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Англо-русский словарь - seed


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Перевод с английского языка seed на русский

 1. noun
 1) семя, зерно; collect. семена; to keep for (as) seed - хранить для посева; to go/run to seed - пойти в семена; fig. перестать развиваться; опуститься; обрюзгнуть и т.п.
 2) источник, начало; to sow the seeds of strife/discord - сеять семена раздора
 3) = semen
 4) bibl. потомок, потомство; to raise up seed - иметь потомство
 2. v.
 1) семениться, пойти в семя
 2) ронять семена
 3) сеять, засевать (поле)
 4) очищать от зернышек (изюм и т.п.)
 5) отделять семена от волокон (льна)
 6) sport равномерно распределить сильных участников по командам
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См. в других словарях

  1. семя, зерно; семечко seeds of an apple —- яблочные семечки pomegranate seed —- зернышко граната 2. собир. семена to keep onions for seed —- хранить лук на семена going to seed —- с-х. пущенный на семена; годный на семена seed potato —- семенной картофель seed stock —- семенной фонд seed year —- с-х. семенной год; год, урожайный на семена seed farming —- семенное хозяйство, семеноводство seed certification —- с-х. апробация семян, семенной контроль flowers raised from seed —- цветы, выращенные из семян 3. спец. сперма 4. тк. pl. посев, засеянная земля, земля под посевом 5. возв. потомство; нисходящее поколение, племя the seed of Abraham —- библ. семя Авраамово to raise up seed —- иметь потомство and all those of his seed —- и все его племя 6. источник, начало the seeds of war —- семена войны the seeds of decay —- причины разрушения to (im)plant in smb. the seeds of love —- заронить в чью-л. душу семена любви to sow the seeds of strife (of discord) —- сеять раздор to sow the good seed —- книж. сеять добро 7. хим. затравочный кристалл 8. редк. зерно (корм для птицы) Id: to go (to run) to seed —- пойти в семена; стать несъедобным (об огурце и т. п.); прийти в упадок; состариться, опуститься Id: she's beginning to run to seed —- она сильно сдала Id: he has run to seed —- он обрюзг 9. давать семена, обсеменяться 10. идти в семя, в семена 11. ронять...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) семя 2) сеять 3) переходить к семяобразованию (о растении); обсеменяться 4) собирать семена; выбирать семена из плодов; отделять семена от волокон 5) наливаться (о семенах, плодах) 6) микр. засевать, производить посев – celery seed – corn seed – creeping navel seed – dark seed – dodder seed – dormant seed – dust seed – exalbuminous seed – flax-leaved navel seed – hard seed – kefir seeds – light-favored seeds – navel seed – niger seed – plump seed – single seed – winged seed ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) семя, зерно 2) источник 3) начало 4) посев, засеянная земля - seed farming - seed grower - seed growing - seed money SEED сокр. от Support for East European Democracy ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) высевать 2) высевный 3) затравить 4) затравка 5) затравлять 6) затравочный 7) зерно 8) семенной 9) семечко friction seed separator — семеочистительная горка reactor seed region — запальная область реактора seed cleaning plant — семеочистительный завод seed ejector blade — выталкиватель семян - seed can - seed canister - seed cell - seed cleaning - seed crystal - seed disk - seed distributor - seed extractor - seed grain - seed harrow - seed hole - seed hopper - seed lac - seed opening - seed pel - seed separator - seed slurry - seed sterilization - seed stock - seed vessel ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) присадка 2) запальная сборка (активной зоны ядерного реактора) 3) (кристалл-)затравка использовать (кристалл-)затравку; затравливать 4) мошка; мелкий пузырь (дефект стекла) 5) затравка (в производстве сахара) вводить затравку 6) семя; зерно; мн. ч. семена 7) сеять; засевать 8) удалять семена (из плодов) 9) начальное число (последовательности псевдослучайных чисел) - central seed - electrode seed - movable seed - natural seed ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a flowering plant's unit of reproduction (esp. in the form of grain) capable of developing into another such plant. b seeds collectively, esp. as collected for sowing (is full of seed; to be kept for seed). 2 a semen. b milt. 3 (foll. by of) prime cause, beginning, germ (seeds of doubt). 4 archaic offspring, progeny, descendants (the seed of Abraham). 5 Sport a seeded player. 6 a small seedlike container for the application of radium etc. 7 a seed crystal. --v. 1 tr. a place seeds in. b sprinkle with or as with seed. 2 intr. sow seeds. 