm – windmill palm – wine palm – zombi palm ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  ладонь, пальмовый - palm wax ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) лапа (якоря) 2) лопасть (весла) 3) палм (внесистемная единица длины.) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. 1 any usu. tropical tree of the family Palmae, with no branches and a mass of large pinnate or fan-shaped leaves at the top. 2 the leaf of this tree as a symbol of victory. 3 a supreme excellence. b a prize for this. 4 a branch of various trees used instead of a palm in non-tropical countries, esp. in celebrating Palm Sunday. Phrases and idioms palm oil oil from the fruit of any of various palms. Palm Sunday the Sunday before Easter, celebrating Christ's entry into Jerusalem. palm wine an alcoholic drink made from fermented palm sap. Derivatives palmaceous adj. Etymology: OE palm(a) f. Gmc f. L palma PALM(2), its leaf being likened to a spread hand 2. n. & v. --n. 1 the inner surface of the hand between the wrist and fingers. 2 the part of a glove that covers this. 3 the palmate part of an antler. --v.tr. conceal in the hand. Phrases and idioms in the palm of one's hand under one's control or influence. palm off 1 (often foll. by on) a impose or thrust fraudulently (on a person). b cause a person to accept unwillingly or unknowingly (palmed my old typewriter off on him). 2 (often foll. by with) cause (a person) to accept unwillingly or unknowingly (palmed him off with my old typewriter). Derivatives palmar adj. palmed adj. palmful n. (pl. -fuls). Etymology: ME paume f. OF paume f. L palma: later assim. to L ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Latin ~a ~ of the hand, ~ tree; from the resemblance of the tree's leaves to the outstretched hand; akin to Greek palame ~ of the hand, Old English folm, Old Irish lam hand  Date: before 12th century  1. any of a family (Palmae syn. Arecaceae) of mostly tropical or subtropical monocotyledonous trees, shrubs, or vines with usually a simple stem and a terminal crown of large pinnate or fan-shaped leaves  2. a leaf of the ~ as a symbol of victory or rejoicing; also a branch (as of laurel) similarly used  3. a symbol of triumph or superiority; also victory, triumph  4. an addition to a military decoration in the form of a ~ frond especially to indicate a second award of the basic decoration  • ~like adjective  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English paume, ~e, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~a  Date: 14th century  1. the somewhat concave part of the human hand between the bases of the fingers and the wrist or the corresponding part of the forefoot of a lower mammal  2. a flat expanded part especially at the end of a base or stalk (as of an anchor)  3. Latin ~us, from ~a a unit of length based on the breadth or length of the hand  4. something (as a part of a glove) that covers the ~ of the hand  5. an act of ~ing (as of cards)  III. transitive verb  Date: 1673  1.  a. to conceal in or with the hand ~ a card  b. to take or pick up stealthily  c. to hand stealthily ~ed him a dollar bill  2. to impose by fraud a second imposter to be ~ed upon you — Sir Walter Scott  3. to touch with the ~: as  a. to stroke with the ~ or hand  b. to allow (a basketball) to come to rest momentarily in the hand while dribbling thus committing a violation ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (palms, palming, palmed) 1. A palm or a palm tree is a tree that grows in hot countries. It has long leaves growing at the top, and no branches. N-COUNT 2. The palm of your hand is the inside part. Dornberg slapped the table with the palm of his hand... He wiped his sweaty palm. N-COUNT: usu poss N, N of n 3. If you have someone or something in the palm of your hand, you have control over them. Johnson thought he had the board of directors in the palm of his hand... PHRASE: Ns inflect ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the inside surface of your hand between the base of your fingers and your wrist  (He held the pebble in the palm of his hand.) 2 a palm tree 3 hold/have sb in the palm of your hand to have a strong influence on someone, so that they do what you want them to do  (She's got the whole committee in the palm of her hand.) 4 read sb's palm to tell someone what is going to happen to them by looking at their hand  (- see also itchy palm itchy (6), cross sb's palm (with silver) cross1 (17), grease sb's palm grease2 (2)) ~2 v to hide something in the palm of your hand, especially when performing a magic trick or stealing something palm off phr v T palm something/someone off) to persuade someone to accept or buy something, especially by deceiving them  (palm sth off on/onto sb)  (The fruit seller palmed some damaged apples off onto an old lady. | palm sth off as)  (He tried to palm it off as a real Renoir. | palm sb off with sth)  (They palmed her off with an obsolete computer.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  network. abbr. Parallel Array Of Linux Machines religion abbr. Partnership Among Lutherans And Methodists gen. bus. abbr. People Achievement Leadership And Management NASDAQ abbr. Palm, Incorporated ...
English abbreviation dictionary
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