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Английский словарь американских идиом - stop


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  UN abbr. Slavery That Oppresses People UN abbr. Stop The Oppressive Politics U.S. gov. abbr. Safety Training Observation Program transport. abbr. Spin Tires On Pavement mil. abbr. Start Talking Over Problems univ. abbr. Students Thinking Of People univ. abbr. Students Together Organizing Peace univ. abbr. Students Thinking Of Peers funny abbr. So Tired Of Paying media abbr. Sequential Thematic Organization Of Publications media abbr. Single Title Order Plan non-prof. org. abbr. Safe Tables Our Priority non-prof. org. abbr. Sanely Tax Our Properties educ. abbr. Student Team Outreach Program educ. abbr. Summer Training And Outreach Program educ. abbr. Students Taking On Prevention educ. abbr. Stop Turning Out Prisoners educ. abbr. Students Thinking Out Problems law abbr. Services Training Officers And Prosecutors law abbr. State Troopers On Patrol law abbr. Sanctions Treatment Opportunity Progress law abbr. Safety Training Observation Program gen. bus. abbr. Sit, Think, Observe, And Plan gen. bus. abbr. Sit Think Observe Plan gen. bus. abbr. Safety Training Observation Program gen. bus. abbr. Services That Offer Protection gen. bus. abbr. Stop Think Observe And Plan ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 v stopped, stopping 1 »NOT MOVE OR CONTINUE« to no longer move or continue to do something, or to make someone or something do this  (Stop, thief! | stop sth)  (Apply pressure to stop the bleeding. | You'll have to stop the generator, it's overheating. | stop doing sth)  (Lena's trying to stop smoking. | stop that/it spoken)  (Stop it! You're hurting me. | stop short (=stop walking suddenly) | stop and do sth)  (People stopped and stared as she screamed at him. | stop (dead)/stop in your tracks (=stop walking or running very suddenly) | stop (sth) at/outside/in etc)  (Jill stopped the car outside the post office. | stop on a dime AmE (=stop very quickly)) 2 »PREVENT« to prevent someone from doing something or something from happening  (I'm leaving home and you can't stop me. | stop sb (from) doing sth)  (Lynn's parents tried to stop her seeing him. | there's nothing to stop sb)  (There's nothing to stop you calling her to say you're sorry.) 3 »END« to end or make something end  (We'll go out when the rain stops. | stop sth)  (The referee stopped the fight.) + a  (The road stops at the farm.) 4 »PAUSE« to pause in an activity, journey etc in order to do something before continuing  (stop for sth)  (We stopped for a drink on the way home. | stop to do sth)  (Maya stopped to tie her shoelace. | stop to think/consider etc)  (It's time we stopped to think about our next move.) 5 stop at nothing (to do sth) to be ready to do anything, even if it is cruel, dishonest, or illegal, to get what you want  (Franca will stop at nothing to get a part in the film.) 6 stop short of (doing) sth to decide that you are not willing to do something wrong or dangerous, though you will do something similar that is less dangerous  (The US government supported sanctions but stopped short of military action.) 7 »STAY« BrE informal to stay somewhere for a short time, especially at someone's house  (I won't sit down - I'm not stopping.) + for  (Can you stop for a chat?) 8 »WALKING/TRAVELLING« to go to someone and speak...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (stops, stopping, stopped) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you have been doing something and then you stop doing it, you no longer do it. He can’t stop thinking about it... I’ve been told to lose weight and stop smoking... I stopped working last year to have a baby... Does either of the parties want to stop the fighting?... She stopped in mid-sentence. VERB: V -ing, V -ing, V -ing, V n, V 2. If you stop something happening, you prevent it from happening or prevent it from continuing. He proposed a new diplomatic initiative to try to stop the war... If the fire isn’t stopped, it could spread to 25,000 acres... I think she really would have liked to stop us seeing each other... Motherhood won’t stop me from pursuing my acting career... VERB: V n, V n, V n -ing, V n from -ing 3. If an activity or process stops, it is no longer happening. The rain had stopped and a star or two was visible over the mountains... The system overheated and filming had to stop... VERB: V, V 4. If something such as machine stops or is stopped, it is no longer moving or working. The clock had stopped at 2.12 a.m... Arnold stopped the engine and got out of the car... VERB: V, V n 5. When a moving person or vehicle stops or is stopped, they no longer move and they remain in the same place. The car failed to stop at an army checkpoint... He stopped and let her catch up with him... The event literally stopped the traffic... = halt VERB: V, V, V n 6. If something that is moving comes to a stop or is brought to a stop, it slows down and no longer moves. People often wrongly open doors before the train has come to a stop... He slowed the car almost to a stop. = halt N-SING: to a N 7. If someone does not stop to think or to explain, they continue with what they are doing without taking any time to think about or explain it. She doesn’t stop to think about what she’s saying... There is something rather strange about all this if one stops to...