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Англо-Французский географический словарь - bridge


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  crane noun портальный кран BRIDGE of boats понтонный, плашкоутный мост BRIDGE over  а) наводить, строить переправу We shall have to bridge over the stream with these boards of wood.  б) преодолевать что-л. We must find a way to bridge over the difficulties. This money should bridge you over till next month. BRIDGE I  1. noun  1) мост; мостик, перемычка - bridge of boats - raft bridge - gold bridge - silver bridge  2) капитанский мостик  3) переносица  4) кобылка (скрипки, гитары и т.п.)  5) мост (для искусственных зубов)  6) порог топки  7) electr. параллельное соединение, шунт  2. v.  1) соединять мостом; наводить мост, строить мост; перекрывать  2) преодолевать препятствия, выходить из затруднения  3) electr. шунтировать - bridge over to bridge a gap - ликвидировать разрыв II noun бридж (карточная игра) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. мост, мостик bridge span —- пролет моста bridge member —- звено моста bridge site —- место наводки (постройки) моста to throw a bridge —- навести мост 2. перемычка, перегородка 3. мор. капитанский мостик 4. переносица (также bridge of the nose) 5. подставка, кобылка (скрипки, гитары и т. п.) 6. мост (зубной протез) 7. тех. порог топки 8. эл. перемычка; параллельное соединение, шунт Id: to throw smb. over the bridge —- предательски поступать по отношению к кому-л., подставить кому-л. ножку, подвести кого-л., "утопить" Id: don't cross the bridges before you come to them —- посл. не следует создавать себе трудностей заранее Id: let every man praize (speak well of) the bridge he goes over —- посл. не плюй в колодец, пригодится воды напиться 9. наводить, строить мост to bridge a river —- построить мост через реку 10. соединять мостом 11. перекрывать 12. преодолевать препятствия 13. горн. затягивать кровлю 14. эл. шунтировать to bridge a gap —- ликвидировать разрыв (отставание) 15. карт. бридж ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  мост; мостик; перемычка – bridge of nose – anaphase bridge – antigen bridge – arteriolovenular bridge – bivalent bridge – cell bridge – chromatid bridge – chromosome bridge – disulfide bridge – intercellular bridge – interchain disulfide bridge – jugal bridge – matrix bridge – protoplasmic bridge – scutellar bridge ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  гл. 1) соединять мостом 2) преодолевать препятствия 3) выходить из затруднений • - bridge a gap - bridge loan - bridge toll BRIDGE 1. сущ. 1) а) общ. мост to throw a bridge — навести мост bridge span — пролет моста б) общ. перемычка, перегородка 2) общ. капитанский мостик 3) общ. переносица 4) мед. мост (в зуботехнике: несущая конструкция протеза) 5) общ. бридж (карточная игра) 6) СМИ, рекл. переход, связка (звуковой эффект, комментарий, музыка и т. д. между двумя эпизодами теле- или радиопрограммы или рекламы) 7) рекл. реклама на развороте (реклама, размещенная на развороте журнала или книги) 8) упр. мост, горизонтальная связь (по Файолю: связь, посредством которой могут общаться специалисты различных отделов одного уровня иерархии) See: Fayol, Henri, horizontal communication 9) мат. замощение, мост, перешеек, связывающее ребро 2. гл. 1) общ. соединять мостом; строить наводить мост to bridge one's way — медленно, но верно двигаться вперед (в прямом и переносном смысле) 2) общ. ликвидировать разрыв to bridge the gap between smth. and smth. — ликвидировать разрыв между... 3) рекл. (разместить рекламное объявление на двойном развороте журнала) BRIDGE I сущ. 1) общ. мост; перемычка, перегородка 2) общ. бридж (карточная игра) 3) СМИ, рекл....
