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Англо-русский словарь идиом - cut in


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Перевод с английского языка cut in на русский

cut in
1. вмешиваться, вставлять замечания; влезать (в разговор, в чужие дела); 2. включение; 3. вставной кадр; 4. начало работы; 5. перебивка
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1. вмешиваться (в разговор и т. п.); прерывать to cut in with a remark —- вставить свое замечание 2. подслушивать по телефону 3. вклиниваться между машинами; стараться прорваться сквозь пробку, затор уличного движения 4. включать (в карточную игру, дело и т. п.) 5. включаться (в карточную игру, дело и т. п.) 6. предоставлять слово to cut in debaters as they signal to speak —- предоставлять слово ораторам, когда они выражают желание выступить 7. отнять партнершу на танцах 8. сделать резкий, крутой поворот (во время бега) 9. тех. включать, присоединять 10. кул. добавлять (что-л.), осторожно перемешивая ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) электр. врубать, включать 2) вмешиваться 3) вклиниваться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  включение, начало работы ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  включение, начало работы ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
   verb  Date: 1612  intransitive verb  1. to thrust oneself into a position between others or belonging to another  2. to join in something suddenly ~ on the conversation  3. to interrupt a dancing couple and take one as one's partner  4. to become automatically connected or started in operation waiting for the auxiliary motor to ~  transitive verb  1. to mix with cutting motions after sifting the flour into a mixing bowl, cut the lard in  2. to introduce into a number, group, or sequence  3. to connect into an electrical circuit to a mechanical apparatus so as to permit operation  4. to include especially among those benefiting or favored cut them in on the profits ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  If you cut in on someone, you interrupt them when they are speaking. Immediately, Daniel cut in on Joanne’s attempts at reassurance... ‘Not true,’ the Duchess cut in. = break in PHRASAL VERB: V P on n, V P with quote, also V P ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  {v.} 1. To force your way into a place between others in a line of cars, people, etc.; push in. * /After passing several cars, Fred cut in too soon and nearly caused an accident./ - Often used with "on". * /A car passed Jean and cut in on her too close; she had to brake quickly or she would have hit it./ * /The teacher beside the lunch line saw Pete cut in, and she sent him back to wait his turn./ 2. To stop a talk or program for a time; interrupt. * /While Mary and Jim were talking on the porch, Mary's little brother cut in on them and began to tell about his fishing trip./ * /While we were watching the late show, an announcer cut in to tell who won the election./ Syn.: BREAK IN(2). 3. {informal} To tap a dancer on the shoulder and claim the partner. * /Mary was a good dancer and a boy could seldom finish a dance with her; someone always cut in./ - Often used with "on". * /At the leap year dance, Jane cut in on Sally because she wanted to dance with Sally's handsome date./ 4. To connect to an electrical circuit or to a machine. * /Harry threw the switch and cut in the motor./ * /The airplane pilot cut in a spare gas tank./ 5. {informal} To take in; include. * /When John's friends got a big contract, they cut John in./ ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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