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Английский словарь американских идиом - bear


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  hosp. abbr. Bring Everything Always Ready U.S. gov. abbr. Bureau Enterprise Architecture Repository mil. abbr. Bring Everything, Always Ready mil. abbr. Ballistic Engineered Armored Response physics abbr. Biological Effects Of Atomic Radiation univ. abbr. Building Employability Academics Respect telec. abbr. Billed Entity Applicant Reimbursement media abbr. Brilliant Expert At Rhyming educ. abbr. Best Effort Attitude Respect educ. abbr. Becoming Excited About Reading educ. abbr. Begin Every Afternoon Reading educ. abbr. Be Enthusiastic About Reading educ. abbr. Be Excited About Reading educ. abbr. Be Excited And Read gen. bus. abbr. Bringing Equality And Respect NASDAQ abbr. Vermont Teddy Bear, Inc. pos. abbr. Bonus Extension And Retraining ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  ~1 v past tense bore past participle borne 1 can't bear a) to dislike something or someone so much that they make you very annoyed or impatient  (Oh, I can't bear that man - he really irritates me! | I just can't bear that kind of selfishness. | can't bear sb doing sth)  (He can't bear people smoking while he's eating.) b) to be so upset about something that you feel unable to accept it or let it happen  (Please don't leave me all alone. I couldn't bear it. | can't bear the thought of)  (We just couldn't bear the thought of selling the farm. | can't bear to do sth)  (Alison couldn't bear to leave and cried all the way to the airport.) 2 bear in mind (that) to remember a fact or piece of information that is important or could be useful in the future  (Bearing in mind that he's only ten, I think he did very well. | I think that's excellent advice to bear in mind.) 3 »BE BRAVE« to bravely accept or deal with a painful or unpleasant situation  (She bore the pain with tremendous courage. | Listening to their screams was more than we could bear. | grin and bear it (=accept something unpleasant without complaining))  (It's no good moaning - you'll just have to grin and bear it.) 4 bear the costs/burden/expense etc formal to pay for something  (As usual, the poorest members of society are bearing the burden of tax increases.) 5 bear responsibility/the blame etc formal to be responsible, accept the blame etc for something  (In this case, the victim must bear some responsibility for the crime.) 6 »SUPPORT« to support the weight of something  (I don't think the table is strong enough to bear your weight. | a load-bearing wall) 7 doesn't bear thinking about so unpleasant or shocking that you prefer not to think about it  (The long-term consequences of a nuclear leak don't bear thinking about.) 8 bear a resemblance/relation etc to to be similar to or connected with someone or something else  (George doesn't bear much resemblance to his father. | The things she says bear little relation to what she actually does.) 9 bear the...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  I. [c red]VERB USES (bears, bearing, bore, borne) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Please look at category 18 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword. 1. If you bear something somewhere, you carry it there or take it there. (LITERARY) They bore the oblong hardwood box into the kitchen and put it on the table. = carry VERB: V n adv/prep • -bearing ...food-bearing lorries. COMB in ADJ 2. If you bear something such as a weapon, you hold it or carry it with you. (FORMAL) ...the constitutional right to bear arms. VERB: V n • -bearing ...rifle-bearing soldiers. ...hundreds of flag-bearing marchers. COMB in ADJ 3. If one thing bears the weight of something else, it supports the weight of that thing. The ice was not thick enough to bear the weight of marching men. = support VERB: V n • -bearing ...the load-bearing joints of the body. COMB in ADJ 4. If something bears a particular mark or characteristic, it has that mark or characteristic. The houses bear the marks of bullet holes. ...note paper bearing the Presidential seal... The room bore all the signs of a violent struggle. VERB: V n, V n, V n 5. If you bear an unpleasant experience, you accept it because you are unable to do anything about it. They will have to bear the misery of living in constant fear of war... = endure VERB: V n 6. If you can’t bear someone or something, you dislike them very much. I can’t bear people who make judgements and label me... He can’t bear to talk about it, even to me. VERB: with neg, V n/-ing, V to-inf 7. If someone bears the cost of something, they pay for it. Patients should not have to bear the costs of their own treatment. VERB: V n 8. If you bear the responsibility for something, you accept responsibility for it. If a woman makes a decision to have a child alone, she should bear that responsibility alone. = accept VERB: V n 9. If one thing bears no resemblance or no...