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Англо-русский словарь - section


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Перевод с английского языка section на русский

 1. noun
 1) рассечение
 2) (поперечное) сечение, разрез, профиль; срез; microscopic section - срез для микроскопического анализа
 3) отрезок; сегмент; часть
 4) секция, деталь, часть (стандартного сооружения, мебели и т.п.); built in sections - разборный
 5) параграф, раздел (книги и т.п.)
 6) долька (плода)
 7) amer. квартал (города); район
 8) участок железнодорожного пути
 9) amer. купе спального вагона Syn: area, locale, neighbourhood, quarter, region see part
 2. v. делить на части, подразделять
SECTION gang партия железнодорожных рабочих (на путевом участке)
SECTION paper бумага в клетку;
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1. секция, деталь built in sections —- сборный; разборный a building made in sections —- разборная (сборная) постройка 2. часть (целого); отрезок, участок a section of cloth —- треугольный кусок материи the last section of the journey —- последний этап путешествия sections of an orange —- дольки апельсина a section of a railway —- участок железной дороги a section of a road —- отрезок пути to cut into sections —- разрезать на части 3. отдел, секция (учреждения, газеты и т. п.) sections of a store —- секции (отделы) универмага he is in charge of a sports section —- он возглавляет спортивный отдел 4. район (города) a commercical section —- торговый район slum section —- район трущоб fashionable section —- богатые кварталы 5. слой (населения) all sections of the population —- все слои населения 6. статья (договора, устава, закона) 7. параграф, раздел (книги, договора) sections have been preffered to chapters —- предпочтение отдается не главам, а параграфам 8. знак параграфа 9. учебная группа 10. комитет, комиссия (конференции); группа, выделенная для обсуждения какого-л. отдельного вопроса (в организации) 11. сечение, разрез; профиль cross section —- поперечное сечение horizontal section —- горизонтальный разрез conic section —- мат коническое сечение a machine shown in section —- чертеж машины в разрезе section plan —- горизонтальная...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  секция Мера земельной площади, составляющая 1/36 часть тауншипа township c gray3.; congressional township. Равна 1 кв. миле, или 640 акрам. По закону, принятому еще в 1785, при распределении свободных земель на западе страны Конгресс зарезервировал каждую 16-ю секцию section 16 с тем, чтобы доходы от эксплуатации этой секции поступали в фонд школьного образования в данном районе. Это положение соблюдается в большинстве штатов ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) рассечение; сечение; разрез 2) срез – celloidin section – cross section – free-floating section – free-hand section – freeze-dried section – frontal section – frozen section – giant section – gross section – longitudinal section – microscopic section – optical section – paraffin section – sagittal section – serial section – thick section – transverse section – ultrathin section ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) секция 2) часть 3) участок - commercial section - defense section - factory accounting section - inventory records section - production section Syn: site 2. гл. делить на части, подразделять SECTION 1) отдел 2) параграф; раздел 3) статья (закона) – appeals section – examining section – IPC section – patent section ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) делить на части 2) ж.-д.дистанция 3) отдел 4) отрезок 5) параграф 6) профиль 7) раздел 8) разрез 9) разрезание 10) разрезать 11) рассечение 12) сегмент 13) секционировать 14) секция 15) сечение 16) сортоправильный 17) срез 18) участок 19) цех 20) шлиф 21) шлифной 22) шмуцтитул bead section of tire — бортовая часть шины buckle section folder — кассетная фальцмашина cast section discharge — выдача листовых заготовок cross section of target — тех. площадь рассеяния эффективная effective depth of section — эффективная высота сечения electric section locking — электрозамыкание участковое fuselage forward section — аэро отсек передний фюзеляжа golden section search — поиск по методу золотого сечения locally integrable section — локально интегрируемое сечение method of golden section — метод золотого сечения outboard section of wing — консоль крыла principal normal section — главное нормальное сечение raft section line — линейка сплоточных единиц removal cross section — физ. сеть электрическая, сечение выведения roll-formed knurled section — гнутый профиль с насечкой scattering cross section — сечение рассеяния section of random walk — отрезок случайного блуждания section radius of inertia — радиус инерции сечения section warping machine — секционная сновальная машина shoulder section of tire — плечевая часть шины slotted section line — тех. линия щелевая specular...