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: Middle English ~pen, from Old English -~pian, from Vulgar Latin *stuppare to ~ with tow, from Latin stuppa tow, from Greek styppe  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to close by filling or obstructing  b. to hinder or prevent the passage of  c. to get in the way of ; be wounded or killed by easy to ~ a bullet along a lonely…road — Harvey Fergusson  2.  a. to close up or block off (an opening) ; plug  b. to make impassable ; choke, obstruct  c. to cover over or fill in (a hole or crevice)  3.  a. to cause to give up or change a course of action  b. to keep from carrying out a proposed action ; restrain, prevent ~ped them from leaving  4.  a. to cause to cease ; check, suppress  b. discontinue  5.  a. to deduct or withhold (a sum due)  b. to instruct one's bank to refuse (payment) or refuse payment of (as a check)  6.  a. to arrest the progress or motion of ; cause to halt ~ped the car  b. parry  c. to check by means of a weapon ; bring down, kill  d. to beat in a boxing match by a knockout; broadly defeat  e. baffle, nonplus  7. to change the pitch of (as a violin string) by pressing with the finger or (as a wind instrument) by closing one or more finger holes or by thrusting the hand or a mute into the bell  8. to hold an honor card and enough protecting cards to be able to block (a bridge suit) before an opponent can run many tricks  intransitive verb  1.  a. to cease activity or operation his heart ~ped the rain ~ped  b. to come to an end especially suddenly ; close, finish  2.  a. to cease to move on ; halt  b. pause, hesitate  3.  a. to break one's journey ; stay  b. chiefly British remain  c. to make a brief call ; drop in  4. to become choked ; clog the sink often ~s up  • ~pable adjective Synonyms:  ~, cease, quit, discontinue, desist mean to suspend or cause to suspend activity. ~ applies to action or progress or to what is operating or progressing and may imply suddenness or definiteness ~ped at...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (stopped, stopping) 1 tr. a put an end to (motion etc.); completely check the progress or motion or operation of. b effectively hinder or prevent (stopped them playing so loudly). c discontinue (an action or sequence of actions) (stopped playing; stopped my visits). 2 intr. come to an end; cease (supplies suddenly stopped). 3 intr. cease from motion or speaking or action; make a halt or pause (the car stopped at the lights; he stopped in the middle of a sentence; my watch has stopped). 4 tr. cause to cease action; defeat. 5 tr. sl. receive (a blow etc.). 6 intr. remain; stay for a short time. 7 tr. (often foll. by up) block or close up (a hole or leak etc.). 8 tr. not permit or supply as usual; discontinue or withhold (shall stop their wages). 9 tr. (in full stop payment of or on) instruct a bank to withhold payment on (a cheque). 10 tr. Brit. put a filling in (a tooth). 11 tr. obtain the required pitch from (the string of a violin etc.) by pressing at the appropriate point with the finger. 12 tr. plug the upper end of (an organ-pipe), giving a note an octave lower. 13 tr. Bridge be able to prevent opponents from taking all the tricks in (a suit). 14 tr. make (a sound) inaudible. 15 tr. Boxing a parry (a blow). b knock out (an opponent). 16 tr. Hort. pinch back (a plant). 17 tr. make (a clock, factory, etc.) cease working. 18 tr. Brit. provide with punctuation. 19 tr. Naut. make fast; stopper (a cable etc.). --n. 1 the act or an instance of stopping; the state of being stopped (put a stop to; the vehicle was brought to a stop). 2 a place designated for a bus or train etc. to stop. 3 a punctuation mark, esp. = full stop (see FULL(1)). 4 a device for stopping motion at a particular point. 5 a change of pitch effected by stopping a string. 6 a (in an organ) a row of pipes of one character. b a knob etc. operating these. 7 a manner of speech adopted to produce a particular effect. 8 Optics & Photog. = DIAPHRAGM 3. 9 a the effective diameter of a lens. b a device for reducing this. c a unit of change of relative...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) остановка останавливать(ся) 2) задержка задерживать(ся) 3) дорож. знак остановки 4) кнопка "стоп" 5) сигнал "стоп"; команда останова 6) арретир (весов) 7) (жёсткий) упор; ограничитель; стопор; останов 8) стопорный винт 9) дамба 10) охранная область (в транзисторе) 11) кфт. диафрагма диафрагмировать 12) торможение тормозить 13) завершение полёта завершать полёт 14) глушить двигатель 15) ограничитель застёжки-молнии 16) знак препинания - abutment stop - address stop - adjustable stop - adjustable end stop - affixed stop - air-operated stop - alignment positioning stop - aperture stop - automatic stop - automatic train stop - back stop - blade droop stop - bottom stop - buffer stop - bump stop - butting stop - channel stop - coarse pitch stop - conditional stop - continual stops - continuous train stop - corporation stop - crush stop - dead stop - depth stop - depth control stop - diaphragm stop - draft stop - emergency stop - end stop - error stop - feed stop - field stop - fine pitch stop - finger stop - fire stop - fixed stop - flight-fine-pitch stop - floor stop - forced stop - front stop - front draft gear stop - full stop - Geneva stop - glass stop - inductive train stop - inside stop - intermediate stop - intermediate flight stop - intermittent inductive train stop - intermittent train stop - left/right hand margin stop - limit stop - lube stop - margin stop - mechanical limit stop - micrometer stop - nontraffic stop - optional stop - oriented stop - oscillatable stop - oscillation stop - overrunning stop - passing stop - planned stop - program stop - programmed stop - rear draft gear stop - reciprocal stop - regular stop - revenue stop - safety stop - scheduled stop - selvage stop - service train stop - shaft...