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  (plural ~s)  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English bere, from Old English bera; akin to Old English brun brown — more at brown  Date: before 12th century  1. (or pl ~) any of a family (Ursidae of the order Carnivora) of large heavy mammals of America and Eurasia that have long shaggy hair, rudimentary tails, and plantigrade feet and feed largely on fruit, plant matter, and insects as well as on flesh  2. a surly, uncouth, burly, or shambling person a tall, friendly ~ of a man  3. probably from the proverb about selling the ~skin before catching the ~ one that sells securities or commodities in expectation of a price decline — compare bull  4. something difficult to do or deal with the oven is a ~ to clean  • ~like adjective  II. verb  (bore; borne; also born; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English beren to carry, bring forth, from Old English beran; akin to Old High German beran to carry, Latin ferre, Greek pherein  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to move while holding up and supporting  b. to be equipped or furnished with  c. behave, conduct ~ing himself well  d. to have as a feature or characteristic ~s a likeness to her grandmother  e. to give as testimony ~ false witness  f. to have as an identification bore the name of John  g. to hold in the mind or emotions ~ malice  h. disseminate  i. lead, escort  j. render, give  2.  a. to give birth to  b. to produce as yield  c.  (1) to permit growth of  (2) contain oil-~ing shale  3.  a. to support the weight of ; sustain  b. to accept or allow oneself to be subjected to especially without giving way couldn't ~ the pain I can't ~ seeing you cry  c. to call for as suitable or essential it ~s watching  d. to hold above, on top, or aloft  e. to admit of ; allow  f. assume, accept  4. thrust, press  intransitive verb  1. to produce fruit ; yield  2.  a. to force one's way  b. to extend in a direction indicated or implied  c. to be situated ; lie  d. to become...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. v. (past bore; past part. borne, born) Usage In the passive born is used with reference to birth (e.g. was born in July), except for borne by foll. by the name of the mother (e.g. was borne by Sarah). 1 tr. carry, bring, or take (esp. visibly) (bear gifts). 2 tr. show; be marked by; have as an attribute or characteristic (bear marks of violence; bears no relation to the case; bore no name). 3 tr. a produce, yield (fruit etc.). b give birth to (has borne a son; was born last week). 4 tr. a sustain (a weight, responsibility, cost, etc.). b stand, endure (an ordeal, difficulty, etc.). 5 tr. (usu. with neg. or interrog.) a tolerate; put up with (can't bear him; how can you bear it?). b admit of; be fit for (does not bear thinking about). 6 tr. carry in thought or memory (bear a grudge). 7 intr. veer in a given direction (bear left). 8 tr. bring or provide (something needed) (bear him company). 9 refl. behave (in a certain way). Phrases and idioms bear arms 1 carry weapons; serve as a soldier. 2 wear or display heraldic devices. bear away (or off) win (a prize etc.). bear down exert downward pressure. bear down on approach rapidly or purposefully. bear fruit have results. bear a hand help. bear hard on oppress. bear in mind take into account having remembered. bear on (or upon) be relevant to. bear out support or confirm (an account or the person giving it). bear repeating be worth repetition. bear up raise one's spirits; not despair. bear with treat forbearingly; tolerate patiently. bear witness testify. Etymology: OE beran f. Gmc 2. n. & v. --n. 1 any large heavy mammal of the family Ursidae, having thick fur and walking on its soles. 2 a rough, unmannerly, or uncouth person. 3 Stock Exch. a person who sells shares hoping to buy them back later at a lower price. 4 = TEDDY. 5 (the Bear) colloq. Russia. --v. Stock Exch. 1 intr. speculate for a fall in price. 2 tr. produce a fall in the price of (stocks etc.). Phrases and idioms bear-baiting hist. an entertainment involving setting dogs to attack a captive bear. bear-hug...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) нести нагрузку; поддерживать, служить опорой 2) брать пеленг, пеленговать 3) "козёл" (застывший в печи или ковше металл) 4) ручной дыропробивной пресс ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  to bear against ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) служить опорой 2) нести (напр., расходы) 3) терпеть, выдерживать 4) приносить плоды 5) рождать 6) пеленговать pile bears load — свая несет нагрузку to bear against surface — прилегать к поверхности to bear loss — нести потери to set antenna to bear on an object — наводить антенну на объект - bear of bearing ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. гл. 1) носить 2) перевозить 3) производить 4) выдерживать, выносить 5) терпеть, нести 6) подтверждать 7) играть на понижение • - bear account - bear an endorsement - bear an interest - bear expenses - bear interest - bear interests - bear losses - bear on - bear out - bear raid - bear responsibility - bear smth. in mind - bear spread - bear the market - bear up - bring pressure