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Англо-Французский географический словарь - course


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cours(rivière), parcours(fleuve)
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  of exchange валютный курс COURSE  1. noun  1) курс, направление  2) ход; течение course of events - ход событий in the course of a year - в течение года the course of nature - естественный, нормальный порядок вещей  3) течение (реки)  4) порядок; очередь, постепенность in course - по очереди по порядку in due course -  а) своевременно;  б) должным образом  5) линия поведения, действия  6) курс (лекций, обучения, лечения)  7) блюдо a dinner of three courses - обед из трех блюд  8) course of exchange - валютный курс  9) скаковой круг  10) constr. горизонтальный ряд кладки  11) naut. нижний прямой парус  12) geol. простирание залежи; пласт (угля), жила  13) pl.; physiol. менструация a matter of course - нечто само собой разумеющееся of course - конечно  2. v.  1) преследовать, гнаться по пятам  2) гнаться за дичью (о гончих); охотиться с гончими  3) бежать, течь по чему-л. (through) I could feel the warm blood coursing through my veins as the ice melted. Wild ideas came coursing through my brain as I read the letter.  4) mining проветривать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. курс, направление course light —- мор. курсовой маяк on course —- мор. на курсе off course —- мор. в сторону от принятого курса to hold a course for —- взять курс на, направляться к to stay the course —- мор. устойчиво держаться курса; не сбиваться с правильного пути the ship is on her right course —- корабль держит правильный курс our course was due north —- мы направлялись на север 2. течение, направление; путь the course of a river —- течение реки 3. ход, течение the course of business —- ход дела the course of a disease —- течение болезни the course of events —- ход событий the course of nature —- закон природы, естественный ход развития the course of the game —- спорт. ход игры the course of action —- воен. ход боя in the course of —- в ходе, в процессе; в течение the new railway is in the course of construction —- новая железная дорога сейчас строится in the course of a month —- в течение месяца in due course —- в свое время; должным образом to let things take their course —- предоставить события их естественному ходу 4. спорт. дорожка; скаковой круг indoor course —- дорожка в закрытом помещении inner course —- внутренняя дорожка to keep on the course —- бежать по кругу 5. дистанция; трасса downhill course —- дистация скоростного спуска training course —- учебная дистанция 6. линия поведения the course of action —- образ действия to steep a middle course —- проводить...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) преследовать; гнаться по пятам; гнаться за дичью 2) бегать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. период (времени) 2) общ. ход 3) общ. линия поведения Syn: "behaviour, pattern 4) фин. курc Syn: exchange rate COURSE сущ. 1) курс 2) период (времени) 3) ход • - correspondence course - course of action - course of business - course of dealing - course of events - course of exchange - course of the proceedings - course of training - in due course - in the course of - of course - ordinary course of business - preliminary courses - short-time courses Syn: behaviour, pattern ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) ход, течение, протекание течь, протекать 2) маршрут, курс (следования) прокладывать курс; следовать курсом 3) учебный курс, программа (курса) 4) линия поведения, образ действия 5) русло; течение (реки) 6) горн. пласт, залежь 7) горн. простирание (пласта, залежи) 8) метал. слой (футеровки) in due course — со временем, в своё время in the course of the work — на протяжении работы projection of course — строит. выступ кладки to alter the course — менять курс to lay out the course — прокладывать курс следования to settle on the course — лечь на курс - base course - collision course - computation course - course of action - course of binders - course of blocks - course of bonders - course of bricks - course of computation - course of diagonal bricks - course of dimensionality - course of game - course of headers - course of raking bricks - course of stretchers - damp-proof course - first course - localizer course - lower course - meat course - middle course - pursuit course - speed course - trial course - true course ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  (горизонтальный) ряд (напр. кладки) ход (поршня и т. п.); пробег; путь слой (гравия и т. п.) курс, маршрут, трасса водоток; русловый поток геод.