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Англо-русский словарь - train


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Перевод с английского языка train на русский

down сбавлять вес специальной тренировкой, диетой)
TRAIN for тренировать(ся); to train for a boxing match тренироваться перед матчем по боксу
TRAIN staff поездная бригада
TRAIN table график движения поездов
TRAIN up тренировать; учить;
 1) воспитывать, учить, приучать к хорошим навыкам, к дисциплине
 2) тренировать(ся); to train for races - готовиться к скачкам
 3) обучать, готовить
 4) дрессировать (собаку); объезжать (лошадь)
 5) направлять рост растений (обыкн. train up, train along, train over)
 6) наводить (орудие, объектив и т.п.) - train down - train for - upon - trainoff - train up II
 1. noun
 1) поезд, состав; by train - поездом; mixed train - товаро-пассажирский поезд; goods train - товарный поезд; up train - поезд, идущий в Лондон; down train - поезд, идущий из Лондона; wild train - поезд, идущий не по расписанию; the train is off - поезд уже отошел; to make the train - поспеть на поезд
 2) процессия, кортеж; funeral train - похоронная процессия
 3) караван; mil. обоз
 4) цепь, ряд (событий, мыслей); train of thought - ход мыслей; a train of misfortunes - цепь несчастий
 5) последствие; in the/its train - в результате, вследствие
 6) шлейф (платья); хвост (павлина, кометы)
 7) свита; толпа (поклонников и т.п.)
 8) metal. прокатный стан
 9) tech. зубчатая передача
 2. v. coll. ехать по железной дороге
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1. поезд; состав fast train —- скорый поезд express train —- экспресс boat train —- поезд, согласованный с расписанием пароходов passenger train —- пассажирский поезд goods (freight) train —- грузовой (товарный) состав local (branchline) train —- местный поезд slow (stopping) train —- поезд, идущий со всеми остановками relief train —- дополнительный поезд troop train —- военный эшелон armoured train —- бронепоезд the morning train —- утренний поезд the 2.15 train —- поезд, отходящий в 2.15 wild train —- поезд, идущий не по расписанию a train ride —- поездка на поезде by train —- поездом to travel by train —- ехать или ездить поездом (на поезде) to board (to take) the train —- сесть в поезд, поехать на поезде to lose (to miss) one's train —- опоздать на поезд to make (to catch, to nick) the train —- поспеть на поезд to change trains —- сделать пересадку the train is off —- поезд уже отошел the train is in —- поезд пришел 2. трактор с прицепом 3. процессия, кортеж funeral train —- похоронная процессия 4. караван a train of camels —- караван верблюдов a long train of sightseers —- длинная вереница туристов 5. воен. обоз (также baggage train, wagon train) 6. свита, толпа (почитателей, поклонников и т. п.) the prince and his train —- принц со своей свитой a staff of 80 in smb.'s train —- свита в составе 80 человек 7. ряд, цепь, вереница a train of misfortunes —- цепь несчастий; полоса...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) дрессировать, вырабатывать навыки, приучать, обучать; натаскивать (собаку) 2) формировать, направлять (рост растений) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) течение; последовательность 2) устройство из последовательных элементов – confounded train of thoughts TRAIN I гл. 1) воспитывать 2) учить, обучать 3) готовить • - train for II 1. сущ. поезд - boat train - down train - fast train - freight train - goods train - liner train - mail train - manifest freight train - mixed train - through train - train of superior right - unitialized train - up train - wild train 2. гл. ехать поездом TRAIN гл. 1) общ., обр. тренировать(ся), готовить(ся), обучать(ся) to train personnel — подготавливать готовить, обучать кадры to train for a boxing match — тренироваться перед матчем по боксу My uncle thought I'd better train to be a doctor. — Мой дядя считал, что мне лучше пойти учиться на врача. 2) общ. дрессировать собаку, объезжать лошадь; 3) общ. воспитывать, учить, приучать к чему-л. хорошему, к дисциплине Syn: "exercise, practise, drill 4) общ. тянуть, тащить; заманивать, впутывать, вовлекать Syn: allure, entice, decoy 5) общ. свисать, ниспадать Syn: hang down 6) общ. протягивать, продлевать, растягивать (напр., слова) Syn: protract, spin out, "extend, drawl ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  отрабатывать (данные); обучать; тренировать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) группа клетей 2) кортеж 3) обучать 4) поезд 5) поездный 6) ряд 7) серия 8) тренировать 9) цуг 10) цуговой automatic train driver — ж.-д. автомашинист commuter electric train — пригородный электропоезд head end of train — голова поезда pulse train rate — связь частота посылок random pulse train — случайная последовательность импульсов tail piece of train — хвостовая часть поезда trail end of train — хвост поезда - accommodation train - ambulance train - ballasting train - break train - commuter train - continuous train - delay train - division of train - edge train - fast train - finishing train - firefighting train - freight train - gather train - long-distance train - mail train - monorail train - outgoing train - passenger train - planetary train - pulse train - quarto train - rehandling of train - repair train - road train - rolling train - roughing train - route train - special train - through train - train a projector - train checking - train crew - train describer - train dispatching - train list - train operation - train recorder - train schedule - trough train - vector train - wave train - work train - wrecking train ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) ряд, серия 2) оборудование, подключенное последовательно – binary pulse train – bit train – optical train – pulse train – switch train ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  ряд, цепь; группа, цуг (волн) механическая передача construction train freight train load train mixing train mixing-placing train passenger train paving train rail grinding train snow-clearing train ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) поезд; состав; автопоезд 2) последовательность; ряд; серия 3) цепь; цепочка 4) кинематическая цепь 5) последовательно расположенное оборудование, (производственная) ли- ния 6) агрегат из последовательных элементов (колонн, фильтров) 7) группа (прокатных клетей или валков) 8) электрон. пачка; пакет; эшелон 9) зубчатая передача; ЗП; система ЗП 10) обучать; инструктировать 11) тренировать (изделия) train in train — последовательное расположение, расположение в линию - train of impulses - accommodation train - aerodynamic train - alternating current electric train - ambulance train - arriving train - assorted train - ballast train - block train - blooming train - breakdown train - bridge construction train - cabooseless train - calender train - capacity-filled train - change-gear train - clock train - cogging roll train - combustion train - construction train - container train - continuous looping rod mill train - crewless train - day train - diesel-multiple unit train - differential change gear train - direct train - direct current electric train - disabled train - double-heading train - down train - electric multiple-unit train - emergency train - erection train - even train - express train - extra train - fast train - feed change gear train - ferry train - finishing mill train - fire train - fixed-consist train - flexible conveyor train - freight train - generation change gear train - girder mill train - heavy-tonnage train - heavy train - high-speed train - incoming train - index change gear train - ink train - intercity train - international train - local train - locomotive-hauled train - long train - long-distance train - looping mill train - maglev train - mail train - main-line train -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 a tr. (often foll. by to + infin.) teach (a person, animal, oneself, etc.) a specified skill esp. by practice (trained the dog to beg; was trained in midwifery). b intr. undergo this process (trained as a teacher). 2 tr. & intr. bring or come into a state of physical efficiency by exercise, diet, etc.; undergo physical exercise, esp. for a specific purpose (trained me for the high jump; the team trains every evening). 3 tr. cause (a plant) to grow in a required shape (trained the peach tree up the wall). 4 (usu. as trained adj.) make (the mind, eye, etc.) sharp or discerning as a result of instruction, practice, etc. 5 tr. (often foll. by on) point or aim (a gun, camera, etc.) at an object etc. 6 colloq. a intr. go by train. b tr. (foll. by it as object) make a journey by train (trained it to Aberdeen). 7 tr. (usu. foll. by away) archaic entice, lure. --n. 1 a series of railway carriages or trucks drawn by an engine. 2 something dragged along behind or forming the back part of a dress, robe, etc. (wore a dress with a long train; the train of the peacock). 3 a succession or series of people, things, events, etc. (a long train of camels; interrupted my train of thought; a train of ideas). 4 a body of followers; a retinue (a train of admirers). 5 a succession of military vehicles etc., including artillery, supplies, etc. (baggage train). 6 a line of gunpowder etc. to fire an explosive charge. 7 a series of connected wheels or parts in machinery. Phrases and idioms in train properly arranged or directed. in a person's train following behind a person. in the train of as a sequel of. train-bearer a person employed to hold up the train of a robe etc. train down train with exercise or diet to lower one's weight. train-ferry (pl. -ies) a ship that conveys a railway train across water. train-mile one mile travelled by one train, as a unit of traffic. train-spotter a person who collects locomotive numbers as a hobby. train-spotting this hobby. Derivatives trainable adj. trainability n. trainee n. trainless adj. Etymology:...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e treachery, from Anglo-French, from trahir to betray, from Latin tradere — more at traitor  Date: 14th century obsolete scheme, trick  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from ~er to draw, drag  Date: 14th century  1. a part of a gown that trails behind the wearer  2.  a. retinue, suite  b. a moving file of persons, vehicles, or animals  3. the vehicles, personnel, and sometimes animals that furnish supply, maintenance, and evacuation services to a combat unit  4.  a. order of occurrence leading to some result — often used in the phrase in ~ this humiliating process had been in ~ for decades — Paul Fussell  b. an orderly succession a ~ of thought  c. accompanying or resultant circumstances ; aftermath consequences the discovery will bring in its ~  5. a line of combustible material laid to lead fire to a charge  6. a series of moving mechanical parts (as gears) that transmit and modify motion a gear ~  7.  a. a connected line of railroad cars with or without a locomotive  b. an automotive tractor with one or more trailer units  8. a series of parts or elements that together constitute a system for producing a result and especially for carrying on a process (as of manufacture) automatically  • ~ful noun  III. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~er, from Vulgar Latin *traginare; akin to Latin trahere to draw  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. trail, drag  2. to direct the growth of (a plant) usually by bending, pruning, and tying  3.  a. to form by instruction, discipline, or drill  b. to teach so as to make fit, qualified, or proficient  4. to make prepared (as by exercise) for a test of skill  5. to aim at an object or objective ; direct ~ed his camera on the deer ~ing every effort toward success  intransitive verb  1. to undergo instruction, discipline, or drill  2. to go by ~  Synonyms: see teach  • ~ability noun  • ~able adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]NOUN USES (trains) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A train is a number of carriages, cars, or trucks which are all connected together and which are pulled by an engine along a railway. Trains carry people and goods from one place to another. The train pulled into a station... We can catch the early morning train... He arrived in Shenyang by train yesterday. N-COUNT: also by N 2. A train of vehicles, people, or animals is a long line of them travelling slowly in the same direction. ...a long train of oil tankers. N-COUNT: with supp, usu N of n 3. A train of thought or a train of events is a connected sequence, in which each thought or event seems to occur naturally or logically as a result of the previous one. He lost his train of thought for a moment, then recovered it... Giles set in motion a train of events which would culminate in tragedy. N-COUNT: usu sing, N of n 4. The train of a woman’s formal dress or wedding dress is the long part at the back of it which flows along the floor behind her. N-COUNT 5. If a process or event is in train or has been set in train, it is happening or starting to happen. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use in motion) He praised the economic reforms set in train by the government. PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR after v II. [c red]VERB USES (trains, training, trained) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If someone trains you to do something, they teach you the skills that you need in order to do it. If you train to do something, you learn the skills that you need in order to do it. The US was ready to train its troops to participate... Stavros was training to be a priest... Psychiatrists initially train as doctors... We don’t train them only in bricklaying, but also in other building techniques... Companies tend to favour the lawyer who has trained with a good quality City firm... I’m a trained nurse... VERB: V n to-inf, V to-inf, V as/in n, V n as/in n, V,...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »RAILWAY« a number of connected carriages pulled by an engine along a railway line  (Jeff just missed the six o'clock train.)  (I caught the early train to Bruges.) by train  (It's more relaxing to travel by train. | train driver/journey/service)  (There's no train service between here and Wales.)  (- see also boat train) 2 »SERIES« train of a series of connected events, actions etc  (That one incident sparked off a whole train of events.) 3 train of thought a connected series of thoughts developing in your mind  (The phone rang and interrupted my train of thought.) 4 set sth in train formal to make something start happening  (Plans to modernize have been set in train.) 5 bring sth in its train formal if an action or event brings something in its train, that thing happens as a result of it  (a decision that brought disaster in its train) 6 »PEOPLE/ANIMALS« a long line of moving people, animals, or vehicles  (a camel train) 7 »DRESS« a part of a long dress that spreads out over the ground behind the person who is wearing it  (a wedding dress with a long train) 8 »SERVANTS« a group of servants or officers following an important person, especially in former times ~2 v 1 to teach someone or be taught the skills of a particular job or activity + as  (Nadia trained as a singer under a famous professor of music. | train sb in)  (Soldiers trained in hand-to-hand combat. | train to do sth)  (Hugh's training to be a doctor.)  (- see teach) 2 to teach an animal to do something or to behave correctly  (train sth to do sth)  (These dogs are trained to detect explosives. | a well-trained puppy) 3 to prepare for a sporting event or tell someone how to prepare for it, especially by exercising + for  (Brenda spends two hours a day training for the marathon.) 4 to aim a gun, camera etc at someone or something  (train sth on/at)  (The firemen trained their hoses on the burning building.) 5 to make a plant grow in a particular direction by bending, cutting, or tying it - trained adj  (a highly trained technician) -...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. Training Resource And Information Network ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - early 14c., "a drawing out, delay," later "trailing part of a skirt," also "retinue, procession" (c.1440), from O.Fr. train (fem. traine), from trainer "to pull, draw," from V.L. *traginare, extended from *tragere "to pull," back formation from tractus, pp. of L. trahere "to pull, draw." The railroad sense is early 1820s, from notion of a "train" of carriages. The verb meaning "instruct, discipline, teach" is first recorded 1542, probably from the earlier sense of "draw out and manipulate in order to bring to a desired form" (c.1440). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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