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Англо-русский словарь - sweep


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Перевод с английского языка sweep на русский

 а) легко выиграть выборы; The parly in power expected to sweep in this time, but in fact they lost votes;
 б) собирать (выигрыш); Did you see the amount of money that player swept in after the last game?;
 в) охватывать (о чувствах) (on); Uncontrollable anger swept in on Jim when he learned how Mary had been treated.
SWEEP aside не обращать внимания; You cant sweep your difficulties aside in that easy manner.
SWEEP a constituency получить подавляющее большинство голосов
 1. noun
 1) выметание; подметание; чистка
 2) трубочист; a regular little sweep - чумазый ребенок
 3) pl. мусор
 4) sl. негодяй
 5) течение; непрестанное движение
 6) размах, взмах
 7) охват, кругозор
 8) распространение, охват; развитие
 9) протяжение, пролет
 10) кривая; изгиб; поворот (дороги); the graceful sweep of draperies - красивые складки драпри
 11) coll.; see sweepstake
 12) полная победа
 13) лекало
 14) длинное весло
 15) крыло ветряной мельницы
 16) журавль (колодца)
 17) tech. шаблон as black as a sweep - черный как сажа to make a clean sweep of smth. - избавиться, окончательно отделаться от чего-л.
 2. v.
 1) мести, подметать, чистить, прочищать; to sweep a chimney - чистить дымоход; to sweep (out) a room - подметать комнату; to sweep the seas - очистить море от неприятеля [ср. тж. sweep
 5) ]
 2) сметать, уничтожать, сносить; смывать (волной) (тж. sweep away, sweep off, sweep down); he was swept off his feet by a wave - волна сбила его с ног; to sweep away slavery - уничтожить рабство
 3) увлекать (тж. sweep along, sweep away); he swept his audience along with him - он увлек своих слушателей; to sweep a constituency - получить большинство голосов
 4) обуять, охватить; a deadly fear swept over him - его обуял смертельный страх
 5) нестись, мчаться, проноситься (тж. sweep along, sweep over); the cavalry swept down the valley - кавалерия устремилась в долину; to sweep the seas - избороздить все моря и океаны [ср. тж. sweep
 1) ]
 6) охватывать; окидывать взглядом; he swept the valley - он окинул взглядом долину
 7) касаться, проводить (рукой); to sweep ones hand across ones face - провести рукой по лицу
 8) простираться, тянуться
 9) ходить величаво
 10) гнуть в дугу; изгибать(ся)
 11) одержать полную победу
 12) naut. тралить
 13) mil. обстреливать, простреливать - sweep aside - sweep in - sweep over - sweep through to be swept off ones feet - быть захваченным, увлеченным, покоренным (чем-л.) [ср. тж. sweep
 2) ] to sweep all before one - пользоваться неизменным успехом Syn: see clean
SWEEP over охватывать (о чувствах); Uncontrollable anger swept over Jim when he learned how Mary had been treated.
SWEEP the board
 а) cards забрать все ставки
 б) завладеть всем
SWEEP through
 а) coll. легко преодолевать; John thought that he would fail his driving test again, but this time, to his own surprise, he swept through;
 б) проноситься; Tropical fevers can sweep through whole populations in a remarkably short time.
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См. в других словарях

  1. выметание, подметание to give a room a good sweep —- как следует (хорошенько) подмести комнату 2. трубочист as black as a sweep —- чумазый как трубочист 3. грязнуля 4. подметальщик улиц 5. ам. уборщик комнат в студенческом общежитии 6. разг. негодяй; темная личность 7. также pl. сор, мусор 8. течение; непрестанное движение the sweep of the tides —- приливы и отливы 9. скольжение to move with a sweep —- скользить, двигаться плавно she moves with a dignified sweep —- ее походка величава 10. размах; взмах the sweep of a scythe —- взмах (размах) косы a sweep of the oars —- взмах весел with a wide sweep of the arm —- широким жестом 11. размах; диапазон within the sweep of the guns —- в пределах досягаемости орудий 12. пространство, охватываемое взглядом, горизонт, кругозор the sweep of vision —- видимое пространство beyond the sweep of the telescope —- за пределами досягаемости телескопа 13. простор the sweep of meadows —- простор лугов 14. круг, охват an extensive sweep (of concepts) —- широкий круг (понятий) to bring one's arguments within the sweep of one's audience —- сделать свои доводы понятными для слушателей the sweep of human intelligence —- пределы человеческого разума 15. изгиб; поворот sweep outline —- выгиб the sweep of a motor car"s lines —- контур автомобиля to take (to make) a sweep —- изгибаться, образовывать изгиб; делать поворот, разворот a wide...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) ихт. лудерик, чёрная гирелла (Girella tricuspidata) 2) ихт. полулунник (Scorpis); pl скорпидовые, полулунниковые (Scorpididae) 3) косить сачком (для сбора насекомых) – banded sweep ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. гл. 1) скользить 2) сметать 3) мести 4) выметать 5) тянуться - sweep away slavery 2. сущ. 1) размах 2) выметание 3) кругозор - sweep method ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) срезание; сметание; смывание; срезать; сметать; смывать 2) распространение; охват; кругозор; распространять(ся); охватывать 3) поле обзора (видеокамеры) 4) развёртка (изображение); развёртывать 5) простираться 6) наклонный; конусный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) волокуша 2) выметание 3) журавель 4) замести 5) заметать 6) копновоз 7) мели 8) мести 9) метущий 10) обзор 11) тех. облучать 12) охват 