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Англо-русский словарь - tough


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Перевод с английского языка tough на русский

policy polit. жесткий курс
TOUGH problem трудноразрешимая проблема
TOUGH customer coll. человек, с которым трудно иметь дело; непокладистый человек
TOUGH criminal закоренелый преступник
 1. adj.
 1) жесткий; плотный, упругий; (as) tough as leather - (жесткий) как подошва (о мясе и т.п.)
 2) вязкий
 3) крепкий, сильный, несгибаемый
 4) стойкий, выносливый, упорный; tough resistance - упорное сопротивление
 5) трудный; упрямый, несговорчивый - tough customer - tough policy - tough problem
 6) закоренелый, неисправимый - tough criminal
 7) amer.; coll. преступный, хулиганский, бандитский
 8) грубый, крутой (о человеке)
 9) geol. крепкий (о породе) Syn: see strong see wilful
 2. noun coll. хулиган, бандит
 3. v. вынести, выдержать, выдюжить; tough it out! - крепись!, не падай духом!
 4. adv. coll. жёстко, грубо; to talk tough - разговаривать жёстко; dont talk so tough - сбавь тон
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См. в других словарях

  1. ам. опасный хулиган, бандит a gang of toughs —- шайка хулиганов 2. жесткий; плотный, упругий tough meat —- жесткое мясо as tough as leather —- жесткий как подошва tough rubber —- плотная резина 3. крепкий, прочный, твердый tough wood —- прочная древесина tough metal —- твердый металл tough shell of a tortoise —- прочный панцирь черепахи tough wool —- прочная шерсть tough knees —- крепкие коленки 4. надежный the watch is extremely tough —- часы чрезвычайно надежны 5. вязкий; тягучий tough putty —- густая замазка tough tar —- густой деготь 6. крепкий, крепкого телосложения tough guy —- крепкий парень; настоящий мужчина he was thin but tough —- он был худощав, но крепок и вынослив he was tougher in body than his brother —- телосложение у него было крепче, чем у брата 7. стойкий, выносливый, упорный tough soldier —- стойкий (выносливый) солдат 8. грубый, крутой tough customer —- непокладистый (тяжелый) человек; выносливый (крепкий) человек 9. упрямый, упорный, несговорчивый tough spirit —- неуступчивый характер tough in one's opinion —- упорно придерживающийся своего мнения to get tough with smb. —- круто (жестко) себя повести по отношению к кому-л. don't get so tough with me! —- (по)легче на поворотах! 10. полит. жесткий tough sanctions —- жесткие санкции tough policy —- жесткий курс tough competitive life —- жизнь в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  тягучий; вязкий ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  прил. 1) упрямый 2) несговорчивый ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  жесткий, ударновязкий tough pitch copper — технически чистая медь - tough aggregate - tough fracture - tough graph - tough metal ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  вязкий, тягучий, обладающий значительной вязкостью крепкий, прочный, твёрдый, жёсткий ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 hard to break, cut, tear, or chew; durable; strong. 2 (of a person) able to endure hardship; hardy. 3 unyielding, stubborn, difficult (it was a tough job; a tough customer). 4 colloq. a acting sternly; hard (get tough with). b (of circumstances, luck, etc.) severe, unpleasant, hard, unjust. 5 colloq. criminal or violent (tough guys). --n. a tough person, esp. a ruffian or criminal. Phrases and idioms tough guy colloq. 1 a hard unyielding person. 2 a violent aggressive person. tough it (or tough it out) colloq. endure or withstand difficult conditions. tough-minded realistic, not sentimental. tough-mindedness being tough-minded. Derivatives toughen v.tr. & intr. toughener n. toughish adj. toughly adv. toughness n. Etymology: OE toh ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English toh; akin to Old High German zahi ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. strong or firm in texture but flexible and not brittle  b. not easily chewed ~ meat  2. glutinous, sticky  3. characterized by severity or uncompromising determination ~ laws ~ discipline  4. capable of enduring strain, hardship, or severe labor ~ soldiers  5. very hard to influence ; stubborn a ~ negotiator  6. difficult to accomplish, resolve, endure, or deal with a ~ question ~ luck  7. stubbornly fought a ~ contest  8. unruly, rowdyish a ~ gang  9. marked by absence of softness or sentimentality a ~ critic  Synonyms: see strong  