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Английский словарь американских идиом - get


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  time zone abbr. Greenwich Electronic Time airport code Geraldton, Western Australia, Australia univ. abbr. Graduate Employment And Training univ. abbr. Graduation Employment And Transfer educ. abbr. Goodwill And Education Together NYSE symbols Gaylord Entertainment Company st. exc. abbr. Global Electronic Trading ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~ v past tense got, past participle got especially BrE gotten especially AmE present participle getting »RECEIVE/OBTAIN« 1 »RECEIVE« T not in passive to be given or receive something  (Sharon always seems to get loads of mail. | Why do I always get socks for Christmas? | get sth from/off sb)  (Jordan says he got the drugs off a friend. | get a shock/surprise/thrill etc)  (He'll get a real shock when he sees the bill.) 2 »OBTAIN« to obtain something  (Where did you get that painting? | There's no place in town you can get a good haircut. | get sb sth)  (He's just popped out to get me some stamps. | get sth for sb)  (Gerrard was sent to get help for his sister.)  (- see obtain) 3 »GET BY BUYING« to buy something  (That cat-basket? I got it on Harlow Market. | get sth for $20/-100/50p etc)  (You can't get a decent CD player for under $500. | get sth free/cheap etc)  (Dee gets all her clothes cheap from charity shops. | get sb sth)  (While you're out, could you get me a newspaper? | get sth for sb)  (She got a ticket for Bobby as well.) 4 »GET MONEY BY SELLING« to receive a particular amount of money for something when you sell it  (How much are you expecting to get for your house? | get -10/50p/$100 etc for)  (Ian got $500 for that old car of his.) 5 »GET AN ILLNESS« T not in passive to catch an illness, especially one that is not very serious  (It's fairly unusual for adults to get measles. | get sth off/from)  (He seems to have got a cold off one of the kids at playgroup.) 6 »JOB« to be given or offered a new job or position, especially because of your own efforts  (Why don't you get yourself a job instead of lazing around all day? | get promotion (=be offered a more important, better paid job than the one you are already doing))  (Some people have been here for years and have never got promotion.) 7 »EARN MONEY« T not in passive to be earning a particular amount of money  (How much do you think Stewart gets? | get -3,000/-5/$100,000 etc a day/hour/year etc)  (Tracey gets five dollars an hour canning...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  I. [c red]CHANGING, CAUSING, MOVING, OR REACHING (gets, getting, got, or gotten) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: In most of its uses 'get' is a fairly informal word. 'Gotten' is an American form of the past tense and past participle. 1. You use get with adjectives to mean ‘become’. For example, if someone gets cold, they become cold, and if they get angry, they become angry. The boys were getting bored... There’s no point in getting upset... From here on, it can only get better. V-LINK: V adj, V adj, V adj 2. Get is used with expressions referring to states or situations. For example, to get into trouble means to start being in trouble. Half the pleasure of an evening out is getting ready... Perhaps I shouldn’t say that–I might get into trouble... How did we get into this recession, and what can we do to get out of it? V-LINK: V adj, V prep/adv, V prep/adv 3. To get someone or something into a particular state or situation means to cause them to be in it. I don’t know if I can get it clean... What got me interested was looking at an old New York Times... Brian will get them out of trouble. VERB: V n adj, V n adj, V n prep 4. If you get someone to do something, you cause them to do it by asking, persuading, or telling them to do it. ...a long campaign to get US politicians to take the Aids epidemic more seriously... How did you get him to pose for this picture? = persuade VERB: V n to-inf, V n to-inf 5. If you get something done, you cause it to be done. I might benefit from getting my teeth fixed... It was best to get things done quickly. VERB: V n -ed, V n -ed 6. To get somewhere means to move there. I got off the bed and opened the door... I heard David yelling and telling them to get back. VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv 7. When you get to a place, you arrive there. Generally I get to work at 9.30am... It was dark by the time she got home. VERB: V to n, V adv 8. To get something or someone into a place...