13) охватывать 14) подметать 15) проноситься 16) протяжной 17) развертка 18) размах 19) скребковый шаблон 20) стреловидность 21) чистка forward motion of sweep — прямой ход развертки linear sweep generator — фото генератор линейного напряжения развертки pulse triggers the sweep — импульс запускает развертку range sweep generator — тех. генератор развертки дальности sweep of the wood — кривизна бревен sweep wings forward — уменьшать стреловидность width of sweep trace — толщина следа развертки - azimuth sweep - circular sweep - driven sweep - elevation sweep - exponential sweep - field sweep - free-running sweep - horizontal sweep - range sweep - retrace sweep - rope sweep - successive sweep - sweep beam - sweep circuit - sweep current - sweep duration - sweep generator - sweep magnifier - sweep method - sweep motion - sweep of lathe - sweep oscillator - sweep out - sweep template - sweep trace - sweep voltage - variable sweep - vertical sweep - wing sweep ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) качание (частоты) 2) развертка 3) свип-сигнал, колебание постоянной амплитуды с непрерывно меняющейся частотой – armed sweep – delayed sweep – driven sweep – drum-type sweep – expanded sweep – free-running sweep – frequency sweep – gated sweep – horizontal sweep – image sweep – linear sweep – main sweep – mixed-mode sweep – nonlinear sweep – planar sweep – precision sweep – time sweep – vertical sweep ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) колебание; качание колебаться; качаться 2) развёртка развертывать 3) блок развёртки 4) подвигание (очистного забоя) 5) шаг подвигания (очистного забоя) 6) геофиз. свипирование; перебор 7) пологая кривая; изгиб 8) шаблон; лекало 9) вылет (стрелы крана) 10) мор. траление тралить 11) возд. снос 12) возд. стреловидность 13) рлк зондирование зондировать 14) рлк период зондирования 15) качание частоты качать частоту 16) свип-сигнал (колебание с монотонно изменяющейся частотой и постоянной амплитудой) to sweep out — принимать все возможные значения - acquisition sweep - armed sweep - beam sweep - circular sweep - delayed sweep - expanded sweep - frequency sweep - gated sweep - linear sweep - nonlinear sweep - range sweep - running sweep - time-base sweep - time sweep - wing variable sweep ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (past and past part. swept) 1 tr. clean or clear (a room or area etc.) with or as with a broom. 2 intr. (often foll. by up) clean a room etc. in this way. 3 tr. (often foll. by up) collect or remove (dirt or litter etc.) by sweeping. 4 tr. (foll. by aside, away, etc.) a push with or as with a broom. b dismiss or reject abruptly (their objections were swept aside). 5 tr. (foll. by along, down, etc.) carry or drive along with force. 6 tr. (foll. by off, away, etc.) remove or clear forcefully. 7 tr. traverse swiftly or lightly (the wind swept the hillside). 8 tr. impart a sweeping motion to (swept his hand across). 9 tr. swiftly cover or affect (a new fashion swept the country). 10 intr. a glide swiftly; speed along with unchecked motion. b go majestically. 11 intr. (of geographical features etc.) have continuous extent. 12 tr. drag (a river-bottom etc.) to search for something. 13 tr. (of artillery etc.) include in the line of fire; cover the whole of. 14 tr. propel (a barge etc.) with sweeps. --n. 1 the act or motion or an instance of sweeping. 2 a curve in the road, a sweeping line of a hill, etc. 3 range or scope (beyond the sweep of the human mind). 4 = chimney-sweep. 5 a sortie by aircraft. 6 colloq. = SWEEPSTAKE. 7 a long oar worked from a barge etc. 8 the sail of a windmill. 9 a long pole mounted as a lever for raising buckets from a well. 10 Electronics the movement of a beam across the screen of a cathode-ray tube. Phrases and idioms make a clean sweep of 1 completely abolish or expel. 2 win all the prizes etc. in (a competition etc.). sweep away 1 abolish swiftly. 2 (usu. in passive) powerfully affect, esp. emotionally. sweep the board 1 win all the money in a gambling-game. 2 win all possible prizes etc. sweep-second hand a second hand on a clock or watch, moving on the same dial as the other hands. sweep under the carpet see CARPET. swept-back (of an aircraft wing) fixed at an acute angle to the fuselage, inclining outwards towards the rear. swept-up (of hair) = UPSWEPT. swept-wing (of an aircraft) having...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (swept; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English swepen; akin to Old English swapan to ~, Old High German sweifen to wander  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to remove from a surface with or as if with a broom or brush swept the crumbs from the table  b. to destroy completely ; wipe out — usually used with away everything she cherished, might be swept away overnight — Louis Bromfield  c. to remove or take with a single continuous forceful action swept the books off the desk  d. to remove from sight or consideration the problem can't be swept under the rug  e. to drive or carry along with irresistible force a wave of protest that swept the opposition into office  2.  a. to clean with or as if with a broom or brush  b. to clear by repeated and forcible action  c. to move across or along swiftly, violently, or overwhelmingly fire swept the business district — American Guide Series: Maryland  d. to win an overwhelming victory in or on ~ the elections  e. to win all the games or contests of ~ a double-header ~ a series  3. to touch in passing with a swift continuous movement  4. to trace or describe the locus or extent of (as a line, circle, or angle)  5. to cover the entire range of his eyes swept the horizon  intransitive verb  1.  