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Англо-русский словарь - shade


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Перевод с английского языка shade на русский

 1. noun
 1) тень; полумрак; light and shade paint. - свет и тени also fig. ; to throw/cast/put) into the shade - затмевать
 2) тень, намек; оттенок, нюанс; незначительное отличие; silks in all shades of blue - шелковые нитки всех оттенков синего цвета; people of all shades of opinion - люди самых разных убеждений; there is not a shade of doubt - нет и тени сомнения
 3) незначительное количество; a shade better - чуть-чуть лучше
 4) myth.; poet. бесплотный дух; тень умершего; among the shades - в царстве теней
 5) экран, щит; абажур; стеклянный колпак
 6) маркиза, полотняный навес над витриной магазина
 7) amer. штора
 8) защитное стекло (на опт. приборе); бленда
 9) тень, прохлада; in the shade of a tree - в тени дерева Syn: see ghost
 2. v.
 1) заслонять от света; затенять; The house is shaded from the midday heat by those tall trees.
 2) омрачать; затуманивать; His eyes shaded with pain.
 3) штриховать, тушевать; to shade the outlines - заштриховать контуры
 4) незаметно переходить (into - в другой цвет); незаметно исчезать (обыкн. shade away, shade off); смягчать (обыкн. shade away, shade down); As the sun set, the sky shaded from blue to pink. The leaves shaded into gold and red.
 5) amer. слегка понижать (цену) - shade in
SHADE in штриховать, тушевать If you shade in one side of your drawing, the shape will look solid.
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См. в других словарях

