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Англо-русский словарь - water


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Перевод с английского языка water на русский

ballast tank балластный отсек
WATER bus речной трамвай
WATER cannon noun гидропульт, брандспойт
WATER famine острая нехватка воды
 1) вода
 2) поливать
WATER mocassins болотные сапоги
WATER pistol noun водяной пистолет
WATER polo sport водное поло
WATER pump водяной насос
WATER resistance noun водостойкость
WATER tank бак для воды
WATER aerodrome гидроаэродром
WATER jump noun препятствие с водоемом (на скачках)
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См. в других словарях

  1. вода fresh (sweet) water —- пресная вода water funk —- сл. человек, боящийся купаться by water —- водным путем, пароходом, морем under water —- под водой; затопленный the road is under water after the heavy rain —- после ливня затопило дорогу a piece of water —- водоем head of water —- напор воды water of condensation —- спец. конденсационная вода water of crystallization —- хим. кристаллизационная вода to cut off the water —- отключить воду to turn on the water —- пустить воду (в ванну и т. п.); открыть кран to rinse in three waters —- прополоскать в трех водах to draw (in) water —- мор. дать течь; зачерпнуть воды бортом 2. часто pl. воды; водное пространство; море, океан territorial waters —- юр. территориальные воды (-ое море) on (upon) the water —- на море; на морской службе across (over) the water —- за морем, за океаном; за море, за океан; за Темзу или за Темзой (в Лондоне) on this side of the water —- по эту сторону океана (моря, Темзы) to cross the water —- пересечь океан (море) (также to cross the waters); перейти на другой берег Темзы at the water's edge —- ам. на границах США 3. часто pl. волны 4. часто pl. (минеральные) воды; лечебная вода mineral water —- минеральная вода (в бутылках) to drink the waters —- побывать на водах, пить лечебные воды (на курорте) 5. pl. наводнение; разлив, паводок the waters are out —- вода вышла из берегов, река...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) вода 2) водоём 3) pl околоплодная жидкость, плодные воды – water of combustion – aerial water – attached water – available water – bidistilled water – bound water – brackish water – capillary water – clean water – combined water – commercial waters – constitution water – deep-well water – deionized water – distilled water – drinking water – egg water – extracellular water – feeding water – film water – fixed water – flowing water – free water – fresh water – ground water – hard water – heavy water – high water – hygroscopic water – industrial waters – inland waters – interstitial water – joint water – lentic water – lotic water – low water – make-up water – melt water – metabolic water – meteoric water – mineral water – mother water – municipal waters – nonavailable water – obligatory water – pellicular water – peptone water – phreatic water – potable water – pure water – redistilled water – renovated water – residental waters – return waters – running water – saltish water – sea water – sewage water – shallow water – soft water – soil waters – stagnant water – storm water – subterranean waters – sweet water – tap water – territorial waters – thaw water – thermal water – unavailable water – underground waters – urbanic waste waters – waste water – weedy water ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. вода - by water - dead in the water - discharged waters - industrial process water - industrial water - irrigation water - local irrigation water - municipal water - navigable waters - potable water - receiving waters - reused water - streamside water - summer water - territorial waters - transferred water - urban water - waste water 2. прил. водный - water craft - water power - water power plant - water power resources - water rights - water supply - water transport 3. гл. разводнять (акционерный капитал) WATER 1. сущ. 1) общ. вода 2) часто мн. ч., общ. воды, водоем, море; волны; поток, водопад 3) фин. =water stock 2. гл. 1) общ. смачивать, мочить; поливать, орошать, снабжать влагой 2) общ. поить; водить на водопой 3) общ. разбавлять 4) фин. разводнять (акционерный капитал) to water stock — разводнять капитал See: watered stock, stock watering WATER 1. сущ. 1) общ. вода 2) часто мн. ч., общ. воды, водоем, море; волны; поток, водопад 3) фин. =water stock 2. гл. 1) общ. смачивать, мочить; поливать, орошать, снабжать влагой 2) общ. поить; водить на водопой 3) общ. разбавлять 4) фин. разводнять (акционерный капитал) to water stock — разводнять капитал See: watered stock, stock watering ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) ватерный 