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Англо-русский словарь - scale


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Перевод с английского языка scale на русский

 1. noun
 1) чешуя (у рыб и т.п.)
 2) pl. щечки, накладки (на рукоятке складного ножа)
 3) шелуха
 4) камень (на зубах)
 5) tech. окалина, накипь scales fell from his eyes - пелена спала с его глаз
 2. v.
 1) чистить, соскабливать чешую
 2) лущить
 3) образовывать окалину, накипь
 4) шелушиться II
 1. noun
 1) чаш(к)а весов; to turn/tip the scale at so many pounds - весить столько-то фунтов
 2) pl. весы
 3) pl. see Libra to hold the scales even - судить беспристрастно
 2. v.
 1) взвешивать
 2) весить III
 1. noun
 1) ступень, уровень (развития); to be high in the social scale - занимать высокое положение в обществе; to sink in the scale - опуститься на более низкую ступень; утратить (прежнее) значение, опуститься
 2) масштаб; размер; on a large/grand scale - в большом масштабе; on a small scale - в маленьком масштабе; the scale to be 1:50 000 - в масштабе 1:50 000; to scale - по масштабу
 3) градация, шкала; rate scale - шкала расценок
 4) масштабная линейка
 5) mus. гамма; to practice scales - играть гаммы
 6) math. система счисления (тж. scale of notation)
 2. v.
 1) подниматься, взбираться (по лестнице и т.п.)
 2) сводить к определенному масштабу; определять масштаб; изображать в определенном масштабе
 3) регулировать (количество, объем и т.п. чего-л.); to scale down prices - понижать цены; to scale up wages - повышать заработную плату The nurses have offered to scale down their pay demands to a lower figure.
 4) быть соизмеримыми, сопоставимыми Syn: see climb
SCALE of notation math. система счисления
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См. в других словарях

  1. чаш(к)а весов to turn the scale at —- весить (столько-то) he tips the scales at 225 pounds —- он весит 225 фунтов to turn the scale —- образ. склонить чашу весов, перевесить; решить исход дела this argument at once turned the scale —- этот аргумент оказался решающим to throw smth. into the scale —- образ. бросить что-л. на чашу весов; повлиять на решение вопроса 2. платформа весов 3. обыкн. pl. весы (также a pair of scales) kitchen scale —- кухонные весы scale car —- вагон-весы scale weight —- гиря the scales of justice —- образ. весы правосудия to weight the scales on behalf of smb. —- образ. склонять чашу весов в чью-л. пользу 4. весы для взвешивания жокеев (на скачках) Clerk of the Scales —- служащий, взвешивающий жокеев перед скачками to go (to ride) to scale —- взвешиваться (до и после скачек - о жокеях) to go to scale at —- иметь (такой-то) вес, весить (столько-то - о жокеях) 5. (the Scales) Весы (созвездие и знак зодиака) Id: equal (even) scale —- состояние равновесия или неопределенности Id: to be in the scale —- быть нерешенным (неясным) Id: his fate hangs in the scale —- его судьба еще не решена Id: victory was long in the scale —- долгое время трудно было сказать, кто победит Id: to hold the scales between two rivals —- не оказывать предпочтения ни одному из двух соперников Id: to hold the scales even (equally) —- судить беспристрастно Id: to throw one's (the) sword into the scale...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) шкала; масштаб 2) чешуя; чешуйка 3) pl червецы, щитовки (Coccoidea) – scale of measurement – armored scales – arrowhead scale – azalea bark scale – barnacle scale – beech scale – black scale – black pine-leaf scale – black thread scale – bract scale – bud scale – bulbous scale – cactus scale – calico scale – California red scale – camelia scale – camelia parlatoria scale – camphor scale – cheff scale – Chinese scale – Chinese obscure scale – Chinese wax scale – circular black scale – citricola scale – citrus black scale – citrus cottony scale – citrus fluted scale – citrus mussel scale – citrus snow scale – coconut scale – color scale – cottony-cushion scale – cottony peach scale – cover scale – ctenoid scale – cyanophyllum scale – cycloid scale – cymbidium scale – degenerate scale – de Stefan scale – distyospermum scale – dogwood scale – elm scurfy scale – ensign scales – eriococcid scales – euonymus scale – European elm scale – European fruit scale – European peach scale – fig scale – fig wax scale – fish scale – Fletcher scale – Florida red scale – Florida wax scale – fluted scale – fruit scale – ganoid scale – globose scale – Glover's scale – golden oak scale – gray citrus scale – greedy scale – green scale – hemispherical scale – hemlock scale – holly scale – horny scale – Indian wax scale – industrial scale – interval scale – Italian pear scale – ivy scale – Japanese scale – latania scale – laboratory scale – large scale – laurel scale – margarodid scales – micrometer eyepiece scale – Morgan's scale – mussel scale – nominal scale – oblong scale – obscure scale – oleander scale – olive scale – olive soft scale – orange scale – ordinal scale – oystershell scale – papery scale – parlatoria date scale – pear oyster scale – pear-tree oyster scale – peony scale – pernicious scale – pineapple scale –...