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Английский словарь американских идиом - sight


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  ~1 n 1 »ABILITY TO SEE« the physical ability to see  (Anne's sight is very good for someone of her age. | He has no sight in his right eye, but his left eye is fine. | lose your sight (=become blind))  (She had lost her sight in a riding accident.) 2 »ACT OF SEEING« the act of seeing something  (The crowd was waiting for a sight of the Queen. | at the sight of)  (I always faint at the sight of blood. | catch sight of (=suddenly see or notice something))  (Sheila caught sight of her own face in one of the shop windows. | be hidden from sight)  (The house is hidden from sight behind trees. | on sight (=as soon as you see someone))  (soldiers trained to shoot on sight | Jo disliked him on sight. | at first sight (=the first time you see someone))  (We fell in love with the cottage at first sight.) 3 »THING YOU SEE« a) something you can see, especially something unusual, beautiful etc  (Tourists are a familiar sight in this part of the city. | the rare sight of a fox | all the sounds and sights of the forest | a sorry sight often humorous (=something you see that makes you feel sad or sympathetic))  (Fiona was a sorry sight in her wet clothes.) b) the sights famous or interesting places that tourists visit  (In the afternoon, you'll have a chance to relax or to go and see the sights.)  (- see also sightseeing) 4 in/within sight a) inside the area that you can see  (When we got to the beach, there wasn't a soul in sight. | If you don't lock up the food, they'll eat everything in sight.) b) likely to happen soon  (Six months from the start of the strike, there is still no end in sight. | Peace is now in sight.) 5 out of sight a) outside the area that you can see  (Karen waved until the car was out of sight.) b) old-fashioned slang extremely good  (The skiing there is out of sight!) 6 be within sight of a) to be in the area where you can see something  (We camped within sight of the lake.) b) to be in a position where you will soon be able to get something or achieve something  (Dan was now within sight of the...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (sights, sighting, sighted) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Someone’s sight is their ability to see. My sight is failing, and I can’t see to read any more... I use the sense of sound much more than the sense of sight. = vision N-UNCOUNT: oft poss N 2. The sight of something is the act of seeing it or an occasion on which you see it. I faint at the sight of blood... The sight of him entering a room could flood her with desire. N-SING: the N of n 3. A sight is something that you see. We encountered the pathetic sight of a family packing up its home... N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft adj N 4. If you sight someone or something, you suddenly see them, often briefly. The security forces sighted a group of young men that had crossed the border... VERB: V n 5. The sights of a weapon such as a rifle are the part which helps you aim it more accurately. N-COUNT: usu pl 6. The sights are the places that are interesting to see and that are often visited by tourists. I am going to show you the sights of our wonderful city... N-PLURAL: usu the N, oft N of n 7. You can use a sight to mean a lot. For example, if you say that something is a sight worse than it was before, you are emphasizing that it is much worse than it was. (INFORMAL) She’s been no more difficult than most daughters and a sight better than some I could mention... ADV: ADV adj/adv c darkgreen]emphasis 8. see also sighted, sighting 9. If you catch sight of someone, you suddenly see them, often briefly. Then he caught sight of her small black velvet hat in the crowd... = see PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n 10. If you say that something seems to have certain characteristics at first sight, you mean that it appears to have the features you describe when you first see it but later it is found to be different. It promised to be a more difficult undertaking than might appear at first sight... PHRASE: PHR with cl 11. If something is in sight or within sight, you can see it. If...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English gesiht faculty or act of ~, thing seen; akin to Old High German gisiht ~, Old English seon to see  Date: before 12th century  1. something that is seen ; spectacle  2.  a. a thing regarded as worth seeing — usually used in plural the ~s of the city  b. something ludicrous or disorderly in appearance you look a ~  3.  a. chiefly dialect a great number or quantity  b. a good deal ; lot a far ~ better not by a damn ~  4.  a. the process, power, or function of seeing; specifically the physical sense by which light stimuli received by the eye are interpreted by the brain and constructed into a representation of the position, shape, brightness, and usually color of objects in space  b. mental or spiritual perception  c. mental view; specifically judgment  5.  a. the act of looking at or beholding  b. inspection, perusal  c. view, glimpse  d. an observation to determine direction or position (as by a navigator)  6.  a. a perception of an object by or as if by the eye never lost ~ of the objective  b. the range of vision was nowhere in ~  7. presentation of a note or draft to the maker or draftee ; demand  8.  a. a device that aids the eye in aiming or in finding the direction of an object  b. plural aspiration set her ~s on a medical career  II. verb  Date: 1602  transitive verb  1. to get or catch ~ of several whales were ~ed  2. to look at through or as if through a ~; especially to test for straightness  3. to aim by means of ~s  4.  a. to equip with ~s  b. to adjust the ~s of  intransitive verb  1. to take aim  2. to look carefully in a particular direction  III. adjective  Date: 1801  1. based on recognition or comprehension without previous study ~ translation  2. payable on presentation a ~ draft ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a the faculty of seeing with the eyes (lost his sight). b the act or an instance of seeing; the state of being seen. 2 a thing seen; a display, show, or spectacle (not a pretty sight; a beautiful sight). 3 a way of looking at or considering a thing (in my sight he can do no wrong). 4 a range of space within which a person etc. can see or an object be seen (he's out of sight; they are just coming into sight). 5 (usu. in pl.) noteworthy features of a town, area, etc. (went to see the sights). 6 a a device on a gun or optical instrument used for assisting the precise aim or observation. b the aim or observation so gained (got a sight of him). 7 colloq. a person or thing having a ridiculous, repulsive, or dishevelled appearance (looked a perfect sight). 8 colloq. a great quantity (will cost a sight of money; is a sight better than he was). --v.tr. 1 get sight of, esp. by approaching (they sighted land). 2 observe the presence of (esp. aircraft, animals, etc.) (sighted buffalo). 3 take observations of (a star etc.) with an instrument. 4 a provide (a gun, quadrant, etc.) with sights. b adjust the sight of (a gun etc.). c aim (a gun etc.) with sights. Phrases and idioms at first sight on first glimpse or impression. at (or on) sight as soon as a person or a thing has been seen (plays music at sight; liked him on sight). catch (or lose) sight of begin (or cease) to see or be aware of. get a sight of manage to see; glimpse. have lost sight of no longer know the whereabouts of. in sight 1 visible. 2 near at hand (salvation is in sight). in (or within) sight of so as to see or be seen from. lower one's sights become less ambitious. out of my sight! go at once! out of sight 1 not visible. 2 colloq. excellent; delightful. out of sight out of mind we forget the absent. put out of sight hide, ignore. set one's sights on aim at (set her sights on a directorship). sight for the gods (or sight for sore eyes) a welcome person or thing, esp. a visitor. sight-glass a transparent device for observing the interior of apparatus etc....