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) сечение 2) секция, отсек 3) звено 4) зона 5) отрезок – absorption cross section – acoustic-cross section – adjustment section – amplifier section – antenna section – baseband section – bend section – building-out section – bus section – capture cross section – carrier-line section – cassette section – CD section – corner section – correcting section – cross section – curved section – damaged cable section – differential section – digital section – distributing section – electron image section – elementary-cable section – extended-amplifyng section – feedback section – filter section – lateral section – magnetic conductor section – matching section – multiplier section – phase shifting section – protection switching section – quarter-wave section – RC section – regeneration section – rereceiving section – scattering cross section – shortened amplifying section – slotted section – square section – squeezable section – trunk section – tuner section – waveguide section – wire section ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  сечение, разрез (на чертеже) секция; отрезок прокатный или холодногнутый профиль профилированное погонажное изделие участок (трубопровода, дороги, канала и т. п.) квартал (города) on the left/right of the section section under consideration section of fracture actual section aerofoil section aluminum alloy structural section angle section annular section asymmetrical section axial section ballast section bar section beam section boiler section bottom boom section bottom tower section box section breaking cross section built-up section canalization section center section channel section circular section column section combination access section concrete section concreting section cross section design section discharge section dock section doubly symmetrical section drop-down section duct section effective section empty sections end section extruded section flow cross section gate hinge section gauging section generalized cross section geologic section gross section horseshoe section hot-rolled steel section hydraulic section hydrometric section I-section intermediate sections intermediate jib section jib foot section jib head section Larsen section level section light formed section longitudinal section mast typical section measuring section metal section midriver section mixing section net section nonoverflow section normal section oblique section pile section pipe section plane cross section prefabricated section prestressed tee section principal design sections reinforcement cross section rolled section runway drop section sealed box sections shear section sliding tower section sloping section soil cross section standard structural steel section stay-in-place center form sections steel section steel window sections structural steel sections subaqueous section three-level section top boom section transformed section typical cross section weaving section wide flange section zed section ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) сечение; разрез; профиль 2) секция; зона 3) отрезок; участок 4) срез; шлиф; микрошлиф 5) отдел; отделение; производственный участок 6) сортовой металл, профиль 7) (непрерывно-литая) заготовка 8) амер. участок земли площадью 2,59 кв. км 9) район; квартал (города) 10) ж.-д. путевой участок 11) мор. теоретический шпангоут 12) купе (спального вагона) 13) полигр. сфальцованный лист, тетрадь 14) раздел (книги, документа) 15) текст. сновальная лента to pass section — проводить сечение - section of groove - section of soil - section of winding - acoustic impedance section - ahead section - aileron section - air reservoir section - angle section - antenna section - apparent resistivity section - approach section - arched section - arithmetic section - aseptic section - assembly section - axial section - ballast section - bar rectangular section - barrel section - bar-round section - baseband switching section - bend section - bleeding section - block section - boiling section - borehole section - borehole tight section - box-like section - box section - building-out section - builtup section - bus section - by-product section - canal section - canalized section - can body-forming section - can ends-making section - capacitor section - cased borehole section - cast section - center wing section - channel section - coil section - combustion section - common-depth-point section - complete transposition section - composite section - concrete-lined section - condensing unit section - conic section - control section - converging section - converter section - cooling section - corner section - critical section - cross section - cubing and pelleting section - curved section - cut-and-fill section - cut-to-length sections -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a part cut off or separated from something. 2 each of the parts into which a thing is divided (actually or conceptually) or divisible or out of which a structure can be fitted together. 3 a distinct group or subdivision of a larger body of people (the wind section of an orchestra). 4 a subdivision of a book, document, statute, etc. 5 US a an area of land. b one square mile of land. c a particular district of a town (residential section). 6 a subdivision of an army platoon. 7 esp. Surgery a separation by cutting. 8 Biol. a thin slice of tissue etc., cut off for microscopic examination. 9 a the cutting of a solid by or along a plane. b the resulting figure or the area of this. 10 a representation of the internal structure of something as if cut across along a vertical or horizontal plane. 11 Biol. a group, esp. a subgenus. --v.tr. 1 arrange in or divide into sections. 2 Brit. cause (a person) to be compulsorily committed to a psychiatric hospital in accordance with a section of a mental health act. 3 Biol. cut into thin slices for microscopic examination. Phrases and idioms section-mark the sign ( Usage ) used as a reference mark to indicate the start of a section of a book etc. Etymology: F section or L sectio f. secare sect- cut ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Latin ~-, sectio, from secare to cut — more at saw  Date: 1534  1.  