направление линии азимут и длина линии course of bricks course of headers course of timber advanced building technology course anti-frost heavy course band course barge course base course bedding course belt course binder course blocking course bond course brick-on-edge course brick-on-end course brickwork course corbel course damp-proof course double course eaves course first course footing course header course intake belt course lacing course last course of bricks leveling course lintel course margin course oversailing course percolation course racking course regulating course ridge course shaping course soldier course stretcher course string course surface course toothing course upright course verge course waterproofing course wearing course ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) ход, течение; порядок 2) курс, направление; маршрут прокладывать курс; двигаться по маршруту 3) движение по определённой линии двигаться по определённой линии 4) простирание (пласта, залежи) 5) горн. выработка 6) горн. распределять воздух по выработкам 7) гидр. русло 8) геод. направление и длина линии 9) метал. слой футеровки 10) ряд (кладки, черепичной кровли) класть ряд (кирпичей, черепицы); слой (покрытия) 11) стрелка (компаса) 12) трик. петельный ряд courses per inch — плотность по вертикали (число рядов на один дюйм); to alter (to change) the course for... — изменять курс на ...; to deviate from the course — отклоняться от курса; to get on the course — выходить на заданный курс, ложиться на заданный курс; to maintain the course — выдерживать заданный курс; to make the course change — изменять кур to plot the course — прокладывать курс (на карте); to put on the course — выходить на заданный курс; to roll on the course — выводить на заданный курс; to select the course — выбирать курс; to wander off the course — сбиваться с курса course of brickwork — ряд кирпичной кладки course of headers — тычковый ряд кладки course of masonry — ряд каменной кладки - air course - arbitrary flight course - asphalt base course - asphalt binder course - asphalt leveling course - back course - back localizer course - barge course - base course - beacon course - bearing course - bed course -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a continuous onward movement or progression. 2 a a line along which a person or thing moves; a direction taken (has changed course; the course of the winding river). b a correct or intended direction or line of movement. c the direction taken by a ship or aircraft. 3 a the ground on which a race (or other sport involving extensive linear movement) takes place. b a series of fences, hurdles, or other obstacles to be crossed in a race etc. 4 a a series of lectures, lessons, etc., in a particular subject. b a book for such a course (A Modern French Course). 5 any of the successive parts of a meal. 6 Med. a sequence of medical treatment etc. (prescribed a course of antibiotics). 7 a line of conduct (disappointed by the course he took). 8 Archit. a continuous horizontal layer of brick, stone, etc., in a building. 9 a channel in which water flows. 10 the pursuit of game (esp. hares) with hounds, esp. greyhounds, by sight rather than scent. 11 Naut. a sail on a square-rigged ship (fore course; main course). --v. 1 intr. (esp. of liquid) run, esp. fast (blood coursed through his veins). 2 tr. (also absol.) a use (hounds) to hunt. b pursue (hares etc.) in hunting. Phrases and idioms the course of nature ordinary events or procedure. in course of in the process of. in the course of during. in the course of time as time goes by; eventually. a matter of course the natural or expected thing. of course naturally; as is or was to be expected; admittedly. on (or off) course following (or deviating from) the desired direction or goal. run (or take) its course (esp. of an illness) complete its natural development. Derivatives courser n. (in sense 2 of v.). Etymology: ME f. OF cours f. L cursus f. currere curs- run ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French curs, ~, from Latin cursus, from currere to run — more at car  Date: 14th century  1. the act or action of moving in a path from point to point  2. the path over which something moves or extends: as  a. race~  b.  (1) the direction of travel of a vehicle (as a ship or airplane) usually measured as a clockwise angle from north; also the projected path of travel  (2) a point of the compass  c. water~  d. golf ~  3.  a. accustomed procedure or normal action the law taking its ~  b. a chosen manner of conducting oneself ; way of acting our wisest ~ is to retreat  c.  (1) progression through a development or period or a series of acts or events  (2) life history, career  4. an ordered process or succession: as  a. a number of lectures or other matter dealing with a subject; also a series of such ~s constituting a curriculum a premed ~  b. a series of doses or medications administered over a designated period  5.  