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Английский словарь американских идиом - lock


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  comp. assem. abbr. Lock the Bus NASDAQ abbr. Saf T Lok, Inc. (delisted) ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »FASTEN SOMETHING« to fasten something with a lock or be fastened with a lock  (Did you lock the car? I can't get the door to lock.) 2 »PUT STH IN A SAFE PLACE« T always + adv/prep to put something in a safe place and lock the door, lid etc  (lock sth up/away/in etc)  (Joe locked the money in the safe.) 3 be locked together/in an embrace if two people are locked together or locked in an embrace, they are holding each other very tightly  (The fighters were locked together. | lovers locked in a deep embrace) 4 lock arms to join your arms tightly together with someone else  (The police locked arms to form a barrier against the protesters.) 5 be locked in battle/combat/dispute etc to be involved in a serious argument, fight etc with someone  (We found ourselves locked in a costly legal battle.) 6 lock horns with sb (over sth) to argue or fight with someone 7 »WHEEL/PART OF A MACHINE« to become fixed in one position and impossible to move  (The wheels suddenly locked.) - lockable adj lock sb/sth away phr v 1 to put something in a safe place and lock the door, lid etc  (We locked all our valuables away before we went on vacation.) 2 to put someone in prison lock sb in phr v to prevent someone from leaving a room or building by locking the door  (Help me, somebody - I'm locked in.) lock onto sth phr v if a missile locks onto a target, it finds it and follows it closely lock sb out phr v 1 to keep someone out of a place by locking the door  (Oh no, I've locked myself out!) 2 if employers lock workers out, they do not let them enter their place of work until they accept the employers' conditions for settling a disagreement  (- see also lockout) lock up phr v 1 to make a building safe by locking the doors, especially at night  (lock sth up)  (Don't forget to lock up the warehouse.) 2 T lock something up) to put something in a safe place and lock its door, lid etc 3 T lock someone up) informal a) to put someone in prison  (Rapists should be locked up.) b) often humorous to put someone in a hospital for people who...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (locks, locking, locked) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. When you lock something such as a door, drawer, or case, you fasten it, usually with a key, so that other people cannot open it. Are you sure you locked the front door?... Wolfgang moved along the corridor towards the locked door at the end. VERB: V n, V-ed 2. The lock on something such as a door or a drawer is the device which is used to keep it shut and prevent other people from opening it. Locks are opened with a key. At that moment he heard Gill’s key turning in the lock of the door... An intruder forced open a lock on French windows at the house. N-COUNT 3. If you lock something or someone in a place, room, or container, you put them there and fasten the lock. Her maid locked the case in the safe... They beat them up and locked them in a cell. VERB: V n in/into n, V n in/into n 4. If you lock something in a particular position or if it lock there, it is held or fitted firmly in that position. He leaned back in the swivel chair and locked his fingers behind his head... There was a whine of hydraulics as the undercarriage locked into position. VERB: V n prep/adv, V prep/adv 5. On a canal or river, a lock is a place where walls have been built with gates at each end so that boats can move to a higher or lower section of the canal or river, by gradually changing the water level inside the gates. N-COUNT 6. A lock of hair is a small bunch of hairs on your head that grow together and curl or curve in the same direction. She brushed a lock of hair off his forehead. N-COUNT: usu N of n 7. lock, stock, and barrel: see barrel ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English lok, from Old English locc; akin to Old High German loc ~, Greek lygos withe, Latin luxus dislocated  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a tuft, tress, or ringlet of hair  b. plural the hair of the head  2. a cohering bunch (as of wool, cotton, or flax) ; tuft  3. plural dread~ 2  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English lok, from Old English loc; akin to Old High German loh enclosure and perhaps to Old English locc ~ of hair  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a fastening (as for a door) operated by a key or a combination  b. the mechanism for exploding the charge or cartridge of a firearm  2.  a. an enclosure (as in a canal) with gates at each end used in raising or lowering boats as they pass from level to level  b. air ~  3.  a. a ~ing or fastening together  b. an intricate mass of objects impeding each other (as in a traffic jam)  c. a hold in wrestling secured on one part of the body; broadly a controlling hold his paper…had a ~ on a large part of the state — John Corry  4. one that is assured of success or favorable outcome  III. