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Англо-русский словарь - sick


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Перевод с английского языка sick на русский

pay noun пособие по болезни (выплачивается предприятием; обыкн. возмещает часть заработка)
SICK headache мигрень
SICK I adj.
 1) преим. amer. больной
 2) predic. чувствующий тошноту; to feel/turn sick - испытывать тошноту; he is sick - его тошнит/рвет
 3) болезненный; нездоровый; sick fancies - болезненные фантазии
 4) относящийся к больному; связанный с болезнью
 5) coll. пресыщенный; уставший (of - от чего-л.); I am sick of waiting - мне надоело ждать
 6) тоскующий (for - по чему-л.); to be sick at heart - тосковать
 7) coll. раздосадованный
 8) бледный, слабый (о цвете, свете и т.п.) II v. натравливать (собаку); sick him! hunt. - ату!, возьми его!
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См. в других словарях

  1. (the sick) больные to heal the sick —- лечить больных 2. болезнь 3. редк. приступ тошноты 4. сл. подавленное состояние наркомана (до принятия наркотика) 5. чувствующий тошноту he is sick —- его тошнит (рвет) he feels sick —- его тошнит (мутит) he is sick at the stomach —- ам. у него сосет под ложечкой; его тошнит he was sick in the plane —- его вырвало в самолете gossip that makes one sick —- тошнотворные сплетни 6. чувствующий скуку, раздражение I am sick to death of waiting —- мне смертельно надоело ждать he was sick at missing you —- он был раздосадован, что упустил вас it makes me sick to think that it is so —- мне противно думать, что это так I'm dead sick of all this! —- мне все это смертельно надоело!, меня от всего этого просто тошнит! I am sick of life —- мне надоела жизнь I am getting sick of his lies —- мне опротивело его вранье, меня тошнит от его вранья it makes me sick at my stomach to look at him —- меня тошнит, когда я его вижу I'm sick and tired of it —- мне это осточертело 7. преим. ам. больной sick girl —- больная девочка to be sick —- быть больным to go sick —- заболеть, захворать to be sick abed with flu —- лежать с гриппом to report sick —- воен. подать рапорт о болезни he is sick of a fever —- у него лихорадка he's worried sick —- неприятности довели его до болезни 8. болезненный; связанный с болезнью sick condition —- болезненное...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  больной ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  прил. 1) а) общ. больной, болезненный, нездоровый, испытывающий недомогание, хворающий (страдающий от физического или психического заболевания) to be get sick with smth. — (за)болеть чем-л. sick child — больной ребенок б) общ. относящийся к больному; связанный с болезнью; характерный для больного человека sick condition — болезненное состояние sick years — годы болезни See: sick pay, sick leave, sick list, sickout в) общ. переживающий упадок застой, нездоровый* (напр. о компании, стране, рынке и т. д., испытывающих серьезные трудности) symptoms of a sick economy — симптомы застойной нездоровой экономики sick soil — истощенная земля 2) а) общ. чувствующий тошноту He was sick in the car. — В машине его вырвало. б) общ. (испытывающий сильные эмоциональные переживания, охваченный сильными эмоциями) I felt sick with fear. — Я испугался. в) общ. раздосадованный, раздраженный, чувствующий раздражение Tell the idiot that you are sick of his lies. — Скажите этому идиоту, что вас уже тошнит от его вранья. I'm sick and tired of it all. — Мне все это осточертело надоело, опротивело, опостылело. г) общ. тоскующий, скучающий (по чему-л.); удрученный (чем-л., по поводу чего-л.), страдающий sick at the prospect of leaving home — удрученный предстоящим отъездом из дома I was sick for home....
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  болящий Sick wave function — функция Сика волновая ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 (often in comb.) esp. Brit. vomiting or tending to vomit (feels sick; has been sick; seasick). 2 esp. US ill; affected by illness (has been sick for a week; a sick man; sick with measles). 3 a (often foll. by at) esp. mentally perturbed; disordered (the product of a sick mind; sick at heart). b (often foll. by for, or in comb.) pining; longing (sick for a sight of home; lovesick). 4 (often foll. by of) colloq. a disgusted; surfeited (sick of chocolates). b angry, esp. because of surfeit (am sick of being teased). 5 colloq. (of humour etc.) jeering at misfortune, illness, death, etc.; morbid (sick joke). 6 (of a ship) needing repair (esp. of a specified kind) (paint-sick). --n. Brit. colloq. vomit. --v.tr. (usu. foll. by up) Brit. colloq. vomit (sicked up his dinner). Phrases and idioms go sick report oneself as ill. look sick colloq. be unimpressive or embarrassed. sick at (or to) one's stomach US vomiting or tending to vomit. sick-benefit Brit. an allowance made by the State to a person absent from work through sickness. sick building syndrome a high incidence of illness in office workers, attributed to the immediate working surroundings. sick-call 1 a visit by a doctor to a sick person etc. 2 Mil. a summons for sick men to attend. sick-flag a yellow flag indicating disease at a quarantine station or on ship. sick headache a migraine headache with vomiting. sick-leave leave of absence granted because of illness. sick-list a list of the sick, esp. in a regiment, ship, etc. sick-making colloq. sickening. sick nurse = NURSE. sick-pay pay given to an employee etc. on sick-leave. take sick colloq. be taken ill. Derivatives sickish adj. Etymology: OE seoc f. Gmc 2. v.tr. (usu. in imper.) (esp. to a dog) set upon (a rat etc.). Etymology: 19th c., dial. var. of SEEK ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English sek, sik, from Old English seoc; akin to Old High German sioh ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) affected with disease or ill health ; ailing  (2) of, relating to, or intended for use in ~ness ~ pay a ~ ward  b. queasy, nauseated ~ to one's stomach was ~ in the car  c. undergoing menstruation  2. spiritually or morally unsound or corrupt  3.  