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Англо-Французский географический словарь - below


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en aval de..(rivière)
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  par fin. ниже номинала; fig. неважно I feel below par я себя плохо чувствую BELOW the average ниже среднего BELOW the line ниже нормы BELOW the mark не на высоте (положения); BELOW  1. adv. ниже, внизу as it will be said below - как будет сказано ниже  2. prep.  1) ниже, под below zero - ниже нуля  2) ниже (о качестве, положении и т.п.) to be below smb. in intelligence - быть ниже кого-л. по умственному развитию - below the average - below par ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. внизу; ниже the court below —- нижестоящая судебная инстанция to remain below —- оставаться внизу to be below —- находиться внизу we could hear the noise below —- мы слышали шум внизу his apartment is just below —- его квартира прямо под нами 2. вниз to go below —- спускаться вниз 3. ниже по течению there is good fishing below —- ниже по течению хорошо ловится рыба 4. ниже нуля the temperature is five below today —- сегодня пять градусов мороза 5. ниже, дальше see below —- смотри ниже (на странице, в статье и т. п.) the passage quoted below —- отрывок, приводимый ниже 6. в сочетаниях: here below —- на земле the place below —- ад down below —- в преисподней; в могиле; на дне моря all hands below! —- мор. все вниз! under below! —- мор. берегись!, полундра! 7. театр. на авансцене 8. указывает на местоположение ниже чего-л., под чем-л. ниже, под below the third floor —- ниже четвертого этажа below the surface —- под водой; под землей; под поверхностью below the bridge —- ниже моста the sun set below the horizon —- солнце закатилось 9. указывает на положение ниже по уровню, по рангу и т. п. ниже below zero —- ниже нуля below average —- ниже среднего he is below his schoolfellows in class —- он отстает от других учеников в классе a captain is below a general in rank —- капитан ниже генерала по званию 10. ниже (достоинства) it is below you —- это недостойно вас it would be...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) внизу 2) ниже 3) снизу bound a variable below — ограничивать переменную снизу bounded below function — ограниченная снизу функция bounded below operator — ограниченный снизу оператор bounded below subset — ограниченное снизу подмножество censoring from below — цензурирование снизу closed from below — замкнутый снизу continuous from below — непрерывный снизу convergence from below — сходимость снизу limited from below — ограниченный снизу - below normal - below the average - bounded below - from below - infinite below - mentioned below - named below - stated below ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  prep. & adv. --prep. 1 lower in position (vertically, down a slope or stream, etc.) than. 2 beneath the surface of; at or to a greater depth than (head below water; below 500 feet). 3 lower or less than in amount or degree (below freezing-point; temperature is 20 below). 4 lower in rank, position, or importance than. 5 unworthy of. --adv. 1 at or to a lower point or level. 2 a downstairs (lives below). b downstream. 3 (of a text reference) further forward on a page or in a book (as noted below). 4 on the lower side (looks similar above and below). 5 rhet. on earth; in hell. Phrases and idioms below stairs in the basement of a house esp. as the part occupied by servants. Etymology: BE- + LOW(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English bilooghe, from bi by + looghe low, adjective  Date: 14th century  1. in or to a lower place  2.  a. on earth  b. in or to Hades or hell  3. on or to a lower floor or deck  4.  a. in, to, at, or by a lower rank or number  b. ~ zero the temperature was 20 ~  5. lower on the same page or on a following page  6. under the surface of the water  II. preposition  Date: 1575  1.  a. lower in place, rank, or value than ; under  b. down river from  c. south of  2. inferior to (as in rank)  3. not suitable to the rank of ; beneath  III. noun  Date: 1697 something that is ~  IV. adjective  Date: 1916 written or discussed lower on the same page or on a following page ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If something is below something else, it is in a lower position. He appeared from the apartment directly below Leonard’s... The path runs below a long brick wall... The sun had already sunk below the horizon... ? above PREP • Below is also an adverb. ...a view to the street below... Spread out below was a great crowd. ADV: n ADV, ADV after v 2. If something is below ground or below the ground, it is in the ground. They have designed a system which pumps up water from 70m below ground... PHRASE 3. You use below in a piece of writing to refer to something that is mentioned later. Please write to me at the address below... ADV: n ADV, ADV after v 4. If something is below a particular amount, rate, or level, it is less than that amount, rate, or level. Night temperatures can drop below 15 degrees Celsius... Rainfall has been below average. ? above PREP • Below is also an adverb. ...temperatures at zero or below. ADV 5. If someone is below you in an organization, they are lower in rank. Such people often experience less stress than those in the ranks immediately below them. ? above PREP 6. below par: see par ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 prep 1 in a lower place or position than, or on a lower level than  (I'd like you to trim my hair just below the ears. | Fish were swimming below the surface of the water.)  (- see under1) 2 less than a particular number, amount, level etc  (These families are living below the official poverty line. | Bank charges rose at a level slightly below that of inflation. | well/way below (=very much lower than))  (Sales figures for January were well below target. | below average (=not as good as the normal standard))  (Tom's spelling is well below average. | below freezing (=if the temperature is below freezing it is less than zero degrees)) 3 in a lower, less important job than someone else  (A captain is below a general.) ~2 adv 1 in a lower place or position, or on a lower level  (We looked down from the mountain at the valley below. | Jim lives on the fourth floor and Jean-Pierre is on the floor below.) 2 on the lower level of a ship or boat  (The Captain told the crew to go below.) 3 less than a particular number, age, price etc  (Children of three and below pay half fare.) 4 10/15/20 below etc if a temperature is 10, 15, 20 below etc, it is that number of degrees lower than zero 5 mentioned or shown lower on the same page or on a later page  (See p.85 below. | The information below was compiled by our correspondent.) 6 in a lower, less important rank or job  (officers of the rank of captain and below) 7 literary on Earth rather than in Heaven ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1325, biloogh, from be- "by" + logh, lou, lowe "low." Apparently a variant of earlier a-lowe (influenced by other advs. in be-, cf. before), the parallel form to an-high (now on high). Beneath was the usual word; below was very rare in M.E. and only gained currency in 16c. It is frequent in Shakespeare. Below is the opposite of above and concerns difference of level and suggests comparison of independent things. Under is the opposite of over and is concerned with superposition and subjection and suggests some interrelation. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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