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Англо-русский словарь - skate


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Перевод с английского языка skate на русский

I noun скат (рыба) II
 1. noun
 1) конек
 2) катание на коньках
 2. v.
 1) кататься на коньках
 2) скользить; to skate over smth. - упомянуть что-л. вскользь - skate over - skate round
SKATE over coll. избегать, касаясь вскользь (какой-л. темы и т.п.) Every time we come to that particular matter, the chairman skates over it.
SKATE round coll.
 а) избегать, касаясь вскользь (какой-л. темы и т.п.) Dont try to skate round the question by changing the subject.
 б) обойти (какие-л. трудности и т.п.) If you are clever you can sometimes skate round the tax laws.
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1. зоол. скат (Raja) 2. обыкн. pl. конек figure skates —- коньки для фигурного катания racing skates —- беговые коньки skate guards —- чехлы для коньков 3. роликовый конек; ролик 4. тех. полоз 5. катание на коньках или роликах Id: to put on (one's) skates, to get one's skates on —- навострить лыжи; уклоняться от выполнения обязанностей; дезертировать 6. кататься, бегать на коньках 7. состязаться в беге на коньках to skate a match —- участвовать в конькобежном состязании to skate smb. —- соревноваться с кем-либо в беге на коньках 8. скользить по поверхности to skate over smth. —- упоминать о чем-либо вскользь Id: to skate over thin ice —- деликатно касаться щекотливой темы; быть в затруднительном положении; ходить по краю пропасти 9. ж-д. тормозной башмак 10. ам. сл. кляча 11. разг. парень; личность, тип good skate —- хороший парень 12. презренная личность; прохвост (также bad skate) cheap skate —- мелкая душонка; ам. скряга ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  ромбовый скат (Raja); pl скатовые, ромбовые скаты (Rajidae) – abyssal skate – bonnet skate – buckler skate – common skate – electric skate – flapper skate – hedgehog skate – mongrel skate – smoothskin skate – summer skate – thorny skate – white skate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  конек, скользить skate machine lever — рычаг управления тормозным башмаком - skate retarder ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) токосъёмник 2) мор. салазки ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 each of a pair of steel blades (or of boots with blades attached) for gliding on ice. 2 (in full roller skate) each of a pair of metal frames with small wheels, fitted to shoes for riding on a hard surface. 3 a device on which a heavy object moves. --v. 1 a intr. move on skates. b tr. perform (a specified figure) on skates. 2 intr. (foll. by over) refer fleetingly to, disregard. Phrases and idioms get one's skates on Brit. sl. make haste. skate on thin ice colloq. behave rashly, risk danger, esp. by dealing with a subject needing tactful treatment. skating-rink a piece of ice artificially made, or a floor used, for skating. Derivatives skater n. Etymology: orig. scates (pl.) f. Du. schaats (sing.) f. ONF escace, OF eschasse stilt 2. n. (pl. same or skates) any cartilaginous marine fish of the family Rajidae, esp. Raja batis, a large flat rhomboidal fish used as food. Etymology: ME f. ON skata 3. n. sl. a contemptible, mean, or dishonest person (esp. cheap skate). Etymology: 19th c.: orig. uncert. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural ~s; also ~)  Etymology: Middle English scate, from Old Norse skata  Date: 14th century any of a family (Rajidae, especially genus Raja) of rays with the pectoral fins greatly developed giving the fish a flat diamond shape  II. noun  Etymology: modification of Dutch schaats, from Middle Dutch schaetse stilt, from Old French dialect (Flanders, Hainaut) *escace, probably of Germanic origin; akin to Old English sceacan to shake — more at shake  Date: 1684  1.  a. a metal frame that can be fitted to the sole of a shoe and to which is attached a runner or a set of wheels for gliding over ice or a surface other than ice  b. roller ~; especially in-line ~  c. ice ~  2. a period of skating  III. verb  (~d; skating)  Date: 1696  intransitive verb  1. to glide along on ~s propelled by the alternate action of the legs  2. to slip or glide as if on ~s  3. to proceed in a superficial or blithe manner  transitive verb to go along or through by skating  IV. noun  Etymology: probably alteration of English dialect skite an offensive person  Date: 1894  1. a thin awkward-looking or decrepit horse ; nag  2. fellow 4c ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (skates, skating, skated) 1. Skates are ice-skates. N-COUNT 2. Skates are roller-skates. N-COUNT 3. If you skate, you move about wearing ice-skates or roller-skates. I actually skated, and despite some teetering I did not fall on the ice... Dan skated up to him. VERB: V, V adv/prep • skating They all went skating together in the winter. N-UNCOUNT • skater (skaters) West Lake, an outdoor ice-skating rink, attracts skaters during the day and night. N-COUNT 4. A skate is a kind of flat sea fish. Boats had plenty of mackerel and a few skate. = ray N-COUNT • Skate is this fish eaten as food. N-UNCOUNT 5. If you skate over or round a difficult subject, you avoid discussing it. Scientists have tended to skate over the difficulties of explaining dreams... When pressed, he skates around the subject of those women who he met as a 19-year-old. VERB: V over n, V round/around n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 one of a pair of boots with metal blades on the bottom, for moving quickly on ice; ice­skate2 2 one of a pair of boots or frames with small wheels on the bottom, for moving quickly on flat smooth surfaces; roller skate 3 plural skate or skates a large flat sea fish that can be eaten 4 get/put your skates on BrE spoken used to tell someone to hurry  (Put your skates on, or you'll be late for school.) ~2 v 1 to move on skates  (The children skated on the frozen pond.) 2 be skating on thin ice informal to be doing something that may get you into trouble - skater n skate over/around sth phr v to avoid mentioning a problem or subject, or not give it enough attention  (The President was accused of skating over the issue of the homeless.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  media abbr. Sap Knowledge Authoring Text Enhancement sport abbr. Skaters Keep Achieving Through Education religion abbr. Spreading Kindness And Thoughtfulness Everywhere NASDAQ abbr. Skysat Communications Network Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: CHEAP SKATE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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