to bear on 2. сущ.; бирж. играющий на понижение, "медведь" - go a bear - sell a bear BEAR (bore, borne) 1) переносить 2) касаться, иметь значение BEAR 1. сущ. 1) общ. медведь 2) бирж. "медведь" (участник фондовой (валютной или товарной) биржи, играющий на понижение; старается продавать финансовые активы, чтобы затем купить их по более дешевой цене) Syn: bear seller Ant: bull See: bear operation 3) общ., сленг тяжелый предмет 4) общ. Россия (в переносном смысле слова) 5) общ., амер., сленг полицейский 2. гл. 1) общ. везти; нести; перевозить; переносить to bear a heavy load — нести тяжелый груз to bear the cases downstairs — снести чемоданы вниз 2) общ. поддерживать; нести груз, тяжесть; подпирать Walls which cannot bear a stone vault. — Стены, которые не могут поддерживать каменный свод. 3) общ. нести, выносить (испытывать (переживать, терпеть) состояние, выраженное следующим за ним существительным) to bear responsibility — нести ответственность to bear the expenses — нести расходы to bear the pain —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) медведь (Ursus); pl медвежьи (Ursidae) 2) pl энт. медведицы (Arctiidae) 3) рождать, производить, родить – Alaskan brown bear – American black bear – ant bear – Asiatic black bear – banded woolly bear – black bear – brown bear – cat bear – cave bear – grizzly bear – Himalayan black bear – honey bear – ice bear – Indian bear – koala bear – kodiak bear – Malayan bear – native bear – Peruvian bear – polar bear – sea bear – skunk bear – sloth bear – spectacled bear – sun bear – Syrian bear – true bear – water bears – white polar bear – wombat bears – woolly bears – yellow bear ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  фин. "медведь" Биржевой игрок, спекулянт, играющий на понижение котировки биржевых акций; продавец ценных бумаг, который надеется купить их же по более низкой цене через некоторое время. Случается, что этой ценной бумаги он даже не имеет. (Возможно, происходит от американского варианта пословицы "Делить шкуру неубитого медведя" = "Selling the bearskin before catching the bear"). См. тж. bear Ср. bull ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. медведь; медведица bears cub —- медвежонок bear driver —- вожак медведя 2. медведь, неуклюжий человек bear sport —- шумная, грубая игра (забава) to play the bear —- вести себя как медведь, быть грубым (неуклюжим, бестактным) what a bear! —- что за медведь!, ну и грубиян! 3. медвежий мех 4. десятилетний бойскаут 5. бирж. профес. спекулянт, играющий на понижение, "медведь" bear market —- рынок с тенденцией на понижение bear operation (speculation) —- спекуляция на понижение bear to sell a bear —- играть на понижение; продать то, чего не имеешь, надуть go to a bear —- играть на понижение 6. ручной дыропробивной пресс, медведка 7. "козел" Id: Great B. —- Большая Медведица (созвездие) Id: as cross as a bear with a sore head —- зол как черт; смотрит зверем Id: you must not sell the skin till you have shot the bear —- нельзя делить шкуру неубитого медведя Id: to take a bear by the tooth —- лезть в медвежье логово (в пекло) Id: had it been abear it would have bitten you —- уст. ты не видишь того, что лежит у тебя под носом Id: to be abear for punishment —- не бояться лишений, дурного обращения и т. п.; быть закаленным; идти напролом к цели, добиваться 8. своего, несмотря ни на какие трудности to have abear by the tail —- ам. дразнить медведя, бесцельно рисковать, неразумно подвергать себя опасности loaded for bear —- ам. сл....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  to нести что-л. в каком-л. направлении Sadly, the men bore the dead child to his mother. A line of servant entered, bearing food to the guests. BEAR the test выдержать испытание BEAR the signature иметь подпись, быть подписанным BEAR the palm получить пальму первенства; одержать победу; BEAR the bell быть вожаком, первенствовать BEAR the bag  а) распоряжаться деньгами  б) быть хозяином положения BEAR testimony свидетельствовать, показывать, давать показания BEAR pool exch. объединение спекулянтов, играющих на понижение BEAR out подтверждать; подкреплять; поддерживать The prisoners story was borne out by his wife. If I tell the judge that I wasnt there, will you bear me out? BEAR to the right принять вправо BEAR off  а) отклоняться  б) отталкивать лодку от берега Is everyone on board? Lets bear off, weve no time to waste. BEAR market exch. рынок с понижательной тенденцией BEAR in mind помнить, принимать во внимание You must bear your parents needs in mind when you make your decision. There are so many questions to he borne in mind. We must bear in mind that the younger people might not like the idea. BEAR hug noun  1) медвежья хватка  2) хватка (борьба) BEAR hard on подавлять кого-л. BEAR down  а) преодолевать  б) naut. подходить по ветру  в) устремляться (upon - к); набрасываться, нападать (upon - на кого-л.)  г) влиять  д) наносить поражение, разбивать His determined efforts at last bore down all opposition.  е) прилагать усилия The driver bore down...
Англо-русский словарь


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