  1. тень; полумрак; прохлада in the shade (of a tree) —- в тени (дерева) 20 degrees in the shade —- двадцать градусов в тени the trees make a pleasant shade —- деревья образуют приятную тень 2. неизвестность to be in the shade —- держаться в тени (на заднем плане) I have chosen to remain in the shade —- я решил остаться в тени (неизвестным) to throw (to put, to cast) smb., smth. in(to) the shade —- затмить (превзойти) кого-л., что-л. to keep smb. in the shade —- оставлять кого-л. на заднем плане to fall into the shade —- отойти на задний план 3. pl. сумерки; вечерний полумрак; ночная мгла (также the shades of evening, the shades of night, evening shades, night's shades) the shades lengthen —- тени становятся длиннее; сумерки сгущаются the shades of evening (of night) fall —- спускаются сумерки 4. уединенное место, убежище, сень in the shade of smth. —- под сенью чего-л. 5. оттенок, тон material in all shades of blue —- ткань всех оттенков синего цвета in dark shades —- в темных тонах the same colour in a lighter shade —- тот же цвет более светлого оттенка 6. отличие, нюанс people of all shades of opinion —- люди всевозможных убеждений delicate shades of meaning —- тонкие нюансы значения newspapers of every shade —- газеты всех направлений 7. незначительное количество (чего-л.) a shade more —- немного больше a shade better —- немного (чуть-чуть, капельку) лучше a shade uncomfortable —- немного неловко I drew my chair a shade...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  тень; затенять; защищать (от света, солнца) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) незначительная величина 2) незначительное отличие - shade higher - shade lower 2. гл. 1) немного понизить (цену) 2) омрачить - shadow cabinet ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) абажур 2) заслонять от света 3) затенитель 4) затенять 5) затушевание 6) затушевывать 7) заштриховывать 8) полумрак 9) собственная тень 10) тень 11) шраффировать 12) штриховать 13) щит 14) экран - etching shade - shade of gray - shade orientation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  экран ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  экран экранировать тень затенять тон; оттенок accordion shades жалюзи складывающиеся ставни ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) экран затенять; экранировать 2) оптика защитное стекло 3) кфт. светозащитная бленда 4) оттенок; тон оттенять 5) ретушь; штриховка ретушировать; штриховать - color shade - eye shade - horizon shade - index shade - sky shade ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 comparative darkness (and usu. coolness) caused by shelter from direct light and heat. 2 a place or area sheltered from the sun. 3 a darker part of a picture etc. 4 a colour, esp. with regard to its depth or as distinguished from one nearly like it. 5 comparative obscurity. 6 a slight amount (am a shade better today). 7 a translucent cover for a lamp etc. 8 a screen excluding or moderating light. 9 an eye-shield. 10 (in pl.) esp. US colloq. sunglasses. 11 a slightly differing variety (all shades of opinion). 12 literary a a ghost. b (in pl.) Hades. 13 (in pl.; foll. by of) suggesting reminiscence or unfavourable comparison (shades of Dr Johnson!). --v. 1 tr. screen from light. 2 tr. cover, moderate, or exclude the light of. 3 tr. darken, esp. with parallel pencil lines to represent shadow etc. 4 intr. & tr. (often foll. by away, off, into) pass or change by degrees. Phrases and idioms in the shade in comparative obscurity. Derivatives shadeless adj. Etymology: OE sc(e)adu f. Gmc SHADING n. 1 the representation of light and shade, e.g. by pencilled lines, on a map or drawing. 2 the graduation of tones from light to dark to create a sense of depth. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sceadu; akin to Old High German scato shadow, Greek skotos darkness  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. comparative darkness or obscurity owing to interception of the rays of light  b. relative obscurity or retirement  2.  a. shelter (as by foliage) from the heat and glare of sunlight  b. a place sheltered from the sun  3. an evanescent or unreal appearance  4. plural  a. the shadows that gather as darkness comes on  b. netherworld, Hades  5.  a. a disembodied spirit ; ghost  b. — used to signal the similarity between a previously encountered person or situation and one at hand; usually used in plural ~s of my childhood  6. something that intercepts or shelters from light, sun, or heat: as  a. a device partially covering a lamp so as to reduce glare  b. a flexible screen usually mounted on a roller for regulating the light or the view through a window  c. plural sunglasses  7.  a. the reproduction of the effect of ~ in painting or drawing  b. a subdued or somber feature  8.  a. a color produced by a pigment or dye mixture having some black in it  b. a color slightly different from the one under consideration  9.  a. a minute difference or variation ; nuance  b. a minute degree or quantity  10. a facial expression of sadness or displeasure  • ~less adjective  II. verb  (~d; shading)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to shelter or screen by intercepting radiated light or heat  b. to cover with a ~  2. to hide partly by or as if by a shadow  3. to darken with or as if with a shadow  4. to better or exceed by a ~ ; surpass, eclipse  5.  a. to represent the effect of ~ or shadow on  b. to add shading to  c. to color so that the ~s pass gradually from one to another  6. to change by gradual transition or qualification  7. to reduce slightly (as a price)  8. slant, bias  intransitive verb  1. to pass by slight changes or imperceptible degrees  2. to undergo or exhibit minute difference or...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (shades, shading, shaded) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A shade of a particular colour is one of its different forms. For example, emerald green and olive green are shades of green. The walls were painted in two shades of green. ...new eyeshadows in a choice of 80 shades. N-COUNT: oft N of n, in N 2. Shade is an area of darkness under or next to an object such as a tree, where sunlight does not reach. Temperatures in the shade can reach forty-eight degrees celsius at this time of year... ...exotic trees provide welcome shade. N-UNCOUNT: oft in the N 3. If you say that a place or person is shaded by objects such as trees, you mean that the place or person cannot be reached, harmed, or bothered by strong sunlight because those objects are in the way. ...a health resort whose beaches are shaded by palm trees... Umbrellas shade outdoor cafes along winding cobblestone streets. VERB: be V-ed, V n 4. If you shade your eyes, you put your hand or an object partly in front of your face in order to prevent a bright light from shining into your eyes. You can’t look directly into it; you’ve got to shade your eyes or close them altogether... = shield VERB: V n 5. Shade is darkness or shadows as they are shown in a picture. ...Rembrandt’s skilful use of light and shade to create the atmosphere of movement. ? light N-UNCOUNT 6. The shades of something abstract are its many, slightly different forms. ...the capacity to convey subtle shades of meaning. N-COUNT: usu pl, N of n 7. If something shades into something else, there is no clear division between the two things, so that you cannot tell where or when the first thing ends and the second thing begins. As the dusk shaded into night, we drove slowly through narrow alleys... VERB: V into n 8. Shades are sunglasses. (INFORMAL) N-PLURAL 9. A shade is the same as a lampshade. N-COUNT 10. A shade is a piece of stiff cloth or heavy paper that you can pull down over a window as a...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »SLIGHT DARKNESS« slight darkness or shelter from the direct light of the sun made by something blocking it  (a plant that likes a lot of shade | in the shade)  (Let's find a table in the shade. | It's 35°C in the shade. | in the shade of a tree/wall etc)  (sitting in the shade of a large oak tree)  (- compare shadow1 (1)) 2 »FOR BLOCKING LIGHT« a) something you use to reduce or block light  (lampshade/eyeshade (=over a lamp, or above your eyes)) b) AmE a blind3 (1) 3 shades informal sunglasses 4 »IN A PICTURE« the dark places in a picture  (light and shade)  (using light and shade to mould figures) 5 »COLOUR« a particular kind of red, green, blue etc + of  (a wonderful shade of pink) 6 shade of meaning/opinion/feeling etc a meaning etc that is slightly different from other ones; nuance  (various shades of opinion in the party) 7 a shade formal very slightly  (Ken was just a shade too honest about his feelings.) 8 shades of used to say that something reminds you of someone or something else, especially when you would rather forget  (Huh. Shades of my poorer days.) 9 put sth in the shade to be so good or impressive that other similar things or people seem much less important or interesting  (Well Arthur, your choir puts our little town chorus in the shade.) 10 literary the spirit of a dead person; ghost1 (1) 11 have it made in the shade AmE informal to be extremely rich ~2 v 1 to protect something from direct light  (See, the yucca plant's being shaded by that tree. | shade your eyes/face etc)  (Shading her eyes, Anita scanned the horizon.) 2 also shade in to make part of a picture or drawing darker  (You still need to shade in that bit there.) shade into sth phr v if one thing shades into another, it is impossible to tell where one stops and another starts  (Sea shades into sky at the horizon. | Right and wrong often shade into each other.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. sceadu "shade, shadow, darkness," also "shady place, protection from glare or heat," from P.Gmc. *skadwo, from PIE *skotwa, from base *skot- "dark, shade." Meaning "grade of color" first recorded 1690 (cf. Fr. nuance, from nue "cloud"). Meaning "ghost" is from 1616. Shady "inferior," first recorded 1862, originally university slang; literal sense of "affording shade" is from 1579. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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