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Англо-русский словарь - proposition


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Перевод с английского языка proposition на русский

 1) предложение; план, проект
 2) утверждение, заявление
 3) math. теорема
 4) coll. предприятие
 5) coll. дело, проблема hes a tough proposition - с ним трудно иметь дело
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См. в других словарях

  1. утверждение, заявление this is a proposition so clear that it needs no argument —- это настолько ясное утверждение, что оно не нуждается ни в каком обсуждении 2. предложение (особенно деловое); план; проект to make a proposition —- сделать предложение his proposition was not accepted —- его предложение не было принято 3. ам. разг. предприятие it is not a paying proposition —- это невыгодное предприятие 4. ам. разг. дело, занятие, проблема that's an awkward proposition —- это трудное дело that's a wholly different proposition! —- это совсем другое дело! the Australians will be a tough proposition —- австралийская команда будет крепким орешком 5. ам. разг. человек, с которым ведутся дела he's a tough proposition —- с ним трудно иметь дело 6. мат. теорема; положение или утверждение, требующее доказательств 7. лог. суждение 8. гнусное предложение (женщине) 9. разг. предложить (план, сделку) 10. разг. сделать гнусное предложение (женщине) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) заявление 2) предложение 3) США дело; проблема – proposition of law PROPOSITION сущ. 1) заявление 2) предположение 3) план 4) проект 5) задача - business proposition - make a proposition - paying proposition - submit a proposition ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) высказывание 2) предложение 3) пропозициональный 4) суждение 5) теорема identically true proposition — тождественно истинное высказывание negation of proposition of statement — отрицание высказывания purely quantified proposition — чисто кванторное предложение this proposition holds — это утверждение справедливо - affirmative proposition - apodyctic proposition - atomic proposition - axiomatic proposition - biconditional proposition - categorical proposition - compound proposition - constant proposition - contradictory proposition - converse proposition - decidable proposition - elementary proposition - eliminated proposition - empirical proposition - equivalent proposition - false proposition - fuzzy proposition - general proposition - generic proposition - impossible proposition - induction proposition - inverse proposition - logical proposition - molecular proposition - necessary proposition - particular proposition - preliminary proposition - real proposition - semidecidable proposition - simple proposition - singular proposition - specializing proposition - theoretical proposition - true proposition - undecidable proposition - universal proposition - unproved proposition - valid proposition - variable proposition ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) предложение; суждение; высказывание 2) задача; проблема - compound proposition - false proposition - logical proposition - true proposition ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a statement or assertion. 2 a scheme proposed; a proposal. 3 Logic a statement consisting of subject and predicate that is subject to proof or disproof. 4 colloq. a problem, opponent, prospect, etc. that is to be dealt with (a difficult proposition). 5 Math. a formal statement of a theorem or problem, often including the demonstration. 6 a an enterprise etc. with regard to its likelihood of commercial etc. success. b a person regarded similarly. 7 colloq. a sexual proposal. --v.tr. colloq. make a proposal (esp. of sexual intercourse) to (he propositioned her). Phrases and idioms not a proposition unlikely to succeed. Derivatives propositional adj. Etymology: ME f. OF proposition or L propositio (as PROPOUND) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) something offered for consideration or acceptance ; proposal  (2) a request for sexual intercourse  b. the point to be discussed or maintained in argument usually stated in sentence form near the outset  c. a theorem or problem to be demonstrated or performed  2.  a. an expression in language or signs of something that can be believed, doubted, or denied or is either true or false  b. the objective meaning of a ~  3. something of an indicated kind to be dealt with the farm was never a paying ~  • ~al adjective  II. transitive verb  (-sitioned; ~ing)  Date: 1924 to make a proposal to; especially to suggest sexual intercourse to ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (propositions, propositioning, propositioned) 1. If you describe something such as a task or an activity as, for example, a difficult proposition or an attractive proposition, you mean that it is difficult or pleasant to do. Making easy money has always been an attractive proposition... Even among seasoned mountaineers Pinnacle Ridge is considered quite a tough proposition. N-COUNT: usu sing, adj N 2. A proposition is a statement or an idea which people can consider or discuss to decide whether it is true. (FORMAL) The proposition that democracies do not fight each other is based on a tiny historical sample. N-COUNT: oft N that 3. In the United States, a proposition is a question or statement about an issue of public policy which appears on a voting paper so that people can vote for or against it. Vote Yes on Proposition 136, but No on Propositions 129, 133 and 134. N-COUNT: oft N num 4. A proposition is an offer or a suggestion that someone makes to you, usually concerning some work or business that you might be able to do together. You came to see me at my office the other day with a business proposition... N-COUNT 5. If someone who you do not know very well propositions you, they suggest that you have sex with them. He had allegedly tried to proposition a colleague. VERB: V n • Proposition is also a noun. ...unwanted sexual propositions. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »JUDGMENT« a statement that consists of a carefully considered opinion or judgment  (Marx accepted several of the key propositions developed by Adam Smith. | proposition that)  (We were asked to discuss the proposition that women are satisfied with less money.) 2 »SUGGESTION« an offer or suggestion, especially in business or politics  (I'll consider your proposition and let you know. | We have a proposition to make.) 3 an attractive/interesting/practical etc proposition something that is an attractive etc idea, especially in business or politics  (The newest software makes computerized recruitment an attractive proposition.) 4 »MATHEMATICS« technical a word used in geometry meaning something that must be proved, or a question to which the answer must be found 5 »SEX« a statement that you would like to have sex with someone which avoids saying this to them directly 6 »LAW« also Proposition a suggested change or addition to the law of a state of the US, which citizens vote on - propositional adj ~2 v to suggest to someone that they have sex with you  (prostitutes propositioning the passers-by) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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