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Англо-русский словарь - suspension


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Перевод с английского языка suspension на русский

 1) вешание; подвешивание
 2) приостановка; прекращение; временная отставка; suspension of arms mil. - короткое перемирие
 3) econ. приостановление платежей (тж. suspension of payment(s); банкротство
 4) chem. взвешенное состояние; суспензия
 5) attr. подвесной, висячий; suspension bridge - висячий мост
SUSPENSION points многоточие
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1. приостановка, временное прекращение; отсрочка suspension of arms (of hostilities) —- воен. приостановка военных действий, короткое перемирие suspension of nuclear tests —- временное прекращение испытаний ядерного оружия suspension of judgement —- отсрочка вынесения решения 2. юр. временное прекращение, приостановление 3. спорт. временная остановка игры 4. временная отставка; временное отстранение от должности (впредь до решения вопроса об увольнении) suspension of membership —- временное исключение из числа (из состава) членов (организации); приостановление членства 5. эк. приостановление платежей (также suspension of payment); банкротство 6. муз. задержание 7. мед. временное прекращение какого-л. жизненного процесса 8. вешание, подвешивание 9. спец. взвешенное состояние 10. суспензия, взвесь 11. тех. подвеска ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ. 1) приостановка, (временное) прекращение а) общ. (приостановка процесса; какой-л. деятельности) The suspension of fighting is to take effect at 6 am on Monday. — Приостановака рейсов продлится до шести утра понедельника. б) юр., эк. (временная приостановка действия банковской лицензии) в) бирж. (временная приостановка торговли финансовым инструментом в ожидании корректировки баланса спроса и предложения) г) фин. (временная приостановка государством процентных платежей по долгу) 2) упр. отстранение от работы; дисквалификация (временное отстранение за нарушение дисциплины, правил и т. п.) The union is protesting about the suspension of a restaurant worker . — Профсоюз протестовал по поводу отстранения от работы сотрудника ресторана. The footballer is likely to receive a three-match suspension following an incident in yesterday's game. — После вчерашнего происшествия футболист, скорее всего, будет дисквалифицирован на три ближайших матча. See: disciplinary action 3) тех., траснп. подвес, подвеска SUSPENSION сущ. 1) приостановка, (временное) прекращение а) общ. (приостановка процесса; какой-л. деятельности) The suspension of fighting is to take effect at 6 am on Monday. — Приостановака боевых действий продлится до шести утра понедельника. б) юр., эк. (временная приостановка...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) взвесь 2) взвешенное состояние 3) взвешенность 4) взвешивание 5) надстройка 6) подвес измерительного прибора 7) подвеска 8) подвешивание 9) прекращение платежей 10) приостановка 11) суспензионный 12) суспензия cable suspension bridge — кабельный висячий мост chain suspension bridge — цепной висячий мост cohomology contrahomology suspension — когомологическая надстройка helical spring suspension — подвеска на винтовых пружинах independent wheel suspension — независимая подвеска колес magnetic model suspension — магнитная подвеска модели pass into suspension — переходить в суспензию rigid-axle type suspension — зависимая подвеска колес roll stiffness of suspension — угловая жесткость подвески suspension insulator string — гирлянда подвесных изоляторов suspension of matter in gas — энерг. газовзвесь, газовзвеси - active suspension - all-round independent suspension - center of suspension - double suspension - gimbal suspension - homology suspension - iterated suspension - knife-edge suspension - leaf-spring suspension - model suspension - n-fold suspension - partial suspension - reduced suspension - suspension bridge - suspension category - suspension clamp - suspension compass - suspension coordinates - suspension element - suspension fertilizer - suspension homomorphism - suspension insulator - suspension isomorphism - suspension joint - suspension movement - suspension of burden - suspension rate - suspension sequence - suspension shoe - suspension strand - suspension theorem - torsion-bar suspension - unreduced suspension - wheel suspension ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) нить подвеса (измерительного прибора) 2) подвеска 3) зависание – loudspeaker suspension ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  подвешивание взвесь; суспензия intermediate suspension jib suspension with ties ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) (при)остановка; временное прекращение 2) подвешивание 3) подвеска 4) взвесь, суспензия 5) вчт. подвешивание, зависание (задачи, процесса) 6) подвес; нить подвеса (в измерительных приборах) - acoustic suspension - air-spring suspension - air suspension - antidive suspension - axle suspension - axlebox