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Англо-русский словарь - yes


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 1. adv. да
 2. noun утверждение; согласие
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  adv. & n. --adv. 1 equivalent to an affirmative sentence: the answer to your question is affirmative, it is as you say or as I have said, the statement etc. made is correct, the request or command will be complied with, the negative statement etc. made is not correct. 2 (in answer to a summons or address) an acknowledgement of one's presence. --n. an utterance of the word yes. Phrases and idioms say yes grant a request or confirm a statement. yes? 1 indeed? is that so? 2 what do you want? yes and a form for introducing a stronger phrase (he came home drunk -- yes, and was sick). yes and no that is partly true and partly untrue. yes-man (pl. -men) colloq. a weakly acquiescent person. Etymology: OE gese, gise, prob. f. gia sie may it be (gia is unrecorded) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English gese  Date: before 12th century  1. — used as a function word to express assent or agreement are you ready? Yes, I am  2. — used as a function word usually to introduce correction or contradiction of a negative assertion or direction don't say that! Yes, I will  3. — used as a function word to introduce a more emphatic or explicit phrase  4. — used as a function word to indicate uncertainty or polite interest or attentiveness  II. noun  Date: 1712 an affirmative reply ; yea ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use yes to give a positive response to a question. ‘Are you a friend of Nick’s?’—‘Yes.’... ‘You actually wrote it down, didn’t you?’—‘Yes.’... Will she say yes when I ask her out? ? no CONVENTION 2. You use yes to accept an offer or request, or to give permission. ‘More wine?’—‘Yes please.’... ‘Will you take me there?’—‘Yes, I will.’... ‘Can I ask you something?’—‘Yes, of course.’ ? no CONVENTION 3. You use yes to tell someone that what they have said is correct. ‘Well I suppose it is based on the old lunar months isn’t it.’—‘Yes that’s right.’... ‘That’s a type of whitefly, is it?’—‘Yes, it is a whitefly.’ ? no CONVENTION 4. You use yes to show that you are ready or willing to speak to the person who wants to speak to you, for example when you are answering a telephone or a knock at your door. He pushed a button on the intercom. ‘Yes?’ came a voice... Yes, can I help you? CONVENTION 5. You use yes to indicate that you agree with, accept, or understand what the previous speaker has said. ‘A lot of people find it very difficult indeed to give up smoking.’—‘Oh yes. I used to smoke nearly sixty a day.’... ‘It’s a fabulous opportunity.’—‘Yeah. I know.’ CONVENTION 6. You use yes to encourage someone to continue speaking. ‘I remembered something funny today.’—‘Yeah?’ CONVENTION 7. You use yes, usually followed by ‘but’, as a polite way of introducing what you want to say when you disagree with something the previous speaker has just said. ‘She is entitled to her personal allowance which is three thousand pounds of income.’—‘Yes, but she doesn’t earn any money.’... CONVENTION c darkgreen]politeness 8. You use yes to say that a negative statement or question that the previous speaker has made is wrong or untrue. ‘That is not possible,’ she said. ‘Oh, yes, it...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adv spoken 1 used as an answer to say that something is true, that you agree, that you want something, or that you are willing to do something  ("Is that real gold?" "Yes, it is." | "It was a great film." "Yes, it was." | "Would you like a sandwich?" "Yes, please." | "Can you help us on Saturday?" "Yes I think so.")  (- opposite no) 2 used as an answer to give permission  ("Can I have a glass of water?" "Yes, of course." | say yes to (doing) sth)  (I hope my parents will say yes to the party.) 3 used to politely show that you do not agree with all or some of what someone has said  (yes but)  ("We need a new car." "Yes, but where will we get the money?") 4 used to show that you have heard a request, call, command etc  ("Can you close the door, please?" "Yes, in a minute." | "Michael!" "Yes?") 5 used to ask someone what they want  (Yes? Can I help you find something, madam?) 6 yes, yes used to show annoyance when someone is talking to you and you do not want to listen  ("And don't forget to lock the door!" "Yes, yes ok.") 7 yes and no used to show that there is not one clear answer to a question  ("Did you have a good time?" "Well, yes and no. The lake was beautiful, but Craig and Jen fought the whole time.") 8 yes/no question a question to which you only answer yes or no  (- see also yeah) ~2 n a vote, voter, or reply that agrees with an idea, plan, law etc  (five yeses and three nos) - yes adj  (a yes vote) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  environ. abbr. Yellowstone Ecosystem Studies environ. abbr. Youth for Environmental Sanity univ. abbr. Young Engineering Students univ. abbr. Your Excellence Succeeds adult abbr. You Eat Shit farm. abbr. Your Eggplant System perf. arts abbr. Young Emerging Stars educ. abbr. Your Educational Success educ. abbr. Youth Exchange Service educ. abbr. Your Effort Shows educ. abbr. Young Entrepreneurs Society educ. abbr. Youth Enrichment Services educ. abbr. Youth Empowerment Summer educ. abbr. Youth, Engineering, and Science sport abbr. Youth Educational Sports sport abbr. Yankees Entertainment and Sports sport abbr. Your Enjoyment Of Skiing sport abbr. Youth Extreme Sports religion abbr. Youth Engaging Scripture religion abbr. Youth Exposing Satan law abbr. Youth Equipped To Succeed gen. bus. abbr. Youth Enterprise Scheme gen. bus. abbr. Young Entrepreneurial Spirit NYSE symbols Yankee Energy Systems, Inc. pos. abbr. Young Executive Student pos. abbr. Young Executive Singles st. exc. abbr. Yield Enhancement Strategy firm name abbr. Young Executive Seminars firm name abbr. Yellowstone Electronic Solutions (Company) firm name abbr. Youth Employment Singapore chat abbr. Young, Empowered, and Single ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. gise, gese "so be it!," probably from gea, ge "so" (see yea) + si "be it!," third pers. imperative of beon "to be" (see be). Originally stronger than simple yea. Used in Shakespeare mainly as an answer to negative questions. Yes-man is first recorded 1912, Amer.Eng. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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