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (got; got or gotten; ~ting)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse ~a to ~, be~; akin to Old English bigietan to be~, Latin prehendere to seize, grasp, Greek chandanein to hold, contain  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to gain possession of  b. to receive as a return ; earn he got a bad reputation for carelessness  2.  a. to obtain by concession or entreaty ~ your mother's permission to go  b. to become affected by (a disease or bodily condition) ; catch got measles from his sister  3.  a. to seek out and obtain hoped to ~ dinner at the inn  b. to obtain and bring where wanted or needed ~ a pencil from the desk  4. be~  5.  a. to cause to come or go quickly got his luggage through customs  b. to cause to move ~ it out of the house  c. to cause to be in a certain position or condition got his feet wet  d. to make ready ; prepare ~ breakfast  6.  a. to be subjected to got a bad fall  b. to receive by way of punishment  c. to suffer a specified injury to got my nose broken  7.  a. to achieve as a result of military activity  b. to obtain or receive by way of benefit or advantage he got little for his trouble ~ the better of an enemy  8.  a. seize  b. overcome  c. to have an emotional effect on the final scene always ~s me  d. irritate the delays were starting to ~ her  e. puzzle  f. to take vengeance on; specifically kill  g. hit  9. to prevail on ; cause finally got them to tidy up their room  10.  a. have — used in the present perfect tense form with present meaning I've got no money  b. to have as an obligation or necessity — used in the present perfect tense form with present meaning you have got to come  11.  a. to find out by calculation ~ the answer to a problem  b. memorize got the verse by heart  c. hear  d. understand he got the joke  12. to establish communication with  13. to put out in baseball  14. deliver 6b the car ~s 20 miles to the gallon  intransitive verb  1.  a. to succeed in coming...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. (getting; past got; past part. got or US (and in comb.) gotten) 1 tr. come into the possession of; receive or earn (get a job; got {pound}200 a week; got first prize). 2 tr. fetch, obtain, procure, purchase (get my book for me; got a new car). 3 tr. go to reach or catch (a bus, train, etc.). 4 tr. prepare (a meal etc.). 5 intr. & tr. reach or cause to reach a certain state or condition; become or cause to become (get rich; get one's feet wet; get to be famous; got them ready; got him into trouble; cannot get the key into the lock). 6 tr. obtain as a result of calculation. 7 tr. contract (a disease etc.). 8 tr. establish or be in communication with via telephone or radio; receive (a radio signal). 9 tr. experience or suffer; have inflicted on one; receive as one's lot or penalty (got four years in prison). 10 a tr. succeed in bringing, placing, etc. (get it round the corner; get it on to the agenda; flattery will get you nowhere). b intr. & tr. succeed or cause to succeed in coming or going (will get you there somehow; got absolutely nowhere). 11 tr. (prec. by have) a possess (have not got a penny). b (foll. by to + infin.) be bound or obliged (have got to see you). 12 tr. (foll. by to + infin.) induce; prevail upon (got them to help me). 13 tr. colloq. understand (a person or an argument) (have you got that?; I get your point; do you get me?). 14 tr. colloq. inflict punishment or retribution on, esp. in retaliation (I'll get you for that). 15 tr. colloq. a annoy. b move; affect emotionally. c attract, obsess. d amuse. 16 tr. (foll. by to + infin.) develop an inclination as specified (am getting to like it). 17 intr. (foll. by verbal noun) begin (get going). 18 tr. (esp. in past or perfect) catch in an argument; corner, puzzle. 19 tr. establish (an idea etc.) in one's mind. 20 intr. sl. be off; go away. 21 tr. archaic beget. 22 tr. archaic learn; acquire (knowledge) by study. --n. 1 a an act of begetting (of animals). b an offspring (of animals). 2 sl. a fool or idiot. Phrases and idioms get about (or around) 1...