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  Date: 14th century in a ~ manner talking ~  III. noun  Date: 1801 a ~ person ; rowdy  IV. transitive verb  Date: 1830 to bear unflinchingly ; endure — usually used with out especially in the phrase ~ it out ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (tougher, toughest, toughs) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A tough person is strong and determined, and can tolerate difficulty or suffering. He built up a reputation as a tough businessman... She is tough and ambitious. ADJ • toughness Mrs Potter has won a reputation for toughness and determination on her way to the top. N-UNCOUNT 2. If you describe someone as tough, you mean that they are rough and violent. He had shot three people dead earning himself a reputation as a tough guy. ADJ • A tough is a tough person. Three burly toughs elbowed their way to the front. N-COUNT 3. A tough place or area is considered to have a lot of crime and violence. She doesn’t seem cut out for this tough neighbourhood... = rough ADJ: usu ADJ n 4. A tough way of life or period of time is difficult or full of suffering. He was having a really tough time at work. = rough ADJ: usu ADJ n 5. A tough task or problem is difficult to do or solve. It was a very tough decision but we feel we made the right one... = hard ADJ: oft it v-link ADJ to-inf, ADJ to-inf 6. Tough policies or actions are strict and firm. He is known for taking a tough line on security... = strong ADJ 7. A tough substance is strong, and difficult to break, cut, or tear. In industry, diamond can form a tough, non-corrosive coating for tools. ADJ 8. Tough meat is difficult to cut and chew. The steak was tough and the peas were like bullets. ADJ 9. If someone who is trying to achieve something hangs tough, they remain determined and do not give up, even when there are difficulties or problems. (AM INFORMAL) The White House is hanging tough for a good agreement to be reached. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »DIFFICULT« difficult to do or deal with, and needing a lot of effort and determination  (Life as a single mother can be tough and depressing. | a tough decision | The reporters were asking a lot of tough questions.) 2 »STRONG PEOPLE« able to live through difficult or severe conditions  (The men who work on the oil rigs are a tough bunch. | as tough as nails/as tough as old boots (=very tough))  (He's as tough as nails - a good man to have on the mountain rescue team.) 3 »STRONG THING« not easily broken or made weaker  (a very tough, hard-wearing cloth) 4 »DETERMINED« very determined or strict  (Congress is taking a tough anti-inflation line. | get tough with (=punish or deal with someone in a determined and strict way))  (It's time to get tough with drunk drivers. | be tough on (=treat someone very strictly))  (My mother was tougher on my older sister than she was on me. | It's time to get tough on crime. | tough nut/cookie/customer informal (=someone who is very determined to do what they want and not what other people want)) 5 »FOOD« difficult to cut or eat  (The meat was tough and hard to chew. | the tough outer leaves of the cabbage)  (- opposite tender1) 6 angry/not sorry spoken used when you do not have any sympathy with someone  (tough!)  ("I'm getting wet." "Tough! You should've brought your umbrella." | She didn't tell us she was coming, so if this screws up her plans that's just tough.) 7 tough luck spoken a) also tough shit taboo used when you do not have any sympathy for someone's problems  (Well, that's just their tough luck. It was their mistake.) b) BrE used when you feel sympathy about something bad that has happened to someone  (You didn't get the job? Oh, tough luck.) 8 »VIOLENT PERSON« likely to behave violently and having no gentle qualities  (tough young thugs looking for trouble) 9 »VIOLENT AREA« a tough part of a town has a lot of crime or violence  (tough areas of Chicago) 10 »UNFORTUNATE« unfortunate in a way that seems unfair + on  (It's really tough on him - his wife...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. toh, from P.Gmc. *tankhuz. See rough for spelling change. Figurative sense of "hard to beat" is first recorded c.1400; that of "hard, trying, laborious" is from 1619. The noun meaning "street roughian" (U.S.) is from 1866. Tough guy first recorded 1932. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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