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Английский словарь американских идиом - which


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  ~ determiner, pronoun 1 used to ask or state what people or things you mean when a choice has to be made  (Which of these books is yours? | Ask him which one he wants. | Karen comes from either Los Angeles or San Francisco, I can't remember which.) 2 used to show what specific thing or things you mean  (Did you see the letter which came today? | This is the book which I told you about.) 3 used especially in written language after a comma, to add more information about a specific thing or things, or about the first part of the sentence  (The train, which takes only two hours, is quicker than the bus, which takes three. | The police arrived, after which the situation became calmer. | in which case (=used to talk about a situation that you have just mentioned))  (She may have missed the train, in which case she won't arrive for another hour.) 4 which is which used to say that you cannot tell the difference between two very similar people or things  (They look so alike it's difficult to tell which is which.)  ( USAGE NOTE: WHICH FORMALITY As subject of a relative clause which restricts the meaning of a noun, that is used more often than which in informal English The street market which/that is held near my house. In informal or spoken English, you can often leave out that or which. For example, you are likely to say Did you get the things you wanted? rather than Did you get the things that/which you wanted? The form to which is very formal He would lunch in one of the clubs to which be belonged. You would more usually say ... one of the clubs (that) he belonged to In relative clauses that add information but do not restrict the meaning of what comes before, you usually use which, especially after a comma He's always really rude, which is why people tend to avoid him. ) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use which in questions when there are two or more possible answers or alternatives. Which do they want me to do, declare war or surrender?... Which are the ones you really like?... ‘You go down that passageway over there.’—‘Which one?’... Which vitamin supplements are good value? QUEST 2. You use which to refer to a choice between two or more possible answers or alternatives. I wanted to know which school it was you went to... Scientists have long wondered which parts of the brain are involved in musical tasks. DET • Which is also a conjunction. In her panic she couldn’t remember which was Mr Grainger’s cabin... There are so many diets on the market, how do you know which to choose? CONJ 3. You use which at the beginning of a relative clause when specifying the thing that you are talking about or when giving more information about it. Soldiers opened fire on a car which failed to stop at an army checkpoint... He’s based in Banja Luka, which is the largest city in northern Bosnia... Colic describes a whole variety of conditions in which a horse suffers abdominal pain... PRON 4. You use which to refer back to an idea or situation expressed in a previous sentence or sentences, especially when you want to give your opinion about it. Since we started in September we have raised fifty thousand pounds, which is pretty good going... PRON • Which is also a determiner. The chances are you haven’t fully decided what you want from your career at the moment, in which case you’re definitely not cut out to be a boss yet! DET: DET sing-n 5. If you cannot tell the difference between two things, you can say that you do not know which is which. They all look so alike to me that I’m never sure which is which... PHRASE: V inflects 6. any which way: see way every which way: see way ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, of what kind, ~, from Old English hwilc; akin to Old High German wilih of what kind, ~, Old English hwa who, gelik like — more at who, like  Date: before 12th century  1. being what one or ones out of a group — used as an interrogative ~ tie should I wear kept a record of ~ employees took their vacations in July  2. ~ever it will not fit, turn it ~ way you like  3. — used as a function word to introduce a nonrestrictive relative clause and to modify a noun in that clause and to refer together with that noun to a word or word group in a preceding clause or to an entire preceding clause or sentence or longer unit of discourse in German, ~ language might…have been the medium of transmission — Thomas Pyles that this city is a rebellious city… : for ~ cause was this city destroyed — Ezra 4:15 (Authorized Version)  II. pronoun  Date: before 12th century  1. what one or ones out of a group — used as an interrogative ~ of those houses do you live in ~ of you want tea and ~ want lemonade he is swimming or canoeing, I don't know ~  2. ~ever take ~ you like  3. — used as a function word to introduce a relative clause; used in any grammatical relation except that of a possessive; used especially in reference to animals, inanimate objects, groups, or ideas the bonds ~ represent the debt — G. B. Robinson the Samnite tribes, ~ settled south and southeast of Rome — Ernst Pulgram — used freely in reference to persons as recently as the 17th century our Father ~ art in heaven — Matthew 6:9(Authorized Version), and still occasionally so used but usually with some implication of emphasis on the function or role of the person rather than on the person as such chiefly they wanted husbands, ~ they got easily — Lynn White — used by speakers on all educational levels and by many reputable writers, though disapproved by some grammarians, in reference to an idea expressed by a word or group of words that is not necessarily a noun or noun phrase he resigned that post, after ~ he...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & pron. --interrog.adj. asking for choice from a definite set of alternatives (which John do you mean?; say which book you prefer; which way shall we go?). --rel.adj. being the one just referred to; and this or these (ten years, during which time they admitted nothing; a word of advice, which action is within your power, will set things straight). --interrog.pron. 1 which person or persons (which of you is responsible?). 2 which thing or things (say which you prefer). --rel.pron. (poss. of which, whose) 1 which thing or things, usu. introducing a clause not essential for identification (cf. THAT pron. 7) (the house, which is empty, has been damaged). 2 used in place of that after in or that (there is the house in which I was born; that which you have just seen). Phrases and idioms which is which a phrase used when two or more persons or things are difficult to distinguish from each other. Etymology: OE hwilc f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. в прямых вопросах: какой?, который? which book did you choose? —- которую из книг вы выбрали? I'm going with the girls. - W. girls? —- я пойду с девочками. - С какими? 2. в косвенных вопросах и придаточных предложениях: какой, который say which chapter you prefer? —- скажите, какая глава вам больше всего нравится? which Miss Smith do you mean, the younger or the elder one? —- которую мисс Смит вы имеете в виду, младшую или старшую? 3. в косвенных вопросах и придаточных предложениях; каковой I shall complain to the colonel, which colonel by the way is my cousin —- я буду жаловаться полковнику, а он, кстати сказать, мой родственник he stayed here two weeks, during which time he never left the house —- он пробыл здесь две недели и в течение всего этого времени ни разу не выходил из дому he was told to apply to a police station, which advice he followed —- ему сказали обратиться в полицию, что он и сделал 4. в косвенных вопросах и придаточных предложениях: любой; тот, который take which of these books you please —- возьмите любую книгу, которая вам нравится 5. употр. с гл. в ед. и мн. ч. в прямых вопросах, связанных с возможностью выбора: кто (из)?; что (из)?; который (из)?; какой? which employees took their vacation in July? —- кто из служащих отдыхал в июле? which will you take, tea or coffee? —- что вы будете пить, чай или кофе? which of the girls do you like best? —- которая...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  pron.  1) inter. который?; какой?; кто? (подразумевается выбор); which of you am I to thank? - кого из вас мне благодарить?; which way shall we go? - в какую сторону мы пойдем?  2) relat. каковой, который, что; the book which you are talking about... - книга, о которой вы говорите...  3) conj. который, какой; что; I dont know which way we must take - я не знаю, по какой дороге нам надо ехать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. hwilc, from P.Gmc. *khwilikaz, from khwi- "who" + *likan "body, form" (cf. O.E. lic "body"). In M.E. used as a relative pronoun where mod. Eng. would use who, as still in the Lord's Prayer. O.E. also had parallel forms hwelc and hwylc, which disappeared in M.E. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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