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) поперечина (станка), траверса; портал 2) перегородка; перекладина; перемычка; поперечная балка; соединять перемычкой; делать перегородку 3) мост(ик) 4) (измерительный) мост, мостовая мостиковая схема; соединять мостом 5) шунт; параллельное соединение; шунтировать; закорачивать; соединять перемычкой 6) короткое замыкание 7) охватывать (напр. шкивы) ремнём, лентой или тросом ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) мост; эстакада; мостовой переход строить мост, эстакаду или переход - cable suspension bridge 2) электр. (измерительный) мост; мостовая схема соединять по схеме моста 3) электр. перемычка; шунт ставить перемычку; шунтировать, закорачивать 4) хим. мостик, мостиковая связь 5) капитанский мостик 6) горн. каменный мост (образовавшийся в результате эрозии и выветривания) 7) геол. тампон (крупные куски обвалившейся породы в скважине) 8) строит. защитный козырек (напр., над входом в здание) 9) поперечная балка; перекладина; перегородка делать перегородку или перемычку 10) метал. порог топки aperture of a bridge — отверстие моста depth of bridge floor — высота проезжей части моста lower story of bridge — нижний ярус моста upper deck of bridge — верхний ярус моста to balance a bridge — уравновешивать измерительный мост to delaunch a bridge — свертывать мост - Raphael bridge - Schering bridge - Wien bridge - after bridge - all-welded bridge - arch bridge - automatic bridge - balancing bridge - bascule double-leaf bridge - battery supply bridge - beam bridge - bottom-road bridge - box bridge - box-type bridge - busbar bridge - cable suspension bridge - cantilever beam bridge - cantilever bridge - capacitance bridge - catwalk bridge - chain suspension bridge - combined bridge - compensator bridge - conductance bridge - deck bridge - double-deck bridge - double-leaf bridge - drive bridge - dumping bridge - duplicate bridge - escape wheel bridge - essential bridge - exterior bridge - fire...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) (измерительный) мост 2) электрический шунт 3) микшер – ac bridge – Anderson bridge – audio-conference bridge – balanced bridge – Belfils bridge – busbar bridge – Campbell bridge – Campbell-Colpitz bridge – capacitance bridge – comparison bridge – conference bridge – dc bridge – double bridge – DV-bridge – four-arm ac bridge – four-arm dc bridge – frequency bridge – Grets bridge – high-frequency bridge – immittance bridge – impedance bridge – inductive bridge – Kelnin bridge – Maxwell bridge – measuring bridge – microwave bridge – Miller bridge – multistage bridge – quadrature bridge – rectifier bridge – resistance bridge – resonance bridge – routing bridge – six-arm ring bridge – space bridge – store transmission bridge – supply bridge – thermistor bridge – transformer bridge – transmission bridge – T-shaped bridge – Wheatstone bridge – Wien bridge – zero-balance bridge ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  мост; мостовой переход; путепровод; эстакада защитный козырёк (над входом, проходом, тротуаром) колосник сцены bridge for stream gauge bridge with counter-weighted cantilevers aluminum bridge arch bridge Bailey bridge balance bridge balanced cantilever bridge bascule bridge bay bridge beam bridge below bridge bowstring girder bridge cable-stayed bridge cable-stayed girder bridge canal bridge cantilever bridge center-bearing swing bridge composite bridge composite-girder bridge concrete cable-stayed bridge continuous bridge continuous girder bridge continuous steel truss tied arch bridge covered bridge crane bridge curved bridge deck bridge double-bascule bridge double leaf bascule bridge fixed arch bridge floating bridge frame-type bridge girder and slab bridge glulam bridge half-through bridge half-width bridge heat bridge heel trunnion bascule bridge high level bridge highway bridge hoist bridge hollow girder bridge ice bridge Irish bridge iron bridge lake bridge lift bridge lightweight prestressed concrete bridge loading bridge log bridge long span bridge low-level bridge low water bridge major bridge masonry bridge material-handling bridge military bridge minor bridge movable bridge movable-bascule bridge movable-swing bridge multilane bridge multiple-span bridge multispan balanced suspension bridge operating bridge orthotropic-deck bridge orthotropic plate deck bridge overpass bridge pedestrian bridge permanent bridge pile bridge pin-connected bridge pipeline bridge pontoon bridge post-tensioned prestressed concrete bridge prefabricated bridge prestressed concrete bridge prestressed concrete bifurcated box girder bridge prestressed segmental bridge prestressed wood bridge pretensioned prestressed concrete bridge railroad bridge reinforced bridge retractile draw bridge rigid frame bridge rim-bearing swing bridge river bridge riveted bridge road-cum-rail bridge rolled-beam bridge rolling-lift bridge scaffold bridge segmental box girder bridge...