a. to clean a surface with or as if with a broom  b. to move swiftly, forcefully, or devastatingly the wind swept through the treetops  2. to go with stately or ~ing movements proudly swept into the room  3. to move or extend in a wide curve or range  II. noun  Date: 1548  1. something that ~s or works with a ~ing motion: as  a. a long pole or timber pivoted on a tall post and used to raise and lower a bucket in a well  b. a triangular cultivator blade that cuts off weeds under the soil surface  c. a windmill sail  2.  a. an instance of ~ing; especially a clearing out or away with or as if with a broom  b. the removal from the table in one play in casino of all the cards by pairing or combining  c. an overwhelming victory...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sweeps, sweeping, swept) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you sweep an area of floor or ground, you push dirt or rubbish off it using a brush with a long handle. The owner of the store was sweeping his floor when I walked in... She was in the kitchen sweeping crumbs into a dust pan... Norma picked up the broom and began sweeping. VERB: V n, V n prep/adv, V, also V n with adv 2. If you sweep things off something, you push them off with a quick smooth movement of your arm. With a gesture of frustration, she swept the cards from the table... ‘Thanks friend,’ he said, while sweeping the money into his pocket. VERB: V n prep/adv, V n prep/adv 3. If someone with long hair sweeps their hair into a particular style, they put it into that style. ...stylish ways of sweeping your hair off your face... Her long, fine hair was swept back in a ponytail. VERB: V n prep/adv, V-ed 4. If your arm or hand sweeps in a particular direction, or if you sweep it there, it moves quickly and smoothly in that direction. His arm swept around the room... Daniels swept his arm over his friend’s shoulder. ...the long sweeping arm movements of a violinist. VERB: V prep/adv, V n prep/adv, V-ing • Sweep is also a noun. With one sweep of her hand she threw back the sheets. N-COUNT 5. If wind, a stormy sea, or another strong force sweeps someone or something along, it moves them quickly along. ...landslides that buried homes and swept cars into the sea... Suddenly, she was swept along by the crowd. VERB: V n prep/adv, V n prep/adv 6. If you are swept somewhere, you are taken there very quickly. The visitors were swept past various monuments... A limousine swept her along the busy freeway to the airport. VERB: be V-ed prep/adv, V n prep/adv 7. If something sweeps from one place to another, it moves there extremely quickly. (WRITTEN) An icy wind swept through the streets... The car swept past the gate house. VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv 8. If...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense and past participle swept 1 »CLEAN STH« to clean the dust, dirt etc from the floor or ground using a special brush  (Bert swept the path in front of the house. | Sweep the floor clean for me please.) 2 »PUSH STH SOMEWHERE« T always + adv/prep a) to clean a surface by pushing something to a particular place or in a particular direction with a special brush  (Could you sweep the snow off the patio for me?) b) to move something to a particular place or in a particular direction with a brushing or swinging movement  (The wind swept the dead leaves away. | I swept the papers quickly into the drawer.) 3 »CROWD« if a group of people sweep somewhere, they quickly move there together + through/along etc  (The crowd swept through the gates of the stadium.) 4 »PERSON« if someone sweeps somewhere, they move quickly and confidently, especially because they are impatient or like to seem important + into/through etc  (Eva swept into the meeting and demanded to know what was going on) 5 »WIND/WAVES ETC« I always + adv/prep, if winds, waves, storms etc sweep a place or sweep through, across etc a place, they move quickly and with a lot of force + across/through etc  (90 mile per hour winds swept across the plains.) sweep sth  (Thunderstorms swept the country.) 6 »IDEA/FEELING« I always + adv/prep, if an idea or feeling sweeps a group of people or sweeps across, over etc a group, it quickly becomes very popular with them + across/through etc  (The new dance craze swept through the teenage population.) sweep sth  (a wave of nationalism sweeping the country) 7 sweep sb along/away a) if a crowd sweeps someone along or away it forces them to move in the same direction it is moving in  (I was swept away by the crowd and lost sight of Alyssa completely.) b) if a feeling or idea sweeps you along or away, you are so involved or interested in it that you forget about other things  (19th century scientists swept along on the tide of Darwin's theories.) 8 sweep to victory/power to win something easily and in an impressive way...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., perhaps from a past tense form of M.E. swope "sweep," from O.E. swapan "to sweep" (transitive & intransitive), see swoop. The noun meaning "a winning of all the tricks in a card game" is from 1814. As a shortened form of chimney-sweeper, first attested 1812. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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