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Англо-русский словарь - wipe


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Перевод с английского языка wipe на русский

away стирать; вытирать, утирать
WIPE down полностью вытирать
WIPE off стирать; вытирать, утирать
WIPE off scores свести счеты
 2. v.
 1) делать зарубки, отметки; отмечать; оставлять глубокие следы (тж. перен.)
 2) засчитывать (тж. score up); вести счет (в игре)
 4) выигрывать; иметь успех; to score a point выиграть очко; to score an advantage (a success) получить преимущество (достигнуть успеха); you have scored вам повезло; we scored heavily by it это нам было очень кстати;
 5) amer. бранить
 6) mus. оркестровать; The piece is scored for piano, strings, and drums.
 1. noun
 1) вытирание; to give a wipe - вытереть
 2) coll. носовой платок
 3) издевка, глумление
 2. v.
 1) вытирать, протирать, утирать; to wipe ones eyes - осушить слезы; to wipe ones hands on a towel - вытирать руки полотенцем
 2) sl. ударить с размаху; замахнуться (at - на кого-л.) - wipe away - wipe down - wipe off - wipe out - wipe up - wipe smb. s eye - wipe the floor - wipe the ground to wipe the slate clean начать все сызнова; сбросить груз старых ошибок Syn: see clean
WIPE smb. s eye
 а) sl. утереть нос кому-л.; нанести кому-л. полное поражение;
 б) унизить кого-л.
WIPE the floor изничтожить кого-л.; унизить (with smb.)
WIPE the ground изничтожить кого-л.; унизить (with smb.)
WIPE up подтирать
WIPE out
 а) вытирать, протирать (внутри);
 б) смывать (обиду);
 в) уничтожить (противника и т.п.)
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1. вытирание to give smth. a wipe —- вытереть что-л. 2. уст. простореч. носовой платок, утирка 3. диал. уст. удар с размаху to fetch smb. a wipe, to take a wipe at smb. —- ударить кого-л. с размаху 4. диал. уст. саркастическое замечание, издевка, насмешка 5. диал. уст. сл. синяк 6. кин. тлв. стирание, наплыв 7. кин. тлв. вытеснение, смена изображения другим 8. приспособление для чистки; скребок 9. (также wipe away, wipe off, wipe out) вытирать, обтирать, утирать to wipe tables —- вытереть столы to wipe a car —- протереть автомашину to wipe windows —- протирать окна to wipe smth. dry —- вытереть что-л. досуха 10. (также wipe away, wipe off, wipe out) уничтожить, ликвидировать to wipe from memory —- вычеркнуть из памяти to wipe off a debt —- расплатиться с долгом; погасить долг to wipe out disgrace —- смыть позор to wipe out recollections —- изгладить воспоминания to wipe smb.'s tears —- осушить чьи-л. слезы wipe your tears —- утри слезы 11. сл. замахнуться; ударить to wipe smb. with one's stick —- ударить кого-л. палкой he wiped his stick at me —- он замахнулся на меня палкой Id: to wipe smb.'s eye —- сл. поставить кому-л. синяк (под глазом); опередить кого-л.; осадить кого-л., поставить кого-л. на место Id: to wipe the floor (the ground) with smb. —- нанести сокрушительное поражение кому-л., разбить наголову кого-л. (в споре и т. п.); сурово...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  гл. уничтожать, стереть с лица земли - wipe off - wipe out ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  вытирать, обтирать - wipe clean - wipe dry ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) вытирание, обтирание, протирание вытирать, обтирать, протирать 2) удалять, ликвидировать 3) наносить покрытие тонким равномерным слоем 4) роликовое приспособление для отжима излишнего покрытия (при цинковании) 5) кфт. вытеснение (переход от одной сцены к другой);, тлв вытеснение шторкой - contact wipe - corner wipe - curtain wipe - diagonal wipe - diamond wipe - rotational wipe - wedge wipe ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 clean or dry the surface of by rubbing with the hands or a cloth etc. 2 rub (a cloth) over a surface. 3 spread (a liquid etc.) over a surface by rubbing. 4 (often foll. by away, off, etc.) a clear or remove by wiping (wiped the mess off the table; wipe away your tears). b remove or eliminate completely (the village was wiped off the map). 5 a erase (data, a recording, etc., from a magnetic medium). b erase data from (the medium). 6 Austral. & NZ sl. reject or dismiss (a person or idea). --n. 1 an act of wiping (give the floor a wipe). 2 a piece of disposable absorbent cloth, usu. treated with a cleansing agent, for wiping something clean (antiseptic wipes). Phrases and idioms wipe down clean (esp. a vertical surface) by wiping. wipe a person's eye colloq. get the better of a person. wipe the floor with colloq. inflict a humiliating defeat on. wipe off annul (a debt etc.). wipe out 1 a destroy, annihilate (the whole population was wiped out). b obliterate (wiped it out of my memory). 2 sl. murder. 