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Английский словарь американских идиом - tow


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See: IN TOW.
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  mil. abbr. Tether Optical Weapon mil. abbr. Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided airport code Toledo, PR, Brazil chemis. abbr. Treatment On Wheels u.m. abbr. Tons Of Weed media abbr. Town Of Web media abbr. The Obese Witch educ. abbr. Teaching On The Web sport abbr. Tired Of Walking religion abbr. Tabernacle Of Worship chat abbr. The One With ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 v to pull a vehicle or ship along behind another vehicle using a rope or chain  (The ship had to be towed into the harbor.) ~2 n 1 an act of pulling a vehicle behind another vehicle using a rope or chain  (Can you give us a tow?) 2 in tow informal following closely behind someone or something  (Hannah arrived with her four kids in tow.) 3 take sth in tow to connect a rope or a chain to a vehicle or ship so that it can be towed 4 on tow BrE a vehicle that is on tow is being pulled along by another vehicle ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (tows, towing, towed) 1. If one vehicle tows another, it pulls it along behind it. He had been using the vehicle to tow his work trailer... They threatened to tow away my car... The British navy boarded the vessel and towed it to New York. VERB: V n, V n with adv, V n prep 2. If you have someone in tow, they are following you closely because you are looking after them or you are leading them somewhere. (INFORMAL) There she was on my doorstep with child in tow... PHRASE: with n PHR, PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English togian; akin to Old English teon to draw, pull, Old High German ziohan to draw, pull, Latin ducere to draw, lead  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb to draw or pull along behind ; haul ~ a wagon  intransitive verb to move in ~ trailers that ~ behind the family auto — Bob Munger  II. noun  Date: 1600  1. a rope or chain for ~ing  2.  a. the act or an instance of ~ing  b. the fact or state of being ~ed  3.  a. something ~ed (as a boat or car)  b. a group of barges lashed together and usually pushed  4.  a. something (as a tugboat) that ~s  b. ski ~  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~- spinning; akin to Old Norse to tuft of wool for spinning, Old English tawian to prepare for use — more at taw  Date: 14th century  1. short or broken fiber (as of flax, hemp, or synthetic material) that is used especially for yarn, twine, or stuffing  2.  a. yarn or cloth made of ~  b. a loose essentially untwisted strand of synthetic fibers  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English (Scots), probably from Old English toh- (in tohline ~line); akin to Old English togian to ~  Date: 14th century chiefly Scottish & dialect England rope ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (of a motor vehicle, horse, or person controlling it) pull (a boat, another motor vehicle, a caravan, etc.) along by a rope, tow-bar, etc. 2 pull (a person or thing) along behind one. --n. the act or an instance of towing; the state of being towed. Phrases and idioms have in (or on) tow 1 be towing. 2 be accompanied by and often in charge of (a person). tow-bar a bar for towing esp. a trailer or caravan. tow- (or towing-) line (or rope) a line etc. used in towing. tow- (or towing-) net a net used for dragging through water to collect specimens. tow- (or towing-) path a path beside a river or canal used for towing a boat by horse. Derivatives towable adj. towage n. Etymology: OE togian f. Gmc, rel. to TUG 2. n. 1 the coarse and broken part of flax or hemp prepared for spinning. 2 a loose bunch of rayon etc. strands. Phrases and idioms tow-coloured (of hair) very light. tow-head tow-coloured or unkempt hair. tow-headed having very light or unkempt hair. Derivatives towy adj. Etymology: ME f. MLG touw f. OS tou, rel. to ON t{oacute} wool: cf. TOOL ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) буксировка буксировать 2) буксируемое судно 3) буксирный канат 4) плот, буксируемый судном 5) пакля; кудель; очёсы 6) жгут (волокна) to tow off — отбуксировывать (воздушное судно с места стоянки) - crush-cutting tow - glider tow - stretch-breaking tow - towbar tow ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) бечевой 2) буксир 3) буксирный 4) буксировать 5) буксирочный 6) буксовать 7) кудель 8) отбуксировать 9) очески 10) пакля - rope tow - tow chain - tow hook - tow tractor ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) буксировка 2) буксируемое судно; буксируемый плот; буксируемый караван 2. гл. буксировать 3. прил. буксирный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  "Тоу" Противотанковая управляемая ракета (TOW = Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wire-guided) ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. бечева; буксирный канат или трос on tow —- на буксире tow hook —- буксирный крюк 2. буксировка a tow of barges —- буксировка барж to give smb. a tow —- отбуксировать чью-л. машину in tow —- буксируемый; находящийся на попечении; находящийся в числе поклонников, "в свите" to take in tow —- брать на буксир; брать на попечение to take a boat in tow —- взять лодку на буксир to have smb. in tow —- иметь кого-л. на своем попечении, опекать; иметь кого-л. в числе поклонников; водить с собой he always has his family in tow —- вечно он приходит со всеми своими чадами и домочадцами 3. буксируемое судно 4. буксирный караван a tow of three barges —- буксирный караван (состоящий) из трех барж 5. мор. буксировать to tow a boat astern —- вести шлюпку на буксире за кормой 6. буксироваться the ship towed out of port —- судно вышло из порта на буксире 7. тащить (сломанную автомашину) to tow a wrecked car to a garage —- отбуксировать сломанную машину в гараж 8. быть на буксире, идти на буксире (об автомашине); тянуться за кем-л. a couple of ponies towed along behind him —- за ним тянулась (тащилась) парочка пони 9. тянуть, тащить (часто против воли) to tow smb. along —- тащить кого-л. с собой 10. с-х. пакля, кудель; очес; костра ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  truck noun  1) тягач, буксир  2) машина технической помощи, техпомощь; ремонтная летучка TOW Tube launched, Optically tracked, and Wire guided noun противотанковая ракета "тоу", управляемая по проводам с применением оптических средств слежения TOW away буксировать; Any cars parked on this side of the street will be towed away at the owners cost. TOW I  1. noun  1) бечева; буксир(-ный канат, трос)  2) буксировка  3) буксируемое судно  4) буксирный караван to take in tow -  а) брать на буксир;  б) брать на попечение to take a tow - быть на буксире to have smb. in tow -  а) иметь кого-л. на своем попечении, опекать;  б) иметь кого-л. в числе сопровождающих; иметь кого-л. в числе своих поклонников  2. v.  1) тянуть (баржу) на бечеве; тащить (сломанную автомашину)  2) буксировать - tow away II noun; text.  1) очес, кудель  2) пакля ...
Англо-русский словарь


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