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Англо-русский словарь - print


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Перевод с английского языка print на русский

off печатать (фотографии и т.п.), копировать (статью и т.п.); How many copies do you want printed off?
 1. noun
 1) оттиск; отпечаток; след
 2) шрифт, печать; small (large, close) print - мелкая (крупная, убористая) печать
 3) печатание, печать; in print -
 а) в печати;
 б) в продаже (о книге, брошюре и т.п.); out of print - распроданный; разошедшийся; to get into print - появиться в печати
 4) гравюра, эстамп
 5) mainly amer. печатное издание; газета
 6) штамп
 7) phot. отпечаток (с негатива)
 8) набивная ткань, ситец
 9) attr. ситцевый
 10) attr. печатный; - print hand
 2. v.
 1) печатать
 2) запечатлевать
 3) писать печатными буквами
 4) phot. отпечатывать(ся) (тж. print out, print off)
 5) набивать (ситец) - print in - print off - print out
PRINT hand письмо печатными буквами
PRINT in допечатать, дописать; Will you print in the missing names for me?
PRINT out comp. распечатывать (данные) на печатающем устройстве; The machine will print out the results of the calculation.
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См. в других словарях

  1. след, отпечаток print of a foot upon the sand —- след ноги на песке sorrow's print upon his face —- следы горя на его лице 2. оттиск, отпечаток blue print —- спец. синька, синяя копия, светокопия 3. редк. образ, запечатлевшийся в памяти 4. шрифт, печать uneven print —- неровная печать print letters (hand) —- печатные буквы small print —- примечание in large print —- крупным шрифтом 5. печатать (процесс); печатание in print —- в напечатанном виде; опубликованный; напечатанный; (имеющийся) в продаже (о книге, брошюре и т. п.) he looked forward to seeing his name in print —- он предвкушал момент появления своего имени в печати the book is in print —- книга еще в продаже out of print —- распроданный, разошедшийся the book is out of print —- книга распродана to rush into print —- торопиться опубликовать материал 6. преим. ам. печатное издание; газета; журнал 7. издание, выпуск 8. ам. газетная бумага 9. спец. штамп 10. гравюра, эстамп print room —- зал гравюр и эстампов (в музее) 11. фот. отпечаток (с негатива) 12. кин. копия кинофильма, позитивная копия 13. набивная ткань; ситец print dress —- ситцевое платье 14. платье из набивной ткани she wore a cotton print —- она носила ситцевое платье 15. рисунок из набивной ткани 16. пачка (расфасованного) масла (также print butter) 17. печатать to print books —-...
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Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) отпечаток 2) отпечатываться 3) оттиск 4) печатать 5) шрифтовой 6) эстамп relatively oriented print — фото аэроснимок взаимно ориентировочный - aerial print - answer print - bland print - glazed print - print in italics - print order - print out - print routine - print stamp - print subroutine - print wheel - registered print - release print ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) печать, печатание печатать 2) печатное издание 3) оттиск, отпечаток 4) фотоотпечаток; фильмокопия 5) копия (не формной пластине ) копировать (на формную пластину) 6) трафаретная печать выполнять трафаретную печать 7) литография выполнять литографию 8) вчт. печать; распечатка печатать; распечатывать 9) макулатурная бумага, содержащая древесную массу 10) оргтех. штамп 11) набивная ткань to print and turn — полигр. печатать с лица и оборота; to print out — распечатывать; выводить на распечатывающее устройство - advanced print - advance print - anamorphotic print - anamorphic print - answer print - art print - augmented core print - black print - black-and-white print - blind print - block print - bromide print - carbon tissue print - check print - color print - contact print - core print - diazo print - file print - film print - full-size proof print - half-tone print - heliographic print - instantaneous print - instant print - line print - master print - memory print - metal print - motion-picture print - multicolor print - mute print - photographic print - positive print - production print - proof print - ratio print - reduction print - release print - reversal print - reverse print - screen print - solid print - sound print - spooled print - stabilized print - test print - wide-screen print ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 an indentation or mark on a surface left by the pressure of a thing in contact with it (fingerprint; footprint). 2 a printed lettering or writing (large print). b words in printed form. c a printed publication, esp. a newspaper. d the quantity of a book etc. printed at one time. e the state of being printed. 3 a picture or design printed from a block or plate. 4 Photog. a picture produced on paper from a negative. 5 a printed cotton fabric. --v.tr. 1 a produce or reproduce (a book, picture, etc.) by applying inked types, blocks, or plates, to paper, vellum, etc. b (of an author, publisher, or editor) cause (a book or manuscript etc.) to be produced or reproduced in this way. 2 express or publish in print. 3 a (often foll. by on, in) impress or stamp (a mark or figure on a surface). b (often foll. by with) impress or stamp (a soft surface, e.g. of butter or wax, with a seal, die, etc.). 4 (often absol.) write (words or letters) without joining, in imitation of typography. 5 (often foll. by off, out) Photog. produce (a picture) by the transmission of light through a negative. 6 (usu. foll. by out) (of a computer etc.) produce output in printed form. 7 mark (a textile fabric) with a decorative design in colours. 8 (foll. by on) impress (an idea, scene, etc. on the mind or memory). 9 transfer (a coloured or plain design) from paper etc. to the unglazed or glazed surface of ceramic ware. Phrases and idioms appear in print have one's work published. in print 1 (of a book etc.) available from the publisher. 