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to fasten the ~ of  b. to make fast with or as if with a ~ ~ up the house  2.  a. to fasten in or out or to make secure or inaccessible by or as if by means of ~s ~ed himself away from the curious world ~ed her husband out  b. to fix in a particular situation or method of operation a team firmly ~ed in last place  3.  a. to make fast, motionless, or inflexible especially by the interlacing or inter~ing of parts ~ wheels ~ a knee  b. to hold in a close embrace  c. to grapple in combat; also to bind closely administration and students were ~ed in conflict  4. to invest (capital) without assurance of easy convertibility into money  5. to move or permit to pass (as a ship) by raising or lowering in a ~  intransitive verb  1.  a. to become ~ed  b. to be capable of being ~ed  2. interlace, inter~  3. to go or pass by means of a ~ (as in a canal)  •...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a mechanism for fastening a door, lid, etc., with a bolt that requires a key of a particular shape, or a combination of movements (see combination lock), to work it. 2 a confined section of a canal or river where the level can be changed for raising and lowering boats between adjacent sections by the use of gates and sluices. 3 a the turning of the front wheels of a vehicle to change its direction of motion. b (in full full lock) the maximum extent of this. 4 an interlocked or jammed state. 5 Wrestling a hold that keeps an opponent's limb fixed. 6 (in full lock forward) Rugby Football a player in the second row of a scrum. 7 an appliance to keep a wheel from revolving or slewing. 8 a mechanism for exploding the charge of a gun. 9 = airlock 2. --v. 1 a tr. fasten with a lock. b tr. (foll. by up) shut and secure (esp. a building) by locking. c intr. (of a door, window, box, etc.) have the means of being locked. 2 tr. (foll. by up, in, into) enclose (a person or thing) by locking or as if by locking. 3 tr. (often foll. by up, away) store or allocate inaccessibly (capital locked up in land). 4 tr. (foll. by in) hold fast (in sleep or enchantment etc.). 5 tr. (usu. in passive) (of land, hills, etc.) enclose. 6 tr. & intr. make or become rigidly fixed or immovable. 7 intr. & tr. become or cause to become jammed or caught. 8 tr. (often in passive; foll. by in) entangle in an embrace or struggle. 9 tr. provide (a canal etc.) with locks. 10 tr. (foll. by up, down) convey (a boat) through a lock. 11 intr. go through a lock on a canal etc. Phrases and idioms lock-keeper a keeper of a lock on a river or canal. lock-knit knitted with an interlocking stitch. lock-nut Mech. a nut screwed down on another to keep it tight. lock on to locate or cause to locate by radar etc. and then track. lock out 1 keep (a person) out by locking the door. 2 (of an employer) submit (employees) to a lockout. lock step marching with each person as close as possible to the one in front. lock stitch a stitch made by a sewing-machine by firmly locking...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) замок; затвор; запор замыкать; затворять; запирать 2) фиксатор; стопор; защёлка фиксировать; стопорить; защёлкивать 3) фиксация 4) блокировка блокировать 5) шлюз 6) судоходный шлюз шлюзовать 7) соединять в замок 8) стопорный винт; чека 9) затор, пробка 10) синхронизация синхронизировать; входить в синхронизм 11) захватывать (цель, частоту) 12) петлеобразующая система (плосковязальной машины) 13) ж.-д. замыкатель (стрелочного привода) to lock down — возд. ставить (шасси) на замок выпущенного положения; to lock in gear — вводить в зацепление; to lock in synchronism — синхронизировать; входить в синхронизм; to lock on — захватывать (цель, частоту), to lock overcenter — запираться (о складывающемся подкосе шасси); to release the landing gear lock — снимать шасси с замка; to lock up — возд. ставить на замок убранного положения - access lock - additions lock - air lock - airstairs lock - antiburst lock - antitheft ignition lock - automatic facing-point lock - autopilot Mach lock - ball-point lock - ball lock - bayonet lock - blind lock - block lock - bottom lock - bulk charge lock - cable wedge lock - cam lock - canal lock - capitals lock - carriage lock - carrier lock - casting lock - catch lock - center lock - childproof lock - clip lock - color lock - combination lock - control lock - control panel lock - coupler lock - crimped lock - cylinder lock - dead lock - deep-water lock - delay lock - derailer lock - differential lock - docking ring lock - door lock - double-cone lock - double...