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Англо-русский словарь - sex


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Перевод с английского языка sex на русский

goddess noun сексуально привлекательная актриса
SEX intergrade гермафродит
SEX shop noun секс-шоп, порнографический магазин
SEX noun
 1) biol. пол; the weaker sex - слабый пол, женщины; the sterner/stronger sex - сильный пол, мужчины - the sex
 2) секс
 3) attr. половой, сексуальный; sex instinct - половой инстинкт - sex intergrade
SEX appeal физическая, сексуальная привлекательность (обыкн. женщины)
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См. в других словарях

  1. пол mate sex —- мужской пол without distinction of age or sex —- без различия возраста и пола the fair(er) (the gentler, the soft(er), the weak(er)) sex —- прекрасный (слабый) пол, женщины the sterner (the stronger) sex —- сильный пол, мужчины the sex —- женщины persons of both sexes —- лица обоего пола persons of the opposite sex —- лица противоположного пола a school for both sexes —- школа совместного обучения the equality of the sexes —- равноправие мужчин и женщин 2. секс; половое влечение; половая жизнь sex drive (urge) —- половое влечение sex instinct —- половой инстинкт 3. половое сношение to have sex —- разг. иметь сношение 4. наружные половые органы человека 5. эротика; порнография sex magazines —- порнографические (эротические) журналы 6. определять пол to sex chickens —- определять пол цыплят, отделять курочек от петушков 7. разг. возбуждать половое влечение ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  пол; устанавливать определять пол ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  пол - sex condition - sex distribution ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n., adj., & v. --n. 1 either of the main divisions (male and female) into which living things are placed on the basis of their reproductive functions. 2 the fact of belonging to one of these. 3 males or females collectively. 4 sexual instincts, desires, etc., or their manifestation. 5 colloq. sexual intercourse. --adj. 1 of or relating to sex (sex education). 2 arising from a difference or consciousness of sex (sex antagonism; sex urge). --v.tr. 1 determine the sex of. 2 (as sexed adj.) a having a sexual appetite (highly sexed). b having sexual characteristics. Phrases and idioms sex act (usu. prec. by the) the (or an) act of sexual intercourse. sex appeal sexual attractiveness. sex change an apparent change of sex by surgical means and hormone treatment. sex chromosome a chromosome concerned in determining the sex of an organism, which in most animals are of two kinds, the X-chromosome and the Y-chromosome. sex hormone a hormone affecting sexual development or behaviour. sex kitten colloq. a young woman who asserts her sex appeal. sex life a person's activity related to sexual instincts. sex-linked Genetics carried on or by a sex chromosome. sex maniac colloq. a person needing or seeking excessive gratification of the sexual instincts. sex object a person regarded mainly in terms of sexual attractiveness. sex-starved lacking sexual gratification. sex symbol a person widely noted for sex appeal. Derivatives sexer n. Etymology: ME f. OF sexe or L sexus ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Latin ~us  Date: 14th century  1. either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished respectively as female or male especially on the basis of their reproductive organs and structures  2. the sum of the structural, functional, and behavioral characteristics of organisms that are involved in reproduction marked by the union of gametes and that distinguish males and females  3.  a. ~ually motivated phenomena or behavior  b. ~ual intercourse  4. genitalia  II. transitive verb  Date: 1884  1. to identify the ~ of ~ newborn chicks  2.  a. to increase the ~ual appeal of — often used with up  b. to arouse the ~ual desires of SEXAGENARIAN  noun  Etymology: Latin sexagenarius of or containing sixty, sixty years old, from sexageni sixty each, from sexaginta sixty, from sex six + -ginta (akin to Latin viginti twenty) — more at six, vigesimal  Date: 1738 a person whose age is in the sixties  • ~ adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sexes, sexing, sexed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The two sexes are the two groups, male and female, into which people and animals are divided according to the function they have in producing young. ...an entertainment star who appeals to all ages and both sexes. ...differences between the sexes. N-COUNT: usu with supp see also fair sex, opposite sex, same-sex, single-sex 2. The sex of a person or animal is their characteristic of being either male or female. She continually failed to gain promotion because of her sex... The new technique has been used to identify the sex of foetuses. = gender N-COUNT: oft with poss 3. Sex is the physical activity by which people can produce young. He was very open in his attitudes about sex... We have a very active sex life. N-UNCOUNT 4. If two people have sex, they perform the act of sex. Have you ever thought about having sex with someone other than your husband? PHRASE: V inflects, pl-n PHR, PHR with n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the activity in which a male and female join their sexual organs in order to create babies, or for pleasure  (All you see on TV is sex and violence these days.) 2 have sex when two people have sex they take part in an activity that involves contact between their sexual organs  (Would you have sex with someone on your first date?) 3 the male or female nature of a person, animal, or plant  (Please put your name, age, and sex at the top of the form. | You can now tell the sex of a baby before it is born.) 4 the two sexes are the two groups of male and female people, animals etc  (the opposite sex (=the group that you are not in))  (He's terrified of the opposite sex. | sex discrimination (=unfair treatment because of which sex you are))  (She's prosecuting the company for sex discrimination.) 5 single-sex school/college etc BrE a school etc for either males or females, but not for both together ~2 v technical to find out whether an animal is male or female ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  airport code Sembach, Germany toastm. abbr. Speaker- Evaluator eXchange adult abbr. Sensual Erotic X hardw. abbr. Sucking Electric X music abbr. Scientific Experimental Xylophone chat abbr. Secret Enterainment eXtreme chat abbr. South Eastern Xtreme ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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