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Английский словарь американских идиом - melt


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English abbreviation dictionary
  ~ v 1 if something solid melts or if heat melts it, it becomes liquid  (The snow was melting in the early morning sun. | melt sth)  (Melt the butter and mix it with the eggs.)  (- compare freeze1 (1), thaw1 (1)) 2 also melt away to gradually disappear  (Julie's anger slowly melted away. | melt into a crowd)  (The man melted into the crowd and I lost sight of him.) 3 to become or make someone become more gentle and sympathetic than before  (your heart melts (=you suddenly feel very sympathetic))  (He shouted at the little girl, but his heart melted when he saw her crying.) 4 melt into if one sound, colour, or feeling melts into another one, it gradually becomes part of it until there is no difference between them  (The sound of the trumpet melted into the strains of the orchestra.) 5 melt in your mouth if food melts in your mouth, it is soft and delicious  (- see also butter wouldn't melt in sbs mouth butter1 (2)) melt sth down phr v to heat a metal object until it becomes a liquid, especially so that you can use the metal again  (People were melting down coins to make earrings and ornaments.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (melts, melting, melted) 1. When a solid substance melts or when you melt it, it changes to a liquid, usually because it has been heated. The snow had melted, but the lake was still frozen solid... Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water... Add the melted butter, molasses, salt, and flour. VERB: V, V n, V-ed 2. If something such as your feelings melt, they suddenly disappear and you no longer feel them. (LITERARY) His anxiety about the outcome melted, to return later but not yet... = dissolve VERB: V • Melt away means the same as melt. When he heard these words, Shinran felt his inner doubts melt away. PHRASAL VERB: V P 3. If a person or thing melts into something such as darkness or a crowd of people, they become difficult to see, for example because they are moving away from you or are the same colour as the background. (LITERARY) The youths dispersed and melted into the darkness... = disappear VERB: V into n 4. If someone or something melts your heart, or if your heart melts, you start to feel love or sympathy towards them. When his lips break into a smile, it is enough to melt any woman’s heart... When a bride walks down the aisle to a stirring tune, even the iciest of hearts melt. VERB: V n, V ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~an; akin to Old Norse ~a to digest, Greek meldein to ~ — more at mollify  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to become altered from a solid to a liquid state usually by heat  2.  a. dissolve, disintegrate the sugar ~ed in the coffee  b. to disappear as if by dissolving her anger ~ed at his kind words  3. obsolete to become subdued or crushed (as by sorrow)  4. to become mild, tender, or gentle  5. to lose outline or distinctness ; blend  transitive verb  1. to reduce from a solid to a liquid state usually by heat  2. to cause to disappear or disperse  3. to make tender or gentle ; soften  • ~ability noun  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 1847  1.  a. material in the molten state  b. the mass ~ed at a single operation or the quantity ~ed during a specified period  2.  a. the action or process of ~ing or the period during which it occurs the spring ~  b. the condition of being ~ed  3. a sandwich with ~ed cheese a tuna ~  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English milte, from Old English; akin to Old High German miltzi spleen  Date: before 12th century spleen; especially spleen of slaughtered animals for use as feed or food ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 intr. become liquefied by heat. 2 tr. change to a liquid condition by heat. 3 tr. (as molten adj.) (usu. of materials that require a great deal of heat to melt them) liquefied by heat (molten lava; molten lead). 4 a intr. & tr. dissolve. b intr. (of food) be easily dissolved in the mouth. 5 intr. a (of a person, feelings, the heart, etc.) be softened as a result of pity, love, etc. b dissolve into tears. 6 tr. soften (a person, feelings, the heart, etc.) (a look to melt a heart of stone). 7 intr. (usu. foll. by into) change or merge imperceptibly into another form or state (night melted into dawn). 