2 in printed form. out of print no longer available from the publisher. printed circuit an electric circuit with thin strips of conductor on a flat insulating sheet, usu. made by a process like printing. Derivatives printable adj. printability n. printless adj. (in sense 1 of n.). Etymology: ME f. OF priente, preinte, fem. past part. of preindre press f. L premere ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English prente, from Anglo-French, from preint, prient, past participle of priendre to press, from Latin premere — more at press  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a mark made by pressure ; impression  b. something impressed with a ~ or formed in a mold  c. finger~  2.  a. ~ed state or form  b. the ~ing industry  3.  a. ~ed matter  b. plural ~ed publications  4. ~ed letters ; type  5.  a.  (1) a copy made by ~ing  (2) a reproduction of an original work of art (as a painting) made by a photomechanical process  (3) an original work of art (as a woodcut, etching, or lithograph) intended for graphic reproduction and produced by or under the supervision of the artist who designed it  b. cloth with a pattern or figured design applied by ~ing; also an article of such cloth  c. a photographic or motion-picture copy; especially one made from a negative  II. verb  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to impress something in or on  b. to stamp (as a mark) in or on something  2.  a. to make a copy of by impressing paper against an inked ~ing surface  b.  (1) to impress (as wallpaper) with a design or pattern  (2) to impress (a pattern or design) on something  c. to publish in ~  d. ~ out; also to display on a surface (as a computer screen) for viewing  3. to write in letters shaped like those of ordinary roman text type  4. to make (a positive picture) on a sensitized photographic surface from a negative or a positive  intransitive verb  1.  a. to work as a ~er  b. to produce ~ed matter  2. to produce something in ~ed form  3. to write or hand-letter in imitation of unjoined ~ed characters  III. adjective  Date: 1953 of, relating to, or writing for ~ed publications ~ journalists ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (prints, printing, printed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If someone prints something such as a book or newspaper, they produce it in large quantities using a machine. He started to print his own posters to distribute abroad... Our brochure is printed on environmentally-friendly paper... We found that television and radio gave rise to far fewer complaints than did the printed media. VERB: V n, be V-ed prep/adv, V-ed • In American English, print up means the same as print. Community workers here are printing up pamphlets for peace demonstrations... Hey, I know what, I’ll get a bumper sticker printed up. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), have/get n V-ed • printing His brother ran a printing and publishing company. ...stocks of paper and printing ink. N-UNCOUNT: oft N n 2. If a newspaper or magazine prints a piece of writing, it includes it or publishes it. We can only print letters which are accompanied by the writer’s name and address. ...a questionnaire printed in the magazine recently. = publish VERB: V n, V-ed 3. If numbers, letters, or designs are printed on a surface, they are put on it in ink or dye using a machine. You can also say that a surface is printed with numbers, letters, or designs. ...the number printed on the receipt... The company has for some time printed its phone number on its products... The shirts were printed with a paisley pattern... ‘Ecu’ was printed in lower case rather than capital letters. VERB: V-ed, V n on n, be V-ed with n, be V-ed prep/adv 4. A print is a piece of clothing or material with a pattern printed on it. You can also refer to the pattern itself as a print. In this living room we’ve mixed glorious floral prints. ...multi-coloured print jackets. N-COUNT 5. When you print a photograph, you produce it from a negative. Printing a black-and-white negative on to colour paper produces a similar monochrome effect... VERB: V n onto/from n 6. A print is a photograph from a film...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »WORDS BY MACHINE« a) to produce words, numbers, or pictures on paper, using a machine which puts ink onto the surface  (That's what your letter's going to look like when it's printed. | Press this key to print a copy of the text. | print sth on/across)  (the address printed on the form | print sth in)  (The menu was printed in Japanese and English. | The word `scandal' was printed in bold type. | be printed with)  (cards printed with his name and address | a printed card/acknow- ledgement/text etc)  (You will receive a printed acknowledgement of your payment. | the printed page/word (=language in printed form)) b) to be printed by a computer  (The document will print as it appears on the screen.) 2 »BOOKS/NEWSPAPERS« to produce many copies of a book, newspaper etc in printed form  (the first cookery book to be printed in America) 3 »IN A NEWSPAPER« to print a letter, speech etc in a newspaper, magazine etc; publish  (The Telegraph has printed numerous articles criticising these sales techniques. | If you print that, I'll sue you.) 4 »ON A SCREEN« also print sth out if a computer prints words and numbers on a screen it puts them there  (An error message is printed and the program ends.) 5 »PHOTOGRAPH« to produce a photograph from a photographic film  (The pictures have to be developed and printed.) 6 »CLOTH« to decorate cloth with a pattern put all over its surface by a machine  (printed with)  (a new sari printed with brown and violet flowers) 7 print money if a government prints money, it produces too many bank notes in order to pay for something 8 a licence to print money a way of making a lot of money easily  (This policy is a scandal - it's a licence to print money!) 9 »WRITE« to write words by hand without joining the letters  (Please print your name | print sth in)  (a thin brown envelope with the address printed in capitals) 10 »MARK« to make a mark on a surface or in a soft substance by pressing something on to it  (The mark of the man's shoe was clearly printed in the mud.) print...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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