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Англо-русский словарь - why


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Перевод с английского языка why на русский

 1. adv.
 1) inter. почему?; why so? - по какой причине?; на каком основании?
 2) relat. почему; I can think of no reason why you shouldnt go there - почему бы вам не пойти туда?
 3) conj. почему; I dont know why they are late - не знаю, почему они опаздывают
 2. interj.
 1) удивление: why, it is Jones! - да ведь это Джоунз!
 2) нетерпение: why, of course I do - ну конечно, да
 3) нерешительность: why, yes, I think so - как вам сказать? Я думаю, да
 4) возражение или аргумент: why, what is the harm? - ну так что ж за беда?
 3. noun
 1) основание, причина; to go into the whys and wherefores of it - углубляться в причины
 2) загадка, задача
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См. в других словарях

  1. причина the whys and wherefores —- отчего да почему, причины и основания every why has a wherefore —- на все есть свои причины 2. почему?, отчего?; по какой причине?; на каком основании? why did you do that? —- почему (зачем) вы это сделали? why so? —- почему?, по какой причине? why not? —- а почему бы нет? 3. а что?, почему вы спрашиваете? are you ill? - No, why? —- вы больны? - Нет, а что такое? 4. почему I can think of no reason why you should not go —- я не знаю, почему бы вам не пойти this is (the reason) why I left so early —- вот почему (по какой причине) я так рано ушел 5. почему I don't know why they are late —- не знаю, почему они опаздывают Id: why in thunder (in blazes, the dickens, the deuce, the devil, the hell)...? —- почему, черт возьми (побери)...? 6. как!, ба! (выражает удивление) why, it is Smith! —- ба, да ведь это Смит! why, what's the matter? —- в чем дело? why, this is the very book I want! —- да ведь это та самая книга, которую я ищу! 7. да, ну (выражает нетерпение) why, of course that was it —- ну конечно, это так! why, sure —- разг. ну конечно же! 8. пожалуй (выражает колебание) is it true? - why, yes, I think so —- это правда? - Да как вам сказать? Пожалуй, да 9. да как же!, ну конечно! (выражает догадку) 10. ведь, да (выражает возражение) why, it is quite easy! —- да ведь это вовсе не трудно! why, what's the harm? —- ну так что за беда? ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  зачем, почему ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adv., int., & n. --adv. 1 a for what reason or purpose (why did you do it?; I do not know why you came). b on what grounds (why do you say that?). 2 (prec. by reason etc.) for which (the reasons why I did it). --int. expressing: 1 surprised discovery or recognition (why, it's you!). 2 impatience (why, of course I do!). 3 reflection (why, yes, I think so). 4 objection (why, what is wrong with it?). --n. (pl. whys) a reason or explanation (esp. whys and wherefores). Phrases and idioms why so? on what grounds?; for what reason or purpose? Etymology: OE hwi, hwy instr. of hw{aelig}t WHAT f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hwy?, instrumental case of hw?t what — more at what  Date: before 12th century for what cause, reason, or purpose ~ did you do it?  II. conjunction  Date: before 12th century  1. the cause, reason, or purpose for which know ~ you did it that is ~ you did it  2. for which ; on account of which know the reason ~ you did it  III. noun  (plural ~s)  Date: 13th century  1. reason, cause wants to know the ~s and wherefores  2. a baffling problem ; enigma  IV. interjection  Date: 1519 — used to express mild surprise, hesitation, approval, disapproval, or impatience ~, here's what I was looking for ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use why in questions when you ask about the reasons for something. Why hasn’t he brought the whisky?... Why didn’t he stop me?... ‘I just want to see him.’—‘Why?’... Why should I leave? QUEST 2. You use why at the beginning of a clause in which you talk about the reasons for something. He still could not throw any further light on why the elevator could have become jammed... Experts wonder why the US government is not taking similarly strong actions against AIDS in this country... I can’t understand why they don’t want us. CONJ • Why is also an adverb. I don’t know why... It’s obvious why... Here’s why. ADV: ADV after v, be ADV 3. You use why to introduce a relative clause after the word ‘reason’. There’s a reason why women don’t read this stuff; it’s not funny... Unless you’re ill, there’s no reason why you can’t get those 15 minutes of walking in daily. PRON • Why is also an adverb. He confirmed that the city had been closed to foreigners, but gave no reason why. ADV: n ADV 4. You use why with ‘not’ in questions in order to introduce a suggestion. Why not give Claire a call?... Why don’t we talk it through? QUEST 5. You use why with ‘not’ in questions in order to express your annoyance or anger. Why don’t you look where you’re going?... Why don’t they just leave it alone? QUEST c darkgreen]feelings 6. You say why not in order to agree with what someone has suggested. ‘Want to spend the afternoon with me?’—‘Why not?’... CONVENTION c darkgreen]formulae 7. People say ‘Why!’ at the beginning of a sentence when they are surprised, shocked, or angry. (mainly AM) Why hello, Tom... EXCLAM c darkgreen]feelings 8. the whys and wherefores: see wherefores ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adv, conjunction 1 for what reason  (Why do you say that? | Why should we bother waiting any longer? | I can't think why he would do such a thing. | why ever...? (=used to add force to a question))  (Why ever would he come specially to visit us?) 2 why not...? a) used to make a suggestion  (Why not make your own Christmas cards instead of buying them? | Why don't you contact Eric - he may be able to help?) b) used to show that you agree with a suggestion or idea  ("It might be nice to see a film this afternoon." "Yes, why not?") 3 why on earth...? spoken used to ask in a surprised way why something has happened  (But why on earth didn't you ask me to help?) 4 why the hell...? spoken used to ask in a very angry way why something has happened  (Why the hell did you buy it in the first place?) 5 why oh why...? spoken used to show that you very much regret something you did  (Why oh why did I say those horrible things?) 6 why me/her? spoken used to ask why something has been done, given etc to you or someone else  (Why me? Why can't someone else drive you?) ~2 interjection especially AmE used to show that you are surprised or annoyed  (Why, where on earth can Don have got to!) ~3 n the why (s) and the wherefore (s) the reasons or explanations for something  (I'm not interested in the whys and the wherefores, just tell me what it will cost.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  UN abbr. World Hunger Year UN abbr. World Honorable Youth firm name abbr. White Young Green, P. L. C. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. hwi, instrumental case (showing for what purpose or by what means) of hwжt (see what), from P.Gmc. *khwi, from PIE *qwei, locative of *qwo- "who." As an interjection of surprise or to call attention to a statement, recorded from 1519. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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