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Английский словарь американских идиом - old


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  airport code Old Town, Maine USA adult abbr. Obnoxious Little Dumb-ass file ext. abbr. Backup file media abbr. Orchid List Digest pos. abbr. Old Lady Driver ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~ adj 1 »USED OR NOT NEW« having existed for a long time, or having been used a lot before  (an old winter coat | a big old house | an old saying | My car's older than yours. | be (as) old as the hills (=be extremely old)) 2 »NOT YOUNG« having lived for a long time  (an old man | get/grow old (=become old))  (The next time Robbie saw Mrs Dawes he thought she had grown very old.) 3 the old old people  (taking care of the old and the sick) 4 »AGE« be ... old to be a particular age  (How old are you? | be 5/10/50 etc years old)  (Our house is 60 years old. | 5-year-old/10-year-old etc)  (our 12-year-old son | a six-week-old baby | old enough/too old)  (I think you're old enough to make your own decisions.) 5 old house/job/teacher etc a house, job etc that you had before but do not have now  (I saw Phil with one of my old girlfriends. | My old car didn't have air conditioning.) 6 he's old enough to be your father/she's old enough to be your mother informal used to say that someone is too old for someone to have a sexual relationship with 7 be old beyond your years to be wiser or more sensible than most people your age 8 be old before your time to behave like someone much older than you, because bad things have happened to you 9 sb is old enough to know better used to say that you think someone should have behaved more sensibly 10 an old friend/enemy etc someone you have known for a long time  (Bob's an old friend of mine.) 11 an old head on young shoulders a young person who seems to think and behave like an older person 12 »FAMILIAR« only before noun experienced, heard, or seen many times before; familiar  (It's good to get back into the old routine. | the old familiar faces | the same old (=often used to say that you are bored with something))  (We get tired of hearing the same old stuff.)  (- see also it's the same old story story (10)) 13 old flame someone with whom you used to have a romantic relationship 14 the old country especially AmE the country that you were born in, but that you no longer live in, used...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (older, oldest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Someone who is old has lived for many years and is no longer young. ...a white-haired old man... He was considered too old for the job. = elderly ? young ADJ • The old are people who are old. ...providing a caring response for the needs of the old and the handicapped. N-PLURAL: the N 2. You use old to talk about how many days, weeks, months, or years someone or something has lived or existed. He was abandoned by his father when he was three months old... The paintings in the chapel were perhaps a thousand years old... How old are you now?... Bill was six years older than David. ADJ: amount ADJ, how ADJ, as ADJ as, ADJ-compar than 3. Something that is old has existed for a long time. She loved the big old house... These books must be very old. ...an old Arab proverb. ? new ADJ 4. Something that is old is no longer in good condition because of its age or because it has been used a lot. He took a bunch of keys from the pocket of his old corduroy trousers. ...an old toothbrush. ? new ADJ: usu ADJ n 5. You use old to refer to something that is no longer used, that no longer exists, or that has been replaced by something else. The old road had disappeared under grass and heather... Although the old secret police have been abolished, the military police still exist... ADJ: ADJ n 6. You use old to refer to something that used to belong to you, or to a person or thing that used to have a particular role in your life. I’ll make up the bed in your old room... Mark was heartbroken when Jane returned to her old boyfriend. ADJ: poss ADJ n 7. An old friend, enemy, or rival is someone who has been your friend, enemy, or rival for a long time. I called my old friend John Horner... The French and English are old rivals. ADJ: ADJ n 8. You can use old to express affection when talking to or about someone you know. (INFORMAL) Are you all right, old chap?... Good old Bergen...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English eald; akin to Old High German alt ~, Latin alere to nourish, alescere to grow, altus high, deep  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. dating from the remote past ; ancient ~ traditions  b. persisting from an earlier time an ~ ailment they brought up the same ~ argument  c. of long standing an ~ friend  2.  a. distinguished from an object of the same kind by being of an earlier date many still used the ~ name  b. capitalized belonging to an early period in the development of a language or literature Old Persian  3. having existed for a specified period of time a child three years ~  4. of, relating to, or originating in a past era ~ chronicles record the event  5.  a. advanced in years or age an ~ person  b. showing the characteristics of age looked ~ at 20  6. experienced an ~ trooper speaking of the last war  7. former his ~ students  8.  a. showing the effects of time or use ; worn, aged ~ shoes  b. no longer in use ; discarded ~ rags  c. of a grayish or dusty color ~ mauve  d. tiresome gets ~ fast  9.  a. long familiar same ~ story good ~ Joe  b. — used as an intensive a high ~ time  c. — used to express an attitude of affection or amusement a big ~ dog flex the ~ biceps any ~ time Synonyms:  ~, ancient, venerable, antique, antiquated, archaic, obsolete mean having come into existence or use in the more or less distant past. ~ may apply to either actual or merely relative length of existence ~ houses an ~ sweater of mine. ancient applies to occurrence, existence, or use in or survival from the distant past ancient accounts of dragons. venerable stresses the impressiveness and dignity of great age the family's venerable patriarch. antique applies to what has come down from a former or ancient time collected antique Chippendale furniture. antiquated implies being discredited or outmoded or otherwise inappropriate to the present time antiquated teaching methods. archaic implies having the character or characteristics...