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) получать; извлекать 2) прочитать (запись из файла) to get out — выдавать (на гора), извлекать (уголь, руду) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) вычислять 2) делаться 3) допроситься 4) извлекать 5) получать 6) попадаться 7) устанавливать get off the line — освобождать линию связи get on for radio contact — выходить на связь get out of plumb — отклонятся от отвесной линии - get high - get off - get on - get out - get over - get ready - get rid of - get rid - get sluggish - get stuck at ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  – the problem gets him – to get across – to get a patent – to get around the patent – to get down to business – to get out – to get over the difficulties – to get right – to get round smb – to get round to – to get through – to get together – to get wrong GET гл. 1) получать 2) доставать, добывать 3) зарабатывать - get into debts - get one's liberty - get over the difficulty - get the advantage over smb. - get wages ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) доставать, добывать (напр. пищу) 2) рожать, производить на свет (о животных) 3) потомство (одного самца-производителя) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. приплод, потомство (у животных) 2. диал. заработок, получка 3. диал. прибыль 4. доставать; добывать to get tickets —- достать билеты he got the book for me —- он мне достал эту книгу he got me a job —- он нашел мне работу he got himself a wife —- он нашел себе жену to get fish —- ловить рыбу where can I get something to eat? —- где мне раздобыть чего-нибудь поесть? 5. где здесь можно поесть (пообедать и т. п.) the thing is not to be got —- это (эту вещь) достать невозможно 6. доставать и приносить get me some ink —- принеси мне чернил can I get you a drink? —- не хотите ли вы выпить? Я принесу don't answer the phone, I'll get it —- не подходи к телефону, я возьму трубку 7. добиваться, получать to get fame —- добиваться известности to get the name (of) —- завоевать (заслужить) репутацию his inventions got him fame —- его изобретения принесли ему известность to get one's liberty —- добиться свободы, завоевать свободу to get something for nothing —- получить что-нибудь просто так (не дав ничего взамен) to get promotion —- получить повышение to get one's wish —- получить то, что желаешь he got support from the crowd —- толпа его поддержала to get an (the) advantage (the start) of (over) smb. —- получить преимущество (добиться преимущества) над кем-л. you'll get nothing by it —- вам это ничего не даст to get permission from smb. to do smth., to get leave of (from) smb. to do smth. —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  off  а) сойти, слезть That grass is newly seeded, please get off!  б) снимать (платье)  в) отбывать, отправляться We must be getting off now. We have to get off early tomorrow.  г) начинать he got off to a flying start он начал блестяще  д) убежать; спастись, отделаться (от наказания и т.п.) The man went to prison but the two boys got off (with a warning).  е) откалывать (шутки) I got a good one off today.  ж) aeron. отрываться от земли, подниматься  з) coll. знакомиться  и) чистить Theres a dirty mark on the wall that I cant get off. к) спасать (с тонущего корабля) The last three sailors were got off just before the ship sank. л) избежать ранения Seven people in the bus were killed but the train passengers got off lightly. м) засыпать I had a bad night, 1 went to bed early enough, but for some reason I couldnt get off (to sleep). н) учить Ive got this poem off by heart already. о) кончать работу Ill meet you after work - what time do you get off? I get off at  5.30. п) быть в наркотическом опьянении Why didnt you get off? You cant have taken enough of the drug. He gets off on loud music, but I dont. GET nowhere ничего не достичь GET nosey пронюхать; GET mad рассердиться; выйти из себя; dont be mad at me не сердитесь на меня GET lay-off pay получить расчет GET it  а) получить нагоняй  б) открывать дверь, отвечать на телефонный звонок  в) понимать GET into trouble попасть в беду GET into the band-wagon примкнуть к движению, имеющему шансы на успех; примазаться к победившей партии или популярному...
Англо-русский словарь
  - c.1200, from O.N. geta "to obtain, reach," from P.Gmc. *getan, from PIE base *ghed- "sieze." Meaning "to seize mentally, grasp" is from 1892. Vestiges of O.E. cognate gietan remain in compounds like beget and forget, and obliquely in pp. gotten and original pt. gat. Slang get over "recover, rebound" is from 1687. Getaway "escape" is from 1890. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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