a. ~ened by strong emotion ~ with fear worried ~  b. having a strong distaste from surfeit ; satiated ~ of flattery  c. filled with disgust or chagrin gossip makes me ~  d. depressed and longing for something ~ for one's home  4.  a. mentally or emotionally unsound or disordered ; morbid ~ thoughts  b. highly distasteful ; macabre, sadistic ~ jokes a ~ crime  5. lacking vigor ; ~ly: as  a. badly outclassed made the competition look ~  b. incapable of producing profitable yields of a crop ~ soils  • ~ly adverb  II. noun  Date: 1957 British vomit 1 ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sicker, sickest) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you are sick, you are ill. Sick usually means physically ill, but it can sometimes be used to mean mentally ill. He’s very sick. He needs medication... She found herself with two small children, a sick husband, and no money... ADJ • The sick are people who are sick. There were no doctors to treat the sick. N-PLURAL: the N 2. If you are sick, the food that you have eaten comes up from your stomach and out of your mouth. If you feel sick, you feel as if you are going to be sick. She got up and was sick in the handbasin... The very thought of food made him feel sick... ADJ: v-link ADJ 3. Sick is vomit. (BRIT INFORMAL) N-UNCOUNT 4. If you say that you are sick of something or sick and tired of it, you are emphasizing that you are very annoyed by it and want it to stop. (INFORMAL) I am sick and tired of hearing all these people moaning... = fed up ADJ: v-link ADJ of n/-ing c darkgreen]emphasis 5. If you describe something such as a joke or story as sick, you mean that it deals with death or suffering in an unpleasantly humorous way. ...a sick joke about a cat... ADJ c darkgreen]disapproval 6. If you say that something or someone makes you sick, you mean that they make you feel angry or disgusted. (INFORMAL) It makes me sick that people commit offences and never get punished... PHRASE: V inflects, oft it PHR that 7. If you are off sick, you are not at work because you are ill. When we are off sick, we only receive half pay. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR 8. If you say that you are worried sick, you are emphasizing that you are extremely worried. (INFORMAL) He was worried sick about what our mothers would say. PHRASE: v-link PHR c darkgreen]emphasis ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »ILL« suffering from a disease or illness  (Where's Sheila - is she sick? | a sick child | get sick AmE (=become ill))  (At the last minute I got sick and couldn't go. | sick as a dog (=very sick))  (Pete's at home in bed, sick as a dog. | be off sick (=be away from work or school because you are ill))  (I was off sick for four days with the flu. | call in sick (=telephone to say you are not coming to work because you are ill))  (You have to call in sick before 9.30. | take sick old-fashioned (=become ill))  (He took sick and died a week later.) 2 be sick to bring food up from your stomach through your mouth; vomit  (The cat's been sick on the carpet. | You'll be sick if you eat any more of that chocolate! | violently sick (=suddenly and severely sick))  (I was violently sick the last time I ate prawns.) 3 feel sick also be/feel sick to your stomach to feel as if you are going to vomit  (As soon as the ship started moving I began to feel sick.)  (- see also carsick, seasick, travel­sick) 4 be sick (and tired) of also be sick to death of to be angry and bored with something that has been happening for a long time  (I'm really sick of housework! | We're getting sick and tired of listening to them argue all the time.) 5 be worried sick/be sick with worry to be extremely worried  (Why didn't you tell me you were coming home late? I've been worried sick!) 6 make me/you sick spoken a) to make you feel very angry  (People like you make me sick!) b) spoken humorous to make someone feel jealous  (You make me sick with your `expenses paid' holidays!) 7 »STRANGE/CRUEL« a) someone who is sick does things that are strange and cruel, and seems mentally ill  (I keep getting obscene phone calls from some sick pervert. | a sick mind) b) sick stories, jokes etc deal with death and suffering in a cruel or unpleasant way  (Did you see that film `Brain Dead'? Sick, isn't it? | Has he told you his sick joke about the undertaker?) 8 sick as a parrot BrE spoken humorous extremely disappointed  ("How did you feel when you missed...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  libr. abbr. Serial Insane Clown Killer adult abbr. Stupid Idiotic Crazy Killer sport abbr. Southern Indiana Crazy Kyakers law abbr. Stop Inciting Children To Kill ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: TAKE ILL or TAKE SICK. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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