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Англо-русский словарь - wood


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Перевод с английского языка wood на русский

alcohol метиловый спирт
WOOD carving noun резьба по дереву
WOOD spirit = wood alcohol
 1. noun
 1) oft. pl. лес; роща; a clearing in the woods - лесная прогалина; поляна; to prune the old wood away - подчищать лес
 2) дерево (материал); древесина; лесоматериал
 3) дрова
 4) (the wood) pl. collect. деревянные духовые инструменты
 5) (the wood) бочка, бочонок (для вина); wine from the wood - вино в разлив из бочки
 6) attr. лесной; wood lot - лесной участок
 7) attr. деревянный to get/be out of the wood - выпутаться из затруднения; быть вне опасности to be unable to see the wood for the trees - за деревьями леса не видеть - go to the woods - take in wood
 2. v.
 1) сажать лес
 2) запасаться топливом
 1) bot. жимолость
 2) дешевая сигарета
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См. в других словарях

  1. часто pl. лес; роща a wood of beech-trees —- буковая роща a house in the middle of a wood —- дом, окруженный лесом a clearing in the wood(s) —- лесная прогалина (поляна) to go riding through the wood(s) —- ехать через лес 2. древесина; дерево (материал); лесоматериал soft wood —- хвойная древесина hard (leaf) wood —- лиственная древесина a table made of wood —- деревянный стол 3. дрова; древесное топливо small wood —- ветки, сучья, хворост 4. лес; лесной массив; лесистая местность 5. (the wood) винная бочка; бочонок для вина wine from the wood —- разливное вино 6. изделие из дерева 7. шар (для кегельбана) he puts up a good wood —- он хорошо играет в кегли 8. клюшка с деревянной ручкой (для гольфа) 9. ам. сл. прилавок; стойка (в баре) 10. (the wood) собир. деревянные духовые инструменты Id: in the woods —- ам. воен. жарг. на маневрах Id: out of the wood —- вне опасности; оставив трудности позади Id: to take to the woods —- сбежать, улизнуть; скрыться; уклониться от обязанностей (от ответственности); спрятаться в кусты Id: to saw wood —- ам. ни во что не вмешиваться; держаться в стороне (особ. от политики) Id: to be unable to see the wood for the trees —- за деревьями не видеть леса 11. деревянный 12. предназначенный для обработки дерева wood saw —- пила по дереву 13. находящийся в лесу; лесной, дикий wood trails —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) дерево (срубленное); древесина 2) часто pl лес – adult wood – burr woods – campeachy wood – canary wood – close-grained wood – curly wood – dead wood – deadfallen wood – dwarf-pine elfin wood – early wood – elfin wood – figured wood – fine-grained wood – fruiting wood – gopher wood – hard wood – late wood – light-demanding woods – narrow-ringed wood – needle wood – overmature wood – pithy wood – rheumatism wood – ring-porous wood – sap wood – scented wood – secondary wood – shade-bearing woods – small wood – smoke wood – soft wood – spiral-grained wood – spring wood – standing wood – stem wood – summer wood – vermilion wood – wide-ringed wood ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. лес, лесоматериал, древесина ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) дерево 2) деревянный закладный 3) древесина 4) древесинный 5) древесный 6) дровозаготовка 7) дровяной 8) лес 9) лесной blazing of the wood — клеймение древесины color wood engraving — многоцветная ксилография highly resinous wood — смолистая древесина kindling wood for cupola — дрова для розжига вагранки oil-borne wood preservative — маслянистый антисептик packing case wood — тарная древесина preserve wood by treatment — защищать древесину от гниения small merchantable wood — мелкотоварная древесина spruce wood tannin — лигносульфоновая кислота steep wood in solutions — вымачивать древесину в растворах sweep of the wood — кривизна бревен water-borne wood preservative — водорастворимый антисептик wood particle board — древесностружечная плита wood takes a finish — древесина поддается отделке - air-dry wood - aircraft wood - clear wood - close-grained wood - coarse-grained wood - compactness of wood - compressed wood - core of wood - cross-fibered wood - disbark wood - early wood - float wood - glued wood - green wood - impregnate wood - laminated wood - lumber wood - mark wood - merchantable wood - modify wood - natural wood - oven-dry wood - paper wood - ripe wood - season wood - shrinkage of wood - sound wood - standing wood - texture of wood - unseasoned wood - wood alcohol - wood bending - wood block - wood cellulose - wood chipper - wood cooking - wood engraving - wood fiber - wood flour - wood grain - wood impregnation - wood paint - wood pitch - wood preservation - wood pulp - wood rasp - wood rosin - wood shop - wood species - wood sugar - wood turning - wood wool ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  дерево; древесина; лесоматериал лес acrylic wood A-grade wood air-dried wood barked wood built-up laminated wood compregnated wood compression wood dead wood densified impregnated wood dry wood fire wood fireproof wood floated wood hard wood heart wood improved wood laminated wood ovendry wood plastic wood ply wood resinous wood resin-treated wood seasoned wood soft wood sound wood split wood unbarked wood unseasoned wood unsound wood ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) древесина; лесоматериал(ы); дерево (срубленное) 2) лес; лесонасаждение сажать лес 3) англ. участок леса 4) бочка, бочонок (для вина, пива) wood for charcoal — древесное сырьё для углежжения; wood in the round — круглый лесоматериал (включая дрова); wood on the stem — 1. стволовая древесина 2. растущий лес, лес на корню; to carbonize wood — выжигать древесный уголь - wood of commerce - abnormal wood - acid wood - adult wood - air-seasoned wood - balsa wood - bare wood - barked wood - barrel wood - bavin wood - body wood - box wood - brush wood - bucked wood - building wood - bull wood - burnt wood - burr wood - car wood - carving wood - case wood - cask wood - cement wood - clean wood - closed wood - compressed wood - cull wood - curly wood - dead fallen wood - desiccated wood - disbarked wood - elfin wood - excelsior wood - faulty wood - fencing wood - fuel wood - ground wood - half round wood - highly resinous wood - holding wood - industrial wood - large-sized wood - light wood - long-cut wood - low-pole wood - match wood - overmature wood - packing case wood - paper wood - peeled wood - pressure wood - primary wood - raised-grain butt wood - reaction wood - refuse wood - resonant wood - rough wood - sap wood - second growth wood - short-cut wood - simulated wood - sleeper wood - sound wood - split wood - stacked wood - stained wood - stem wood - stump wood - stunted wood - unbarked wood - uncut wood - waste wood - wavy-fibered wood ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a a hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub. b this cut for timber or for fuel, or for use in crafts, manufacture, etc. 2 (in sing. or pl.) growing trees densely occupying a tract of land. 3 (prec. by the) wooden storage, esp. a cask, for wine etc. (poured straight from the wood). 4 a wooden-headed golf club. 5 = BOWL(2) n. 1. Phrases and idioms not see the wood for the trees fail to grasp the main issue from over-attention to details. out of the wood (or woods) out of danger or difficulty. wood alcohol methanol. wood anemone a wild spring-flowering anemone, Anemone nemorosa. wood-engraver a maker of wood-engravings. wood-engraving 1 a relief cut on a block of wood sawn across the grain. 2 a print made from this. 3 the technique of making such reliefs and prints. wood-fibre fibre obtained from wood esp. as material for paper. wood hyacinth = BLUEBELL 1. wood nymph a dryad or hamadryad. wood pulp wood-fibre reduced chemically or mechanically to pulp as raw material for paper. wood-screw a metal male screw with a slotted head and sharp point. wood sorrel a small plant, Oxalis acetosella, with trifoliate leaves and white flowers streaked with purple. wood spirit crude methanol obtained from wood. wood warbler 1 a European woodland bird, Phylloscopus sibilatrix, with a trilling song. 2 any American warbler of the family Parulidae. wood wool fine pine etc. shavings used as a surgical dressing or for packing. Derivatives woodless adj. Etymology: OE wudu, wi(o)du f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wod insane; akin to Old High German wuot madness — more at vatic  Date: before 12th century archaic violently mad  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English wode, from Old English widu, wudu; akin to Old High German witu ~, Old Irish fid tree  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a dense growth of trees usually greater in extent than a grove and smaller than a forest — often used in plural butsingular or plural in construction  b. ~land  2.  a. the hard fibrous substance consisting basically of xylem that makes up the greater part of the stems, branches, and roots of trees or shrubs beneath the bark and is found to a limited extent in herbaceous plants  b. ~ suitable or prepared for some use (as burning or building)  3.  a. something made of ~  b. a golf club having a thick ~en head; also a golf club having a similar head made of metal  III. adjective  Date: 14th century  1. ~en  2. suitable for cutting or working with ~ a ~ saw  3. (or ~s) living, growing, or existing in ~s ~s trails  IV. Date: 1630  intransitive verb to gather or take on ~  transitive verb to cover with a growth of trees or plant with trees WOOD  I. biographical name Grant 1892-1942 American painter  II. biographical name Leonard 1860-1927 American physician & general ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (woods) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Wood is the material which forms the trunks and branches of trees. Their dishes were made of wood... There was a smell of damp wood and machine oil. ...a short piece of wood. N-MASS 2. A wood is a fairly large area of trees growing near each other. You can refer to one or several of these areas as woods, and this is the usual form in American English. After dinner Alice slipped away for a walk in the woods with Artie... About a mile to the west of town he came upon a large wood. N-COUNT 3. see also dead wood 4. If something or someone is not out of the woods yet, they are still having difficulties or problems. (INFORMAL) The nation’s economy is not out of the woods yet. PHRASE: v-link PHR 5. You can say ‘touch wood’ in British English, or ‘knock on wood’ in American English, to indicate that you hope to have good luck in something you are doing, usually after saying that you have been lucky with it so far. She’s never even been to the doctor’s, touch wood... Touch wood, I’ve been lucky enough to avoid any other serious injuries. CONVENTION 6. your neck of the woods: see neck can’t see the wood for the trees: see tree ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 the material that trees are made of  (Put some more wood on the fire. | a polished wood floor | soft/hard wood)  (Pine is a soft wood.) 2 also the woods a small forest  (a walk in the woods.) 3 one of a set of four golf clubs with wooden heads 4 not be out of the wood (s) yet informal used to say that there are likely to be more difficulties before things improve  (It's been going well lately, but we're not totally out of the woods yet.) 5 not see the wood for the trees to not notice what is important about something because you give too much of your attention to small details  (- see also dead wood dead1 (30)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  TV st.abbr. TV-8, Grand Rapids, Michigan NASDAQ abbr. Madera International, Inc. WOOF radio st. abbr. AM-560, FM-99.7, Dothan, Alabama NASDAQ abbr. VCA Antech Inc. chat abbr. Worldcon Order Of Faneditors ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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