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) мост; мостовой переход; путепровод; эстакада наводить мост; строить мост, путепровод или эстакаду 2) измерительный мост; мостовая схема соединять мостом 3) эл. параллельное присоединение; шунт; мостик; перемычка шунтировать; соединять перемычкой 4) перемычка; перегородка 5) горн. полок 6) горн. затягивать кровлю 7) пробка, мост (в скважине) 8) хим. мостиковая связь; мостик 9) портал (станка) 10) хомут; скоба 11) связь устройство сопряжения (между однородными сетями) 12) радио промежуточный преобразователь 13) эл. развязывающее устройство 14) переход, связка (в радиовещательной передаче); музыкальная вставка, музыкальная связка 15) судовой мостик 16) полигр. перемычка высекального штампа 17) мостик (оттяжного механизма котонной машины) 18) дуга (каретки плосковязальной машины) 19) перекрывать (напр. пролёт здания) 20) замазывать краской или лаком (пропуски в грунтовом слое) to bridge a river — строить мост через реку; to launch bridge — наводить мост; to bridge over span of 100 m — перекрывать 100-метровый пролёт; to put on (up) bridge — наводить мост - air bridge - ac bridge - aluminum bridge - aqueduct bridge - arch bridge - balance bridge - balanced bridge - bascule bridge - beam bridge - boarding bridge - boat bridge - bowstring arch bridge - bowstring bridge - box bridge - box-girder...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a structure carrying a road, path, railway, etc., across a stream, ravine, road, railway, etc. b anything providing a connection between different things (English is a bridge between nations). 2 the superstructure on a ship from which the captain and officers direct operations. 3 the upper bony part of the nose. 4 Mus. an upright piece of wood on a violin etc. over which the strings are stretched. 5 = BRIDGEWORK. 6 Billiards etc. a a long stick with a structure at the end which is used to support a cue for a difficult shot. b a support for a cue formed by a raised hand. 7 = land-bridge. --v.tr. 1 a be a bridge over (a fallen tree bridges the stream). b make a bridge over; span. 2 span as if with a bridge (bridged their differences with understanding). Phrases and idioms bridge of asses = pons asinorum. bridge of boats a bridge formed by mooring boats together abreast across a river etc. bridge passage Mus. a transitional piece between main themes. bridging loan a loan from a bank etc. to cover the short interval between buying a house etc. and selling another. cross a (or that) bridge when one comes to it deal with a problem when and if it arises. Derivatives bridgeable adj. Etymology: OE brycg f. Gmc 2. n. a card-game derived from whist, in which one player's cards are exposed and are played by his or her partner (cf. auction bridge, contract bridge). Phrases and idioms bridge roll a small soft bread roll. Etymology: 19th c.: orig. unkn. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English brigge, from Old English brycg; akin to Old High German brucka ~, Old Church Slavic bruvuno beam  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression or obstacle  b. a time, place, or means of connection or transition  2. something resembling a ~ in form or function: as  a. the upper bony part of the nose; also the part of a pair of glasses that rests upon it  b. a piece raising the strings of a musical instrument — see violin illustration  c. the forward part of a ship's superstructure from which the ship is navigated  d. gantry 2b  e. the hand as a rest for a billiards or pool cue; also a device used as a cue rest  3.  