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Англо-русский словарь - rope


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Перевод с английского языка rope на русский

of sand обманчивая прочность; иллюзия
ROPE off окружать канатом; The farmer has roped off the field to keep the animals out.
 1. noun
 1) канат; веревка; трос; on the rope - связанные веревкой (об альпинистах); the ropes - канаты, ограждающие арену (в цирке)
 2) веревка (на виселице)
 3) нитка, вязка; a rope of onion - вязка лука; a rope of hair - жгут волос; а rope of pearls - нитка жемчуга
 4) pl.; naut. снасти, такелаж; оснастка
 5) тягучая, клейкая жидкость
 6) attr. канатный; веревочный give a fool rope enough and hell hang himself prov. - дай дураку волю, он сам себя загубит - know the ropes - learn the ropes - rope of sand
 2. v.
 1) привязывать канатом; связывать веревкой; to rope a box - перевязать ящик веревкой
 2) связаться друг с другом веревкой (об альпинистах); When the whole party has roped up, we shall be ready to start.
 3) тянуть на веревке, канате
 4) ловить арканом
 5) умышленно отставать (в состязании)
 6) густеть, становиться клейким (о жидкости)
 7) sl. вешать - rope in - rope into - rope off
 а) окружать канатом The cattle are all roped in now.
 б) заманивать, втягивать, вовлекать; to rope smb. in втягивать кого-л. в предприятие; Who else can we rope in to organize the tour?
ROPE into заманивать, втягивать, вовлекать I dont want to get roped into any more of your activities.
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См. в других словарях

