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Английский словарь американских идиом - certain


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  ~1 determiner, pron 1 a certain thing, person, place etc is a particular thing, person etc that you are not naming or describing exactly  (You can get cheaper fares on certain days of the year. | There are certain things I just can't discuss with my mother. | certain of formal (=several particular people or things in a group))  (Certain of the older members objected strongly to the proposal.) 2 some, but not a lot  (a certain amount of)  (a certain amount of flexibility | to a certain extent/degree (=in a limited way, but not completely))  (I agree with you to a certain extent but there are other factors to consider.) 3 a certain a) enough of a particular quality to be noticed  (There's a certain prestige about going to a private school.) b) formal used to talk about someone you do not know but whose name you have been told  (There's a certain Mrs. Myles on the phone for you..) ~2 adj 1 confident and sure, without any doubts  (Just so we're absolutely certain, can I check these figures? | certain (that))  (We're certain that by tomorrow, Mr Knowles, you'll have an answer. | certain who/what/how etc)  (I'm not certain whether there's a bus service on Sundays.) + about/of  (Now are you certain about that? | I'm not quite certain of how much is left in that account.) 2 know/say for certain to know something without any doubt  ("How much will the repairs cost." "I couldn't say for certain.") 3 make certain a) to do something in order to be sure that something will happen  (make certain (that))  (Can you draw Harry a map just to make certain he'll find the hotel?) b) to check that something is correct or true + of  (I suggest you make certain of your facts before you accuse anybody.) 4 if something is certain, it will definitely happen or is definitely true  (a business facing certain bankruptcy | it is certain (that))  (It now seems certain that Pam will lose her license. | certain to do sth)  (There's one boy who's certain to succeed! | it is not certain who/what/how etc)  (It's not certain where he lived. (=no one...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  I. [c red]BEING SURE Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you are certain about something, you firmly believe it is true and have no doubt about it. If you are not certain about something, you do not have definite knowledge about it. She’s absolutely certain she’s going to make it in the world... We are not certain whether the appendix had already burst or not... It wasn’t a balloon–I’m certain of that. = sure ADJ: v-link ADJ, oft ADJ that/wh, ADJ of/about n 2. If you say that something is certain to happen, you mean that it will definitely happen. However, the scheme is certain to meet opposition from fishermen’s leaders... Brazil need to beat Uruguay to be certain of a place in the finals... The Prime Minister is heading for certain defeat if he forces a vote... Victory looked certain. ADJ: oft ADJ to-inf, it v-link ADJ that/wh, ADJ of n/-ing 3. If you say that something is certain, you firmly believe that it is true, or have definite knowledge about it. One thing is certain, both have the utmost respect for each other... It is certain that Rodney arrived the previous day.. ADJ: v-link ADJ, oft it v-link ADJ that/wh 4. If you know something for certain, you have no doubt at all about it. Hill had to find out for certain. PHRASE: PHR with cl (not first in cl) 5. If you make certain that something is the way you want or expect it to be, you take action to ensure that it is. Firstly, they must make certain that their pension needs are adequately catered for... = make sure PHRASE: V inflects II. [c red]REFERRING AND INDICATING AMOUNT Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. You use certain to indicate that you are referring to one particular thing, person, or group, although you are not saying exactly which it is. There will be certain people who’ll say ‘I told you so!’... Leaflets have been air dropped telling people to leave certain areas. ADJ: det ADJ, ADJ n 2. When you refer to...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *certanus, from Latin certus, from past participle of cernere to sift, discern, decide; akin to Greek krinein to separate, decide, judge, Old Irish criathar sieve  Date: 13th century  1. fixed, settled a ~ percentage of the profit  2. of a specific but unspecified character, quantity, or degree the house has a ~ charm  3.  a. dependable, reliable a ~ remedy for the disease  b. known or proved to be true ; indisputable it is ~ that we exist  4.  a. inevitable the ~ advance of age  b. incapable of failing ; destined — used with a following infinitive she is ~ to do well  5. assured in mind or action I am ~ they are right  Synonyms: see sure  II. pronoun, plural in construction  Date: 15th century ~ ones ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj. & pron. --adj. 1 a (often foll. by of, or that + clause) confident, convinced (certain that I put it here). b (often foll. by that + clause) indisputable; known for sure (it is certain that he is guilty). 2 (often foll. by to + infin.) a that may be relied on to happen (it is certain to rain). b destined (certain to become a star). 3 definite, unfailing, reliable (a certain indication of the coming storm; his touch is certain). 4 (of a person, place, etc.) that might be specified, but is not (a certain lady; of a certain age). 5 some though not much (a certain reluctance). 6 (of a person, place, etc.) existing, though probably unknown to the reader or hearer (a certain John Smith). --pron. (as pl.) some but not all (certain of them were wounded). Phrases and idioms for certain without doubt. make certain = make sure (see SURE). Etymology: ME f. OF ult. f. L certus settled ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) определенный, достоверный 2) некий, некоторый 3) несомненный, бесспорный 4) уверенный, убежденный - absolutely certain - almost certain - practically certain ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. нечто верное, несомненное; факт for certain —- наверняка; несомненно I don't know for certain —- я не уверен; я точно не знаю I hear for certain that... —- мне рассказали как о факте, что ... 2. определенный, неизменный, постоянный on certain days —- в определенные дни 3. некоторый, определенный; известный under certain conditions —- при неизвестных условиях certain relief —- некоторое облегчение for certain reasons —- по некоторым соображениям to a certain degree —- в известной степени of a certain age —- не первой молодости 4. уверенный; убежденный to feel certain of ... —- быть уверенным в ... I am not certain —- я не уверен to make certain —- удостовериться, убедиться make certain of your facts before you argue —- проверьте факты, прежде чем спорить be certain you catch your thain on time —- смотрите не опоздайте на проезд 5. один, некий a certain Mr. Brown —- некий г-н Браун; некто Браун a certain person —- некто, один человек 6. верный, надежный; несомненный to face certain death —- идти на верную смерть to regard smth. as certain —- быть совершенно уверенным в чем-л there is no certain cure for this disease —- против этой болезни нет надежного лекарства the fact is certain —- факт не вызывает сомнений the evidence is certain —- показания достоверны 7. бесспорный; неизбежный it is certain to happen —- это неизбежно произойдет he is certain to come —- он...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) attr. определенный I have no certain abode - у меня нет определенного пристанища  2) attr. один, некий, некоторый I felt a certain joy - я почувствовал некоторую радость there was a certain Mr Jones - был некий мистер Джоунз - under certain conditions  3) predic. уверенный - feel certain  4) - make certain of  5) predic. надежный, верный, несомненный the fact is certain - факт несомненен - of a certain age Syn: see sure  2. noun not to know for certain - не знать наверняка ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 13c., from O.Fr. certain, from V.L. *certanus, from L. certus "sure, fixed," originally a variant pp. of cernere "to distinguish, decide," originally "to sift, separate." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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