8 intr. (often foll. by away) (of a person) leave or disappear unobtrusively (melted into the background; melted away into the crowd). 9 intr. (usu. as melting adj.) (of sound) be soft and liquid (melting chords). 10 intr. colloq. (of a person) suffer extreme heat (I'm melting in this thick jumper). --n. 1 liquid metal etc. 2 an amount melted at any one time. 3 the process or an instance of melting. Phrases and idioms melt away disappear or make disappear by liquefaction. melt down 1 melt (esp. metal articles) in order to reuse the raw material. 2 become liquid and lose structure (cf. MELTDOWN). melting-point the temperature at which any given solid will melt. melting-pot 1 a pot in which metals etc. are melted and mixed. 2 a place where races, theories, etc. are mixed, or an imaginary pool where ideas are mixed together. melt water water formed by the melting of snow and ice, esp. from a glacier. Derivatives meltable adj. & n. melter n. meltingly adv. Etymology: OE meltan, mieltan f. Gmc, rel. to MALT ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) расплав расплавлять(ся) 2) плавка (продукт плавления) плавить(ся); выплавлять(ся); расплавлять(ся) 3) плавка, плавление 4) флюс (для автоматической сварки) 5) сплавлять 6) стекломасса варить стекло 7) пищ. клеровка 8) таять to melt down — расплавлять; переплавлять; to melt out — выплавлять; to melt through — сварка проплавлять на всю толщину - anisotropic melt - crystallizing silicon melt - dead melt - drip melt - eutectic melt - gassy melt - glass melt - hard melt - hot melt - liquid melt - one-shot hot melt - overblown melt - petrurgical melt - pool melt - silicate melt - single-slag melt - two-shot melt - vitreous melt ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) натаивать 2) плавиться 3) проплавление 4) расплав 5) расплавлять 6) растаять 7) стапливать - gassy melt - melt ice ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. расплавленное вещество, расплав 2. плавка 3. таять to melt like wax —- (рас)таять как воск the ice will melt —- лед растает money melts in his hands —- деньги тают в его руках 4. плавить, растапливать to melt butter —- растапливать (перетапливать) масло 5. плавиться, растапливаться butter melts in the sun —- масло растапливается на солнце 6. разг. растворяться sugar melts in the tea —- растворяться в чае a pear that melts in the mouth —- груша, которая тает во рту 7. смягчаться, таять; умиляться to melt with love —- таять от любви to melt with pity —- умиляться от жалости to melt into tears —- растрогаться до слез; расплакаться (от жалости) 8. трогать, смягчать nothing can melt him —- ничто не может тронуть его pity melted her heart —- ее сердце разрывалось от жалости her grief melted our hearts —- ее горе тронуло наши сердца 9. слабеть, уменьшаться, исчезать the sounds melted —- звуки таяли the clouds melted —- тучи рассеялись her anger melted —- ее злость прошла; она перестала злиться 10. незаметно, постепенно переходить (в др. форму, состояние, цвет и т. п.), сливаться to melt into (the) background —- сливаться с фоном; стушеваться in the rainbow one color melts to another —- в радуге один цвет незаметно переходит в другой the sea seemed to melt into (with) the sky —- казалось, (что) море сливается с небом the fog was beginning to melt into rain —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  down расплавлять; растворять; Some of the stolen jewellery can be melted down and sold for the value of the precious metal. MELT out выплавлять MELT away  а) растаять; As the ice melted away, the river rose in dangerous floods.  б) улетучиваться, исчезать из виду MELT  1. v.  1) таять  2) плавить(ся), растапливать(ся)  3) coll. растворять(ся)  4) смягчать(ся); трогать; умиляться  5) слабеть, уменьшаться; исчезать  6) (незаметно) переходить (в другую форму) (into); сливаться; It is difficult to tell where the blue melts into the green.  7) coll. тратить (деньги); разменивать (банковый билет) - melt away - melt down - melt out Syn: dissolve, liquefy, thaw Ant: crystallize, freeze, harden, jell, solidify  2. noun  1) расплавленный металл  2) плавка ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. meltan "become liquid" (class III strong verb; past tense mealt, pp. molten), from P.Gmc. *meltanan; fused with O.E. gemжltan (Anglian), gemyltan (W.Saxon) "make liquid," from P.Gmc. *gamaltijanan, from PIE *meld- "softness." Meltdown is from 1965 in reference to a nuclear reactor; metaphoric extension since early 1980s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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