2) вода 3) водный 4) водовозный 5) водоналивный 6) водоперепускный 7) водоподпорный 8) водопонижающий 9) водоприемный 10) водоуказательный 11) водоумягчающий 12) водоумягчительный 13) водяной 14) гидравлический 15) мочить 16) муарировать 17) смачивать 18) споить boiler water space — водяной объем котла boiler water swell — набухание котловой воды boiling water reactor — ядерный реактор с кипящей водой boiling water sterilizer — дезинфекционный кипятильник carbonate hardness of water — карбонатная жесткость воды chemically bound water — химически связанная вода circle water flooding — внутриконтурное заводнение circulating water supply — оборотное водоснабжение constriction water meter — дроссельный водомер desalinate salty water — опреснять соленую воду diaphragm water meter — диафрагмовый водомер displacement water meter — объемный водомер distant water trawler — траулер дальнего лова domestic hot water converter — абонентский водоподогреватель domestic water consumption — хозяйственное водопотребление downstream water line — горизонт нижнего бьефа drinking water consumption — питьевое водопотребление drinking water pipe-line — питьевой водопровод drinking water supply — питьевое водоснабжение edge water flooding — законтурное заводнение elevated water tank — водонапорный бак fall of water surface — падение реки fall of water table —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  вода; влага поливать водой; увлажнять, орошать water contained in aggregates water for making concrete water of hydration absorbed water adsorbed water aggressive water artesian water bank-filtered water batched water bleed water boiler water bound water brackish water capillary fringe water chilled water circulating water city water clean water clear water concrete curing water condenser water confined water cooling water cut water deep-well water domestic hot water drinking water emergency water excess water feed water finish water foul water free water fresh water fringe water gauged water glycol water gravitational water gravity water hard water heating water held water higher high water higher low water high pressure hot water hygroscopic water impounded water industrial water industrial waste water infiltration water interstitial water intrapermafrost water javelle water lime water lockage water low water lower high water lower low water low pressure hot water low temperature hot water mains water make-up water mixing water perched water phreatic water potable water pressure water primary water process water raw water receiving water recirculated water recooling water regenerated water return water reused sewage water rinse water salt water scavenging water sea water silicone water slop water sludge water soft water storm water subpermafrost water subsurface water superheated water suprapermafrost water surface water surplus water sweet water system water tape water untreated water used water wash water waste water well water ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) вода 2) объём воды; расход 3) минеральная вода 4) обводнять 5) увлажнять (грунт) 6) мочить; замачивать; смачивать 7) разбавлять водой 8) водоём 9) мн. ч. паводок; разлив to go to water — обводняться (о скважине, месторождении, добыча нефти в которых в результате этого становится нерентабельной) - water of reaction - water of zero hardness - absorbed water - acid water - acid waste water - activated water - adhesive water - adsorbed water - aerated water - aggressive water - ammonia water - apportioned water - artesian water - atmospheric water - available water - bleed water - boiler water - boiling water - borated water - bottom water - bound water - brackish water - capillary water - carbonate water - cavern water - char sweet water - chemically pure water - chlorinated water - circulating water - clarified water - cleaning purposes water - clear water - clear sweet water - colliery water - Cologne water - combined water - compensation water - condensate water - condenser water - condensing water - conductivity water - confined water - conservation water - constitution water - contaminated water - cooking water - cook water - cooling water - corrosive water - crystallization water - crystal water - day water - dead water - deaerated water - deep water - degassed water - deionized water - delivery water - demineralized water - dentifrice water - desalinized water - desiliconized water - desilting water - dirty sweet water - discharge water - distilled water - domestic water - downstream water - drain water - drilling water - drinking water - dystrophic water - effective snowmelt water - effluent water - electronic-grade water - electronic water - emergency core cooling water - entrained water - eutrophic water - excessive tail water - exchange water - exportable water - feed water - fixed water - floral water - flowing water -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a colourless transparent odourless tasteless liquid compound of oxygen and hydrogen. Usage Chem. formula: H2O 2 a liquid consisting chiefly of this and found in seas, lakes, and rivers, in rain, and in secretions of organisms. 