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  замок шлюз блокирующее устройство фальц Acme lock air lock axle lock ball lock basin lock bit-key lock bored lock button lock canal lock check lock childproof lock continuous snap lock cylinder lock digging locks double lock electric lock entrance lock fish lock glass door lock guard lock instant lock keyless lock man lock materials lock medical lock mortise lock muck lock navigation lock Pittsburg lock pocket lock rim lock sea lock seam lock shaft lock slewing lock snap lock street-door's lock swing lock thrift lock tide lock turn button lock vapor lock wedge lock wing-key lock Yale lock ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) замок; затвор 2) синхронизация – access lock – auto lock – automatic lock – bayonet lock – block lock – child lock – crimped lock – cylinder lock – delay lock – electrical lock – electromagnetic lock – electronic lock – electronic-code lock – generator lock – holding lock – horizontal lock – instant lock – key lock – magnetic lock – memory lock – outgoing call lock – phase lock – spin lock – spring lock – trunk line lock – vertical lock – voice lock ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) машиностр. арретир 2) блокировать 3) законтривать 4) замковый 5) замок 6) замок вязальной машины 7) замок-задвижка 8) ж.-д.замычка 9) запирание 10) затвор 11) защелка 12) контрить 13) контровочный 14) локон 15) предохранитель 16) стопорить 17) шлюз 18) шлюзовать azimuth stowing lock — стопор походного положения азимутальный check lock lever — ж.-д. рукоятка междупостового замыкания door lock striker — фиксатор двери downstream end of lock — нижняя голова шлюза draw-bridge rail lock — запор рельсов разводного моста electric drawbridge lock — ж.-д. электрозамок разводного моста electric indication lock — ж.-д. электрозащелка известительная, электрозащелка контрольная electric switch-lever lock — электрозащелка стрелочная elevation stowing lock — тормоз хранения наклона, тормоз хранения угла места facing point lock — ж.-д. замок ригельный оконечный friction prop lock — замок стойки трения landing gear lock — замок шасси lock guard gate — аварийные шлюзные ворота lock with nuts — закреплять гайками steering head lock — замок рулевой колонки upstream end of lock — верхняя голова шлюза valve lock ring — замок клапана - Yale lock - above lock - actuator lock - air lock - azimuth lock - bolt lock - bottom of lock - built-in lock - burst-proof lock - combination lock - control-surface lock - dial lock - differential lock - double-lift lock - electric lock - fish-passing lock - flight lock - gear lock - hasp lock - head lock -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  пучок (волос); клок (шерсти) – genital lock ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. локон 2. волосы 3. пучок волос 4. клок (шерсти, ваты) 5. замок; запор; затвор trick lock —- замок с секретом 6. замок, затвор (в оружии) 7. шлюз; плотина; перемычка 8. захват "на ключ" (прием в борьбе) double arm lock —- захват двух рук front waist lock —- захват пояса спереди 9. мертвая хватка; тиски he had a lock on a large part of the state —- он держал в своих руках (в тисках) значительную часть всего штата 10. затор (в уличном движении) 11. тех. стопор; чека lock mechanism —- стопорный механизм lock washer —- пружинящая шайба 12. тех. воздушная пробка; воздушный шлюз 13. сл. укрыватель краденого 14. ам. сл. полная уверенность; верняк Id: to keep a lock upon one's lips —- замкнуть уста; хранить на устах печать молчания Id: under lock and key —- под замком, под надежным запором Id: lock, stock and barrel —- все целиком (полностью), все вместе взятое 15. запирать на замок to lock a gate —- запереть калитку to lock on the inside —- запереть изнутри to lock the wheels of the car to prevent it from being stolen —- блокировать колеса машины, чтобы ее не угнали 16. запираться to lock easily —- легко запираться does this trunk lock? —- этот сундук запирается?; у этого сундука есть замок? 17. сжимать, стискивать to lock smb. in one's arms —- заключить кого-л. в объятия; сжать кого-л. в объятиях his jaws were tightly locked —- он...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  up  а) запирать; Although the jewels were locked up in a strongbox, the thieves stole them without any difficulty.  б) сажать в тюрьму; заключать в сумасшедший дом; The dangerous criminals have all been locked up.  в) вложить капитал в трудно реализуемые бумаги; All his capital is locked up in foreign companies.  г) утаивать (факты, сведения); скрывать (чувства) If you lock up your anger it will only cause trouble later. LOCK I noun  1) локон; pl. волосы  2) пучок (волос), клок (шерсти), охапка (сена) II  1. noun  1) замок (тж. в оружии); запор; затвор; щеколда; under lock and key - запертый, под замком  2) tech. стопор, чека  3) затор (в уличном движении)  4) шлюз; плотина; гать  5) венерологическая лечебница (тж. Lock Hospital) lock, stock and barrel coll. - целиком, полностью; все вместе взятое, гуртом  2. v.  1) запирать(ся) на замок  2) сжимать (в объятиях, в борьбе); стискивать (зубы)  3) тормозить; затормозиться  4) соединять, сплетать (пальцы, руки)  5) шлюзовать; to lock up (down) - проводить судно по шлюзам вверх (вниз) по реке, каналу - lock away - lock in - lock out - lock up to lock the stable door after the horse has been stolen - хватиться слишком поздно LOCK away  а) спрятать под замок, запереть; Although the jewels were locked away (in a strongbox), the thieves stole them without any difficulty.  б) держать секрет; She locked her memories of him away in her heart. LOCK Hospital = lock II  1.  5) LOCK house сторожка при шлюзе LOCK in...
Англо-русский словарь


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