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Англо-русский словарь - spray


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Перевод с английского языка spray на русский

can noun аэрозольный баллончик
SPRAY gun noun пульверизатор
SPRAY I noun
 1) ветка, побег
 2) узор в виде веточки II
 1. noun
 1) водяная пыль, брызги
 2) жидкость для пульверизации
 3) пульверизатор, распылитель
 4) mil. сноп разлета осколков
 2. v. распылять, пульверизировать; обрызгивать, опрыскивать, опылять (тж. spray on); If you spray the paint on, instead of using a brush, you gel a nice even surface.
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См. в других словарях

  1. веточка, побег 2. хворостина 3. брошка в виде ветки 4. бутоньерка, букетик 5. плоский букет (для гроба и т. п.) 6. брызги, водяная пыль 7. жидкость для пульверизации 8. pl. с-х. ядохимикаты для опрыскивания 9. распылитель, пульверизатор; опрыскиватель 10. стр. краскопульт 11. аэрозоль scent spray —- спрей, духи в аэрозоле hair spray —- лак для волос (аэрозоль) 12. струя, брызги (из пульверизатора и т. п.) 13. обрызгивать; распылять, разбрызгивать he sprayed insecticide on (onto) the rosebuches, he sprayed the rosebuches with insecticide —- он опрыскал розовые кусты инсектицидом 14. воен. профес. обстреливать, поливать свинцом (также to spray with fire) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) веточка; побег 2) распыляемый раствор; опрыскивать, обрызгивать; разбрызгивать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) аэрозоль 2) брызги 3) брызговый 4) впрыскиваемый 5) капля 6) напылять 7) обрызгивать 8) опрыскивать 9) орошать 10) поливной 11) пульверизатор 12) разбрызгивать 13) разбрызгивающий 14) распыленный 15) распыливающий 16) распылитель 17) распылять 18) струйный 19) струя 20) туман 21) шприцевой apply herbicide as spray — вносить гербицид разбрасыванием dynamic spray scrubber — динамический газопромыватель rotary spray scrubber — динамический мокрый газоочиститель splash-plate spray nozzle — форсунка ударного действия spray and splash characteristics — машиностр. брызгообразование spray developing machine — струйная проявочная машина spray on a varnish — наносить лак распылением static spray scrubber — статический мокрый газоочиститель use herbicide as spray — вносить гербицид опрыскиванием water spray nozzle — водораспылительное сопло - complete spray - geodesic spray - metal spray - oil-based spray - projective spray - spray air cooler - spray attemperator - spray boom - spray can - spray chamber - spray coating - spray cooler - spray cooling - spray freezing - spray gate - spray hose - spray injector - spray nozzle - spray on finish - spray pond - spray refining - spray resistance - spray test - spray the latex - spray washer - spray washing - variational spray ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  факел распыла аэрозоль распылитель, форсунка брызги, водяная пыль fog spray hand spray ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) брызги 2) распылённая жидкость; аэрозоль 3) распыляемый материал 4) распыление; разбрызгивание распылять; разбрызгивать 5) напылять; металлизировать напылением 6) распылитель; разбрызгиватель; пульверизатор; форсунка 7) факел распыла 8) впрыск впрыскивать 9) горизонтальный элемент станковой крепи (расположенный по простиранию) - airless spray - antioffset spray - bottom water sprays - containment spray - cooling spray - core spray - curved spray - descaling sprays - fog spray - mist spray - mud spray - offset spray - pitch spray - salt spray - split spray - top water sprays ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 water or other liquid flying in small drops from the force of the wind, the dashing of waves, or the action of an atomizer etc. 2 a liquid preparation to be applied in this form with an atomizer etc., esp. for medical purposes. 3 an instrument or apparatus for such application. --v.tr. (also absol.) 1 throw (liquid) in the form of spray. 2 sprinkle (an object) with small drops or particles, esp. (a plant) with an insecticide. 3 (absol.) (of a tom-cat) mark its environment with the smell of its urine, as an attraction to females. Phrases and idioms spray-dry (-dries, -dried) dry (milk etc.) by spraying into hot air etc. spray-gun a gunlike device for spraying paint etc. spray-paint paint (a surface) by means of a spray. Derivatives sprayable adj. sprayer n. Etymology: earlier spry, perh. rel. to MDu. spra(e)yen, MHG spr{aelig}jen sprinkle 2. n. 1 a sprig of flowers or leaves, or a branch of a tree with branchlets or flowers, esp. a slender or graceful one. 2 an ornament in a similar form (a spray of diamonds). Derivatives sprayey adj. Etymology: ME f. OE spr{aelig}g (unrecorded) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English *spr?g, spr?c  Date: 13th century  1. a usually flowering branch or shoot  2. a decorative flat arrangement of flowers and foliage (as on a coffin)  3. something (as a jeweled pin) resembling a ~  II. noun  Etymology: obsolete English ~ to sprinkle, from Middle Dutch ~en  Date: 1621  1. water flying in small drops or particles blown from waves or thrown up by a waterfall  2.  