3 an expanse of water; a sea, lake, river, etc. 4 (in pl.) part of a sea or river (in Icelandic waters). 5 (often as the waters) mineral water at a spa etc. 6 the state of a tide (high water). 7 a solution of a specified substance in water (lavender-water). 8 the quality of the transparency and brilliance of a gem, esp. a diamond. 9 Finance an amount of nominal capital added by watering (see sense 10 of v.). 10 (attrib.) a found in or near water. b of, for, or worked by water. c involving, using, or yielding water. --v. 1 tr. sprinkle or soak with water. 2 tr. supply (a plant) with water. 3 tr. give water to (an animal) to drink. 4 intr. (of the mouth or eyes) secrete water as saliva or tears. 5 tr. (as watered adj.) (of silk etc.) having irregular wavy glossy markings. 6 tr. adulterate (milk, beer, etc.) with water. 7 tr. (of a river etc.) supply (a place) with water. 8 intr. (of an animal) go to a pool etc. to drink. 9 intr. (of a ship, engine, etc., or the person in charge of it) take in a supply of water. 10 tr. Finance increase (a company's debt, or nominal capital) by the issue of new shares without a corresponding addition to assets. Phrases and idioms by water using a ship etc. for travel or transport. cast one's bread upon the waters see BREAD. like water lavishly, profusely. like water off a duck's back see DUCK(1). make one's mouth water cause one's saliva to flow, stimulate one's appetite or anticipation. of the first water 1 (of a diamond) of the greatest brilliance and transparency. 2 of the finest quality or extreme degree. on the water on a ship etc. on the water-wagon see WAGON. water-bag a bag of leather, canvas, etc., for holding water. water bailiff 1 an official enforcing fishing laws. 2 hist. a custom-house officer at a port. water bear = TARDIGRADE n. water-bed a mattress...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English w?ter; akin to Old High German wazzar ~, Greek hydor, Latin unda wave  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the liquid that descends from the clouds as rain, forms streams, lakes, and seas, and is a major constituent of all living matter and that when pure is an odorless, tasteless, very slightly compressible liquid oxide of hydrogen H2O which appears bluish in thick layers, freezes at 0° C and boils at 100° C, has a maximum density at 4° C and a high specific heat, is feebly ionized to hydrogen and hydroxyl ions, and is a poor conductor of electricity and a good solvent  b. a natural mineral ~ — usually used in plural  2. a particular quantity or body of ~: as  a.  (1) plural the ~ occupying or flowing in a particular bed  (2) chiefly British lake, pond  b. a quantity or depth of ~ adequate for some purpose (as navigation)  c. plural  (1) a band of sea~ abutting on the land of a particular sovereignty and under the control of that sovereignty  (2) the sea of a particular part of the earth  d. ~ supply threatened to turn off the ~  3. travel or transportation on ~ we went by ~  4. the level of ~ at a particular state of the tide ; tide  5. liquid containing or resembling ~: as  a.  (1) a pharmaceutical or cosmetic preparation made with ~  (2) a ~y solution of a gaseous or readily volatile substance — compare ammonia ~  b. archaic a distilled fluid (as an essence); especially a distilled alcoholic liquor  c. a ~y fluid (as tears, urine, or sap) formed or circulating in a living body  d. amniotic fluid; also bag of ~s  6.  a. the degree of clarity and luster of a precious stone  b. degree of excellence a scholar of the first ~  7. ~color  8.  a. stock not representing assets of the issuing company and not backed by earning power  b. fictitious or exaggerated asset entries that give a stock an unrealistic book value  II. verb  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to moisten,...