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Английский словарь американских идиом - make out


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Make out

make out
{v.} 1. To write the facts asked for (as in an application blank or a report form); fill out. * /The teacher made out the report cards and gave them to the students to take home./ * /Mrs. Smith gave the clerk in the store some money and the clerk made out a receipt./ 2. To see, hear, or understand by trying hard. * /It was dark, and we could not make out who was coming along the road./ * /They could not make out what the child had drawn. /* /The book had many hard words and Anne could not make out what the writer meant./ * /Mr. White does many strange things. No one can make him out./ Syn.: FIGURE OUT. 3. {informal} To make someone believe; show; prove. * /Charles and Bob had a fight, and Charles tried to make out that Bob started it./ * /The boy said he did not take the money but the teacher found the money in the boy's desk and it made him out to be a liar./ 4. {informal} Do well enough; succeed. * /John's father wanted John to do well in school and asked the teacher how John was making out./ * /The sick woman could not make out alone in her house, so her friend came and helped her./ 5. To kiss or pet. * /What are Jack and Jill up to? - They're making out on the back porch./
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  1. If you make something out, you manage with difficulty to see or hear it. I could just make out a tall, pale, shadowy figure tramping through the undergrowth... She thought she heard a name. She couldn’t make it out, though... I heard the voices, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V n P, V P wh 2. If you try to make something out, you try to understand it or decide whether or not it is true. I couldn’t make it out at all... It is hard to make out what criteria are used... At first I thought it was an accident, but as far as I can make out, the police consider that’s unlikely. = understand PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V P wh, V P 3. If you make out that something is the case or make something out to be the case, you try to cause people to believe that it is the case. They were trying to make out that I’d actually done it... I don’t think it was as glorious as everybody made it out to be... He was never half as bad as his teachers made out. PHRASAL VERB: V P that, V n P to-inf, V P 4. If you make out a case for something, you try to establish or prove that it is the best thing to do. You could certainly make out a case for this point of view... PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron) for/against n, also V n P 5. When you make out a cheque, receipt, or order form, you write all the necessary information on it. If you would like to send a donation, you can make a cheque out to Feed the Children... I’m going to make out a receipt for you. PHRASAL VERB: V n P to n, V P n (not pron) 6. If two people are making out, they are engaged in sexual activity. (mainly AM INFORMAL) ...pictures of the couple making out in their underwear on the beach. PHRASAL VERB: pl-n V P, also V P with n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   verb  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to complete (as a printed form) by supplying required information ~ a check  2. to find or grasp the meaning of tried to ~ what had really happened  3. to form an opinion or idea about ; conclude how do you make that out  4.  a. to represent as being made them out to be losers  b. to pretend to be true made out that he had never heard of me  5. to represent or delineate in detail  6. to see and identify with difficulty or effort ; discern ~ a ship through the fog  intransitive verb  1. get along, fare how are you making out with the new job  2.  a. to engage in sexual intercourse  b. neck 1 ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  выставлять, выписывать (чек); составлять (документ) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. составлять; выписывать to make out a check —- выписать чек to make out a certificate of death by heart failure —- выдать свидетельство о смерти от инфаркта we shall make out a list of what we need —- мы составим список того, что нам надо (требуется) to make out a grant in smb.'s name —- составить дарственную на чье-л. имя 2. разобрать; увидеть; различить to make out a dim figure through the mist —- различить неясную фигуру сквозь туман (в тумане) to make out inscription —- разобрать надпись 3. понять, разобраться to make out the meaning of a word —- понять значение слова as far as I can make out —- насколько я понимаю I can't make out what he says —- я не могу сообразить (разобрать, понять), что он хочет сказать 4. дать понять, делать вид he makes out that he is badly threated —- он представляет дело так, будто с ним плохо обращаются he made me out to be a liar —- он повернул дело так, что я оказался лжецом 5. доказывать the plaintiff couldn't make out his case —- истец не мог доказать справедливость своего иска 6. ам. разг. жить, существовать how is he making out? —- как он живет?, как у него идут дела? 7. справляться (с чем-л.); преуспевать how did they make out with the problem? —- как они справились с этой задачей? how are you making out in your new job? —- как у тебя идут дела на новом месте? ...
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