3 intr. produce or drop seed. 4 tr. remove seeds from (fruit etc.). 5 tr. place a crystal or crystalline substance in (a solution etc.) to cause crystallization or condensation (esp. in a cloud to produce rain). 6 tr. Sport a assign to (a strong competitor in a knockout competition) a position in an ordered list so that strong competitors do not meet each other in early rounds (is seeded seventh). b arrange (the order of play) in this way. 7 intr. go to seed. Phrases and idioms go (or run) to seed 1 cease flowering as seed develops. 2 become degenerate, unkempt, ineffective, etc. raise up seed archaic beget children. seed-bed 1 a bed of fine soil in which to sow seeds. 2 a place of development. seed-cake cake containing whole seeds esp. of caraway as flavouring. seed-coat the outer integument of a seed. seed-corn 1 good quality corn kept for seed. 2 assets reused for future profit or benefit. seed crystal a crystal used to initiate crystallization. seed-eater a bird (esp. a finch) living mainly on seeds. seed-fish a fish that is ready to spawn. seed-leaf a cotyledon. seed-lip a basket for seed in sowing by hand. seed money money allocated to initiate a project. seed-pearl a very small pearl. seed-plot a place of development. seed-potato a potato kept for seed. seed-time the sowing season. seed-vessel a pericarp. Derivatives seedless adj. Etymology: OE s{aelig}d f. Gmc, rel. to SOW(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural ~ or ~s)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English s?d; akin to Old High German sat ~, Old English sawan to sow — more at sow  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) the grains or ripened ovules of plants used for sowing  (2) the fertilized ripened ovule of a flowering plant containing an embryo and capable normally of germination to produce a new plant; broadly a propagative plant structure (as a spore or small dry fruit)  b. a propagative animal structure:  (1) milt, semen  (2) a small egg (as of an insect)  (3) a developmental form of a lower animal suitable for transplanting; specifically spat  c. the condition or stage of bearing ~ in ~  2. progeny  3. a source of development or growth ; germ sowed the ~s of discord  4. something (as a tiny particle or a bubble in glass) that resembles a ~ in shape or size  5. a competitor who has been ~ed in a tournament the top ~  • ~ adjective  • ~ed adjective  • ~less adjective  • ~like adjective  II. verb  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to bear or shed ~  2. to sow ~ ; plant  transitive verb  1.  a. to plant ~s in ; sow ~ a lawn with grass  b. to furnish with something that causes or stimulates growth or development  c. inoculate  d. to supply with nuclei (as of crystallization or condensation); especially to treat (a cloud) with solid particles to convert water droplets into ice crystals in an attempt to produce precipitation  e. to cover or permeate by or as if by scattering something ~ed the sea-lanes with thousands of magnetic mines — Otto Friedrich  2. plant 1a  3. to extract the ~s from (as raisins)  4.  a. to schedule (tournament players or teams) so that superior ones will not meet in early rounds  b. to rank (a contestant) relative to others in a tournament on the basis of previous record the top-~ed tennis star ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (seeds, seeding, seeded) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A seed is the small, hard part of a plant from which a new plant grows. I sow the seed in pots of soil-based compost. ...sunflower seeds. N-VAR 2. If you seed a piece of land, you plant seeds in it. Men mowed the wide lawns and seeded them... The primroses should begin to seed themselves down the steep hillside. ...his newly seeded lawns. VERB: V n, V pron-refl, V-ed 3. You can refer to the seeds of something when you want to talk about the beginning of a feeling or process that gradually develops and becomes stronger or more important. (LITERARY) He raised questions meant to plant seeds of doubts in the minds of jurors... N-PLURAL: N of n 4. In sports such as tennis or badminton, a seed is a player who has been ranked according to his or her ability. ...Pete Sampras, Wimbledon’s top seed and the world No.1... N-COUNT: usu supp N, oft ord/num N 5. When a player or a team is seeded in a sports competition, they are ranked according to their ability. In the UEFA Cup the top 16 sides are seeded for the first round... He is seeded second, behind Brad Beven... The top four seeded nations are through to the semi-finals. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed adv/prep, V-ed ord, V-ed 6. If vegetable plants go to seed or run to seed, they produce flowers and seeds as well as leaves. If unused, winter radishes run to seed in spring. PHRASE: V inflects 7. If you say that someone or something has gone to seed or has run to seed, you mean that they have become much less attractive, healthy, or efficient. He was a big man in his forties; once he had a lot of muscle but now he was running to seed. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n plural seeds or seed 1 a) a small, hard object produced by plants, from which a new plant of the same kind grows  (sunflower seeds | plant/sow seeds (=put them into the ground))  (Plant the seeds in sandy soil, about 10 cm apart. | grow sth from seed (=grow a plant from a seed, rather than planting it when it is already partly grown)) b) a quantity of seeds  (grass seed) 2 AmE one of the small hard objects in a fruit such as an apple or orange, from which new fruit trees grow; pip1 (1) BrE 3 go/run to seed a) if a plant or vegetable goes or runs to seed, it starts producing flowers and seeds as well as leaves b) if a person goes or runs to seed, they become unattractive, fat, or unhealthy especially because of getting old or lazy 4 the seeds of sth something that makes a new situation start to grow and develop  (the seeds of victory | sow (the) seeds of doubt/destruction/rebellion etc (=do or say something which makes a bad feeling or situation develop and become a much more serious problem))  (Sectarian agitators did much to sow the seeds of discontent among the people.) 5 number one/number three etc seed a tennis player who is given a particular position according to how likely they are to win a competition  (He's been top seed for the past two years.) 6 biblical or humorous semen or sperm 7 biblical the group of people who have a particular person as their father, grandfather etc, especially when they form a particular race ~2 v 1 to remove seeds from fruit  (seeded raisins) 2 T usually passive to give a tennis player a particular position, according to how likely they are to win a competition  (seeded fourth at Wimbledon) 3 T often passive to plant seeds in the ground 4 to produce seeds ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  hum. gen. abbr. Superior Evident Evolutionary Destined UN abbr. Social Ecological And Economic Development environ. abbr. Sustainable Energy For Economic Development U.S. gov. abbr. Support For Eastern European Democracy univ. abbr. Students For Enterprise Educational Development univ. abbr. Scottish Executive Education Department univ. abbr. Special Early Enrollment Day univ. abbr. Spreading Educator To Educator Developments univ. abbr. Students Ending Environmental Destruction univ. abbr. Spreading Educator To Educator Development univ. abbr. Scholars For Empowerment And Educational Development educ. abbr. Student Enhancement Enrichment And Development educ. abbr. Seeking Educational Equity And Diversity educ. abbr. Schools For Educational Evolution And Development educ. abbr. Seeking Education Equity And Diversity educ. abbr. Science Education And Economic Development religion abbr. Supreme Elemental Evolution Destined religion abbr. Servents Equiped Encouaged And Discipled religion abbr. Superior Evolutionary Element Destined music abbr. Student Exhibit Of Experimental Dance gen. bus. abbr. Savings For Education Entrepreneurship And Downpayment gen. bus. abbr. Spirit Of Entrepreneurship And Enterprise Development gen. bus. abbr. Self Evaluation For Effective Decision-making gen. bus. abbr. Shop For Equipment And Expendables Day gen. bus. abbr. Sustainable Enterprise Enabling Development gen. bus. abbr. Sustainable Enterprise And Empowerment Dynamics int. bus. abbr. Support for East European Democracy st. exc. abbr. Save Earn Enjoy Deposits ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: GO TO SEED or RUN TO SEED. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. sed, sжd, from P.Gmc. *sжdis, *sжda-, from root *sж- "to sow," from PIE base *se-. Meaning "offspring, progeny" was in O.E., rare now except in biblical use. Sporting (originally tennis) sense is from notion of spreading certain players' names so as to insure they will not meet early in a tournament (1924). Seedy is 1440, originally "fruitful, abundant," meaning "shabby" is from 1749, probably in allusion to the appearance of a flowering plant that has run to seed. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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