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) масштаб; размер; величина 2) весы – to scale down – to scale up – scale of discounts – mass scale of inventive activities SCALE сущ. 1) масштаб 2) шкала 3) размер, величина • - buy on a scale - diseconomies of scale - economy of scale - full scale - large-scale enterprise - on a broad scale - on a considerable scale - on a large scale - on a national scale - on a scale - on an international scale - rate scale - scale back - scale down - scale of charges - scale of living - scale of rates - scale of wages - scale up - sell on a scale - small-scale enterprise Syn: measure ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) весы 2) градуировать 3) деление 4) дозатор 5) изгарина 6) измерять масштаб 7) масштаб 8) масштабировать 9) масштабный 10) накипной 11) накипь 12) неочищенный 13) окалина 14) приводить к масштабу 15) размах 16) размер 17) солеотложение 18) червец 19) черта 20) чешуйка 21) чешуйчатый 22) шкала 23) шкальный to break the scale — ломать окалину complete number scale — полная числовая ось constant-weight batch-type scale — весовой дозатор постоянного веса define temperature scale — построить температурную шкалу evenly divided scale — равномерная шкала international temperature scale — матем. шкала температур международная medium scale integration — средняя степень интеграции move over scale — двигаться по шкала register against the scale — давать отсчет по шкале scale distance of air base — фото базис фотографирования в масштабе аэроснимка, базис фотографирования в масштабе стереомодели scale factor coefficient — масштабный коэффициент scale factor method — метод масштабных коэффициентов, метод масштабных множителей single scale factor — единый масштабный множитель; единый масштабный коэффициент small scale integration — малая степень интеграции small scale survey — мелкомасштабная съемка stellar temperature scale — шкала звездных температур - Baume scale - absolute scale - acidity scale - air scale - analytical scale - angular scale - arbitrary scale -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) шкала 2) масштаб 3) степень (интеграции) – binary scale – calibration scale – coordinated-time scale – display scale – equal-listener response scale – fast-time scale – focusing scale – gray scale – hue scale – illuminated scale – indicating scale – linear scale – magnetic scale – meter scale – n-segment LED scale – nominal scale – nonlinear scale – phase-setter scale – photometric scale – primary scale – projection scale – reading scale – receiver-tuning scale – reference scale – secondary scale – sensitivity scale – time scale – uniform scale – vernier scale ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  масштаб; шкала; масштабная линейка накипь; окалина весы чешуйка not to scale to scale off automatic scale automatic dumping batcher scale batcher scale Beaufort scale color scale digital crane scales engineer's scale length scale linear scale Mercalli intensity scale mill scale Mohs scale numeric scale photographic scale Richter scale Ringelmann blackness scale surveyor's scale Wentworth scale ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) окалина; нагар; изгарь; плена; накипь 2) образовывать окалину или накипь 3) удалять окалину или накипь 4) неочищенный парафин 5) шкала 6) штриховая мера длины; масштабная линейка 7) масштаб определять масштаб, масштабировать; изменять масштаб; сводить к определённому масштабу 8) мн. ч. весы 9) чашка весов 10) взвешивать 11) электрон. степень интеграции 12) вчт. система счисления 13) пищ. чешуя; чешуйка; шелуха удалять чешую; отделяться чешуйками at scales — в масштабе; to scale down — 1. представлять что-л. в уменьшенном масштабе 2. редуцировать, уменьшать (изображение) 3. (пропорционально) уменьшать размеры (элементов ИС) 4. делить на константу; to scale off — 1. выкрашиваться, крошиться (о камне, горной породе) 2. отслаивать(ся); шелушиться 3. удалять окалину 4. отбивать накипь 5. снимать [измерять] что-л. в масштабе; to draw to scale — чертить [вычерчивать] в масштабе; to generate a time scale — строить [создавать] шкалу времени; to maintain a time scale — поддерживать [хранить] шкалу времени; to mark off a scale in logarithmic units — градуировать шкалу в логарифмических единицах; to place a scale on a dial — градуировать шкалу, наносить отметки шкалы на циферблат; to realize a time scale on a dial — воспроизводить шкалу времени...