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (waters, watering, watered) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Water is a clear thin liquid that has no colour or taste when it is pure. It falls from clouds as rain and enters rivers and seas. All animals and people need water in order to live. Get me a glass of water. ...the sound of water hammering on the metal roof. ...a trio of children playing along the water’s edge. N-UNCOUNT 2. You use waters to refer to a large area of sea, especially the area of sea which is near to a country and which is regarded as belonging to it. The ship will remain outside Chinese territorial waters. ...the open waters of the Arctic Ocean. N-PLURAL: with supp 3. You sometimes use waters to refer to a situation which is very complex or difficult. ...the man brought in to guide him through troubled waters... The British Government may be in stormy economic waters. N-PLURAL: adj N 4. If you water plants, you pour water over them in order to help them to grow. He went out to water the plants. VERB: V n 5. If your eyes water, tears build up in them because they are hurting or because you are upset. His eyes watered from cigarette smoke. VERB: V 6. If you say that your mouth is watering, you mean that you can smell or see some nice food and you might mean that your mouth is producing a liquid. ...cookies to make your mouth water. VERB: V see also mouth-watering 7. When a pregnant woman’s waters break, the fluid in her womb that surrounds the baby passes out of her body, showing that the baby is ready to be born. A doctor or midwife can break a woman’s waters so that the birth can begin. My waters broke at six in the morning and within four hours Jamie was born. PHRASE: V inflects 8. If you say that an event or incident is water under the bridge, you mean that it has happened and cannot now be changed, so there is no point in worrying about it any more. He was relieved his time in jail was over and regarded it as water under the bridge. PHRASE:...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »LIQUID« a) the clear colourless liquid that falls as rain, fills lakes and rivers, and is necessary for life to exist  (This reservoir supplies the whole city with water. | The prisoners were given only bread and water. | seawater/bathwater/rainwater (=a particular type of water))  (- see also freshwater, saltwater) b) the supply of water to homes, factories etc through pipes and taps  (running water (=water that flows, not kept in a container or pool))  (All rooms have hot and cold running water. | water shortage (=a situation when there is not much water available)) 2 »AREA OF WATER« a) an area of water such as a lake, river etc  (the water's edge | Denzel dived into the water and swam towards her. | by water (=by boat))  (We can transport the goods by water.) b) the surface of a lake, river etc  (What's that floating on the water? | underwater/under water)  (a camera designed for use under water) 3 waters plural a) the water in a particular lake, river etc  (the waters of the Amazon) b) an area of sea near or belonging to a particular country  (the coastal waters of Alaska) c) water containing minerals from a natural spring  (take the waters (=drink the waters because you think it is good for your health)) 4 keep your head above water informal to avoid trouble, especially because of lack of money  (The firm is barely keeping its head above water.) 5 be (like) water off a duck's back informal if advice, warnings, or rude remarks are like water off a duck's back to someone, they have no effect on them 6 be (all) water under the bridge especially spoken in the past, forgotten, and not worth worrying about  (Look, it's all water under the bridge now. Let's leave it behind us.) 7 be all water under the bridge used to say that a situation has changed, especially over a long period of time or since a particular event 8 deep/murky/unknown etc waters a situation that is unfamiliar or dangerous 9 waters break when a pregnant woman's waters break, liquid flows out of her body just before the baby is ready to be born...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. wжter, from P.Gmc. *watar, from PIE *wodor/*wedor/*uder-, from root *wed- (cf. Gk. hydor; L. unda "wave;" O.Prus. wundan; Gael. uisge, which is preserved in whiskey). The verb is O.E. wжterian. First record of water-closet is from 1755. Watercolor is from 1596; meaning "picture painted in watercolors" is from 1854. Water-ice as a confection is from 1818. Watering-place is 1440, of animals, 1757, of persons. Water-lily first attested 1549; waterline of a ship is from 1625. Waterlog is 1779, from notion of "reduce to a log-like condition." Watermark first recorded 1678. Watermelon is from 1615; water-pipe is late M.E., in the smoking sense 1824. Waterproof is from 1736 (see proof). First record of watershed "line separating waters flowing into different rivers" is from 1803. Waterfall is O.E. wжtergefeal. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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