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Англо-русский словарь - report


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Перевод с английского языка report на русский

 1. noun
 1) отчет (on - о); сообщение, доклад
 2) mil. донесение; рапорт
 3) молва, слух; the report goes - говорят; ходит слух
 4) репутация, слава
 5) табель успеваемости
 6) звук взрыва, выстрела Syn: account, story, version
 2. v.
 1) сообщать; рассказывать, описывать; it is reported -
 а) сообщается;
 б) говорят; Ill report you to the police if you dont stop annoying me.
 2) делать официальное сообщение; докладывать; представлять отчет; to report a bill - докладывать законопроект в парламенте перед третьим чтением; the Commission reports tomorrow - комиссия делает доклад завтра; Your job is to attend all the meetings and report back to the committee.
 3) mil. доносить; рапортовать; Anyone entering the military camp must report to the guard-house.
 4) являться; to report oneself - заявлять о своем прибытии (to); to report for work - являться на работу; to report to the police - регистрироваться в полиции; How many men have reported for duty this morning?
 5) передавать что-л., сказанное другим лицом
 6) составлять, давать отчет (для прессы); давать репортаж; to report (badly) well - давать (не) благоприятный отзыв (о чем-л.)
 7) жаловаться на, выставлять обвинение; I shall have to report you for repeated lateness. - report out - report sick to move to report progress parl. - внести предложение о прекращении дебатов (часто с целью обструкции) - report progress Syn: see tell
REPORT card = report
REPORT centre mil. пункт сбора донесений
 а) вернуть материал, проект и т.п. с неблагоприятным отзывом или рекомендациями по его переработке
 б) polit. вернуть (законопроект) в палату с поправками и дополнениями (внесёнными комиссией); When did the committee report the bill out?
REPORT progress
 а) сообщать о положении дел;
 б) parl. прекращать прения по законопроекту;
 в) откладывать (что-л.)
REPORT sick сообщать о неспособности работать из-за болезни; The workers showed their opposition by reporting sick in large numbers.
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См. в других словарях

  1. доклад; сообщение; отчет (также для прессы) final report —- окончательный доклад interim report —- промежуточный доклад progress report —- доклад о достигнутых результатах (о ходе работы); информ. промежуточный отчет weather report —- бюллетень погоды; метеорологическая сводка a report on smth. —- доклад (отчет) о чем-л. we have received a favourable report on his work —- мы получили благоприятный отзыв о его работе to present (to submit) a report —- предоставить доклад (отчет) to draw up a report on an accident —- составить протокол о происшествии 2. сообщение, известие (в печати и т. п.) a news report —- газетное сообщение first-hand report —- сообщение из первых рук; сообщение очевидца to publish a report of a trial —- опубликовать отчет о судебном процессе 3. воен. донесение; рапорт; доклад to submit a report —- представлять донесение 4. запись судебных решений 5. сборник судебных решений (также law reports) 6. молва, слух idle reports —- пустые разговоры (слухи) the report goes, report has it —- ходит слух, говорят to know of smth. by mere report —- знать о чем-л. только по слухам (понаслышке) it is a matter of current report —- об этом говорят (знают) все 7. репутация, слава to be of good report —- иметь хорошую репутацию 8. табель успеваемости terminal report —- табель успеваемости за семестр 9. звук взрыва, выстрела Id:...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. гл. 1) общ. сообщать, описывать, рассказывать (информировать о чем-л.) They were reported to be safe. — Передали, что они в безопасности. 2) общ., упр. докладывать, делать официальное сообщение (информировать о чем-л. на официальном уровне); отчитываться, представлять отчет to report to the President — доложить президенту A store employee reported to the manager of the store that several hundred dollars were missing from the store’s safe. — Сотрудник магазина доложил управляющему о том, что несколько сотен долларов пропали из магазинного сейфа. 2. сущ. 1) а) общ., упр. отчет, доклад, сообщение annual report — годовой отчет confidential report — секретное сообщение to confirm a report — подтверждать сообщение to draw up make out, write, write out, write up a report — готовить доклад to file give, make, present, submit a report — делать доклад сообщение annual report to stockholders — годовой отчет для акционеров She filed a report about the incident. — Она направила (начальству) сообщение о происшествии. Syn: statement See: financial report, "report and accounts, "report form, "auditor's report, annual report б) общ. рассказ, описание событий accurate report — точное сообщение biased slanted report — необъективный доклад We have heard reports that the road is closed. — Мы слышали о том, что дорога закрыта. в) общ. молва, слух the report goes — говорят; ходят слухи Syn: rumour г) воен. донесение, рапорт...