suspension - ball-joint suspension - bar suspension - bifilar suspension - bogie swing suspension - bolster suspension - Cardan's suspension - catalyst-oil suspension - catenary suspension - centerpoint suspension - chord catenary suspension - coarse suspension - coarse coal-oil suspension - compound catenary suspension - double catenary suspension - double spring suspension - double transverse spring suspension - double fishbone suspension - electrode suspension - electromagnetic suspension - engine suspension - fine coal-oil suspension - flexible suspension - food suspension - full coil suspension - helical spring primary suspension - inclined catenary suspension - independent suspension - leaf suspension - lug suspension - maglev suspension - McPherson suspension - medium coal-oil suspension - moving element suspension - outside swing hanger suspension - parallelogram linkage suspension - pendulum suspension - pneumatic suspension - primary suspension - rear suspension - rigid suspension - rigid catenary suspension - secondary suspension - semirigid suspension - simple catenary suspension - single-spring suspension - span-wire suspension - spring suspension - spring shackle suspension - structured suspension - swing suspension - telescopic suspension - torsional suspension - torsion suspension - two-stage secondary suspension - vibration suspension ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 the act of suspending or the condition of being suspended. 2 the means by which a vehicle is supported on its axles. 3 a substance consisting of particles suspended in a medium. 4 Mus. the prolongation of a note of a chord to form a discord with the following chord. Phrases and idioms suspension bridge a bridge with a roadway suspended from cables supported by structures at each end. Etymology: F suspension or L suspensio (as SUSPEND) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English suspensyon, from Anglo-French ~, from Late Latin ~-, suspensio, from Latin suspendere  Date: 15th century  1. the act of suspending ; the state or period of being suspended: as  a. temporary removal (as from office or privileges)  b. temporary withholding (as of belief or decision)  c. temporary abrogation of a law or rule  d.  (1) the holding over of one or more musical tones of a chord into the following chord producing a momentary discord and suspending the concord which the ear expects; specifically such a dissonance which resolves downward — compare anticipation, retardation  (2) the tone thus held over  e. stoppage of payment of business obligations ; failure — used especially of a business or a bank  f. a rhetorical device whereby the principal idea is deferred to the end of a sentence or longer unit  2.  a. the act of hanging ; the state of being hung  b.  (1) the state of a substance when its particles are mixed with but undissolved in a fluid or solid  (2) a substance in this state  (3) a system consisting of a solid dispersed in a solid, liquid, or gas usually in particles of larger than colloidal size — compare emulsion  3. something suspended  4. the means by which something is suspended; especially the system of devices (as springs) supporting the upper part of a vehicle on the axles ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (suspensions) 1. The suspension of something is the act of delaying or stopping it for a while or until a decision is made about it. A strike by British Airways ground staff has led to the suspension of flights between London and Manchester... N-UNCOUNT 2. Someone’s suspension is their removal from a job or position for a period of time or until a decision is made about them. The minister warned that any civil servant not at his desk faced immediate suspension... N-VAR 3. A vehicle’s suspension consists of the springs and other devices attached to the wheels, which give a smooth ride over uneven ground. N-VAR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 the act of officially stopping something from continuing for a period of time + of  (EC sanctions included suspension of the 1980 trade agreement and import limits on textiles.) 2 the removal of someone from a team, job, school etc for a period of time, especially to punish them  (Sean McCarthy is set to return to football after a three match suspension.) 3 equipment fixed to the wheels of a vehicle to make it more comfortable on roads that are not smooth 4 technical a liquid mixture consisting of very small pieces of solid material that are contained in the liquid but have not combined with it  (- compare colloid) 5 the act of hanging something from something else  (suspension cables) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1421, from L. suspensionem (nom. suspensio) "the act or state of hanging up, a vaulting," from pp. stem of suspendere "to hang" (see suspend). Suspension bridge first recorded 1821. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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