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Англо-русский словарь - sad


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Перевод с английского языка sad на русский

 1) печальный, унылый, грустный; a sad mistake - досадная ошибка
 2) coll. ужасный, отчаянный; sad coward - отчаянный трус; he writes sad stuff - он пишет ужасно
 3) dial. тяжелый, с закалом (о хлебе)
 4) тусклый, темный (о краске) - in sad earnest - sad dog Syn: blue, dejected, depressed, despondent, disconsolate, lugubrious, melancholy Ant: blithe, cheerful, excited, exhilarated, exuberant, gay, glad, joyous, jubilant, lively
SAD dog повеса, шалопай
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См. в других словарях

  1. печальный, грустный, унылый sad duty —- скорбный долг sad event —- прискорбное событие sad look —- грустный взгляд sad day —- унылый (печальный) день a sad disappointment —- горькое разочарование sad misfortune —- тяжелое горе sad mistake —- досадная ошибка sad about the incident —- опечаленный (огорченный) этим инцидентом sad in the face —- с грустью на лице, с грустным лицом to come to a sad end —- плохо (печально) кончить to make sad work of smth., to make a sad mess of the affair —- испортить все дело to be sad for (at, with) smb.'s death —- скорбеть (горевать) о чьей-л. кончине to be (to feel) sad —- грустить I felt sad —- мне взгрустнулось to make smb. sad —- (о)печалить (огорчить) кого-л. to be sad at heart, with a sad heart —- с тяжелым сердцем; с грустью на сердце his early death is very sad —- тяжело думать о его безвременной кончине how sad that you failed in your exam —- жаль, что вы не выдержали экзамен it is sad that he should make such an unfortunate marriage —- весьма прискорбно, что он так неудачно женился 2. жалкий, плачевный sad rogue —- отъявленный мошенник sad coward —- жалкий трус sad drunkard —- горький пьяница sad flirt —- неисправимая кокетка a sad attempt —- жалкая (безнадежная) попытка 3. редк. тусклый, темный, мрачный (о цвете) sad hair —- тусклые волосы sad in colour —- темного цвета to be dressed in sad colours —- носить платья темных тонов 4....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  adj. (sadder, saddest) 1 unhappy; feeling sorrow or regret. 2 causing or suggesting sorrow (a sad story). 3 regrettable. 4 shameful, deplorable (is in a sad state). 5 (of a colour) dull, neutral-tinted. 6 (of dough etc.) heavy, having failed to rise. Phrases and idioms sad-iron a solid flat-iron. sad sack US colloq. a very inept person. Derivatives saddish adj. sadly adv. sadness n. Etymology: OE s{aelig}d f. Gmc, rel. to L satis SAD abbr. seasonal affective disorder. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective  (~der; ~dest)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English s?d sated; akin to Old High German sat sated, Latin satis enough  Date: 13th century  1.  a. affected with or expressive of grief or unhappiness ; downcast  b.  (1) causing or associated with grief or unhappiness ; depressing ~ news  (2) regrettable, deplorable a ~ relaxation of morals — C. W. Cunnington  c. of little worth  2. of a dull somber color  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun SAD  abbreviation seasonal affective disorder ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sadder, saddest) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you are sad, you feel unhappy, usually because something has happened that you do not like. The relationship had been important to me and its loss left me feeling sad and empty... I’m sad that Julie’s marriage is on the verge of splitting up... I’d grown fond of our little house and felt sad to leave it... I’m sad about my toys getting burned in the fire. ? happy ADJ: oft ADJ that/to-inf, ADJ about n • sadly Judy said sadly, ‘He has abandoned me.’ ADV: usu ADV with v • sadness It is with a mixture of sadness and joy that I say farewell. ? happiness N-UNCOUNT 2. Sad stories and sad news make you feel sad. I received the sad news that he had been killed in a motor-cycle accident. ADJ: usu ADJ n 3. A sad event or situation is unfortunate or undesirable. It’s a sad truth that children are the biggest victims of passive smoking. ADJ • sadly Sadly, bamboo plants die after flowering... ADV: usu ADV adj, ADV with cl 4. If you describe someone as sad, you do not have any respect for them and think their behaviour or ideas are ridiculous. (INFORMAL) ...sad old bikers and youngsters who think that Jim Morrison is God. = pathetic ADJ: usu ADJ n c darkgreen]disapproval SAD SAD is an abbreviation for seasonal affective disorder. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 »UNHAPPY« unhappy, but especially because something unpleasant has happened to you or someone else  (What's the matter with him? He looks so sad. | be sad to do sth)  (I was sad to see them go in the end.) + abou  (I was glad to be going home, but sad about the friends I was leaving behind.) sad smile/face/expression etc  (There was such a sad look in her eyes.)  (- opposite happy (1)) 2 »STH THAT MAKES YOU SAD« a sad event, situation etc makes you feel unhappy  (A special meeting was called to announce the sad news of his death. | sad book/song/film etc)  (What a sad movie! I cried all the way through. | it is sad that)  (It's sad that James can't be with us. | it is sad to see/hear etc)  (It was sad to see all that food going to waste. | sad time/day/moment etc)  (This is a sad day for all of us.) 3 »NOT SATISFACTORY« only before noun a sad situation is very bad or unacceptable  (sad state of affairs (=bad situation))  (It's a sad state of affairs when you can't go out at night for fear of being attacked. | the sad fact is (that) spoken)  (The sad fact is that prejudice and discrimination still exist. | sad to say spoken)  (Sad to say, we never found them.) 4 »LONELY« a sad person or someone who has a sad life seems lonely and unhappy and you feel sorry for them  (She's a sad character - I don't think she has any friends at all. | sad case (=someone you feel sorry for)) 5 »BORING« spoken slang used to say that someone or something is boring and unfashionable  (I think Carole's a bit of a sad name. Oh, sorry, is your mum called Carole? | sad bastard)  (Get a life, you sad bastard.) 6 sadder but wiser having learned something from an unpleasant experience  (He came out of the relationship sadder but wiser.) - sadness n  (- see also sadly) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Seasonal Affected Disorder physiol. abbr. Seasonal Adjustment Disorder physiol. abbr. Swinford Anxiety Disorder physiol. abbr. Seasonal Affective Disorder physiol. abbr. Simple Anxiety Defect physiol. abbr. Stoupa Addiction Disorder physiol. abbr. Social Anxiety Disorder NASA abbr. Solar Array Deployment U.S. gov. abbr. Single Administrative Document mil. abbr. Space Artillery Drill mil. abbr. System Allocation Document mil. abbr. Situation Awareness Display mil. abbr. Search And Destroy mil. abbr. Supply Action Date 3-let. lang. abbr. Sandawe univ. abbr. Students Affairs Department electron. abbr. Silicone Avalanche Diode electron. abbr. Selected Area Diffraction days abbr. Single Awareness Day days abbr. Swallow Arrival Day days abbr. Socrates Action Day food abbr. Standard American Diet adult abbr. Sexy Angelic Diva gen. comp. abbr. Strategic Accelerator Design comp. assem. abbr. Systems Analysis And Design network. abbr. Smart Ack Dropper sec. abbr. Security Association Database educ. abbr. Silly And Disruptive religion abbr. Soul Assassin Demon law abbr. Stoned And Drugged law abbr. Summons Alert Days firm name abbr. Sadi S. p. A. firm name abbr. Stone Age Designs account. abbr. Surprise And Delight chat abbr. Single Available And Desperate ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. sжd "sated," from P.Gmc. *sathaz, from PIE base *sa- "satisfied." Sense development seems to have passed through a meaning "heavy," and "weary, tired of" before emerging 14c. as "unhappy." An alternate course would be through "steadfast, firm," and "serious" to "grave." Replaced O.E. unrot, negative of rot "cheerful, glad." Slang sense of "inferior, pathetic" is from 1899; sad sack is 1920s, popularized by World War II armed forces. Sadden is from 1600; earlier form was sade, from O.E. sadian. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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