a. a musical passage linking two sections of a composition  b. a partial denture anchored to adjacent teeth  c. a connection (as an atom or group of atoms) that joins two different parts of a molecule (as opposite sides of a ring)  4. an electrical instrument or network for measuring or comparing resistances, inductances, capacitances, or impedances by comparing the ratio of two opposing voltages to a known ratio  • ~less adjective  II. transitive verb  (~d; bridging)  Date: before 12th century  1. to make a ~ over or across ~ the gap; also to join by a ~  2. to provide with a ~  • ~able adjective  III. noun  Etymology: alteration of earlier biritch, of unknown origin  Date: circa 1897 any of various card games for usually four players in two partnerships that bid for the right to declare a trump suit, seek to win tricks equal to the final bid, and play with the hand of declarer's partner exposed and played by declarer; especially contract ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (bridges, bridging, bridged) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A bridge is a structure that is built over a railway, river, or road so that people or vehicles can cross from one side to the other. He walked back over the railway bridge. ...the Golden Gate Bridge. N-COUNT 2. A bridge between two places is a piece of land that joins or connects them. ...a land bridge linking Serbian territories. N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. To bridge the gap between two people or things means to reduce it or get rid of it. It is unlikely that the two sides will be able to bridge their differences. = overcome VERB: V n 4. Something that bridges the gap between two very different things has some of the qualities of each of these things. ...the singer who bridged the gap between pop music and opera. VERB: V n 5. If something or someone acts as a bridge between two people, groups, or things, they connect them. We hope this book will act as a bridge between doctor and patient... They saw themselves as a bridge to peace. N-COUNT: usu N prep 6. The bridge is the place on a ship from which it is steered. N-COUNT: usu sing 7. The bridge of your nose is the thin top part of it, between your eyes. On the bridge of his hooked nose was a pair of gold rimless spectacles. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu N of n 8. The bridge of a pair of glasses is the part that rests on your nose. N-COUNT: usu sing 9. The bridge of a violin, guitar, or other stringed instrument is the small piece of wood under the strings that holds them up. N-COUNT: usu sing 10. Bridge is a card game for four players in which the players begin by declaring how many tricks they expect to win. N-UNCOUNT 11. see also suspension bridge 12. water under the bridge: see water ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »OVER A RIVER/ROAD ETC« a structure built over a river, road etc, that allows people or vehicles to cross from one side to the other 2 »CONNECTION« something that provides a connection between two things; link2 (1)  (The training programme is seen as a bridge between school and work.) 3 »SHIP« the raised part of a ship from which the officers control it 4 »CARD GAME« a card game for four players who play in pairs 5 the bridge of your nose the bony upper part of your nose between your eyes 6 »PAIR OF GLASSES« the part of a pair of glasses that rests on the bridge of your nose 7 »MUSICAL INSTRUMENT« a small piece of wood under the strings of a violin or guitar, used to keep them in position 8 »FOR TEETH« a small piece of metal for keeping false teeth in place  (- see also build bridges build1 (7), burn your bridges burn1 (22), cross that bridge when you come to it cross1 (7), be (all) water under the bridge water1 (7)) ~2 v 1 to build or form a bridge over something  (a fallen tree bridging the stream) 2 bridge the gap (between) to reduce or get rid of the difference between two things  (an attempt at bridging the economic gap between North and South) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Binational Regional Initiative Developing Greater Education educ. abbr. Building Rehabilitating Instructing Developing Growing And Employing educ. abbr. Building Resources In Developing General Education religion abbr. Bringing Religion Ideas Discussion God To Everyone int. bus. abbr. Building Relations Internationally And Developing Global Education ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. brycge, from P.Gmc. *brugjo, from PIE base *bhru "log, beam," hence "wooden causeway." For vowel evolution, see bury. Card game is 1880s, maybe 1843, an alteration of biritch, but the source and meaning of that are obscure. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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