  1. канат; веревка; трос hemp rope —- пеньковая веревка Manilla rope —- канат из манильской пеньки anchor (belay) rope —- страхующая веревка (альпинизм) climbing rope —- основная веревка (альпинизм) guide rope —- направляющая веревка (альпинизм); гайдроп (трос, удерживающий дирижабль у причальной мачты) on the rope —- связанные веревкой (об альпинистах) rope climbing —- лазание по канату (гимнастика) rope technique —- работа с веревкой (альпинизм) rope transmission —- тех. канатная передача rope strand —- тех. прядь (стренга) каната 2. связка (альпинизм) 3. (the rope) веревка, петля (на виселице); казнь через повешение 4. канат (для канатоходцев - в цирке) 5. (the ropes) pl. канаты, ограждающие ринг или арену to be on the ropes —- повиснуть на канатах ринга (бокс); быть в беспомощном состоянии, находиться на грани поражения his competitors soon had him on the ropes —- конкуренты вскоре загнали его в угол (практически разорили) 6. нитка, вязка a rope of onions —- вязка лука a rope of hair —- (тяжелая) коса a rope of pearls —- нитка жемчуга 7. pl. способы, приемы (работы и т. п.); умение ориентироваться to know the ropes —- хорошо ориентироваться (в чем-л.), знать все ходы и выходы; быть искушенным to put smb. up to the ropes, to show smb. the ropes —- полностью ввести кого-л. в курс дела, сообщить...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  подвеска тягового грузового каната ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) веревка 2) веревочный 3) канат 4) тех. отражатели длинные 5) трос broom end of wire rope — распустить конец троса cast off the mooring rope — отдать причальный конец drag a rope on the ground — тащить канат по земле ease away a rope — травить канат place rope in block — закладывать трос в блок quarter rope trawl — квартронный трал rope grab bucket — канатный грейфер - anchor rope - balance rope - balancing rope - driving rope - endless rope - flat rope - guide rope - guy rope - haul in rope - haulage rope - hemp rope - hoist rope - hoisting rope - jute rope - mining rope - non-spinning rope - pass rope - plain-laid rope - plaited rope - pull rope - reeve rope - rope bleaching - rope drive - rope gripper - rope group - rope haulage - rope hook - rope incline - rope ladder - rope saw - rope sheave - rope socket - rope sweep - rope tackle - rope tow - rope transfer - rope transmission - slack a rope - slip of rope - splicing of rope - stranded rope - tail rope - three-stranded rope - towing rope - twisted rope - unlay rope - untwist rope - wire rope ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  канат, трос; верёвка asbestos rope auxiliary hoist rope boom suspension ropes braided nylon rope braided wire rope bucket rope bucket tipping rope cable-laid rope closing rope compensating rope derricking rope drag rope drum counterweight rope equal lay rope fiber rope filament nylon rope flat rope fly-jib fixed ropes guy rope haulage rope hoist rope insulating rope jib derricking rope jib safety rope jute rope load hoisting rope locked-coil rope main hoist rope Manila rope mast suspension rope multipart derricking rope nonrotating rope nylon rope parallel lay rope pendant rope principal load lifting rope standard wire rope standing rope steel wire rope stranded wire rope wire rope wire rope for every service ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) верёвка; трос; канат привязывать [обвязывать, закреплять] верёвками, тросами или канатами 2) мор. швартов; мн. ч. такелаж 3) жгут из полимерных материалов (для обвязки груза) 4) род (единица длины) to pay out a rope — стравливать канат - anchor rope - balance rope - black rope - buoy rope - cable-laid rope - digging rope - escape rope - guess rope - guy rope - hand rope - hay rope - hemp rope - hoisting rope - hoist rope - inhaul rope - lang-lay rope - mooring rope - multistrand rope - outhaul rope - passenger rope - pouring rope - regular-lay rope - round-strand rope - safety rope - shaft rope - spinning rope - stay rope - steering rope - tobacco rope - towing rope - tow rope - twisted rope - wire rope ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a stout cord made by twisting together strands of hemp, sisal, flax, cotton, nylon, wire, or similar material. b a piece of this. c US a lasso. 2 (foll. by of) a quantity of onions, ova, or pearls strung together. 3 (in pl., prec. by the) a the conditions in some sphere of action (know the ropes; show a person the ropes). b the ropes enclosing a boxing- or wrestling-ring or cricket ground. 4 (prec. by the) a a halter for hanging a person. b execution by hanging. --v. 1 tr. fasten, secure, or catch with rope. 2 tr. (usu. foll. by off, in) enclose (a space) with rope. 3 Mountaineering a tr. connect (a party) with a rope; attach (a person) to a rope. b (absol.) put on a rope. c intr. (foll. by down, up) climb down or up using a rope. Phrases and idioms give a person plenty of rope (or enough rope to hang himself or herself) give a person enough freedom of action to bring about his or her own downfall. on the rope Mountaineering roped together. on the ropes 1 Boxing forced against the ropes by the opponent's attack. 2 near defeat. rope in persuade to take part. rope into persuade to take part in (was roped into doing the washing-up). rope-ladder two long ropes connected by short crosspieces, used as a ladder. rope-moulding a moulding cut spirally in imitation of rope-strands. rope of sand delusive security. rope's end hist. a short piece of rope used to flog (formerly, esp. a sailor) with. rope-walk a long piece of ground where ropes are made. rope-walker a performer on a tightrope. rope-walking the action of performing on a tightrope. rope-yard a rope-making establishment. rope-yarn 1 material obtained by unpicking rope-strands, or used for making them. 2 a piece of this. 3 a mere trifle. Etymology: OE rap f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English rap; akin to Old High German reif hoop  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a large stout cord of strands of fibers or wire twisted or braided together  b. a long slender strip of material used as ~ rawhide ~  c. a hangman's noose  d. lariat  2. a row or string consisting of things united by or as if by braiding, twining, or threading  3. plural special or basic techniques or procedures show him the ~s  4. line drive  • ~like adjective  II. verb  (~d; roping)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to bind, fasten, or tie with a ~ or cord  b. to partition, separate, or divide by a ~ ~ off the street  c. lasso  2. to draw as if with a ~ ; lure  intransitive verb to take the form of or twist in the manner of ~  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ropes, roping, roped) 1. A rope is a thick cord or wire that is made by twisting together several thinner cords or wires. Ropes are used for jobs such as pulling cars, tying up boats, or tying things together. He tied the rope around his waist. ...a piece of rope. N-VAR 2. If you rope one thing to another, you tie the two things together with a rope. I roped myself to the chimney. VERB: V n to n 3. If you give someone enough rope to hang themselves, you give them the freedom to do a job in their own way because you hope that their attempts will fail and that they will look foolish. The King has merely given the politicians enough rope to hang themselves... PHRASE: give inflects 4. If you are learning the ropes, you are learning how a particular task or job is done. (INFORMAL) PHRASE: V inflects 5. If you know the ropes, you know how a particular job or task should be done. (INFORMAL) The moment she got to know the ropes, there was no stopping her. PHRASE: V inflects 6. If you describe a payment as money for old rope, you are emphasizing that it is earned very easily, for very little effort. (BRIT INFORMAL) PHRASE: usu v-link PHR c darkgreen]emphasis 7. If you show someone the ropes, you show them how to do a particular job or task. (INFORMAL) PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 very strong, thick string, made by twisting together many threads of nylon or other material  (They tied up the prisoner with rope. | a bell rope) 2 know the ropes to know how to do all the parts of a job, deal with a system etc, because you have a lot of experience of it 3 show sb the ropes to teach someone how to do a job or deal with a system  (This is Shirley's first day, so will you show her the ropes?) 4 be on the ropes informal to be in a very bad situation, in which you are likely to be defeated 5 give sb plenty of rope to give someone a lot of freedom to do something in the way they want to do it 6 give sb enough rope to hang themselves to give someone freedom to do what they want to do, because you think they will cause problems for themselves 7 be at the end of your rope especially AmE to have no more patience or strength left to deal with a problem or a difficult situation 8 the rope old-fashioned hanging as a punishment 9 the ropes the rope fence that surrounds an area used for boxing or wrestling 10 a rope of pearls pearls on a string, worn around your neck as jewellery  (- see also jump rope, money for old rope money (16)) ~2 v 1 T always + adv/prep to tie things together using rope  (rope sth to sth)  (Harvey roped his horse to a nearby tree. | rope sb/sth together)  (Two firemen roped themselves together and plunged into the lake.) 2 AmE to catch an animal using a circle of rope rope sb in phr v informal to persuade someone to help you in a job, or to join in an activity, especially when they do not want to  (rope sb in to do sth)  (I've roped Dad in to help with the entertainment. | rope sb into doing sth)  (Have you been roped into selling tickets?) rope sth off phr v to surround an area with ropes, especially in order to separate it from another area  (Last night police roped off the area of the find.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Research Objectives Programming And Evaluation adult abbr. Retailers Of Preteen Erotica softw. abbr. Remote Object Proxy Engine media abbr. The Reunion Of Professional Entertainers educ. abbr. Reaching Out To People Everywhere gen. bus. abbr. Research Organize Plan And Execute gen. bus. abbr. Referral Only Production Explosion ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. rap, from P.Gmc. *raipaz. Phrase on the ropes "defeated" is 1924, from boxing. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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