a. a jet of vapor or finely divided liquid disinfectant ~s  b. a device (as an atomizer or ~er) by which a ~ is dispersed or applied  c.  (1) an application of a ~ or by ~ing  (2) a substance (as paint) so applied  III. verb  Date: 1527  transitive verb  1. to project ~ or something resembling ~ on or into ~ the table ~ing the wall with bullets  2. to disperse or apply as a ~ ~ed some perfume  intransitive verb  1. to break up into ~  2. to disperse or apply a ~  3. to emit a stream or ~ of urine a cat may ~ to mark its territory  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sprays, spraying, sprayed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Spray is a lot of small drops of water which are being thrown into the air. The moon was casting a rainbow through the spray from the waterfall... N-VAR: oft N from/of n 2. A spray is a liquid kept under pressure in a can or other container, which you can force out in very small drops. ...hair spray. ...a can of insect spray. N-MASS 3. If you spray a liquid somewhere or if it sprays somewhere, drops of the liquid cover a place or shower someone. A sprayer hooked to a tractor can spray five gallons onto ten acres... Two inmates hurled slates at prison officers spraying them with a hose... Drops of blood sprayed across the room. VERB: V n prep/adv, V n with n, V prep 4. If a lot of small things spray somewhere or if something sprays them, they are scattered somewhere with a lot of force. A shower of mustard seeds sprayed into the air and fell into the grass... The intensity of the blaze shattered windows, spraying glass on the streets below... The bullet slammed into the ceiling, spraying them with bits of plaster. VERB: V prep, V n prep, V n with n 5. If someone sprays bullets somewhere, they fire a lot of bullets at a group of people or things. He ran to the top of the building spraying bullets into shoppers below... The army lorries were sprayed with machine gun fire from guerrillas in the woods. VERB: V n prep/adv, V n with n 6. If something is sprayed, it is painted using paint kept under pressure in a container. The bare metal was sprayed with several coats of primer. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed with n, also V n colour 7. When someone sprays against insects, they cover plants or crops with a chemical which prevents insects feeding on them. He doesn’t spray against pests or diseases... Confine the use of insecticides to the evening and do not spray plants that are in flower... Because of the immunity of the immature insects, it’s important to spray regularly. VERB:...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to make a stream of small drops of liquid come out of a small tube or several small holes  (spray sb with sth)  (She sprayed herself with perfume. | spray sth on/over sth)  (Vandals had sprayed graffiti on the walls. | spray crops/plants (=cover them with liquid to protect them from insects or disease)) 2 if liquids or small bits spray somewhere they are quickly scattered through the air + over/around/from etc  (Grass started spraying from the blades of the lawn mower.) 3 spray (sb/sth with) bullets to shoot many bullets from a gun quickly  (Gunmen sprayed the crowd with bullets.) ~2 n 1 »LIQUID« liquid which is forced out of a special container in a stream of very small drops  (hair spray (=spray which you put on your hair to keep it tidy) | insect spray (=spray used for killing insects)) 2 »A CAN« a can or other container with a special tube which forces liquid out in a stream of small drops  (Avoid sprays that contain harmful CFCs.) 3 »FROM THE SEA« water in very small drops blown from the sea or a wet surface  (A thunderous plume of spray leapt half-way up the cliff.) 4 »BRANCH« a small branch from a tree or plant used for decoration + of  (sprays of holly) 5 »FLOWERS/JEWELS« an attractive arrangement of flowers or jewels 6 a spray of bullets/dust etc a lot of very small objects or bits moving quickly through the air ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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