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Англо-русский словарь - smash


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Перевод с английского языка smash на русский

hit noun шлягер, популярное шоу
 1. noun
 1) внезапное падение; грохот
 2) гибель, уничтожение, разрушение
 3) столкновение; катастрофа
 4) банкротство
 5) сокрушительный удар
 6) amer. огромный успех
 7) удар по мячу сверху вниз, смэш (в теннисе)
 8) attr.; coll. успешный, быстро завоевавший популярность; a smash song - модная песенка
 2. v.
 1) разбивать(ся) вдребезги (часто smash up)
 2) сталкиваться (into, against, through)
 3) разбить, сокрушить, уничтожить (противника и т.п.)
 4) обанкротиться
 5) coll. ударять изо всех сил
 6) ударять по мячу сверху вниз, гасить (в теннисе) - smash in - smash up Syn: see break
 3. adv. с размаху; вдребезги; to go/come smash -
 а) врезаться с размаху;
 б) потерпеть полный провал; разориться
SMASH up разбивать(ся) вдребезги The wreck of the plane lay smashed up on the ground.
 а) вломиться, ворваться силой; The crowd smashed in for seats.
 б) выломать, разбить, сломать The firemen had to smash the door in to get into the house.
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См. в других словарях

  1. грохот, стук при падении, столкновении и т. п. the teapot fell with an awful smash —- чайник упал с ужасным грохотом 2. столкновение, катастрофа 3. полное разрушение, уничтожение, гибель to break (to knock) to smash —- разбить вдребезги; разрушить до основания to go to smash —- рухнуть; разбиться (разлететься) вдребезги; пойти насмарку (о стараниях, усилиях) 4. банкротство, крах to go to smash —- разориться, обанкротиться 5. разгром (противника) 6. разг. сокрушительный, тяжелый удар 7. огромный успех the dance was an absolute smash —- танцевальный вечер прошел просто великолепно 8. смэш, спиртной напиток с сахаром, мятой и льдом 9. смэш, напиток из фруктового сока 10. смэш, удар над головой по высоко летящему мячу (теннис) 11. разг. решительный, сокрушительный; разящий 12. разг. отличный, потрясающий 13. разбить вдребезги (также smash to pieces, to splinters или to bits) (также smash up) to smash a teacup —- разбить чашку the place was badly smashed up in the air-raids —- дом сильно пострадал во время воздушных налетов 14. разбиться вдребезги, разлететься на мелкие кусочки (также smash up) 15. физ. расщеплять (также smash up) 16. ломать to smash the door (open) —- взломать дверь the typhoon smashed all the buildings —- тайфуном были снесены (сметены) все постройки 17. ломаться 18. ударять,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. крах, банкротство - go to smash Syn: crash 2. гл. разориться, обанкротиться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  разбивать, сталкиваться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  v., n., & adv. --v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by up) a break into pieces; shatter. b bring or come to sudden or complete destruction, defeat, or disaster. 2 tr. (foll. by into, through) (of a vehicle etc.) move with great force and impact. 3 tr. & intr. (foll. by in) break in with a crushing blow (smashed in the window). 4 tr. (in tennis, squash, etc.) hit (a ball etc.) with great force, esp. downwards (smashed it back over the net). 5 intr. (of a business etc.) go bankrupt, come to grief. 6 tr. (as smashed adj.) sl. intoxicated. --n. 1 the act or an instance of smashing; a violent fall, collision, or disaster. 2 the sound of this. 3 (in full smash hit) a very successful play, song, performer, etc. 4 a stroke in tennis, squash, etc., in which the ball is hit esp. downwards with great force. 5 a violent blow with a fist etc. 6 bankruptcy; a series of commercial failures. 7 a mixture of spirits (usu. brandy) with flavoured water and ice. --adv. with a smash (fell smash on the floor). Phrases and idioms go to smash be ruined etc. smash-and-grab (of a robbery etc.) in which the thief smashes a shop-window and seizes goods. smash-up a violent collision; a complete smash. Etymology: 18th c., prob. imit. after smack, smite and bash, mash, etc. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: perhaps blend of 4smack and 2mash  Date: 1725  1.  a. a ~ing blow or attack  b. a hard overhand stroke (as in tennis or badminton)  2.  a. the action or sound of ~ing; especially a wreck due to collision ; crash  b. utter collapse ; ruin  3. a striking success  II. verb  Date: 1764  transitive verb  1. to break or crush by violence  2.  a. to drive or throw violently especially with a shattering or battering effect; also to effect in this way  b. to hit violently ; batter  c.  (1) to hit (as a tennis ball) with a hard overhand stroke  (2) to drive (a ball) with a forceful stroke  3. to destroy utterly ; wreck  intransitive verb  1. to move or become propelled with violence or crashing effect ~ed into a tree  2. to become wrecked  3. to go to pieces suddenly under collision or pressure  • ~er noun  III. adjective  Date: 1923 being a ~ ; outstanding a ~ hit ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (smashes, smashing, smashed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you smash something or if it smashes, it breaks into many pieces, for example when it is hit or dropped. Someone smashed a bottle... Two or three glasses fell off and smashed into pieces. = break VERB: V n, V into n 2. If you smash through a wall, gate, or door, you get through it by hitting and breaking it. The demonstrators used trucks to smash through embassy gates... Soldiers smashed their way into his office. VERB: V through n, V way prep/adv 3. If something smashes or is smashed against something solid, it moves very fast and with great force against it. The bottle smashed against a wall... He smashed his fist into Anthony’s face. VERB: V prep/adv, V n prep 4. To smash a political group or system means to deliberately destroy it. (INFORMAL) Their attempts to clean up politics and smash the power of party machines failed. VERB: V n 5. see also smashed, smashing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to break into many small pieces violently or noisily, or to make something do this by dropping, throwing, or hitting it  (I dropped the plate and it smashed. | He used a chair to smash the window.) 2 I always + adv/prep, T always + adv/prep to hit an object or surface violently, or to make something do this  (smash sth against/down/into)  (Larry smashed his fist down on the table.) 3 to destroy something such as a political system or criminal organization  (The French police claim to have smashed a massive drugs racket.) 4 to hit a high ball in tennis etc with a strong downward action smash sth down phr v to hit a door, wall etc violently so that it falls to the ground smash sth in phr v to hit something so violently that you break it and make a hole in it  (smash sb's face/head in informal (=hit someone hard in the face or head))  (He had threatened to smash Jo's head in if he ever went there again.) smash sth up phr v to deliberately damage or destroy something  (A gang of thugs came into the bar and smashed the place up.)  (- see also smash­up) ~2 n 1 the loud sound of something breaking + of  (We heard the smash of plates breaking in the kitchen.) 2 a hard downward shot in tennis or similar games 3 BrE a serious road or railway accident ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1778, "break to pieces," earlier "kick downstairs" (17c.), probably of imitative origin. Tennis sense is from 1882. Sense of "failure, financial collapse" is from 1839; that of "great success" is from 1923. Smashed "drunk" is slang from 1962. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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