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Англо-русский словарь идиом - get off


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Перевод с английского языка get off на русский

get off
1. отделаться, избавиться; 2. выгрузиться из транспортного средства (самолета, корабля и т.д.)
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См. в других словарях

  1. слезать, вылезать; сходить where must I get off? —- где мне сходить? I am getting off at the next station —- я выхожу на следующей станции 2. снимать to get off one's clothes —- снять с себя одежду, раздеться I can't get off my boots —- я не могу снять сапоги to get off stains —- свести пятна I can't get the lid off —- я не могу снять крышку 3. уезжать, отбывать, отправляться to get off by six sharp —- отъезжать (отбывать) ровно в шесть the train gor off in time —- поезд отошел вовремя we gor off immediately after breakfast —- мы отправились тотчас же после завтрака did he get off? —- он уехал? to get off to a good start —- хорошо начать 4. отправлять; провожать to get the children off to school —- отправить детей в школу I'd like to get this letter off by the first post —- я хотел бы отправить это письмо с первой же почтой 5. приходить в какое-л. состояние to get off to sleep —- засыпать he couldn't get off to sleep —- он никак не мог заснуть 6. приводить (кого-л.) в какое-л. состояние to get smb. off to sleep —- уложить кого-л. спать; убаюкать кого-л. I couldn't get the child off to sleep —- я никак не мог заставить ребенка заснуть 7. освободиться от работы we get off at 5 o'clock —- мы кончаем в пять I can't get off early today —- я сегодня не смогу уйти пораньше can you get off tomorrow? —- ты сможешь завтра освободиться (не пойти на работу, взять отгул)? 8. спастись; избежать;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сходить GET ON обстоять ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
   verb  Date: 1606  intransitive verb  1. to avoid the most serious consequences of a dangerous situation or punishment got off with a light sentence  2. start, leave got off on the trip early  3. to leave work with permission or as scheduled  4. to get high on a drug  5. to experience orgasm  6. to experience great pleasure — often used with on  transitive verb  1. to secure the release of or procure a modified penalty for his lawyers got him off  2.  a. utter ~ a joke  b. to write and send  3. to succeed in doing, making, or delivering  4. to cause to ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. If someone who has broken a law or rule gets off, they are not punished, or are given only a very small punishment. He is likely to get off with a small fine. PHRASAL VERB: V P with n 2. If you get off, you leave a place because it is time to leave. At eight I said ‘I’m getting off now.’ PHRASAL VERB: V P 3. If you tell someone to get off a piece of land or a property, you are telling them to leave, because they have no right to be there and you do not want them there. I told you. Get off the farm. PHRASAL VERB: V P n 4. You can tell someone to get off when they are touching something and you do not want them to. I kept telling him to get off... ‘Get off me!’ I screamed. PHRASAL VERB: V P, V P n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  {v.} 1. To come down from or out of. * /The ladder fell, and Tom couldn't get off the roof./ * /The bus stopped, the door opened, and Father got off./ 2. To take off. * /Joe's mother told him to get his wet clothes off./ 3. To get away; leave. * /Mr. Johnson goes fishing whenever he can get off from work./ * /William got off early in the morning./ 4. To go free. * /Mr. Andrews got off with a $5 fine when he was caught passing a stop sign./ 5. To make (something) go. * /The halfback got off a lung pass./ * /John got a letter off to his grandmother./ 6. To tell. * /The governor got off several jokes at the beginning of his speech./ ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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