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  остановка (общественного транспорта) упор; ограничитель; останов стопорный винт; задвижка bench stop bit stop blind stop boom stop fire stop floor stop footing stop glass stop jib safety stops metal water stop meter stop pipe stop water stop wind stop ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) останов; останавливать(ся) 2) кнопка "стоп" 3) диафрагма 4) сигнал или команда останова – aperture stop – automatic stop – emergency stop – finger stop – limit stop – memory stop – oscillation stop – program stop – safety stop – spring stop ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) машиностр. арретир 2) диафрагма 3) замер 4) запираться 5) запорный 6) засаривать 7) застопоривать 8) затыкать 9) ладовый 10) обрываться 11) ограничитель 12) оконечный 13) останавливать 14) останавливаться 15) останавливающий 16) остановка 17) остановок 18) остановочный 19) пауза 20) прекращать 21) прекращение 22) стопорный 23) стоять 24) упор 25) установочный against stop — до упора come to a stop — останавливаться emergency stop valve — клапан экстренного торможения main stop valve — паровая главная задвижка program stop light — индикатор останова программы stop down the lens — диафрагмировать объектив stop the nose-up pitch — прекращать кабрирование warp stop motion — ламельный прибор - Geneva stop - adjustable stop - big stop - bump stop - coarse-pitch stop - enclosed bus stop - fine-pitch stop - finger stop - full stop - highlight stop - limit stop - pedal stop - self-adjusting stop - shadow stop - sliding stop - stop at - uncushioned stop ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  – to stop issuance of patent STOP 1. сущ. 1) остановка, прекращение 2) задержка, приостановка платежа - bring to a stop - come to a stop - stop of cash payment - stop upon these goods 2. гл. 1) останавливать(ся) 2) прекращать(ся) 3) задерживать/приостанавливать платеж 4) удерживать, вычитать - stop a check - stop a cheque - stop payments ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  остановка; задержка; прекращение; останавливать(ся); задерживать; прекращать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. остановка, задержка short stop —- короткая остановка with frequent stops —- с частыми остановками without a stop —- без остановки to bring to a stop —- остановить to be at a stop —- стоять на месте, находиться на мертвой точке to come to a sudden stop —- внезапно остановиться to come to a full stop —- дойти до точки, зайти в тупик; остановиться; прекратиться, подойти к концу 2. пауза, перерыв to bring smb. to a (dead) stop —- заставить кого-л. замолчать her tongue ran on without a stop —- она болтала без умолку 3. прекращение, конец to bring smth. to a stop —- положить конец чему-л. 4. остановка, место остановки (автобуса и т. п.) where is the nearest stop? —- где ближайшая остановка? 5. остановка (автобуса и т. п.) request stop —- остановка по требованию you have five more stops before you get to Sokolniki —- до Сокольников еще пять остановок 6. короткое пребывание, остановка to make a stop in Paris —- ненадолго остановиться в Париже to make an overnight stop at... —- заночевать в... 7. помеха, препятствие a stop to smth. —- помеха чему-л. 8. тех. стопор, запирающее устройство 9. затор, пробка (в движении транспорта) 10. тех. останов; ограничитель; стопор, упор 11. запрещение, вето; эмбарго a stop against smth. —- запрещение чего-л. a stop upon these goods —- эмбарго на эти товары 12. фин. приказ (вкладчика) о приостановке платежа...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  for  а) оставаться на обед; Please stop for dinner, wed love to have you. STOP in  а) заглянуть, зайти; I stopped in at the music teachers house on my way home from school to give her a copy of the music;  б) оставаться в помещении (особ. в школе в качестве наказания); This class will stop in for half an hour after school!;  в) продолжать гореть; Will the fire stop in until we get back? STOP by amer. заглянуть, зайти; Can you stop by for a moment on your way home from the shops? STOP on  а) оставаться (в том же месте, в той же школе и т.п.); Ive been asked to stop on at the firm after the usual age;  б) продолжать работать (об электричестве); Somethings wrong, I switched the radio off but it stopped on! STOP out  а) покрывать предохранительным слоем (при травлении на металле);  б) продолжать забастовку; All the workers are stopping out until their demands are met;  в) вычитать из зарплаты; Income tax is usually stopped out of your wages, so you never get the whole amount. STOP over  а) остановиться в пути, сделать остановку; Are you allowed to stop over without additional cost?  б) проводить ночь не дома; We need two days for the journey, stopping over at a small town on the way. STOP up  а) затыкать, заделывать; My ears frequently get stopped up with wax;  б) coll. не ложиться спать; Please dont stop up for me, I may be in very late. STOP away отсутствовать, пропускать; Many of his former supporters disapproved of his latest opinions, and stopped away (from the meeting) when he came to give a speech. STOP a packet быть раненным или убитым (пулей, осколком и т.п.) STOP  1. noun  1)...
Англо-русский словарь


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