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Англо-русский словарь - site


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Перевод с английского языка site на русский

 1. noun
 1) местоположение, местонахождение
 2) участок (для строительства) Syn: location, place, point, scene, setting, spot
 2. v.
 1) располагать
 2) выбирать место
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1. местоположение, местонахождение the site of a building —- местоположение здания the site of the coal industry —- центр угольной промышленности the site of a battle —- поле боя, место сражения site of election —- мед. типичная локализация 2. место для застройки; строительная или монтажная площадка a site for a building —- участок для здания 3. место (происшествия) archeological sites —- места археологических раскопок; места, представляющие интерес для археологов the site of Olympic games —- место проведения Олимпийских игр the site of the fire —- место пожара preservation of historical sites —- охрана исторических мест 4. место стоянки древнего человека 5. горн. место заложения (шахты) 6. горн. бок (выработки) 7. биох. (активный) центр, сайт 8. помещать, располагать 9. помещаться, располагаться, находиться 10. выбирать место (для строительства) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) место, участок 2) местообитание; местонахождение 3) ген. участок, сайт – site of action – site of entry – A-site – acceptor site – activator site – active site – additional site – allosteric site – aminoacyl ribosome site – aminoacyl-tRNA-binding site – antibody active site – antigen-binding site – antigenic site – assembly sites – binding site – breeding site – built-in acceptor site – cap site – catalytic site – cell-binding recongition site – chain-antigenic site – cleft-type site – combining site – complement fixation site – consensus end site – copper site – coupling site – cryptic end site – cryptic recognition site – cyclization site – decoding site – ectopic site – effector site – fertilization site – groove-type site – hapten-binding site – hidden valence site – home site – immune complex binding site – immunogenic site – initiation site – insertion site – linear antigenic site – mRNA-splicing site – nesting site – overlapping site – p site – paratopic site – peptidyl ribosome site – polyadenylation site – R site – reaction site – receptor site – recognition site – recording site – restriction site – specificity site – switch site – termination site – transcription start site – translational initiation site – unbound binding site ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) местоположение, местонахождение; помещать, располагать 2) узел (сети); подразделение; площадка (группа компьютеров, использующих общий каталог информации и взаимодействующих через постоянные синхронные сетевые соединения) – database site – remote site – web site SITE сущ. 1) общ. местоположение, местонахождение (недвижимости) 2) общ. стройплощадка; площадь (место) для строительства 3) рекл., комп. сайт, интернет-страница See: site frequency site reach site session site works - работы на стройплощадке, строительные работы; работа над сайтом SITE сущ. 1) местоположение, местонахождение 2) стройплощадка, площадь, место (для строительства) - building site - construction site - site briefing - site preparation - site work ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) место 2) местонахождение 3) площадка 4) строительная площадка 5) участок at site of injury — в месте повреждения electron trapping site — центр захвата электрона hole trapping site — центр захвата дырки - erection site - lattice site - launching site - site area - site error - site of breakdown - site test - sloping site - strapping site - unwater the site ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) сайт, узел размещения сервера в сети Интернет 2) базовый блок (сотового радиотелефона) 3) (антенный) полигон 4) объект заказчика – antenna site – backbone site – beta-site – bit site – cell site – communication site – hardened site – radio site – receiving site – test site – transmitting site – Web site ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  местоположение участок; место строительная площадка site of operation amphibious site bridge site building site building excavation site construction site continually moving site dam site depositing site discharge site erection site excavation site fixed site gauging site greenfield site job site project site receiving site redeveloped site road construction site sloping site tight site ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) место; участок; (рабочая) площадка 2) местоположение; местонахождение; позиция 3) центр; точка 4) узел (кристаллической решётки) 5) физ. ловушка, центр захвата 6) установка 7) пункт связи 8) посадочное место (ИС на плате) - site of occurrence - site of station - acid site - adsorption site - anion site - assembly site - attachment site - binding site - bit site - building site - cation site - coastal subassembly site - coastal assembly site - combining site - conditioning site - construction site - cross-link site - dam site - diagnostic site - disposal site - drilling site - dumping site - electron trapping site - emission site - exchange site - exposure site - gaging site - gravel pad drilling site - impurity site - inland site - interstitial site - job site - landing site - lattice site - low earth orbit assembly site - machine working site - machine site - mining site - monitoring site - nucleation site - on-orbit assembly site - opencast site - power site - previously surveyed site - project site - receiving site - receptor site - recombination site - refuse-tipping site - reservoir site - satellite site - shaft site - sorption site - stockpile site - storage site - substitutional site - test site - transmitting site - trapping site - vacant electron site - vacant lattice site - waste-pile site - well site ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. 1 the ground chosen or used for a town or building. 2 a place where some activity is or has been conducted (camping site; launching site). --v.tr. 1 locate or place. 2 provide with a site. Etymology: ME f. AF site or L situs local position ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, place, position, from Anglo-French or Latin; Anglo-French sit, ~, from Latin situs, from sinere to leave, allow  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the spatial location of an actual or planned structure or set of structures (as a building, town, or monuments)  b. a space of ground occupied or to be occupied by a building  2.  a. the place, scene, or point of an occurrence or event a picnic ~ the crash ~  b. one or more Internet addresses at which an individual or organization provides information to others an FTP ~; esp Web ~  II. transitive verb  (~d; siting)  Date: 15th century to place on a ~ or in position ; locate ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sites, siting, sited) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A site is a piece of ground that is used for a particular purpose or where a particular thing happens. He became a hod carrier on a building site. ...a bat sanctuary with special nesting sites... N-COUNT: oft n N 2. The site of an important event is the place where it happened. Scientists have described the Aral sea as the site of the worst ecological disaster on earth... N-COUNT: usu the N of n 3. A site is a piece of ground where something such as a statue or building stands or used to stand. ...the site of Moses’ tomb. N-COUNT 4. A site is the same as a website. N-COUNT 5. If something is sited in a particular place or position, it is put there or built there. He said chemical weapons had never been sited in Germany. ...a damp, old castle, romantically sited on a river estuary. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed prep/adv, V-ed • siting ...controls on the siting of gas storage vessels. N-SING: usu the N of n 6. If someone or something is on site, they are in a particular area or group of buildings where people work, study, or stay. It is cheaper to have extra building work done when the builder is on site. PHRASE 7. If someone or something is off site, they are away from a particular area or group of buildings where people work, study, or stay. There is ample car parking off site. PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a place where something important or interesting happened  (an archaeological site) + of  (the site of the Battle of Waterloo) 2 an area of ground where something is being built or will be built  (a construction site) + of  (the site of a proposed missile base) 3 camp/camping/caravan site especially BrE a piece of ground where you can camp ~2 v be sited be placed or built in a particular place + in/near etc  (The new factory is to be sited in Fort Collins.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  UN abbr. Search For International Terrorist Entities environ. abbr. Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation U.S. gov. abbr. Search For International Terrorist Entities ocean sc. abbr. Space Influences on the Terrestrial Environment univ. abbr. Science Innovation Technology And Engineering univ. abbr. Student Invention Through Education sc. fict. abbr. Supernatural Intuitive Transmundane Entity media abbr. Satellite Instructional Television Experiment educ. abbr. Student Invention Through Education NASDAQ abbr. Spectrasite Holdings, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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