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Английский словарь американских идиом - go on


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Go on

go on
{v.} 1a. To continue; not stop. * /After he was hit by the ball, Billy quit pitching and went home, but the game went on./ * /The TV picture began to jump, and it went on like that until Father turned a knob./ * /I asked Jane a question but she went on reading and didn't answer./ * /Mother told Jim to stop, but he went on hitting Susan./ Syn.: KEEP ON. 1b. To continue after a pause; begin with the next thing. * /"Go on! I'm listening," said Mother./ * /The teacher pointed to the map, and went on, "But the land that Columbus came to was not India."/ - Often used before an infinitive. * /Father said Mother had gone to the hospital, and went on to say that Grandmother was coming to take care of us./ 1c. (Of time:) To pass. * /As time went on, Mary began to wonder if John had forgotten their date./ * /The years went on, and Betty's classmates became gray-haired men and women./ 2. To happen. * /Mr. Scott heard the noise and went to see what was going on in the hall./ * /The teacher knows what goes on when she leaves the room./ Syn.: TAKE PLACE. 3. To talk for too long, often angrily. * /We thought Jane would never finish going on about the amount of homework she had./ 4. To fit on; be able to be worn. * /My little brother's coat wouldn't go on me. It was too small./ 5. Stop trying to fool me; I don't believe you. - Used as a command, sometimes with "with". * /When Father told Mother she was the prettiest girl in the world. Mother just said, "Oh, go on, Charles."/ * /"Aunt May, your picture is in the paper." "Go on with you, boy!"/
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  1. If you go on doing something, or go on with an activity, you continue to do it. Unemployment is likely to go on rising this year... I’m all right here. Go on with your work... I don’t want to leave, but I can’t go on. = carry on PHRASAL VERB: V P -ing, V P with n, V P 2. If something is going on, it is happening. I don’t know what’s going on. PHRASAL VERB: V P 3. If a process or institution goes on, it continues to happen or exist. The population failed to understand the necessity for the war to go on. PHRASAL VERB: V P 4. If you say that a period of time goes on, you mean that it passes. Renewable energy will become progressively more important as time goes on. = go by PHRASAL VERB: V P 5. If you go on to do something, you do it after you have done something else. Alliss retired from golf in 1969 and went on to become a successful broadcaster... PHRASAL VERB: V P to-inf 6. If you go on to a place, you go to it from the place that you have reached. He goes on to Holland tomorrow. PHRASAL VERB: V P prep/adv 7. If you go on, you continue saying something or talking about something. Meer cleared his throat several times before he went on... ‘Go on,’ Chee said. ‘I’m interested.’ PHRASAL VERB: V P, V P with quote 8. If you go on about something, or in British English go on at someone, you continue talking about the same thing, often in an annoying way. (INFORMAL) Expectations have been raised with the Government going on about choice and market forces... She’s always going on at me to have a baby. PHRASAL VERB: V P about n, V P at n to-inf, also V P at n 9. You say ‘Go on’ to someone to persuade or encourage them to do something. (INFORMAL) Go on, it’s fun. PHRASAL VERB: only imper, V P 10. If you talk about the information you have to go on, you mean the information you have available to base an opinion or judgment on. But you have to go on the facts... There’s not much to go on. PHRASAL VERB: V P n, V P n 11. If an...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   intransitive verb  Date: 15th century  1.  a. to continue on or as if on a journey life goes on went on to greater things  b. to keep on ; continue went on smoking  c. proceed went on to win the election  2. to take place ; happen what's going on  3. to talk especially in an effusive manner the way people ~ about their ancestors — Hamilton Basso ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. идти дальше; продолжать путь 2. продолжать go on, I am listening —- продолжайте, я слушаю go on with your work —- продолжайте работать they went on in their investigation —- они продолжали расследование the war went on until 1945 —- война продолжалась (длилась, шла) до 1945 года he went on to say... —- затем он сказал, что... 3. (to) разг. переходить (к чему-л.) to go on to the next item on the agenda —- перейти к следующему вопросу повестки дня 4. проходить (о времени) as time went on, things began to change —- со временем все изменилось (начали происходить перемены) as the day went on, it became hotter —- днем стало жарче 5. происходить, случаться what is going on here? —- что здесь происходит? there is a wedding going on —- идет свадьба 6. разг. вести себя (часто дурно) he's foolish to go on in this manner —- глупо с его стороны так себя вести if he goes on like this he'll lose his job —- если он будет так себя вести, его выгонят с работы to judge by the way he's going on, he's very nervous about something —- судя по его поведению, он из-за чего-то нервничает she goes on terribly when she is angry —- когда она сердится, лучше из дому беги 7. разг. много говорить she goes on so! —- она такая болтливая 8. (at) разг. набрасываться (на кого-л.), бранить (кого-л.) she is always going on at her husband —- она без конца пилит своего мужа 9. включать(ся) the heating goes on later —- отопление включают...
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