a. a part of a meal served at one time the main ~  b. layer; especially a continuous level range of brick or masonry throughout a wall  c. the lowest sail on a square-rigged mast  II. verb  (~d; coursing)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to follow close upon ; pursue  2.  a. to hunt or pursue (game) with hounds  b. to cause (dogs) to run (as after game)  3. to run or move swiftly through or over ; traverse jets ~d the area daily  intransitive verb to run or pass rapidly along or as if along an indicated path blood coursing through the veins ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (courses, coursing, coursed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Course is often used in the expression ‘of course’, or instead of ‘of course’ in informal spoken English. See of course. 2. The course of a vehicle, especially a ship or aircraft, is the route along which it is travelling. Aircraft can avoid each other by going up and down, as well as by altering course to left or right... The tug was seaward of the Hakai Passage on a course that diverged from the Calvert Island coastline. N-UNCOUNT: also a N 3. A course of action is an action or a series of actions that you can do in a particular situation. My best course of action was to help Gill by being loyal, loving and endlessly sympathetic... Vietnam is trying to decide on its course for the future. N-COUNT: usu sing 4. You can refer to the way that events develop as, for example, the course of history or the course of events. ...a series of decisive naval battles which altered the course of history... N-SING: the N of n 5. A course is a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject. ...a course in business administration... I’m shortly to begin a course on the modern novel. N-COUNT: oft N in/on n see also access course, correspondence course, refresher course, sandwich course 6. A course of medical treatment is a series of treatments that a doctor gives someone. Treatment is supplemented with a course of antibiotics to kill the bacterium... N-COUNT: N of n 7. A course is one part of a meal. The lunch was excellent, especially the first course. ...a three-course dinner. N-COUNT: usu supp N 8. In sport, a course is an area of land where races are held or golf is played, or the land over which a race takes place. Only 12 seconds separated the first three riders on the Bickerstaffe course... N-COUNT: usu with supp 9. The course of a river is the channel along which it flows. Romantic chateaux and castles overlook the river’s twisting course. N-COUNT 10. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 of course a) used when you are mentioning something that you think other people already know, or should know  (Your car insurance must, of course, be renewed every year.) b) used to say that what you or someone else has just said is not surprising  (Hannah applied for the job and got it, of course.) c) spoken also course informal used to agree with someone, or to give permission to someone  ("Can I borrow the car tonight?" "Yeah, course you can.") d) also course spoken used to emphasize that what you are saying is true or correct  ("You promise you won't forget?" "Of course I won't!")  (- see of course) 2 of course not/course not spoken used to emphasize that you are saying no to something, or that something is not true or correct  ("Do you think they'll mind if I arrive late?" "No, of course not.") 3 »LESSONS« especially BrE a series of lessons, or studies in a particular subject  (Andy's doing a one-year journalism course.) + on  (a course on the French Revolution) + in  (She's taking a course in flower arranging.)  (- see also correspondence course, crash course, refresher course, sandwich course) 4 in the course of/during the course of formal during a process or period of time  (During the course of our conversation it emerged that Bob had been in prison.) 5 »ACTIONS« an action or series of actions that you could take in order to deal with a particular situation  (In this case, the best course would be to avoid talking about it altogether. | course of action)  (One possible course of action would be to increase tax on alcohol.) 6 »USUAL/NATURAL« the usual or natural way that something happens, develops, or is done  (Once the story is begun, it must follow its course. | course of history/nature etc)  (When he met Sally it changed the whole course of his life. | in the normal course of events)  (In the normal course of events a son would take over the farm from his father.) 7 let sth take its course to wait for something to develop in the usual way  (Just relax and let nature take its course.) 8 run its...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 13c., from O.Fr. cours, from L. cursus "a running race or course," from curs- pp. stem of currere "to run." Academic meaning was present in 14c. French. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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