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 each of the small thin bony or horny overlapping plates protecting the skin of fish and reptiles. 2 something resembling a fish-scale, esp.: a a pod or husk. b a flake of skin; a scab. c a rudimentary leaf, feather, or bract. d each of the structures covering the wings of butterflies and moths. e Bot. a layer of a bulb. 3 a a flake formed on the surface of rusty iron. b a thick white deposit formed in a kettle, boiler, etc. by the action of heat on water. 4 plaque formed on teeth. --v. 1 tr. remove scale or scales from (fish, nuts, iron, etc.). 2 tr. remove plaque from (teeth) by scraping. 3 intr. a (of skin, metal, etc.) form, come off in, or drop, scales. b (usu. foll. by off) (of scales) come off. Phrases and idioms scale-armour hist. armour formed of metal scales attached to leather etc. scale-board very thin wood used for the back of a mirror, picture, etc. scale-bug = scale insect. scale-fern any of various spleenworts, esp. Asplenium ceterach. scale insect any of various insects, esp. of the family Coccidae, clinging to plants and secreting a shieldlike scale as covering. scale-leaf a modified leaf resembling a scale. scale-moss a type of liverwort with scalelike leaves. scales fall from a person's eyes a person is no longer deceived (cf. Acts 9:18). scale-winged lepidopterous. scale-work an overlapping arrangement. Derivatives scaled adj. (also in comb.). scaleless adj. scaler n. Etymology: ME f. OF escale f. Gmc, rel. to SCALE(2) 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a (often in pl.) a weighing machine or device (bathroom scales). b (also scale-pan) each of the dishes on a simple scale balance. 2 (the Scales) the zodiacal sign or constellation Libra. --v.tr. (of something weighed) show (a specified weight) in the scales. Phrases and idioms pair of scales a simple balance. throw into the scale cause to be a factor in a contest, debate, etc. tip (or turn) the scales 1 (usu. foll. by at) outweigh the opposite scale-pan (at a specified weight); weigh. 2 (of a motive, circumstance, etc.) be decisive. Etymology: ME f. ON...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English scole, ~ bowl, ~ of a balance, from Old Norse skal; akin to Old Norse skel shell — more at shell  Date: 14th century  1.  a. either pan or tray of a balance  b. a beam that is supported freely in the center and has two pans of equal weight suspended from its ends — usually used in plural  2. an instrument or machine for weighing  II. verb  (~d; scaling)  Date: 1691  transitive verb to weigh in ~s  intransitive verb to have a specified weight on ~s  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French e~, eschale, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English scealu shell, husk — more at shell  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a small, flattened, rigid, and definitely circumscribed plate forming part of the external body covering especially of a fish  b. a small thin plate suggesting a fish ~ ~s of mica the ~s on a moth's wing  c. the scaly covering of a ~d animal  2. a small thin dry lamina shed (as in many skin diseases) from the skin  3. a thin coating, layer, or incrustation: as  a. a usually black scaly coating of oxide forming on the surface of a metal (as iron) when it is heated for processing  b. a hard incrustation usually rich in sulfate of calcium that is deposited on the inside of a vessel (as a boiler) in which water is heated  4.  a. a modified leaf protecting a seed plant bud before expansion  b. a thin, membranous, chaffy, or woody bract  5.  a. any of the small overlapping usually metal pieces forming the outer surface of ~ armor  b. ~ armor  6.  a. ~ insect  b. infestation with or disease caused by ~ insects  • ~d adjective  • ~less adjective  IV. verb  (~d; scaling)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to remove the ~ or ~s from (as by scraping) ~ a fish  2. to take off in thin layers or ~s ~ tartar from the teeth  3. to throw (as a thin flat stone) so that the edge cuts the air or so that it skips on water ; skim  intransitive verb  1. to separate and come off in ~s ; flake  2. to shed ~s scaling skin  V....