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) докладывать 2) отчет 3) представление данных 4) протокол 5) сводка 6) сообщать 7) сообщение draw up a report — составлять отчет technical inspection report — акт технического осмотра - position report - progress report - report transmission - survey report - synoptic report - test report - wheel report - workshop report ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  доклад; отчет; сообщение – activity management report – communication failure report – confidential file report – error report – file reserve report – multitransaction report – power failure report – relay broadcast report – transmission result report – transmitting acknowledgment report ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  акт; протокол доклад; сообщение; отчёт сводка progress report test report ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) доклад; отчёт; сообщение докладывать; сообщать 2) акт; протокол 3) метео сводка report of calibration — протокол поверки; свидетельство о поверке - acceptance report - accident data report - aerodrome report - air report - aircraft position report - aircraft test report - CLIMAT report - CLIMAT SHIP report - daily tour report - draft report - environmental impact statement report - error report - feasibility report - final report on investigation - half-hourly report - incident data report - inproduction status report - inspection report - machine status report - mutilated report - official report - PILOT report - PILOT SHIP report - production report - progress report - quality report - reclamation report - response report - routine weather report - service inspection report - SHIP report - special report - status report - sudden change report - SYNOP report - synoptic report - test report - truncated report - upper-air report - weather report - weight report ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. a bring back or give an account of. b state as fact or news, narrate or describe or repeat, esp. as an eyewitness or hearer etc. c relate as spoken by another. 2 tr. make an official or formal statement about. 3 tr. (often foll. by to) name or specify (an offender or offence) (shall report you for insubordination; reported them to the police). 4 intr. (often foll. by to) present oneself to a person as having returned or arrived (report to the manager on arrival). 5 tr. (also absol.) take down word for word or summarize or write a description of for publication. 6 intr. make or draw up or send in a report. 7 intr. (often foll. by to) be responsible (to a superior, supervisor, etc.) (reports directly to the managing director). 8 tr. Parl. (of a committee chairman) announce that the committee has dealt with (a bill). 9 intr. (often foll. by of) give a report to convey that one is well, badly, etc. impressed (reports well of the prospects). --n. 1 an account given or opinion formally expressed after investigation or consideration. 2 a description, summary, or reproduction of a scene or speech or law case, esp. for newspaper publication or broadcast. 3 common talk; rumour. 4 the way a person or thing is spoken of (I hear a good report of you). 5 a periodical statement on (esp. a school pupil's) work, conduct, etc. 6 the sound of an explosion. Phrases and idioms report back deliver a report to the person, organization, etc. for whom one acts etc. reported speech the speaker's words with the changes of person, tense, etc. usual in reports, e.g. he said that he would go (opp. direct speech). report progress state what has been done so far. report stage (in the UK) the debate on a bill in the House of Commons or House of Lords after it is reported. Derivatives reportable adj. reportedly adv. Etymology: ME f. OF reporter f. L reportare (as RE-, portare bring) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from ~er to bring back, ~, from Latin ~are, from re- + portare to carry — more at fare  Date: 14th century  1.  a. common talk or an account spread by common talk ; rumor  b. quality of reputation a witness of good ~  2.  a. a usually detailed account or statement a news ~  b. an account or statement of a judicial opinion or decision  c. a usually formal record of the proceedings of a meeting or session  3. an explosive noise  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to give an account of ; relate  b. to describe as being in a specified state ~ed him much improved  2.  a. to serve as carrier of (a message)  b. to relate the words or sense of (something said)  c. to make a written record or summary of  d.  (1) to watch for and write about the newsworthy aspects or developments of ; cover  (2) to prepare or present an account of for broadcast  3.  a.  (1) to give a formal or official account or statement of the treasurer ~ed a balance of ten dollars  (2) to return or present (a matter referred for consideration) with conclusions or recommendations  b. to announce or relate as the result of investigation ~ed no sign of disease  c. to announce the presence, arrival, or sighting of  d. to make known to the proper authorities ~ a fire  e. to make a charge of misconduct against  intransitive verb  1.  a. to give an account ; tell  b. to present oneself ~ed to the front desk  c. to account for oneself ~ed sick on Friday  d. to work as a subordinate ~s to the vice president  2. to make, issue, or submit a ~  3. to act in the capacity of a ~er ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (reports, reporting, reported) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you report something that has happened, you tell people about it. They had been called in to clear drains after local people reported a foul smell... I reported the theft to the police... The officials also reported that two more ships were apparently heading for Malta... ‘He seems to be all right now,’ reported a relieved Taylor... The foreign secretary is reported as saying that force will have to be used if diplomacy fails... She reported him missing the next day... Between forty and fifty people are reported to have died in the fighting. VERB: V n, V n to n, V that, V with quote, be V-ed as -ing/-ed, V n adj, be V-ed to-inf 2. If you report on an event or subject, you tell people about it, because it is your job or duty to do so. Many journalists enter the country to report on political affairs... I’ll now call at the vicarage and report to you in due course. VERB: V on n, V to n 3. A report is a news article or broadcast which gives information about something that has just happened. ...a report in London’s Independent newspaper... N-COUNT: usu with supp 4. A report is an official document which a group of people issue after investigating a situation or event. After an inspection, the inspectors must publish a report. N-COUNT: oft N on n, N by n 5. If you give someone a report on something, you tell them what has been happening. She came back to give us a progress report on how the project is going... N-COUNT 6. If you say that there are reports that something has happened, you mean that some people say it has happened but you have no direct evidence of it. There are unconfirmed reports that two people have been shot in the neighbouring town of Lalitpur... N-COUNT: usu pl, N of n, N that 7. If someone reports you to a person in authority, they tell that person about something wrong that you have done. His ex-wife reported him to police a few days later... ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a written or spoken description of a situation or event, giving people the information they need  (the chairman's report) + on/of  (police reports of the accident) 2 a piece of writing in a newspaper about something that is happening, or part of a television or radio news programme  (We're getting reports from the scene of the fighting. | a weather report) 3 an official piece of writing that carefully considers a particular subject, and is often written by a group of people + on/of  (a recent report on child abuse) 4 things people say that may or may not be true; rumour  (According to reports he's not coming back.) 5 BrE a written statement by teachers about a child's work at school, sent to their parents; report card AmE  (Dad promised me a new bike if I got a good report.) 6 formal the noise of an explosion or shot  (a loud report) ~2 v 1 »NEWS« to give people information about recent events, especially in newspapers and on television and radio  (This is Gavin Williams, reporting from the United Nations in New York. | report sth)  (We aim to report the news as fairly as possible.) + on  (The Post sent her to Bangladesh to report on the floods.) report that  (The newspapers reported that he had died in a car accident. | report doing sth)  (They reported having seen the remains of the body. | be reported to be)  (He is reported to have been driving whilst drunk.) 2 »JOB/WORK« to tell someone about what has been happening, or what you are doing as part of your job  (report (to sb) on)  (Come back next week to report on your progress. | Anything to report, Sergeant?) 3 »PUBLIC STATEMENT« to officially give information to the public  (Scientists are due to report the first step towards the development of an AIDS vaccine.) 4 »CRIME/ACCIDENT« to tell the police or someone in authority that an accident or crime has happened  (I'd like to report a theft. | report sth to sb)  (All accidents must be reported to the safety officer. | report sb/sth missing)  (The plane was reported missing in heavy fog.)...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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