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. (older, oldest) (cf. ELDER, ELDEST). 1 a advanced in age; far on in the natural period of existence. b not young or near its beginning. 2 made long ago. 3 long in use. 4 worn or dilapidated or shabby from the passage of time. 5 having the characteristics (experience, feebleness, etc.) of age (the child has an old face). 6 practised, inveterate (an old offender; old in crime). 7 belonging only or chiefly to the past; lingering on; former (old times; haunted by old memories). 8 dating from far back; long established or known; ancient, primeval (old as the hills; old friends; an old family). 9 (appended to a period of time) of age (is four years old; a four-year-old boy; a four-year-old). 10 (of language) as used in former or earliest times. 11 colloq. as a term of affection or casual reference (good old Charlie; old shipmate). 12 the former or first of two or more similar things (our old house; wants his old job back). Phrases and idioms old age the later part of normal life. old-age pension = retirement pension. old-age pensioner a person receiving this. Old Bailey the Central Criminal Court in London. Old Bill Brit. sl. the police. old bird a wary person. old boy 1 a former male pupil of a school. 2 colloq. a an elderly man. b an affectionate form of address to a boy or man. old boy network Brit. colloq. preferment in employment of those from a similar social background, esp. fellow ex-pupils of public schools. the old country the native country of colonists etc. Old English the English language up to c.1150. old-fashioned in or according to a fashion or tastes no longer current; antiquated. Old French the French language of the period before c.1400. old fustic see FUSTIC. old girl 1 a former female pupil of a school. 2 colloq. a an elderly woman. b an affectionate term of address to a girl or woman. Old Glory US the US national flag. old gold a dull brownish-gold colour. old guard the original or past or conservative members of a group. old hand a person with much experience. old hat colloq. something...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) ветхий 2) давний 3) древний 4) залежалый 5) первоначальный 6) прежний 7) старый - old bay ice ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. собир. старики home for the old —- дом для престарелых old and young alike are football fans nowadays —- среди болельщиков футбола есть и старики и молодежь 2. давнее прошлое, древность of old —- в прежнее время, прежде in days of old —- в старину men of old —- люди доброго старого времени heroes of old —- герои прошлого our fanters of old —- наши предки from of old —- исстари, с прежних времен of old three were giants hese —- в давние времена эту местность населяли великаны I have heard it for old —- я об этом слыхивал давным-давно 3. старый old people —- старики old horse —- старая лошадь the oldest member —- старший по возрасту член old land —- с-х. старопахотная почва, старопашка to grow old —- состариться he is old enough to know life better —- в его возрасте пора лучше разбираться в жизни 4. старческий; старообразный old face —- старческое лицо to look old —- выглядеть старым 5. такого-то возраста, стольких-то лет how old is he? —- сколько ему лет? a baby three monts old —- трехмесячный ребенок a seven-year old child —- семилетний ребенок 6. старый, поношенный, обветшалый, потрепанный old house —- старый дом old boots —- поношенная обувь old rags —- старье; старое тряпье old rose —- увядшая роза 7. старинный; давнишний; существующий издавна old customs —- старинные обычаи old family —- старинный род old wine —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  wives tales бабьи сплетни, бабушкины сказки OLD World Старый Свет, восточное полушарие OLD Norse древнескандинавский язык OLD thing голубушка, дружок; OLD  1. adj.; comp. older, elder; superl. oldest, eldest  1) старый; - old people - old age - grow old - get old  2) старческий, старообразный  3) занимавшийся длительное время (чем-л.); опытный; - old hand at smth. - old campaigner  4) при вопросе о возрасте и при указании возраста: how old is he? - сколько ему лет?; he is ten years old - ему десять лет  5) старинный, давнишний; - old family - of the old school  6) бывший, прежний; old boy - бывший ученик школы [ср. тж. old  10) ]  7) старый, выдержанный (о вине)  8) поношенный, потрепанный; обветшалый  9) закоренелый (тж. old in, old at); to have a high old time coll. - хорошо повеселиться  10) придает ласкательное/усилительное значение существительному - old boy - old thing - the old man - the old woman - old lady - an old shoe an old head on young shoulders мудрость не по возрасту - old bones - the old country old man of the sea человек, от которого трудно отделаться; прилипала - Old Harry - Old Gentleman - Old Nick to come the old soldier over smb. coll. поучать кого-л. Syn: aged, elderly, patriarchal, senile, superannuated, venerable see ancient Ant: adolescent, boyish, childish, girlish, juvenescent, young, youthful  2. noun  1) (the old) pl.; collect. старики; old and young - все  2) прошлое; in the days of old - of old - from of old - men of old OLD age старость; OLD Bailey...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. ald (Anglian), eald (W.Saxon), from W.Gmc. *althas, originally a pp. stem of a verb meaning "grow, nourish" (cf. L. alere "nourish"). The usual PIE root is *sen-. First record of old-timer is from 1860. Old-fashioned is from 1596. Old hat (adj.) first recorded 1911. The card game old maid first recorded 1844. Old man "husband, father, boss" is from 1854; old lady "wife, mother" is from 1836. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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