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (scales, scaling, scaled) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you refer to the scale of something, you are referring to its size or extent, especially when it is very big. However, he underestimates the scale of the problem... The break-down of law and order could result in killing on a massive scale... N-SING: also no det, with supp see also full-scale, large-scale, small-scale 2. A scale is a set of levels or numbers which are used in a particular system of measuring things or are used when comparing things. ...an earthquake measuring five-point-five on the Richter scale... The higher up the social scale they are, the more the men have to lose. N-COUNT: usu with supp see also sliding scale, timescale 3. A pay scale or scale of fees is a list that shows how much someone should be paid, depending, for example, on their age or what work they do. (BRIT) ...those on the high end of the pay scale... N-COUNT: usu with supp 4. The scale of a map, plan, or model is the relationship between the size of something in the map, plan, or model and its size in the real world. The map, on a scale of 1:10,000, shows over 5,000 individual paths. N-COUNT: usu with supp see also full-scale, large-scale 5. A scale model or scale replica of a building or object is a model of it which is smaller than the real thing but has all the same parts and features. Franklin made his mother an intricately detailed scale model of the house. ADJ: ADJ n 6. In music, a scale is a fixed sequence of musical notes, each one higher than the next, which begins at a particular note. ...the scale of C major. N-COUNT 7. The scales of a fish or reptile are the small, flat pieces of hard skin that cover its body. N-COUNT: usu pl 8. Scales are a piece of equipment used for weighing things, for example for weighing amounts of food that you need in order to make a particular meal. ...a pair of kitchen scales. ...bathroom scales... N-PLURAL: also a pair of N 9. If you scale...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »SIZE/LEVEL« the size or level of something, or the amount that something is happening or being done + of  (The scale of the pollution problem was much worse than scientists had predicted.) large/small etc scale  (There has been development on a massive scale since 1980. | a large-scale research project) 2 »RANGE« C usually singular the whole range of different types of people, things, ideas etc, from the lowest level to the highest  (At the other end of the scale are the super-rich. | Fish are lower down the evolutionary scale.) 3 »MEASURING INSTRUMENT« scales also scale AmE a) a machine for weighing people or objects  (the bathroom scales) b) a piece of equipment with two dishes used especially in the past for weighing things by comparing them to a known weight  (- see also tip the balance/scales tip2 (8)) 4 »MEASURING SYSTEM« a system for measuring the force, speed, amount etc of something  (Earthquakes are measured on the Richter scale. | the company pay scale) 5 on a scale of 1 to 10 spoken used when you are asking someone to say how good they think something is  (On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you rate his performance?) 6 »MEASURING MARKS« a set of marks with regular spaces between them on a tool or instrument used for measuring  (a ruler with a metric scale | the scale on a thermometer) 7 »MAP/MODEL« the relationship between the size of a map, drawing, or model and the actual size of the place or thing that it represents  (a scale of 1:250 000 | What's the scale of this map?) 8 »MUSIC« a series of musical notes moving upwards or downwards in pitch2 (3) with fixed distances between each note 9 »FISH« C usually plural one of the small flat pieces of skin that cover the bodies of fish, snakes etc 10 »TEETH« a white substance that forms on your teeth 11 »WATER PIPES« a white substance that forms around the inside of hot water pipes or containers in which water is boiled 12 the scales fell from my eyes literary used to say that you suddenly realized what had been clear to other people  (- see...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: TO SCALE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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