a. the action or an instance of cutting or separating by cutting  b. a part set off by or as if by cutting  2. a distinct part or portion of something written (as a chapter, law, or newspaper)  3.  a. the profile of something as it would appear if cut through by an intersecting plane  b. the plane figure resulting from the cutting of a solid by a plane  4. a natural subdivision of a taxonomic group  5. a character § used as a mark for the beginning of a ~ and as a reference mark  6. a piece of land one square mile in area forming especially one of the 36 subdivisions of a township  7. a distinct part of a territorial or political area, community, or group of people the historic ~ of the city  8.  a. a part that may be, is, or is viewed as separated a board cut into ~s the northern ~ of the route  b. one segment of a fruit ; carpel  9. a basic military unit usually having a special function  10. a very thin slice (as of tissue) suitable for microscopic examination  11.  a. one of the classes formed by dividing the students taking a course  b. one of the discussion groups into which a conference or organization is divided  12.  a. a part of a permanent railroad way under the care of a particular crew  b. one of two or more vehicles or trains which run on the same schedule  13. one of several component parts that may be assembled or reassembled a bookcase in ~s  14. a division of an orchestra composed of one class of instruments the string ~  15. signature 3b  Synonyms: see part  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 1819  transitive verb  1. to cut or separate into ~s ~ an orange  2. to represent in ~s  intransitive verb to become cut or separated into parts ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sections, sectioning, sectioned) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A section of something is one of the parts into which it is divided or from which it is formed. He said it was wrong to single out any section of society for Aids testing... They moulded a complete new bow section for the boat. ...a large orchestra, with a vast percussion section. ...the Georgetown section of Washington, D.C. N-COUNT: usu with supp see also cross-section 2. If something is sectioned, it is divided into sections. It holds vegetables in place while they are being peeled or sectioned. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed 3. A section of an official document such as a report, law, or constitution is one of the parts into which it is divided. ...section 14 of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968. N-COUNT: usu N num 4. A section is a diagram of something such as a building or a part of the body. It shows how the object would appear to you if it were cut from top to bottom and looked at from the side. For some buildings a vertical section is more informative than a plan. N-COUNT 5. Caesarean section: see Caesarean ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »PLACE/OBJECT« one of the parts that something, such as an object or place is divided into + of  (The spoons go in the front section of the drawer. | one of the older sections of Philadelphia | Decorate the torte with orange sections. | the back section of the plane) 2 »GROUP OF PEOPLE« a separate group within a larger group of people + of  (a large section of the American public | all sections of the community (=everyone in a particular place)) 3 »ORGANIZATION/INSTITUTION« one of the parts of an organization, institution, department etc  (all the salespeople in my section | the reference section of the library | brass/woodwind etc section (=the part of an orchestra that plays those instruments)) 4 »FITTING TOGETHER« one of the parts of something that you fit together  (You buy the bookcase in sections and assemble it.) 5 »BOOK/NEWSPAPER/REPORT« a separate part of something that is written, such as a book or newspaper  (Who has the sports section? | in the final section of this chapter) 6 »SIDE/TOP VIEW« a picture that shows what a building, part of the body etc would look like if it were cut from top to bottom or side to side  (in section)  (Here's the outside view, and here are the floors in section.) 7 »MEDICAL/SCIENTIFIC« technical a) a medical operation that involves cutting b) a very thin flat piece that is cut from skin, a plant etc to be looked at under a microscope 8 »PART OF A TOWN« AmE a part of a town in the western US that is one mile square 9 »MATHEMATICS« technical the shape that is made when a solid figure is cut by a flat surface in mathematics  (conic sections)  (- see also cross­section) ~2 v technical 1 to cut a section from skin, a plant, or a shape in mathematics etc 2 to draw a section1 (6) of something such as a house 3 to cut a part of the body in a medical operation section sth off phr v to divide an area into parts, by making a dividing line between them  (The vegetable plots were sectioned off by a low wall.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1319, from M.Fr. section, from L. sectionem (nom. sectio) "a cutting, cutting off, division," from sect-, pp. stem of secare "to cut," from PIE base *sek- "cut." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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