3 clean the inside of. 4 avenge (an insult etc.). wipe-out n. 1 the obliteration of one radio signal by another. 2 an instance of destruction or annihilation. 3 sl. a fall from a surfboard. wipe the slate clean see SLATE. wipe up 1 Brit. dry (dishes etc.). 2 take up (a liquid etc.) by wiping. Derivatives wipeable adj. Etymology: OE wipian: cf. OHG wifan wind round, Goth. weipan crown: rel. to WHIP ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; wiping)  Etymology: Middle English ~n, from Old English wipian; akin to Old High German wifan to wind around, Latin vibrare to brandish, and probably to Old Norse veipa to be in movement, Sanskrit vepate it trembles  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to rub with or as if with something soft for cleaning  b. to clean or dry by rubbing  c. to draw, pass, or move for or as if for rubbing or cleaning ~d his hand across his brow  2.  a. to remove by or as if by rubbing ~ the spots off the glass  b. to expunge completely ~ from memory the gruesome scenes — American Guide Series: Delaware  3. to spread by or as if by wiping  intransitive verb to make a motion of or as if of wiping something  II. noun  Date: 1550  1.  a. blow, strike  b. jeer, gibe  2.  a. an act or instance of wiping  b. a transition from one scene or picture to another (as in movies or television) made by a line moving across the screen  3. something (as a towel) used for wiping ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (wipes, wiping, wiped) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you wipe something, you rub its surface to remove dirt or liquid from it. I’ll just wipe the table... When he had finished washing he began to wipe the basin clean... Lainey wiped her hands on the towel. VERB: V n, V n with adj, V n on n • Wipe is also a noun. She gave the table a quick wipe and disappeared behind the counter. N-COUNT: usu sing 2. If you wipe dirt or liquid from something, you remove it, for example by using a cloth or your hand. Gleb wiped the sweat from his face... He shook his head and wiped his tears with a tissue. VERB: V n prep, V n 3. A wipe is a small moist cloth for cleaning things and is designed to be used only once. ...antiseptic wipes. N-COUNT 4. to wipe the floor with someone: see floor to wipe the slate clean: see slate ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »CLEAN/RUB« a) to rub a surface with a cloth in order to remove dirt, liquid etc  (I wiped the table with a damp cloth. | wipe your eyes (=stop crying or remove tears from your face)) b) to clean something by rubbing it against a surface  (She wiped her hands on the back of her jeans.) 2 »REMOVE DIRT« T always + adv/prep to remove liquid, dirt, or marks by wiping  (Wipe any dirt from round the cap before unscrewing it. | wipe sth off/away from)  (I'll just wipe all these crumbs off the table.) 3 »COMPUTER/TAPE« to remove all the information that has been stored on a tape1 (1a), video1 (1,2), or computer disk1 4 »FORGET« to try to forget an unhappy or upsetting experience  (I tried to wipe the whole experience from my mind.) 5 wipe the floor with informal to defeat someone completely in a competition or argument 6 wipe the slate clean to agree to forget about mistakes or arguments that happened in the past 7 wipe the smile/grin off sb's face informal to make someone less pleased or satisfied, especially because they are annoying you  (Tell him how much it'll cost - that should wipe the smile off his face!) 8 wipe sth off the face of the earth/off the map to destroy something completely so that it no longer exists  (Another few years and this species could be wiped off the face of the earth.) 9 »PLATES/CUPS ETC« BrE to dry plates, cups etc that have been washed  (You wash, I'll wipe.) wipe sth down phr v to completely clean a surface using a wet cloth wipe out phr v 1 T wipe someone/something out) to destroy, remove, or get rid of something completely  (Half the population was wiped out by plague.) 2 T wipe someone out) informal to make you feel extremely tired  (The heat had wiped us out.)  (- see also wiped out) 3 AmE to fall or hit another object when driving a car, bicycle etc wipe sth up phr v to remove liquid from a surface using a cloth  (I hastily wiped up the milk I had spilled.) ~2 n 1 a wiping movement with a cloth  (An occasional wipe with a soft cloth will keep the surface shiny. | give...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  softw. abbr. Wavelet Image Pornography Elimination network. abbr. Web Image Processing Environment ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. wipan, from P.Gmc. *wipanan. Surfer slang produced wipeout (mid-1960s). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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