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) зрение 2) поле зрения 3) прицел; визир нацеливать; визировать 4) смотровое отверстие 5) геод. отсчёт,взгляд брать отсчёт, определять взгляд 6) мн. ч. очки to read [to take] sight — брать отсчёт, определять взгляд - back sight - collimator sight - drift sight - eye sight - fore sight - intermediate sight - minus sight - night observation sight - plus sight - radar sight ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  геод. полуприём minus sight plus sight ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) взгляд 2) визирный 3) визирование 4) глазок 5) зрение 6) поле зрения 7) прицеливаться 8) свизировать 9) смотровой 10) точка зрения 11) увидеть difference in length of sight — разность взглядов - aiming sight - aperture sight - backward sight - line of sight - long sight - minus sight - out of sight - point of sight - read the sight - remarkable sight - sight angle - sight by cross-hairs - sight check - sight compass - sight on - within sight ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) вид 2) взгляд 3) предъявление • - after sight - at sight - bankers' sight - capital spending sights - days after sight - in sight - payable at sight Syn: presentation 2. гл. 1) предъявлять (тратту) 2) акцептовать (тратту) - sight a bill ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  зрение; видеть out of sight — вне поля зрения – day sight – night sight ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. зрение good sight —- хорошее зрение long sight —- дальнозоркость; дальновидность short sight —- близорукость; недальновидность 2. вид at the sight of —- при виде in my sight —- у меня на глазах on their first sight of land —- как только они увидели землю to know smb. by sight —- знать кого-либо в лицо to catch (a) sight of —- увидеть, заметить to lose sight of —- потерять из виду; забыть, упустить из виду to be lost to sight —- скрыться из виду get out of my sight! —- убирайся с глаз долой!; чтобы я тебя не видел! 3. (быстрый) взгляд to catch (a) sight of —- взглянуть you should have a sight of the letter —- вам надо бы взглянуть на это письмо 4. первый взгляд (также first sight) I know a reporter on sight —- репортера я узнаю с первого взгляда at sight —- с листа to play music at sight —- играть с листа at sight —- сразу же, тут же, без проволочек to shoot at sight —- стрелять без предупреждения at sight —- ком. по предъявлении payable at sight —- с оплатой по предъявлении at first sight —- с первого взгляда love at first sight —- любовь с первого взгляла at first sight —- на первый взгляд sight unseen —- ам. за глаза, заглазно; заранее to buy smth. sight —- купить что-либо, не посмотрев предварительно 5. воззрение; точка зрения, мнение do what is right in your own sight —- поступайте так, как вы считаете правильным to gain favour in smb.'s sight —- завоевать...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) зрение; long sight - дальнозоркость; short/near sight - близорукость; loss of sight - потеря зрения, слепота  2) поле зрения; in sight - в поле зрения; to come in sight - появиться; to put out of sight - прятать; to lose sight of -  а) потерять из виду;  б) забыть, упустить из виду; out of my sight! - прочь с глаз моих!  3) взгляд; рассматривание; at/on sight - при виде; payable at sight - подлежащий оплате по предъявлении; at first sight - с первого взгляда; to know by sight - знать только в лицо; to catch/gain/get sight of - увидеть, заметить  4) вид; зрелище; I hate the sight of him - я видеть его не могу; it was a sight to see - это было настоящее зрелище, это стоило посмотреть  5) coll. смехотворное или неприглядное зрелище; to make a sight of oneself - делать из себя посмешище; you look a perfect sight! - ну и вид у тебя!  6) pl. достопримечательности; to see the sights - осматривать достопримечательности  7) взгляд, точка зрения; do what is right in your own sight - делайте так, как считаете нужным  8) dial. большое количество; to cost a sight of money - стоить больших денег; a long sight better - много лучше  9) прицел; to take a careful sight - тщательно прицелиться  10) pl.; coll. очки  11) geod. маркшейдерский знак out of sight out of mind - с глаз долой - из сердца вон not by a long sight - отнюдь нет sight unseen amer. - за глаза at sight - с листа; to translate at sight переводить...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. gesiht, gesihр "sight," from P.Gmc. *sekh(w)-, stem of O.E. seon (see see). Meaning "device on a firearm to assist in aiming" is from 1588; the verb in this sense is from 1842. Sights "those features of a place that are deemed worth seeing" is from 1632. Sight-seeing is from 1847. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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