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Англо-русский словарь - ruin


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Перевод с английского языка ruin на русский

 1. noun
 1) гибель; крушение (надежд и т.п.); разорение; крах; to bring to ruin - разорить, погубить
 2) oft. pl. развалины; руины; in ruins - в развалинах
 3) причина гибели
 2. v.
 1) разрушать, разорять; to ruin oneself - разориться
 2) (по)губить; to ruin a girl - обесчестить девушку
 3) портить
 4) poet. рухнуть Syn: see destroy
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См. в других словарях

  1. гибель, крушение the ruin of one's hopes —- крушение надежд 2. разорение, крах to bring to ruin —- довести до гибели (до краха); разорить; погубить ruin stares him in the face —- он на грани разорения 3. pl. развалины, руины to lie in ruins —- лежать в развалинах to lay a town in ruins —- превратить город в развалины the ruins of Rome —- римские руины 4. (тк. в ед. ч.) пагубное, вредное влияние; причина гибели gambling was his ruin (the ruin of him) —- азартная игра его погубила 5. обесчещение (женщины) 6. сл. джин низкого качества (обыкн. blue ruin, mother's ruin) 7. разрушать; уничтожать the storm ruined the crops —- буря уничтожила урожай 8. портить, губить to ruin one's career —- погубить свою карьеру to ruin smb.'s reputation —- погубить чью-л. репутацию 9. обесчестить (женщину) 10. разорять to ruin oneself —- разориться he was ruined by his own extravagance —- он разорился из-за своей расточительности 11. преим. рухнуть ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) гибель, крах 2) разорение 2. гл. разорять ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) гибель 2) крушение 3) разорение economic ruin game — игра на экономическое разорение gambler ruin gambling problem — задача о разорении игрока - gambler ruin - gambler's ruin - ruin function - ruin game - ruin probability - ruin problem ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a destroyed or wrecked state. 2 a person's or thing's downfall or elimination (the ruin of my hopes). 3 a the complete loss of one's property or position (bring to ruin). b a person who has suffered ruin. 4 (in sing. or pl.) the remains of a building etc. that has suffered ruin (an old ruin; ancient ruins). 5 a cause of ruin (will be the ruin of us). --v. 1 tr. a bring to ruin (your extravagance has ruined me). b utterly impair or wreck (the rain ruined my hat). 2 tr. (esp. as ruined adj.) reduce to ruins. 3 intr. poet. fall headlong or with a crash. Phrases and idioms in ruins 1 in a state of ruin. 2 completely wrecked (their hopes were in ruins). Etymology: ME f. OF ruine f. L ruina f. ruere fall ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Anglo-French, from Latin ~a, from ruere to rush headlong, fall, collapse  Date: 12th century  1.  a. archaic a falling down ; collapse from age to age…the crash of ~ fitfully resounds — William Wordsworth  b. physical, moral, economic, or social collapse  2.  a. the state of being ~ed — archaic except in plural the city lay in ~s  b. the remains of something destroyed — usually used in plural the ~s of an ancient temple the ~s of his life  3. a cause of destruction  4.  a. the action of destroying, laying waste, or wrecking  b. damage, injury  5. a ~ed building, person, or object  • ~ate adjective  • ~ate transitive verb  II. verb  Date: 1585  transitive verb  1. to reduce to ~s ; devastate  2.  a. to damage irreparably  b. bankrupt, impoverish ~ed by stock speculation  3. to subject to frustration, failure, or disaster will ~ your chances of promotion  intransitive verb to become ~ed  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ruins, ruining, ruined) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. To ruin something means to severely harm, damage, or spoil it. My wife was ruining her health through worry... VERB: V n 2. To ruin someone means to cause them to no longer have any money. She accused him of ruining her financially with his taste for the high life. VERB: V n 3. Ruin is the state of no longer having any money. The farmers say recent inflation has driven them to the brink of ruin. N-UNCOUNT 4. Ruin is the state of being severely damaged or spoiled, or the process of reaching this state. The vineyards were falling into ruin... N-UNCOUNT 5. The ruins of something are the parts of it that remain after it has been severely damaged or weakened. The new Turkish republic he helped to build emerged from the ruins of a great empire... N-PLURAL: the N of n 6. The ruins of a building are the parts of it that remain after the rest has fallen down or been destroyed. One dead child was found in the ruins almost two hours after the explosion... N-COUNT: usu pl 7. see also ruined 8. If something is in ruins, it is completely spoiled. Its heavily-subsidized economy is in ruins... PHRASE: oft v-link PHR 9. If a building or place is in ruins, most of it has been destroyed and only parts of it remain. The abbey was in ruins... PHRASE: usu v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to spoil or destroy something completely  (The rain ruined our holiday. | My new white dress was totally ruined!)  (- see destroy) 2 to make someone lose all their money  (Jefferson was ruined by the law suit.) - ruined adj only before noun  (ruined houses) ~2 n 1 a situation in which you have lost all your money, your social position, or the good opinion that people had about you  (lead to sb's ruin)  (Joe's rashness led ultimately to his ruin. | be on the road to ruin (=be doing something that will make you lose your money, position etc) | be on the brink of ruin (=be about to lose all your money or your position))  (With the collapse of grain prices, small farmers are on the brink of financial ruin.) 2 be the ruin of humorous to make someone lose all their money, their good health, the good opinion that other people have about them etc  (Drinking was the ruin of him.) 3 also ruins the part of a building that is left after the rest has been destroyed  (an interesting old ruin | the ruins of a bombed-out office block) 4 the ruins of the parts of something such as an organization, system, or set of ideas that remain after the rest have been destroyed  (the ruins of the Welfare State in post-Thatcher Britain) 5 be/lie in ruins a) if a building is in ruins it has fallen down or been badly damaged  (The castle now lies in ruins.) b) if someone's life, hopes, plans, or an organization is in ruins, they are having great problems and cannot continue  (After the war the Japanese economy lay in ruins.) 6 go to ruin also fall into ruin if something goes to ruin it becomes damaged or destroyed because no one is taking care of it  (His brother had let the farm go to ruin.)  (- see also mother's ruin, go to rack and ruin rack1 (4)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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