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Англо-русский словарь - rage


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Перевод с английского языка rage на русский

 1. noun
 1) ярость, гнев; приступ сильного гнева; неистовство; - fly into a rage
 2) страсть, сильное стремление (for - к чему-л.)
 3) coll. повальное увлечение (чем-л., кем-л.); предмет общего увлечения; bicycles were (all) the rage then - в те дни все помешались на велосипедах - all the rage Syn: see anger
 2. v.
 1) беситься, злиться (at, against); быть в ярости, в гневе; Its no use raging at/against unjust laws
 2) бушевать, свирепствовать (о буре, эпидемии, страстях и т.п.); Flu raged throughout the city. The storm that raged through the western islands has now died down. Bands of law breakers used to rage through the town, shooting and robbing. - rage itself out
RAGE itself out успокоиться, затихнуть (о буре); Once the storm has raged itself out, we shall be able to set sail again.
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См. в других словарях

  1. ярость, гнев, бешенство a rage —- приступ гнева (ярости) blind with rage —- ослепленный гневом mad with rage —- обезумевший от ярости; в полном бешенстве to put smb. into a rage —- привести кого-л. в ярость; взбесить (разгневать, прогневить) кого-л. to fly (to get) into a rage —- прийти в ярость (в бешенство) to be in a rage —- быть в ярости (в бешенстве) to be in a rage with smb. —- разгневаться на кого-л. to kill a man in a rage —- в припадке гнева убить человека 2. неистовство the rage of the wind —- неистовство ветра the rage of passion —- неистовство страсти the rage of thirst —- муки жажды 3. (обыкн. for) страсть; страстное стремление (к чему-л.) a rage for fame —- погоня за славой a rage to live —- страстное желание жить to have a rage for hunting —- быть страстным охотником 4. взрыв, вспышка a rage of grief —- взрыв горя to burst into a rage of tears —- разразиться неудержимыми слезами 5. (the rage) разг. повальное увлечение (чем-л.); помешательство (на чем-л.) bicycles were (all) the rage then —- в те времена все были помешаны на велосипедах Pavlova was all the rage —- все с ума сходили по Павловой here are some bags that are all the rage —- эти сумочки - последний крик моды 6. пыл, жар; боевой дух in the rage of battle —- в пылу сражения 7. экстаз (пророка, поэта); вдохновение 8. редк. наводнение, потоп; прилив 9. уст. безумие,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  ярость, гнев; неистовствовать, буйствовать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  бушевать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 fierce or violent anger. 2 a fit of this (flew into a rage). 3 the violent action of a natural force (the rage of the storm). 4 (foll. by for) a a vehement desire or passion. b a widespread temporary enthusiasm or fashion. 5 poet. poetic, prophetic, or martial enthusiasm or ardour. 6 sl. a lively frolic. --v.intr. 1 be full of anger. 2 (often foll. by at, against) speak furiously or madly; rave. 3 (of wind, battle, fever, etc.) be violent; be at its height; continue unchecked. 4 Austral. sl. seek enjoyment; go on a spree. Phrases and idioms all the rage popular, fashionable. Etymology: ME f. OF rager ult. f. L RABIES ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin rabia, from Latin rabies ~, madness, from rabere to be mad; akin to Sanskrit rabhas violence  Date: 14th century  1.  a. violent and uncontrolled anger  b. a fit of violent wrath  c. archaic insanity  2. violent action (as of wind or sea)  3. an intense feeling ; passion  4. a fad pursued with intense enthusiasm was all the ~  Synonyms: see anger, fashion  II. intransitive verb  (~d; raging)  Date: 14th century  1. to be in a ~  2. to be in tumult  3. to prevail uncontrollably ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rages, raging, raged) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Rage is strong anger that is difficult to control. He was red-cheeked with rage... I flew into a rage... = fury N-VAR 2. You say that something powerful or unpleasant rages when it continues with great force or violence. Train services were halted as the fire raged for more than four hours... The war rages on and the time has come to take sides. VERB: V, V on 3. If you rage about something, you speak or think very angrily about it. Monroe was on the phone, raging about her mistreatment by the brothers... Inside, Frannie was raging... ‘I can’t see it’s any of your business,’ he raged. VERB: V about/against/at n, V, V with quote 4. You can refer to the strong anger that someone feels in a particular situation as a particular rage, especially when this results in violent or aggressive behaviour. Cabin crews are reporting up to nine cases of air rage a week. N-UNCOUNT: n N see also road rage 5. When something is popular and fashionable, you can say that it is the rage or all the rage. (INFORMAL) The 1950s look is all the rage at the moment. N-SING: the N 6. see also raging ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a strong feeling of uncontrollable anger  (His letter had filled her with rage and disappointment. | in a rage)  (She stormed out of the room in a rage. | fly into a rage (=suddenly become very angry))  (Major Sanderson instantly flew into a terrible rage. | shaking/trembling/quivering with rage)  (Blake sprang to his feet, his face trembling with rage.) 2 be (all) the rage informal to be very popular and fashionable  (Platform shoes were all the rage then.) 3 a rage for old-fashioned a very popular fashion  (There was a great rage for open sports cars at that time.) ~2 v 1 if something rages, such as a battle, a disagreement, or a storm, it continues with great violence or strong emotions  (Controversy over the scandal is still raging. | Outside a great storm was raging.) 2 + at/about/against) to feel very angry about something and show this in the way you behave or speak  (Margo raged against the unfairness of the situation.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  lab. abbr. Receptor For Advanced Glycation End hum. gen. abbr. Random Activation Gene Expression gen. comp. abbr. Real Arcade Game Emulator gen. comp. abbr. Radiation Adaptive Grid Eulerian religion abbr. Radically Anointed God Encounters religion abbr. Redeeming A Generation For Eternity religion abbr. Reaching A Generation For Eternity religion abbr. Radically Altered Genetic Enigma ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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